A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
8/14 of The Core Teachings Collection
A Second Paradigm Perspective on Wealth Creation and Financial Hardship
Welcome to the pages of this document.
Here, we’re going to be exploring the topic of money, and within that, financial hardship—arguably one of the most challenging aspects of living in your modern world.
Throughout these pages, we’ll come to clearly articulate the root causes of what your culture has come to call scarcity.
And we’re going to do this from a very different perspective than your spiritual culture has explored before.
We will not be discussing how to change your belief-system or shift a scarcity mindset—nor will we be discussing how to ”align with more abundant frequencies.”
As we hope you’ll come to see, these ideas aren’t nearly as grounded in reality as individuals may wish to think. These practices are only a small hint to a far larger picture.
Instead, we’re going to unpack these very subtle layers of your reality from our “outside” perspective.
We’ll show you why your circumstances are what they are today.
We’ll explore what your role in all of this truly is.
And ultimately, we’ll unpack how you can begin moving into a more financially abundant reality for yourself that will only continue to expand into your future.
By the time we’re complete here, you’ll not only be able to reclaim your ability to move into abundance, but also to appreciate every step of the journey along the way—including these very circumstances you find yourself within today, no matter how challenging they may have been.
From the very beginning, it’s important that we set things straight—moving from an endless treadmill of feel-good spiritual ideas, into a grounded and higher perspective on wealth and your genuine freedom, even now, to expand into new realities.
While it’s incredibly easy to teach concepts to help you temporarily feel good about money, it’s far more subtle to teach concepts that genuinely help you to engage with the world around you and step into that expanded reality, in a real and grounded way.
By the end, it’s our deepest intention for you to not only feel good about what’s here now and what’s coming for you down the line, but to also find traction and forward movement in a way that bliss alone will always fall short of.
Let’s get started, shall we?
Why Most Spiritual Solutions for Money Don’t Work
In the beginning of your planet’s history, money was non-existent.
To some, this is an obvious point—but it’s a point worth making.
Money is an idea.
It’s an idea that has very practical applications, and one that’s entirely inseparable from your current civilization.
But it’s an idea, nonetheless.
Remembering this helps to put money in its proper place.
Money is simply a representation of value.
Specifically, it’s how someone else values what you’re capable of delivering to them.
That, in itself, is important to tease apart.
Money isn’t a representation of your total personal value. It’s only a representation of the value that someone else consciously receives from you.
So from the very start, let’s dispel this ongoing myth that money has anything to do with your personal feelings of worthiness whatsoever.
You can feel entirely unworthy of money in your body and still have and create plenty of it. There are people all over your planet, right now, that this is 100% true for.
Money isn’t your personal worth.
It’s here to represent goods and services specifically being delivered to another person in a conscious exchange.
That means, it doesn’t take into account the value you regularly share with others through your very being.
It also doesn’t take into account the immense value you hold internally, but don’t yet have the structures to deliver to others.
And because it isn’t a full representation of your own inherent value as a human being, creating more wealth can’t be as simple as “reclaiming your worth” or “believing that you are worthy of money.”
These ideas create unnecessary work and drive kind-hearted people to tear apart their thoughts and emotions to search for any inkling that they might not wholeheartedly believe in what they have to bring to the world.
It’s an entirely unproductive use of time—because money isn’t tied to your worth.
If you received a dollar for every ounce you believed in your own value as a human being, we’d be having a very different conversation.
But in this reality, here on Earth, money serves an entirely different and very specific purpose.
Money is an idea that was entirely fabricated from a far less grand perspective than you collectively have access to today.
Money is not a spiritual idea or even a philosophical idea.
It’s an idea that actually has very little to do with how you perceive yourself at all.
So, moving forward, we’re going to approach this transmission from what may seem to be an odd lens.
Before we do this, we want to briefly start here first, to help show you why we’re not going to simply repeat and affirm the same things you’ve heard hundreds of times from spiritual and other mentors.
Mindset alone won’t create wealth.
Belief in yourself alone won’t create wealth.
Your frequency, and the idea of frequency, won’t create wealth.
To believe this is to distract yourself from the truths that will genuinely move your life forward.
Because money is only one small aspect of value, and one small aspect of your reality.
To truly reclaim abundance as a spiritually-attuned individual is to understand reality for what it is and to learn to engage with it from your newly expanded perspective—to ground your soul’s expanded awareness into this capitalistic marketplace.
Peace is the foundation of wealth for a soul-driven individual.
To take any path before fully landing in peace will only lead to greater and greater levels of financial hardship.
