A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
11/14 of The Core Teachings Collection
Unabashedly Trusting Your Essential Radiance
Welcome to the pages of this document.
It’s a pleasure as always to be here, exploring these ideas with you.
They’re ideas that are as close to a representation of Light as we can possibly articulate in this way now.
They’re ideas that are as relevant as we can possibly make them, to you in this very moment of your existence on Earth.
This distinction, though subtle, lies at the heart of this document.
It’s the truth that we are limited, and David is limited, in these teachings and through this channel.
We’re limited, not from what David is able to articulate or what we’re able to transmit in this way. Anything that is ideal to come through can be prepped for and made clear through his physical experience.
No, we’re limited by the reality you exist within, right now in this very moment. We’re limited by reality itself.
Here’s what we mean by this.
We can speak about Light in its purest forms, and you may be inspired:
“The Light is unity, pure synchronicity in action, fueled by divine inspiration and connectedness that brings together many entirely differing values into a single harmonious whole.
“It‘s the clockwork precision of a highly orchestrated reality, where Soul shines through into every aspect of life, working to make the ideal in every moment become the tangible and physical reality that all continue to co-create through their free will and dedication to divinity made manifest through their choices.”
But is it helpful?
We make a choice, consistently, through everything we co-create in this way with David and Miriam and everyone else who will soon read these words, to speak in a way that’s limited.
We make a choice to speak to what’s here, not what may be ideal in a distant or entirely unrelated reality.
It’s the Light that can be distilled down into the very world you find yourself in now that’s most relevant and useful to you.
It is the Light of What’s Here, vs. the illusion of what should be or the distraction of what can be in a distant time.
This is, also, the choice you make every time you choose to speak your truth and channel through your own soul’s wisdom.
You make the choice to stand for the Light, as bright as it can be through you, knowing full well that there’s always something even brighter on the horizon.
There’s a challenge here, a massive internal conflict, and it’s far from obvious. This is what we wish to help make extraordinarily clear.
Simply through your awareness of this hidden conflict, we wish to assist in liberating your expression to a far greater degree.
Because, as we’ll come to explore more, your expression is the very delivery mechanism of Light to this planet now.
This gift of yours gets to not only be acknowledged, but cherished.
Shall we?
What’s Here?
This question, that we continually recommend as the foundation of your connection to divinity, comes with many layers and subtleties.
It comes in contrast to other questions like, “What else is possible here?” for a very specific reason.
We wish to help you to be as impenetrable and solid in your mission and purpose as possible.
As we’ve said many times before, your life’s mission and purpose is to land your essence, first, into your body and then to radiate that essence out into the world.
Soul is constantly working to deliver to you the ideal: in your world, in your circumstances.
And “What’s here?” directly invokes that divinely inspired answer.
But it’s limited in the same way we described at the beginning of this document.
What’s here is limited by your reality.
When you understand this, you begin to see the subtle attempts to paint pictures of spiritual or physical utopias as little more than attempts to bypass that pristine truth from your own intuitive pathways.
Let’s unpack this further.
While many spiritual people wish to overlook what’s most uncomfortable and the harsh realities of living on Earth in your time, there is no reality, no matter its harshness, that the Light has disowned.
Light is always delivering to every soul what’s most ideal in its circumstances. This guidance will always take every factor into account, using its access to every other soul in existence to do so.
Given those circumstances, that guidance is rarely, “Remember how good things should be, and try to force that to happen where you’re at now.”
There are old metaphors on your planet of the Light of divinity blinding those who could see its true brilliance. We’re speaking to this very same idea.
When you know and can clearly see how good things can truly be, it becomes harder and harder to be where you truly are.
At times, this is ideal.
Seeing how liberated you feel in a new city while on vacation, can help you to see just how stuck and stagnant you feel in your circumstances at home.
Seeing how well someone treats their romantic partner can create the contrast you need to leave a relationship that’s no longer serving you.
But “what else is possible,” can also be the first step to a massive multi-year detour on the path to becoming you in the world.
The amount of energy on your planet that’s poured into simply battling what’s here could move mountains.
