A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
3/14 of The Core Teachings Collection
My name is B, and I’m the intelligence transmitting this information through David at this time.
It’s a pleasure to be able to share these ideas and ultimately, this freedom with you.
Let’s jump right in: Empathy.
Your empathy is one of your greatest gifts. Your ability to feel the world has given you a wisdom beyond your years, gathered from the sharing of pains and traumas of the world around you—to experience in a short period of time what’s typically impossible for a single human to experience.
In a way, this is your psychic ability—your gift that has increasingly come online as you awaken to your nature as a droplet of the divine.
Yet we come to a juncture where this skill can be used more precisely.
In fact, to continue utilizing this skill in the same way—because of the ever changing nature of your technological world and the increasing connectedness that comes with it—is actually not for your highest benefit.
We are here to break down exactly what it is that we mean by this and to offer an alternative.
This is, potentially, the end of the age of the empath. And with every end, of course, comes a new beginning.
Your Collective Evolution
This is a time where your collective is undergoing a massive shift.
You are undoubtedly noticing your intuitive gifts coming more online with time. Regardless of how much you may be trusting that gift of yours in this very moment, the level of access for everyone on the planet is currently increasing.
Individuals across the board are noticing their perceptive capabilities come online in a whole new way.
This is, partially, because certain thresholds are being reached in your collective.
Enough people are waking up, that to stay underneath the fog of confusion and evolutionary programming is getting increasingly difficult. Even in passing conversations, the confronting nature of Truth is being dealt to even the most “unconscious” of individuals.
Now, during this time, many are beginning to be confronted by their own true nature. They’re waking up to what they truly want to be doing with their lives and the fact that any obligations holding them back from their desires are, in fact, entirely negotiable and of their choosing.
Anger is erupting all over your planet as individuals sift their way through their personal limitations and the realities of their making, now trying to shift the blame to others through projection and deflection.
Different choices are being made constantly. Your levels of equality, peace, respect, and sovereignty are through the roof.
Still, the current of the collective energy is strong.
Collective archetypes pull individuals into buckets and archetypes that don’t actually resemble their truest essence. Collective change pulls individuals into what’s trending over what’s truly present for them. Collective pain allows the body to continue to play out old patterns that are no longer actually present for the individual—continuing to pull these energetics from the collective, out of habit, even though they no longer reside within.
So let us get specific, here.
When you allow yourself to be plugged into the collective energetic, you surrender your own soul essence, in favor of what’s collectively present.
You begin to be shaped by the energetic trends vs. your own personal journey.
Most don’t even recognize they’re doing this. They’re subtle choices being made, moment by moment, to feel into the room, the city, and out into the collective as a whole.
Now, if we trace this pattern back, it’s actually been the most wise and respected individuals who have done this in the your arc of history.
Those who could sense the world around them as if it were their own body’s feelings, were uniquely capable of leading the tribe around them. They undoubtedly rose to the top of the collective leadership and used this skill to lead those around them.
However, you are reaching a time where the collective awakening has reached a threshold where individuals are no longer asleep enough to be led in this way. Individual sovereignty and decision making is coming online more than ever before in your collective history.
In this, what’s becoming most important today, is not actually being able to feel the entirety of the collective around you, but to fully self-actualize and lead the way through your example—to show that it’s possible to fully anchor your soul essence and live your life in this way.
As an ever-awakening being, having a model of what’s possible is more important than having a leader to make decisions for you.
To lead by feeling the world around you was extraordinarily useful in a time where the programming of the body was running the collective show. To embody even a sliver of the divine and create structures and systems for the many asleep bodies to progress, was hugely useful.
However, as the souls within these sleepy bodies are increasingly coming online, it is becoming less and less necessary in every moment to lead in this way. People are no longer on auto-pilot in the way they were before.
As individuals gain the capability to decide for themselves what is for their highest, the need to feel the collective energetic and “lead the pack,” so to speak, is decreasing.
In an ideal world, this old way of leadership naturally transitions out and awakened empaths everywhere learn to lead through their fullest embodiment instead, and simply begin doing that.
However, we understand that, even with all the cognitive advances of 2019, much of your internal world as a human being is still a mystery.
So we wish to unpack this, piece by piece, and unhook any lingering need to feel the world around you, so you can instead begin embodying your truest essence and further accelerate your own journey, your soul’s purpose, and the overall ascension of this planet.