Let’s start here and fully unpack this perspective.
You’ve been exploring this path of spiritual exploration for quite some time.
On it, you’ve come into contact with the piece of you that holds your truest and purest values—your soul.
This is the piece of you that’s entirely untouched by the current expression of the world around you.
No matter what you’ve been told about this reality, and no matter how convinced you may be of a given perspective, your soul always stays true to itself—always.
The entire point of this long and confronting journey as a human being is to discover who you are as that soul—even here, in this body, in this physical reality.
In doing so, you inevitably find yourself in conflict.
Here’s why.
Your soul is different from the world around you. No matter how much psychic awareness or skill you may have, you’re going to feel that difference everywhere you go and everywhere you look.
The current political system, the current cultural norms and perspectives, even the monetary system as a whole—they contrast with your deepest soul knowing that you are a part of something much larger and that everyone and everything around you is a part of that same thing.
War, violence, borders, unequal distribution of resources, societal disregard for the larger ecosystem, pollution, and waste—all of it contrasts with this knowing that we’ve called The Second Paradigm.
“How can we continue to do this to ourselves?” the soul whispers.
Your soul finds itself in conflict, externally, with the world around you.
But it also finds itself in conflict with another source entirely—internally, within your very being.
We’ve said before that you are a Trifecta—body, soul, and ego.
Your ego is an emergent property that helps to distill these other two pieces of you down into a single working identity.
These other two core pieces of you are what we call “body” and “soul.”
Even now, your soul is in conflict with your body.
This isn’t a common way to perceive oneself—but within this perspective, these larger conflicts around money, abundance, and your larger world, begin to come into focus.
Your body is of this Earth.
Through its evolutionary history, it’s been hardwired with primal animal instinct that highly prioritizes its own personal survival and reproduction. This includes sex, power, security, and survival.
To your soul, these Earthly bodily values aren’t nearly as important. Your soul’s top values conflict with your body’s top values, and these two pieces of you pull you in very different directions.
So as you navigate the world and come to distinct moments in time where you’re asked to make a choice, conflict arises.
Your body and soul have entirely different value sets and, from that, have entirely different perspectives on what will be the “right” choice to make.
Here’s where peace comes into play.
Imagine you’re presented with an opportunity.
A professional role has been offered to you that would allow you to make a substantial amount of money in a short period of time.
It’s more than enough to cover your rent for the next month, buy all the food you could possibly eat, and even splurge on a few items you’ve been wanting for yourself.
The only catch? It’s not a project or company you believe in.
At the same time, you feel a deep calling within you to get clear on who and what you’re genuinely becoming in the world.
This role would require old gifts to be expressed—older versions of you that are entirely capable of doing the job, but are not genuine expressions of who you’re becoming.
In other words, you are faced with a clear decision—you must choose to either make quick and easy money, or to express your soul more fully into the world.
What do you do?
Ultimately, it depends on which piece of your Trifecta you believe—body or soul.
Here’s why.
Your body attributes that idea of money to safety, security, and its very survival.
It also (more subtly) links that idea of money to greater levels of influence and desirability among your peers, including potential mates.
Your body—seeing safety, sex, security, and power—prioritizes that money highly, regardless of the pathway it may come through.
How you get it and whether or not it’s more of your genuine essence or more of a character you play is a total afterthought.
Your soul, on the other hand, already knows that you are safe.
It already knows that your ideal peers and partners will always show up and orbit into your life at the exact moment it’s ideal in a future phase of your life.
And it knows that power is meaningless in the face of Truth.
Your soul is connected to a massive architecture of all other souls, including larger units of soul consciousness that play entirely different divine roles than your own individuated soul.
All of this allows your soul to see very clearly—without a shadow of a doubt—that you are safe.
Its perspective is vast.
So when your soul is presented with this choice—money for the sake of money, or more of your essence being expressed in the world—it’s an obvious choice.
The idea of money is never worth the detour away from your genuine mission and purpose on this planet.
So the question is this:
“What do you believe—your body or your soul?”
To really understand this question, it’s helpful to unpack the difference between the two more fully.
Let’s play this out:
What happens when, despite all the vast wisdom you have access to, you believe your body over your soul’s truth?
When you do this, the whole you—both body and soul weaved into the fabric of a single unified identity—chooses to prioritize the idea of money over the most beneficial and expansive path available to you.
Your body believes that money itself is the expansion, so it follows it.
In doing so, it bypasses the knowing of your soul and takes the entirety of you along for the detour.