And the years of life-force that have been spent avoiding the harsh realities of your civilization could have overhauled those realities twice over.
From the perspective of Light and Dark, dangling this utopian carrot is a signature move of dark beings everywhere. Beings that wish to manipulate the decisions of those largely unaware of these dynamics, turn to pretty pictures of what “could be” to detract from what already is.
They hold out utopian promises, often delivered in spiritually significant experiences, that sound ideal and spectacular but, in practice, only lead to more challenges.
Again, we wish to help you to be as impenetrable and solid in your mission and purpose as possible.
In this phase of our work together, that means clearly calling attention to any of the convincing manipulations to something other than what’s truly here for you.
The Light will always deliver you what’s here and what’s ideal given your circumstances.
The dark will instead deliver you what could be, in hopes that you toil after it endlessly with your will and your effort, only to forget what would truly move you forward in your actual circumstances.
When you fully see this, you become near-impenetrable to false light and this style of manipulation—not just from the beings that wish to manipulate, but the physical embodiments of that manipulation on Earth.
There, in your solidity, you find your truth and what’s here for you in that truth.
You begin to realize that everything that limits you is nothing more than the present state of everything you came to radiate your Light into.
You see, not problems to toil over, but evidence of your Light’s specific role on this planet.
You see how “What’s here” for you is so clearly a request and opening from divinity to become and radiate your essence into the world around you.
Your “Inconvenient” Ripple
Let’s speak very directly to some energies that prefer not to be spoken to.
When you do exactly what’s here for you, say exactly what’s here for you, and embody exactly what’s here for you, you speed up the process of awakening for the entirety of your planet.
This is true in the biggest scales of sharing a post that goes viral and impacts the perspectives of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people.
But this is also true in the smallest scales of embodying your essence in settings where not a single person can acknowledge you for it or even see it.
Darkness operates on the (clearly false) assumption that Light can be detoured indefinitely.
Meaning, if enough people are locked into civilizations where detours are encouraged and soul is ostracized, perhaps this massive transmutation of every aspect of darkness across the entirely of existence could be slowed to a halt.
Every time you embody your Light anyway, and speak your truth anyway, you knock over a domino that has been meticulously placed in hopes that it may never topple.
Your truth and your embodiment ripples.
What we’ve called Phase 1 of this work, in itself, creates ripple effects everywhere.
Phase 1 is landing your soul’s essence into your body, despite the biological programming that nudges you into other embodiments.
Every single decision you make in your own life, and every single interaction with others from that embodiment of your truth, ripples in ways that are beyond what we can articulate here.
Each domino you knock over in nonchalance, topples over countless other dominos across the entire fabric of reality.
But Phase 2 of your life’s mission and purpose, “radiating your essence out into the world,” is where these ripple effects not only amplify, but become far more obvious to you.
This, we can clearly articulate.
Every time you speak your truth, you liberate every other person that hears or reads that truth to acknowledge more of their own.
Every time you act on your soul’s knowing, despite the logical barriers to that action, you liberate every other person that sees you make that decision to trust their own knowing that much more deeply.
And every person that ever sees those people (whose radiance you’ve inspired) speak or act on their soul’s knowing is impacted all the same.
And so on, and so on, and so on.
The rippling of Soul is an endless feedback loop that only gets brighter and louder.
Because, in truth, it’s the most efficient, logical, and precise operating system in all of existence.
Something that works that well doesn’t need a fancy marketing slogan. All it needs for “full market adoption” is time.
That being said, some of the most obvious forms of manipulation by the beings who wish to slow down this inevitable domino effect are meant to push back on this exact phase of your soul’s mission and purpose.
Phase 2, radiating your essence out into the world, is a clear death sentence to the continual existence of darkness on Earth. Specifically for this reason, there’s a full-blown effort to slow down this process now (something that’s been in place for many, many years).
Regardless, these beings and energies are being quickly phased out. The dominos always fall more quickly than they can be replaced.
What the Light is asking of you and many others now is to stand even more firmly in your knowing and truth—to see through even the most clever of these attempts to create detours in your massive transition from The First Paradigm into The Second Paradigm, from the final hidden hooks of darkness into liberation from them.