This discussion could not be complete without a discussion of trauma.
The unfortunate truth about the history of the awakening process of your Earth is that the large majority of individuals who were first waking up did so through trauma.
The immediate recognition of your own mortality and the impermanence of life itself, shook your paradigm to its core.
If you’ve read The Ascension Manual for Planet Earth, you know that the core paradigm of Homo sapiens is Obligation-Based Action for Survival. True for over 60% of the population, this is a world-view that is primarily made up of a series of actions that are “necessary to continue to live.”
The to-do list is the purpose of life.
For someone in this paradigm to experience a massive trauma is to suddenly be confronted with the truth that life is not guaranteed. That no matter what you do, there is no assurance of your life or the lives of those you care about.
To recognize this is to confront your core paradigm for everything you do.
This, most often, leads to a series of awakening realizations, that lead to the second or third Levels of Clearance (into one of two desire-based paradigms), and eventually out to further stages of enlightenment.
Still, something we’ve yet to discuss is the lingering trauma that’s so often associated with this process.
While not everyone experiences what we are about to speak to, many individuals experience a level of trauma that includes the removal of their core tribe from their world.
It is almost inevitably seen by the body as a tribal rejection of everything you are becoming. Your community “votes” that you are going in the wrong direction.
That tribal rejection, and leaving your childhood or early-adult community in search for a new tribe that represents your stage of awakening, is typically a very painful process. This pain continually nudges your body when in similar circumstances to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
What better way to ensure it doesn’t happen than to use your ever-expanding gifts of empathy to intuit what the world around you expects of you—to ensure you are safe to be you.
Now, remember, this has historically been a profoundly positive skill to utilize. Those who were the most collectively empathetic were also those who rose to leadership.
This gave this very common trauma a space to be expressed here on Earth that actually became a very positive addition to an individual’s life path.
You may be familiar with our perspective on trauma or deep belief-work. We typically say to leave it alone, and simply move forward instead.
By moving ahead, you find what is genuinely stopping you, and deal with what’s most present vs. an endless shotgun approach to healing and growth.
However, there come times where things that didn’t hold you back before, and actually helped you before, now are present roadblocks to your continual growth.
This is one of those cases.
The initial trauma of losing a community because of your growth was profoundly useful.
It gave you the ability to feel those around you with heightened sense of what it takes to fit in and be accepted—that “sixth sense” also gave you the ability to lead those around you.
You could feel the challenges of others and use your gifts to find ways out, not only for yourself, but for them too.
You became a uniquely powerful therapist, coach, and guide, regardless of whether you built a career from those skills or not.
In a world where auto-pilot ran the show, your skills as an empath and healer were markers of being a good leader.
Still, there’s come a time where that collective need is shifting.
Notice how the voices rising to the top are no longer politically correct, but highly opinionated?
Do you notice yourself being drawn to individuals who are speaking their truth, regardless of what the world may think of them?
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has been one of the most polarized figures in your recent history, and yet there is a magnetism to him that allowed him to win the presidency and lead his nation.
The truth is, regardless of what you may think about these individuals and their flavor of expression, they are giving permission to everyone around them to speak their minds and radically be themselves.
More than being collectively considerate, raw truth is now rising to the collective leadership.
Because in a world that’s now finding its way out of auto-pilot, the greatest leader is one who shows you through their own radical truth, who you truly are.
Through your agreement or disagreement, you discover yourself.
Polarization through a radically truthful expression of one’s essence is one of the greatest gifts that can be given in 2019 and will only continue to overtake your collective leadership.
See the conflict here?
Your heightened sense of feeling out the room and the larger collective—it used to be profoundly useful.
Today, it’s keeping you from leading the collective into its next stage of awakening.
So we say here, to notice where your internal voice is scared to speak the truth publicly.
Challenge this piece of you, and gently begin to speak with these pieces of you. Journal, talk it out with someone you trust, or even talk it out with yourself. But, please, take the time to build awareness around this piece of you.
It’s no longer time to blend in.
It’s time to shine your unique essence.
This does not make you un-compassionate. In fact, quite the opposite, to give the gift of your essence to the world is the most compassionate and beneficial thing you can possibly do for the world this year, and many years in the foreseeable future.
To escape the grips of their evolutionary programing—their auto-pilot—the world needs examples of those who already have the capability to do so.
Models of expression, not energetic martyrs.
Final Considerations
This is a very bold document. We understand.