Your soul sees far beyond the ideas of the modern world and into the genuine highest expression of your being.
Your soul knows that this short-term money grab is only prolonging your journey toward becoming the version of you that fully steps into a true and sustainable expansion.
Your soul knows that your expansion is a byproduct of your genuine essence being delivered to the world—true and genuine novelty being delivered to the grand stage of your capitalistic marketplace, for the well-being of everyone involved, including itself.
And despite all of this knowing—despite the relentless nudge away from this detour—the body’s programming overrides that soul truth, in the name of ensuring a level of safety that’s already ensured and always present.
All of you—body, soul, and ego—takes that detour.
Consider, from a soul perspective, what would be ideal if you’ve taken a path that’s entirely misaligned with who you truly are and the massive divine role you’re here to play—solely because the idea of money has convinced you of a mistruth.
Remember, your genuine safety isn’t at risk. But the idea of your safety being at risk hijacks your ability to make decisions that are for your highest benefit.
Your body’s evolutionary hardware, layered with the complex idea of money, creates perceived survival threats that aren’t genuinely real.
If you were your soul, trying to get through to you, what would you do?
Break the idea.
If you could see through your own physical experience that money isn’t genuinely attached to your survival, you’d be free within your body’s programming to make decisions that your soul can see are ideal for you.
The whole of you—body, soul, ego—would be suddenly free to make soul-aligned decisions and use the full backing of divine wisdom to support your growth and expansion.
This is why we’ve said this about peace:
“To take any path before fully landing in peace will only lead to greater levels of financial hardship.”
When you take the path that your body’s programming prefers, your soul, working with the larger mechanics of reality itself, will begin actively energizing financial hardship along that misaligned path.
This isn’t to cause unnecessary pain, or to “punish you” for making a “wrong” choice.
Rather, it’s a period of time, specifically designed so that you—the whole you—can challenge this idea that money and survival are directly linked.
That way, you can be truly free to become yourself in the world.
Your soul, alongside the larger orchestration of reality itself, attempts to teach your body a very specific lesson:
“You are safe, you are safe, you are safe.”
Find peace within the financial hardship, and you’ll find your soul—ready to lead you out of the uncomfortable circumstances before you and into everything you came here to be.
This sounds like a lovely idea, yes?
Begin moving toward peace, and everything will work out.
You’ll find that you’re safe, taken care of, and being gently guided into a whole new more-expanded reality.
But the integration of this idea is extremely difficult without further context.
So now, let’s explore what this journey really looks like.
The process of peace can never be feigned or forced.
To pretend you are in peace is to avoid the very body you’re here to shift and awaken.
And to force yourself into peace is to enter an endless battle with your body—a battle that, once you begin, you can never truly know the current position of.
Peace can never be feigned or forced.
Instead, it’s a process.
This process begins with a very specific deprogramming phase.
It’s a phase that’s not only uncomfortable, but largely confusing and disorienting.
If you’ve struggled with finances in the past, or find yourself in this space currently, we want to help make it very clear why this has happened and the “very good reason” for its playing out.
Your soul and the divinity it’s a part of will never create unnecessary pain for you—ever.
Each phase of your life has a very specific purpose and a very specific ideal outcome.
Financial hardship is no different.
We’ve already established the desire of divinity to liberate you from the idea of money’s control over your life path.
In showing you how safe you truly are—that your body’s ideas about its safety are incorrect—you create space within yourself to choose higher and truer paths that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to choose.
This whole process in its entirety we can call, “Deprogramming.”
Here’s how it works:
You have very specific ideas for what you need, to survive and be happy.
These ideas are just that—ideas.
Some of these ideas are deeply aligned with Truth with a capital “T.” Others are simply old remnants of evolutionary and experiential misconceptions.
In other words, you’ve learned, either through your genetic code or through your past experiences, that reality requires something of you that it does not.
These requirements, linked with the idea of money, make clearly aligned soul decisions feel entirely impossible, even detrimental to your well-being.
Your soul says, “Move across the country,” “Leave your relationship,” or “Quit this job.”
Your body says, “If I do that, I’ll physically die.”
Of course, even through your own life experience, you know this isn’t entirely true.
It’s possible that even in a massively uncertain leap forward, you’ll be just fine.
And from a soul perspective, you’ll be better than just fine.
You’ll be on the fastest and most efficient timeline to a more expanded version of your reality and a far fuller embodiment of your purest and truest soul essence.
Still, no matter how strong the soul knowing may be, or how incredible the path ahead actually is, your body fights back:
”No. Absolutely not. I’m literally going to die.”