So as we continue, we want to make it very clear what we’re doing and what we’re helping to loosen.
- Reminding you, as often as it’s helpful, that the entire reason you are on this planet is to radiate your soul’s essence out into the world.
- Illuminating, as fully as possible, every attempt to take you away from that mission and purpose, into a long and meaningless detour that’s neutral at best.
Social Pushback
You’re in a body.
That truth alone illuminates many of the challenges you face as you radiate your essence into the world.
Being in a body, you carry the “code” of your lineage and your evolutionary history.
You carry the experiences of your lineage, wound into behaviors and instincts that are both taught through experience and bound into your very genetic makeup.
Looking to your field of evolutionary biology, you find possible reasons for a series of behaviors that oddly dictate how people act in society. They’re odd because they don’t fit in your modern world, and they don’t help you in any obvious ways.
Just like cravings for sugary foods play off of your body’s long history of adapting to a far more scarce environment, cravings for social acceptance play off of your long history of surviving through a social contract.
You can think of this like a subtle whisper echoing through your body that says, “This is what we think, what we do, how we act. Those who play the game, stay in the tribe. Those who don’t, don’t.”
You’re in this body. That’s what’s here.
Before we continue, for some contrast, here’s advice that directly ignores that reality:
“Stop caring about what people think of you.”
Maybe in an ideal world, you could flip a switch and rewrite the long history that’s backing your body’s most irrational of decisions.
But that switch doesn’t exist.
You will care, because you’re in this body.
The question isn’t how to change what’s here. It’s how to navigate it. That is where your intuitive pathways and soul come into play.
Soul prefers a message that’s more along the lines of this:
“It is just as inevitable for people to push back on your truth as it is that it will hurt you when they do. What’s here is to remember that this inevitable challenge doesn’t void the knowing you have to share your truth anyway.”
The “ideal world” advice encourages you to play an impossible role, with impossible expectations on your body.
At the first glimpse of that pushback, followed by the inevitable hit to the gut, it’s far too easy to spiral into shame, wishing you somehow cared less about what every human is hardwired to care about.
This is the difference between “What’s here?” and “what should be,” and for your expression, it’s the difference between knowing you’re on the right track and thinking you’re somehow behind.
When the inevitable hits, remember what you’re doing here—radiating your essence out into the world.
And keep going.
“This is Your Problem.”
Let’s continue down the list, shall we?
There’s a unique type of social pushback that’s just as disarming as it is sneaky.
It almost always comes with a great degree of niceties. This style of pushback is incredibly polite.
But, just like every other form of pushback to your Essential Radiance, it’s designed to slow your forward movement and derail your expression.
Here’s an example:
“Hey there. I really love everything you’re doing. You’re so inspiring! The only question I have is, I was really triggered by your doing A, B, and C. It was so off- putting. Why would you do that? Again, you’re so amazing, and I can’t wait to hear your response. You’re so helpful!”
Most everyone has received a message like this at some point in their lives, and the frequency only continues to grow as you share more of your truth (what’s here for you, from your soul, to share).
It’s not always so clear cut as it is above, but the energetic and the underlying message is the same:
“You’re doing something that I won’t allow myself to. That really sucks. Can you solve my limitations for me?”
Except, layered with niceties, it reads more like this:
“You’re doing something I won’t allow myself to. That really sucks. If I insult you and pretend this is your problem, not mine, would you be willing to solve it for me, thinking it’s actually just something that I’ve simply illuminated for you?”
There’s a subtle manipulation here. Namely, “This is your problem, not mine.”
To put it even more plainly, “Can you solve my darkness for me by stepping into it yourself?”
Everyone has challenges. Everyone has limitations. But you didn’t come to this planet to solve everyone’s challenges and limitations.
You came here to, first, solve your own challenges and limitations by embodying your essence, and then to radiate your liberated self out into the world.
The greatest service you could ever be to anyone with limitations (everyone), is to stay in your essence and continue to liberate yourself.
Modeling liberation is the only true path to helping others. Acquiring limitations from others to solve for an eternity helps no one.
This can be another highly challenging idea and conflict. Thoughts inevitably arise:
“But don’t you want to be of service?”