Yet to leave these ideas unexpressed is to do a large disservice.
We are here to put a stake in the ground for your purest expression in a time where the world is uniquely ready for it—craving it, even.
Now, before we end our time together here, we wish to share what it looks like to do this.
We come out of the contextual and energetic landscape and into the practical.
Explore this with us.
- Use your mind’s eye to peer into your heart, as if looking down and toward yourself. Looking down with your physical eyes as well can be helpful.
- Internally say, “I wish to be disconnected from the collective consciousness.”
- Take a deep breath, and feel any sensations that come from your intention and internal command.
- Then, invoke your own essence: “I call in my Oversoul. I ask to be connected to my purest soul essence.”
Mechanically, this is what’s happening:
You are unplugging from the collective field around you, pulling your awareness and personal energetic back to your body.
You disconnect from the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and challenges of the individuals around you.
In this, you will also likely lose the ability to see/solve everyone’s challenges and you’ll lose the “feel of the room,” especially how the room feels about you. You’re unplugging entirely.
Remember, this used to be helpful. Now, it’s holding you back from shining your own essence, and leading the collective in the way it is asking for.
In its place, you are calling in your connection to the divine (through your Oversoul), and anchoring your truest essence.
Ideally (as the most anchored version of you), you are connected to your body, your soul essence, and up through your Oversoul into your divinity.
In this, you have complete access to any energetic you may need to fulfill your life’s mission, and are actively landing energetics that further your own evolution, for the highest benefit of the planet.
Always remember, the greatest gift you can give this world is YOU.
Now, we can feel hesitations in the field of those who will be reading this document. We’ll address some of them now—those we can. Others will have to be navigated in experience.
1) “Won’t I be disconnected from the world around me?”
That’s actually the point: to unplug from the energetic ups and downs of those around you.
However, the connotation from this—the idea that you’ll be disconnected and unable to feel or express love or compassion to others—is not a reality.
When you are yourself, you actually have a greater capacity for love and compassion.
Being disconnected from the thoughts and emotions of those around you does not make you insensitive. It gives you the ability to lead them to their own essence and out of any challenges they may be facing.
You don’t have to feel the room to have an impact on the room.
The greatest impact possible, today, is to model freedom and soul expression.
You cannot be disconnected from this Earth so as long as you are connected to your body.
But to be connected to the collective is to lose yourself. That is not true connection. True connection is to share your essence with others and to experience their essence shared with you.
This becomes possible, increasingly, through your gift of embodiment.
2) “Will I still be accepted if I do not monitor my expression?”
This is more of a fear of the body than a present thought, but we’ll address it nonetheless.
The greatest way to be accepted in this phase of your collective evolution is to unleash yourself to the world.
Look at the voices around you that are most politically correct. Those voices are falling by the wayside, drown out by rawer and truer expression.
You will have a better chance of being loved and accepted, as you disconnect from the sea of energetics around you and fully embody your essence.
Ultimately, when you are you, and you are accepted, it is the greatest form of acceptance.
Give yourself the opportunity to feel what it’s like to fully express your essence and still receive the love and adoration of those around you.
3) “What if I can’t do it or I do the meditation wrong?”
Your intention and awareness is everything. The steps above are simple for a reason: this is more about your choice, than some complex set of steps.
So here, now, if you did not before, we encourage you to try this experiment:
- Use your mind’s eye to peer into your heart, as if looking down and toward yourself. Looking down with your eyes as well can be helpful.
- Internally, say, “I wish to be disconnected from the collective consciousness.”
- Take a deep breath, and feel any sensations that come from your intention and internal command.
- Then, invoke your own essence: “I call in my Oversoul. I ask to be connected to my purest soul essence.”
Notice the thoughts, emotions, and “work” that is no longer present.
Notice despair and hopelessness are less accessible.
Notice depression is less accessible.
For lights as bright as yours, the darkness is often felt through empathy, not through genuine embodiment.
Disconnect, and embody the light that you are.
Thank you for your presence and awareness here with us at this time.
We wish to remind you, that you will always have the ability to reconnect to the collective to see what’s happening and what is being collectively felt.
However, this gets to be a conscious choice, not a baseline.
Your new baseline, if we have transmitted all that we intend to, shall be a baseline of you: all the Light that you truly are.
Welcome to a whole new phase of leadership, embodiment, and truth.
Welcome to You.
Farewell for now.
We will speak to you at a later time.