In this conflict, most individuals ease back from the choice at hand and reevaluate. They say, “Maybe if I save up a bit of money first or give it some time, then I’ll be able to do it and it’ll be even better and smoother!”
What seems on the surface to be a reasonable compromise is actually a direct, plain, and simple choice:
“When it comes to _____, I believe my body, not my soul.”
In this moment, you’ve strengthened a precedent to prioritize your body’s truth over the truth of your soul.
You further solidify and strengthen what we call a body-heavy blend.
The entire reason for this deeply uncomfortable conflict playing out to begin with is to provide you with this choice, as consciously and obviously as possible.
Life is designed to present you with clear choices that allow you to prioritize either more of your soul or more your body.
Each choice you move into, orchestrated by this reality and larger units of consciousness, help you to refine who you are going to be in this world.
Whatever you choose, both your body and soul go along for the ride.
The process we’ve called Deprogramming is to come face-to-face with one of these choice points, and to wholly and unequivocally choose soul. Yes, even in the face of biological “certain doom.”
Because remember, you’re actually very safe.
Your soul knows this.
Your soul is only nudging you toward the absolute highest possible pathway forward.
Your soul would never bring you into harm’s way. That would defeat the entire purpose of becoming more of yourself in this world.
Your soul is also highly concerned with your personal and professional safety and security. It just has a very different perspective on what will genuinely bring you harm.
It works, not from the sum of your past experiences as a body and as a species, but from the genuine reality at hand.
So even though your body is convinced of its certain doom, it simply isn’t true.
That, in itself, is what allows the Deprogramming to take place.
When you choose in favor of your soul’s truth, despite your body’s fears and insecurities, you then see with your own biological eyes the truth about the reality at hand.
You see that your soul’s perspective was true and that your body’s fears were not.
Through that physical experience, and only through that experience, your body learns to trust your soul.
Peace can never be feigned or forced.
However, it doesn’t need to be.
Peace is inevitable as your body learns the truth about its reality.
When your body sees through its own experience that all of its apocalyptic predictions are untrue, and that your soul has been guiding it toward incredibly expansive and breathtaking realities all this time, the whole of you begins to align with the truth of who you really are.
Your body begins to see what you are genuinely capable of and what you’re here to do.
Eventually, it learns to trust your soul entirely—even before it can fully see what’s beyond the horizon, and even in the face of old biological programming.
Yes, even your body itself begins to recognize the misconceptions it holds.
Through time, your body will continue to feel uncertainty and fear toward what’s coming, only to see the beautifully expanded outcome on the other side of the choice-at-hand—later rewriting its ideas about what’s possible for itself and for the world.
This is a process that will continue for the rest of your life.
But there’s a distinct tipping point where the bulk of the internal decision-making processes move from body to soul.
Your soul begins making the bulk of your choices as your body takes a back-seat in trust of what’s coming beyond the horizon.
We call this a soul-heavy blend.
From the moment you first began this journey on Earth, up through the very moment your soul fully moves into this drivers seat of your life, we call Deprogramming.
During this time, every challenge you face is nothing more than a choice point.
These choice points offer you an opportunity to either step further into your truth and soul’s life path or to retreat to the safety of your body’s limited experience.
Despite the challenge, despite the discomfort, reality has your best interest in mind.
Because, in the face of biological certain doom, you find the truth of who you are and all that you’re truly capable of.
Monetary Deprogramming
Let’s speak more directly to money now.
When money is tight, and when certain doom is hanging over you, you have one of the great opportunities of a lifetime in front of you.
You have the ability, in that moment, to face a bodily misconception about reality that you‘ll be very unlikely to uncover later on in your journey.
Here’s why.
At some point, as you continue to step into your life path and fullest expression, money will begin rolling in for your unique gifts as it never has before.
We assure you, it’s only a matter of time.
When this happens, your body will have significantly less opportunities to face its misconceptions about its safety and security.
There will be some openings, always, but none as clear and obvious as what’s possible in these beginning stages of the journey.
When you’re working with smaller numbers, the relative risk to your overall trajectory from financial hardship is small. Debts accrued, obligations overlooked, and deadlines missed, all have significantly less impact today than they will as those numbers scale with time.
Your present financial situation affects far fewer people and has far more wiggle room today than it will in your future.
And the levels of monetary abundance that become available with time will make it far more difficult to feel the same intensity of conflict.
So you have before you now, in these scenarios, a unique opportunity to face an internal conflict between body and soul that will be far more difficult to face in your future.