“Isn’t that what you really came here to do? Help others?”
“How could you turn away such a request for help, especially when they were so polite to you?”
Here’s the challenging truth—what’s here, in this reality:
There are many people here on Earth who are entirely unaware of the subtle and manipulative energetic dynamics that pull them into unworthiness, false dreams, false standards of perfection, the list goes on.
There are times where reaching out to you genuinely feels like the greatest thing they could do to help alleviate that discomfort.
But it’s not what’s here.
What’s here for them, is to face those challenges and slowly build the awareness through time of everything that’s convinced them that somehow they are incomplete and in need of fixing.
Just as the larger orchestration of reality continues to bring you to deeper soul embodiment, circumstance by circumstance, it is doing the very same for them even now.
What’s here for them, is to walk the same path you did—the same path laid out for them by Soul even now.
And what’s here for you, is to model that it’s not only possible, but that it keeps going into even greater degrees of embodiment and expression.
What’s here for you is to keep going.
In the time it takes for you to pull someone out of a trench that they can’t yet see, you could have effortlessly walked even further down the path of your own liberation and expression that will soon ripple far further than any single person’s momentary relief.
This seems to fly directly in the face of compassion, many concepts of oneness, and even teeters on the line of basic human decency.
After all, their intention is often far from the reality.
These are the calculations Soul is making, constantly.
And it’s why we, and Soul more broadly, are limited by “What’s here.”
“What would be great” is for this person to suddenly see through the entirety of what made them send that message in the first place and to spontaneously liberate themselves within their own experience.
But what’s here is very different.
What’s here is a web of deeply interwoven behaviors and subtle manipulations of truth and Soul that are far too difficult to unravel for any passing words of advice you could possibly give in that moment.
What’s here is a blatant manipulation, most often from the very energies they’re struggling with at the time, to reach through them and into you.
What’s here is an attempt to offload a problem that was never yours to begin with, into the queue of things you need to do and overcome before you can get back to “What’s here.”
What’s here is a detour, no matter how small or quick, from the entire reason you came to this planet in the first place.
So what’s here for you, in these moments, is to simply watch and build awareness around the subtle attempts at old patterns of darkness to slow your path to a halt.
The more you witness these dynamics play out, the more impervious you are to any attempts to derail your life’s mission and purpose.
Your truth and knowing is worth trusting, even when polite requests for you to do, think, and feel otherwise come rolling in.
If, and when, these subtle dynamics play out, remember what’s really here:
“Your life’s mission and purpose is to, first, land your soul’s essence into your body, then to radiate that essence out into the world.”
“You’re Wrong.”
Deep breath.
And let’s continue.
This form of pushback comes internally as much as it does externally: “What if I’m wrong,” is ultimately the same as, “Hey, you’re wrong.”
They both give way to something incredibly important. Namely, that your truth is your truth for a reason. Let’s look at this in two very different ways.
One, you’re here to bring something fundamentally new to the planet. That means, as you begin sharing your truth more boldly and fully, you’re bound to come up against what’s already here.
What’s widely accepted has a weight to it that can be hard to press up against.
“How can I possibly stand in an opinion that I don’t see widely represented out there? What if I’m wrong?”
Here’s the thing. You’re not wrong.
You’re just bringing something very different and new to the table. Over time, as your perspective refines and you see more of what’s already here, you’ll see the pieces of the consensus way of thinking that are clearly flawed.
You’ll find other voices who feel similarly, and you’ll learn from them as much as they do from you.
Over time, your collaborative effort changes what’s widely accepted. It’s what we discussed in previous documents about Tradition, Culture, and The Cutting Edge.
We briefly mentioned earlier how your expression is the Light delivery mechanism for your planet.
Your expression of something different, what can only be seen as “wrong” by today’s standards, is the very thing that inevitably modifies Culture, which inevitably modifies Tradition.
Your role as someone embodying Soul now, is to trust your channel and express as purely and fully as possible.
The idea that you’re wrong is only true if Soul is wrong. And we can assure you, Soul is the most precise intelligence in existence.
This truth, your truth, is simply what’s here.