This is the precise sequencing of soul.
As your Oversoul orchestrates circumstances and timelines for you, it prioritizes certain conflicts over others.
In other contexts, we’ve spoken about the Oversoul’s prioritization of the largest conflict between body and soul that’s presently holding you back from this next phase of life. This is true.
Most often, that’s exactly what’s here from a soul perspective—a present, highly important conflict.
But in these cases, something else is being prioritized entirely—conflicts which are uniquely capable of being resolved now vs. later.
When you find yourself in these challenging circumstances, it can be helpful to zoom out and see the larger totality of you—not just here and now, but all of you through time.
The version of you that you’re becoming is, in a way, calling back through time to ask you, “Please! Resolve this now, so I can be liberated from this limitation.”
Your future potentialities become far brighter and far smoother, given that you’re able to see through your body’s misconceptions in a time where you have unique financial flexibility.
From a soul perspective, there’s no greater conflict to resolve than that which will liberate not just who you are becoming today, but everything you will become for the rest of your life on Earth.
This is why, at times, it can feel like a relentless barrage of non-stop financial hardship.
From unworthiness and boundaries, to fear of homelessness and loss of love—the core fears and insecurities of your body are being dealt with now, so that you can navigate the rest of your journey with an unfathomably greater level of peace, grace, and precision.
This is the “very good reason” for this (often excruciating) series of events.
Pause here for a moment before we continue to settle in and take a few deep breaths.
With soul perspectives come energetic shifts, and these small moments of rest and awareness do wonders for the integration process ahead.
How Money Really Works
Let’s continue, shall we?
We said at the beginning of this document that money is a representation of goods and services specifically being delivered to another person in a conscious exchange.
Most individuals, upon hearing this, want to leap to reverse-engineer this statement:
”So then, let’s figure out how to deliver something of value to another person by getting them on board with that conscious exchange. I can do that!” they say.
But that would be missing the point entirely.
This approach assumes that you’re the only one creating your reality—and that reality is a fixed and predictable place.
But reality is a complex interaction between individuated souls interacting through physical representations of their own evolutionary journey—all of which is guided and orchestrated for a very specific purpose.
So to understand how to move into a new reality for yourself is to start down a journey of genuinely understanding what this reality is.
Because misconceptions about this reality and one’s personal role within it can lead an individual to expend massive amounts of effort trying to control every single piece of their reality—all without actually needing to.
They plan and architect whole new realities for themselves, map a comprehensive path toward those realities, and diligently work through that map on a daily basis through immense focus and commitment to their goals.
But your role as a Trifecta is far simpler.
Your role is simply to decipher what reality is asking of you in this very specific phase of life.
This is the context and framework behind that simple question, “What’s here?”
“What’s here?” takes the 10-year plan off the table. It makes old obligations and maps obsolete.
It’s acknowledges how reality truly works and aligns its efforts with the many other aspects of this larger divinely orchestrated reality.
It acknowledges that it’s an inseparable part of something much larger than itself—The Second Paradigm.
Now, to really help clarify what’s happening here, and the larger inner workings of divinity in physical form, we’re just going to flat-out say something rather conflicting with your current societal worldview. We’ll then work backwards to unpack what we really mean by this.
If you step into larger realities for yourself, the money will simply show up.
Meaning, if you step into a reality that includes more expenses, you’ll just simply have more money to pay for those expenses.
You don’t have to figure out how to get that extra money.
It’ll show up.
That includes the systems in creating that wealth, the day-to-day work involved in the long-term sustainability of that level of wealth, and the energetic embodiments that allow you to receive and embrace that reality—in full.
All of it comes to you, and all you have to do is say yes to it.
Here’s what we’re not saying:
”Trust fully, and take unreasonable leaps forward. Spend all of your money, buy everything you’ve ever wanted, and you’ll just have more money show up.”
Not in the slightest.
One, those things are meaningless in your present reality. They’re simply desires that are meant to pull you forward into sustainably larger levels of wealth and soul embodiment.
Two, your soul is far more precise than a quick and unfruitful binge.
What we are saying is this:
You have the ability to follow your soul’s nudges forward—always. Within that, the money will continually show up to support your choices.
Through time, everything you’ve always desired personally will come. It will come right alongside greater levels of soul embodiment and service.
Because as you step more fully into your soul’s deepest truth and embodiment, you simultaneously benefit yourself and the larger world around you—they’re one and the same.
Let’s back up for a moment.
Reality is not what most think it is.
The First Paradigm is convinced of its separateness. If you are separate, you must convince the world around you to give you something—at its expense.
Because the world and you are separate, value must be separated between you and the world.
You have value, and the world has other value that must be taken or traded for you to have it.
This is where the idea of money is extremely deceiving—it confirms this mistruth.
In the idea of money, either you have a dollar or someone else in the world has that dollar.
But this idea of money was built from a vastly different perspective than the one you have access to now.
The perspective you’re beginning to gain access to, more and more, is that of soul.
In soul, you are intricately interwoven into the fabric of existence.
When you grow, everything grows.
When you flourish, everything flourishes.
This doesn’t compute in the accountant’s spreadsheets, where every dollar is either yours or not, spent or saved.
But in the grand scheme of this reality, even just here on Earth, every ounce of value that’s created is a net addition to the whole of your planet.
Your personal generation of value, through bringing your unique essence to the world, isn’t an “exchange” of value with the rest of the world—it’s the physical creation of brand new value that the world has never seen before.
It’s an addition to the world.
You, in your entirety, and everything you’ll ever bring to this planet, is a pure addition to this world.
You take nothing that isn’t either renewable or a hollow idea.
Regardless of where money may come from to account for that value, or how the financial books may represent your goods and services monetarily, the value itself is novel and new in its entirety.
Your financial system represents, with a finite set of numbers, what is constantly being generated out of thin air.
Value is being created all over your planet, constantly. And it’s only in the exchange of that value from person to person, where this finite and fabricated idea called money is used.
This idea of money was created from the finite and untrue perspective we call The First Paradigm.
In The Second Paradigm, there is no “exchange” of value—only the delivering of value from soul, through body, to this larger planetary collective.
You take nothing by receiving money.
You take an idea, in exchange for true and genuine value.
And with that idea, you receive everything your life is calling for—so you can deliver even more value to the world.
Underneath the logic of this idea, everyone is helping everyone to create massive value on this planet.
That is the true nature of money.
Everything you bring to this planet is new and a pure addition to the world around you.
If you were not here, that value wouldn’t exist. Because you are, it does.
How is it possible that you simply have a choice to continue moving forward into more of yourself, uninhibited by the constraints of money?
How can the money possibly “show up” when you say yes to a new reality?
This is possible, because a larger orchestration is taking into account every single aspect of this reality, including money, and nudging individuals and resources your way that allow you to deliver more of your truest soul essence to the world.
We can play pretend and tell you that you are limited by money.
And we can further pretend that you need even more of this idea to be even less limited by it.
But it is simply not true.
More money shows up for deeply aligned decisions—always.
That’s the nature of this larger orchestration.
And when it’s even more important for you to have an abundance of scarcity—to have very little money—in order to show you that this idea has very little genuine bearing on your ability to choose between soul and body?
You’ll have that too.
Everything you’ll ever need to become who you’re becoming as the fully embodied soul that’s highly probable and possible for you to become, will always be available to you.
That includes the people, dynamics, structures, support, resources, etc. you need at every step of the journey—exactly when you need it.
Your job isn’t to use a fabricated idea to plan out a future that isn’t real.
Your job, here on the “ground floor” so to speak, is to choose between body and soul—constantly—so that you can emerge as a soul-heavy blend in physical form and do the work you came here to do.
This larger world is limited by the ideas of its own creation.
Men, women, and children starve and perish on a daily basis because of a lack of an idea that was imagined—entirely made up—to benefit society.
And while this idea absolutely helps with the distribution of resources and the ease of value exchange—it’s entirely blinded your civilization to the truth about your reality.
That truth is, you always have what you need to move forward.
And what’s here is always more important than anything else that could possible be here.
You couldn’t possibly need more money.
Because what’s here for you now is personalized for you, specifically, to help you become more of yourself.
More money would only translate to less of an opportunity to become who you truly came here to be.
This is true for every single person on your planet, across the board.
Everyone, always, has the exact set of circumstances to allow them the opportunity to see through their body’s misconceptions and step into their truth as a fully embodied soul.
And yet, so few individuals do see past their evolutionary and societal programming to make decisions that benefit themselves and the larger world.
Money is one of the largest reasons for this.
Its magnitude, its complexity, and its firm rooting in The First Paradigm bodily perspective, confirms mistruths—constantly.
Individuals distract themselves to bypass what’s here, run body-heavy blends, plan for futures that never come, and drive themselves and the world into more and more of a challenging personal and collective reality.
All of this—when what’s truly here is actually quite simple.
Keep going, and keep trusting your own soul’s truth.