Two, you’re here to play a piece of a much larger synthesis of ideas and values. Your job is never to be “right.” Your job is to be You.
What’s “right” is a slow synthesis of countless nodes of Light interfacing with your civilization in every moment.
What’s right emerges over time, as more and more people continue to share their truth more freely and fully.
No single person will ever be tasked with “solving all the world’s problems.”
Attempts, some of which you can watch as your world progresses, are often little more than arrogance—an attempt to be and take responsibility for more than a single individual is here to do.
There’s no ideal world where your value systems become fully adopted by every single person on the planet.
Tying this back to something we said in passing earlier:
“The Light is unity, pure synchronicity in action, fueled by divine inspiration and connectedness that brings together many entirely differing values into a single harmonious whole.”
That clockwork like harmony comes from each Soul fully embodying their own essence and the larger orchestration of continuing to refine the whole over time into even more ideal states of being.
You not here, nor will you ever be anywhere, to get it “right.” You’re here to be You, and everyone else is here to be them. There, and only there, lies true Oneness, Unity, and Light. So a far more pertinent question is:
“Do I agree with me?”
If so, what could possibly be compelling enough to derail your expression of your Soul’s truest truth, as you know it to be today?
Fame and Wealth
When we say Fame and Wealth are inevitable extensions of radiating your essence out into the world, we mean it.
But there’s nuance here.
We ended the Fame and Wealth doc with “embracing the middle class life,” to help unhook this very sneaky dynamic.
But, here, we’ll speak to it far more directly.
To chase fame and wealth, or to expect it as a reward for your expression, can only lead to detours.
Rarely does a sudden burst of awareness come with the first inklings of sharing your truth.
One of the easiest hooks to lay in a spiritual person boldly sharing their truth out into the world is this:
“Shouldn’t you be doing better? You deserve so much more than this.” That single line of thinking can easily spin off in multiple directions:
“Maybe you’re just wrong. You should really figure out what your messaging is and get clear on what you’re doing wrong to hold yourself back like you are.”
“Maybe people are just not ready for this work. I’m early to the party, and I’ll never be acknowledged for the work I’m doing. No one will ever even care. Why bother?”
“Look at them. Their truth isn’t half as pure or true as mine, but they’re doing twice as good.”
“Maybe I just have the wrong strategy. If I could tweak my messaging, or write an even more bold post… Yes! That’s it! Then, I could get the recognition I deserve.”
It’s a slippery slope to detour after detour that can be hard to fully see through once the hook is laid—but it all starts in the same place.
This path was never about how to garner fame and wealth as quickly as possible. In some ways, it’ll never be about fame and wealth at all.
Would you still do what you’re doing, without the recognition and without the lavish lifestyle promised to those who “offer the most value” to the world?
Your mission and purpose is to land your essence into your body and to radiate it out into the world.
That happens in the fine balance between unhooking from the natural desire for external validation, while also accepting it if and when it comes.
The truth of your ripple effect and the value you bring to the planet is far more nuanced and subtle than the obvious representations of fame and wealth.
When fame and wealth come to further that ripple effect, it’s clearly aligned and here. It’s the natural expansion of your expression through time.
When fame and wealth are used as evidence of how little value you’re bringing to the world, or how much more you should be doing to get it, it’s little more than a subtle hook to manipulate that very expression.
It’s never been about how the world perceives your value, or how the world perceives what you’re sharing. It’s always been about bringing your truest messages and creations to the world, regardless.
The solidity you build in the times where you’ve yet to be recognized is what keeps you on track in later phases of your expression—but even then, it’s not evidence of your “not being ready yet.”
It’s simply what’s here.
Fame and wealth are tempting motivators, because they’re the easiest to measure.
But to chase them, at the expense of your expression, is to radiate everything but what you came here to bring to the world.
The only true evidence of the purity and potency of what you’re bringing to the world is the deep knowing within you that it’s exactly what you’re meant to be doing.
Trust that knowing, and no amount of fame and wealth—or lack of it—can derail you.
Cultural Trends
Let’s continue our conversation about Tradition, Culture, and The Cutting Edge.