Know that whatever is in front of you, right now, has been architected with an unfathomable perspective and wisdom for you to overcome a bodily limitation and emerge as even more of a soul-heavy blend.
And past a certain threshold of soul-embodiment, what’s here is a continual rise into more of yourself, led by that soul’s truth every step of the way—with all the money you need to do it, ever-present.
That rise includes abundance, fame, wealth, and countless desires being achieved for yourself personally and for this larger collective.
Because every last ounce of soul you allow to inhabit your being, is a value add to the entirety of this collective—constantly, consistently, and unequivocally.
Navigating Through Money-Related Panic
To further land this idea into practicality, let’s unpack some of the most common mental challenges of a body-heavy blend navigating its money fears.
In doing so, we’ll lay a framework for you to rest in while any of these lingering aspects of Self work themselves out of your being through the natural Deprogramming process of life on Earth.
The bulk of what we’ll speak to falls under one of two categories:
1) “I have to do ______ in order to make money.”
2) “If I do _____, I’ll run out of money and die.”
It’s either being bound to a set of actions (I have to do this), or being unable to take a set of actions (I can’t do this).
Both of these ideas are huge limiters to your ability to choose and align with a timeline that’s for your highest benefit.
Before we unpack these, let’s start where this always starts—with a nudge from soul.
Everyone, no matter how logical or in denial of their spiritual nature, gets soul guidance.
Some call it a “good idea.”
Others call it their “gut.”
But whatever they may choose to call it, it’s the process of building awareness of a choice that’s coming, and which of these paths your soul clearly sees as ideal.
This often comes in little nudges—in the shower, while driving, on a walk, or talking about your life to a dear friend or mentor.
Your soul’s truth comes bubbling out of you:
“I just really feel like I’m meant to ______.”
In that moment, all of your body’s objections to that soul truth come up in conflict.
Sometimes, this bodily rebuttal is so fast that you don’t even fully register the soul truth in your conscious awareness, before getting lost in a barrage of highly convincing objections to that truth.
And often, these objections are monetary.
“I can’t leave my job, because I won’t have money and I’ll die.”
Remember, your soul is connected to that larger orchestration of events and timelines and sees, very clearly, that you will have money and will be taken care of.
This isn’t truth your body is bringing up. It’s an objection, based on past experience and evolutionary fear.
This is the second of the two categories of money objections—rejecting a reality because it’s too scary:
“I can’t ______.”
“I can’t leave my job.”
“I can’t expand my business.”
“I can’t charge that amount for my goods or services.”
“I just can’t…because if I do, there won’t be enough money.”
Here’s what’s happening from a soul perspective:
You have a clear opening to transition out of an unideal phase of your life, and into an expression that’s far closer to your fullest and purest soul’s expression.
There are absolutely money considerations. Those considerations are already being made.
Even in those considerations, you have a clear opening—physically, emotionally, energetically, monetarily.
Your body? It doesn’t believe it to be possible. How can it? It’s never seen it to be possible.
But what’s here, first, isn’t to take the leap itself. You’re being prepped for the possibility of a leap.
What’s here, instead, is to work through those bodily objections.
You have an opportunity to create liberation within you from that particular misconception about reality.
By internally choosing to go through with your soul’s nudge forward, you make the decision to prioritize that soul truth over your body’s limited perspective:
“You know what? I’m going to do it. I’m being shown this for a reason. So soul, show me the way.”
Then, and only then, does the physical reality begin transitioning too.
You start to notice things that are slightly off about your current reality. You start to see every reason why this current iteration of your life can no longer support who you’re becoming.
At the same time, you start noticing other openings begin to emerge.
“I really feel like I’m supposed to start exploring _____.”
By taking your internal choice out into the physical world—physically choosing those openings—you’re further reinforcing your soul truth and showing reality that you genuinely mean what you say.
You’re going for it.
Soul begins to spoon-feed you breadcrumb after breadcrumb to navigate you through the transition between realities.
It’s confronting, your body freaks out in panic (remember, it thinks it’s going to die), but you continue forward anyway.
The bold leap forward is internal.
The physical choices that reflect that bold leap come one-by-one, over time—slowly reinforcing your choice and simultaneously transitioning your physical reality.
Every breadcrumb you follow, resisting the urges to blow everything up or give up on your knowing, loosens your body’s programming.
In that loosening, you gain the ability to run even more of a soul-heavy blend.
Now, let’s go the other way.
“I have to do _____ in order to make money (so I don’t run out and die).”
Soul nudges you to stop doing something that you feel bound to:
“I have to show up as bright and cheerful, no matter what I’m feeling.”
“I have to stay consistent and crank out work, even when the energy isn’t there for it whatsoever.”
“I have to convince everyone around me of my value, even when it’s not entirely aligned, so they’ll pay me top dollar for my gifts.”
Soul says, “Not true.”
And your body responds immediately, “Of course it’s true!”
What’s being asked of you isn’t a hard stop, immediate pivot.
What’s here is the process of unwinding your body’s objections by allowing them to spin and spin, run and run, without believing them enough to act on them with your whole being.
By acknowledging your soul truth as the truth you’re going to believe, you create room for the transition to start physically too.
Slowly, over time, you see openings to show up differently and transition out of old archetypes and systems that no longer serve you.
Soul walks you out of that environment and iteration of you, and into a truer expression—slowly, smoothly, efficiently.
Everything you need to transition out, orbits in and shows up.
This precision of soul allows for a smooth and easy transition where, every step of the way, your body is able to acknowledge the truth of Soul.
In actuality, you can show up with more of your genuine essence in the world.
The world absolutely will receive a more fully expressed version of you.
You absolutely can stop ____, ____, and ____.
And most importantly, when you do, you don’t die.
When your body sees that you’re no longer doing those things, or playing those games, and you’re still alive?
That new life experience becomes a piece of your embodiment and knowing, all the way through—from soul, through body, and out into the world in a newly embodied expression.
We’ve unpacked this from multiple angles, because we want to make it very obvious how slow and precise this entire process gets to be.
Soul doesn’t ask you to blow up your life.
Soul doesn’t ask you to go through deep periods of financial hardship after financial hardship for no reason.
Soul doesn’t ask you to fall on your face, time and time again, every time you’re meant to expand into a new reality or embodiment.
Soul, at first, may have felt clunky.
The Deprogramming phase is often confusing and highly volatile.
After all, there’s relatively little grounded guidance through the process. And much of your world approaches these types of transitions through overhyped excitement and extreme overexertion.
But the more you’re able to dial into your deep knowing, slowing down to the truly precise unfolding of divine breadcrumb after divine breadcrumb, the easier this entire process of life becomes—let alone the financial metrics that come along with it.
Let’s take a few deep breaths here.
This is a radically different context, and any smart person would be slightly disoriented in navigating this.
Deep breath, in—and out.
Deep breath, in—and out.
One more for good measure—inhale, hold, let your eyes relax, and out.
Closing Up Our Time Together
Ultimately, we aren’t here to tell you what’s happening for you.
Nor are we here to prescribe a path forward.
We recognize this perspective is massively counter to the current beliefs about money.
And we see all of this as one single adjustment in a much larger paradigm shift that is this entire body of work at The Second Paradigm.
We aren’t attempting to facilitate that in a single document, in a single sitting.
So as we end our time together, we don’t wish to leave you with the impossible notion that you’re meant to perfectly retain every aspect of this document or the fine-details of this larger paradigm shift.
Instead, we wish to accomplish only one simple thing—to offer you a new mental framework for your soul to more fully and precisely navigate within your internal world.
By reading this document, you’ve opened new neural pathways—new words, new ideas, new articulations—that your own soul can now use to bubble up truths within you.
As you approach this next phase of your life, and as money fears undoubtedly arise within you, you’ve now have created room for your soul’s deeper truth to come fully to the surface of your conscious awareness.
The shift will be subtle.
For a brief moment, you’ll remember that money is an idea, and that your soul has already taken it into consideration.
You’ll remember that you’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe.
While your body panics, and your thoughts spin and shout, your soul smiles in recognition of your subtle choice:
“You know what? I trust you.”
“I trust myself.”
“I trust my knowing.”
It’s through these subtle shifts that you open up a whole new landscape of possibility.
The paths your soul has been urging you to take, suddenly sound less terrifying, and less impossible.
You find it within you, the quiet whisper that is courage, to keep going despite your body’s best attempts at staying put.
And through these subtle moments, quiet whispers, and soul-aligned choices—through time—you step into the soul-heavy blend you came here to embody.
You step into you.
This is our deepest intention for this document—that you find, here within yourself, one extra sliver of room for your soul’s truth to penetrate your being.
And in that tiny sliver, that subtle opening, a seed is planted for the entire trajectory of your life to shift.
It’s been such a pleasure unpacking these ideas here with you in this way.
We look forward to more conversations, more subtle openings, and to watch this massive unfolding that is this unique value you bring to this planet through every second of your choice to be here.
So much love to you,