The more you express, and the more often you express it, the easier it is to get swept up in what you should be commenting on.
As the buzz around your expression grows, the need to respond to every single cultural event grows with it.
But you didn’t come here to comment on every cultural narrative. You came here to express exactly what’s coming through, now—no more, no less.
You came here to radiate your essence out into the world.
At times, that means speaking directly into something that creates ripples and offers new perspectives and insights.
But often, that means being with the discomfort of letting social movements, political happenings, and other huge cultural moments pass you by.
After all, is there really anything there for you to share?
That knowing will always be more important than the topics or movements you “should” get involved in.
There will be moments where a passing comment or a trending topic catches your attention and captivates you, for no obvious reason.
That doesn’t mean you have to share something about it.
Especially as culture intensifies, there’s an increasing need to parse through between what’s here to share, what’s here to explore more deeply on your own, and what’s here to simply pass you by.
What’s always most important is that you settle back into your own voice, your own truth, your own channel, and your own intuitive pathways.
There, is where you find the perspectives you’re really here to share.
Entirely independent from the cultural narrative, you get to trust your own guidance on what to share, and when to share it—always.
The Heart of the Conflict
We eluded to this hidden deep conflict earlier in this document.
And after exploring what’s far from an exhaustive list of the kinds of pushback you’ll inevitably face, we want to circle back to the true heart of this teaching.
Things are far from perfect here.
And that means, the Light, in all its precision and wisdom, is limited.
It’s limited to always moving forward from what’s already here, despite what could have been or what should be at some point in the future.
And what’s already here on this planet is a far cry from a collective that nurtures your soul’s expression and the radiance of your truest essence.
That’s not something that can simply change overnight.
That means, your solidity depends not on the world around you, but on you.
Right now, on your planet, there’s an ongoing debate about spiritual phenomenon and the validity of intuition vs. logic and science.
It’s this unshakable feeling that there’s something more to this reality, pressed right up against every possible argument against it.
This, is one of the core challenges of being a human being on Earth today. And it’s a piece of this reality that’s difficult to simply “change.”
Inevitably, this conflict arises:
“Why, God, Light, can’t you just show me something that would alter me forever, fully proving to me without a shadow of a doubt that I’m here for a reason and my truth is something more than an emotionally charged personal delusion?”
Put simply, it’s not here.
This conflict is one of the most challenging to navigate.
We can tell you endless truths about how profound it is for you to be able to trust your inner guidance despite the pushback within your internal world or what the external world thinks of you.
We can tell you the subtle dynamics of free will and how altering the landscape so drastically would break the fundamental makeup of this reality and what makes it so purposeful within the larger picture of divinity.
We can share just how deeply we understand the feeling you’re facing and reflect on just how much we wish we could do something to resolve this for you in an instant.
But nothing we can share or do can make this conflict suddenly go away.
There are no words we could say to convince every piece of you of your divinity and the endless wisdom that guides you.
And there’s no jaw-dropping experience that we or Soul could abruptly provide that could be cleanly integrated enough to change that difficult truth.
What’s really here is to build a deep level of solidity through the ever-increasing assess to your intuition.
What’s here is to watch your doubts and fears unwind through time and experience, here on Earth, in these circumstances that are already here for you.
And while it would be nice, perhaps in another place or time, to have a big sudden life-altering experience that’s forever scientifically and logically irrefutable, for a wide variety of reasons, that’s not what’s here in this reality, in these circumstances.
This is, perhaps, beyond any of the more obvious forms of pushback, what any spiritual person brushes up against the most.
Because underneath every reason for you to not share your truth, to not radiate your essence into the world, is the world-shattering possibility that you don’t actually have a divine connection or essence at all—that life, and you, are simply…nothing special.
To ignore this, or to overlook this, leaves you open to a wide array of reasons for why you simply shouldn’t bother sharing anything at all.
This is why we’ve even gone as far as to say you’re placing a continual “bet” on Soul—that it exists, that you are connected to it, and that your connection is both pure and worth trusting.
Before you now, is a deep inner knowing that your life has meaning and purpose, and that you came here to bring something divine and unique to the collective you find yourself within now.
And laid right beside it, is every reason why you’re wrong.
You have free will and the ability to make decisions for your life based on either one of those perspectives in every moment.
And the hard truth about this reality, in this collective, at this very time, is that you can only truly find your answer to that conflict on the other side of a long journey of continual trust.
Either way, you have to trust.
You have to trust that life truly is meaningless so there are no real consequences to your actions.
Or, you have to trust that life is everything that your unexplainable soul compels you to believe.
That choice, in an ideal world, is made as firmly and fully as possible.
Then, you see exactly what comes from your decision through time, through your own life’s experience.
But in this world, that choice is rarely made at all, let alone firmly and fully.
So here, while we have the opening to do so, we wish to bring you all the way to this central conflict, at the heart of so many other conflicts.
“Can you really trust yourself?”
For whatever reason, your internal guidance has brought you to these pages.
You’ve lived a life where you’ve already seen and felt evidence of your soul’s constant efforts to walk you into the embodiment you came here to exist within.
But no amount of evidence can ever really extinguish the uncertainty that comes with being here, on Earth, in this time.
That challenging and difficult circumstance is why we, and Soul, are limited in just how much we can truly do for you.
The choice is, and always will be, yours alone:
The First Paradigm or The Second Paradigm.
Darkness or Light.
Crippling Doubt or Faith.
Self-Preservation or Expression.
Slowing to a Halt, or Rippling Light through Your Soul’s Essential Radiance.
Our Truth.
Knowing what you know now, we hope it’s clearer why we can never simply hand you a truth to make your own.
It’s clear to us, every step of the way, just how limited we are by the constraints of your physical reality.
There’s nothing we can share to instill a lasting feeling of inner solidity or a permanent state of faith.
In that way, we are limited.
Still, what we can do is radiate our own expression, as David and Miriam radiate theirs, and offer our own perspective on how we see you, here and now.
There’s truly no limit in how much we can express our gratitude and awe at your continual choice of the Light in your circumstances.
In this way, we’re far from limited.
Our greatest hope is that by expressing our own deep-seated trust in this larger orchestration of divinity, we can help to send some ripples outward and offer an even deeper permission for you to trust your own truth.
And in that, as we witness our own constant reminders of the Light’s brilliance through you, we hope our perspective of you can help to solidify your own acknowledgment of that very brilliance.
As this transmission comes to a close, we leave with an outpouring of love and appreciation for every decision you make in trust of your connection and truth.
It’s clear to us just how deep the pushback goes and how subtle its hooks can be.
It’s clear to us just how unlikely it is for anybody with any amount of connection to stand where you stand now.
It’s clear to us the sacrifices you’ve made and the timelines you’ve grieved, in the name of Truth and Light.
It’s clear to us the profound ripples you send through the cosmos, not only to the men and women closest to you, but to beings in entirely different physical collectives that look to you as proof of just how far the Light can go.
What’s a mystery to so many of us is how all of this came to be, and why the dark is so committed to playing its losing hand through every nook and cranny of existence.
What’s become clear to this same many of us, though, is the inevitable end to this mystery.
Light and Dark come together, in a unified whole, with every piece of that whole clearly understanding that the only way to win as an individual is through the larger collective’s growth—clearly understanding that Light is the inevitable conclusion to this existence as we know it today.
There are some of us, who understand far more than this, who have peered through the mysteries, and who anchor those inevitable realizations for the rest of existence.
And then there are many of you, those anchoring Light on Earth, who in your current circumstances understand so little, yet somehow choose the Light regardless.
You are those who breathe life into existence. You are those who make it clear just how true this knowing is, that life itself is moving toward its inevitable unification in Light.
The clockwork nature of existence, as it can be, becoming reality as it is.
This unrelenting feeling and knowing that we have is made that much clearer by the choices you make every day.
We are limitless in our gratitude and admiration for this gift you ripple throughout existence in your every waking moment.
And as always, it is our deep pleasure to be of service to that gift in any way we can be.
Your Light ripples.
It is undeniable to us.
And we pray for the moment where it becomes undeniable to you, as well:
Through time, through experience, through your own continual choice.
So much love to you,