Navigating Darkness

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
5/14 of The Core Teachings Collection

Let’s start by being extraordinarily clear.

We’re not here to decipher the darkness’ every move, nor are we here to tell you how to “combat it.”

We’re here to explore the darkness for one sole purpose: to set you free from it.

We mean this literally: unhinging any lingering aspects of you that allow these individuals or beings to have a negative impact on you.

We also mean this more indirectly: setting you free from the fear of the dark, and in doing so, allowing you to step even more deeply into who you truly are and what you’re here to do and be.

So before we dive into the many intricacies here, let’s take a moment to settle in and take a breath.

Breathe, call in your Oversoul, and allow the Light that you are to ripple through your body—simultaneously protecting you from any of these potentially lingering energies.

You are safe.

You are safe.

Truly, you are safe.

From the very beginning, know that the dark isn’t actually powerful, by any standard.

The dark is terrified of you and the Light that you are, and it’s living a highly fragile existence.

This is something we hope to make extremely clear throughout this transmission, as well as to help to clarify what the dark actually is.

Let’s start here:

The mainstream ideas of dark and light are extremely far off from reality. The Light isn’t always happy, bubbly, shining, glistening, and grateful.

And the dark isn’t always grumpy, menacing, and lurking in dingy places making potions and casting spells.

These ideas are highly outdated and unhelpful.

The reason we started off our teaching in The Ascension Manual as The First Paradigm vs. The Second Paradigm (instead of dark and light), was to bypass this entire discussion and save it for a later time.

It can be confusing to use words so heavily clouded in mystery, legend, and misconception.

So, originally, we started here:

The First Paradigm takes for itself to sustain itself, and The Second Paradigm serves the larger whole it’s a part of to sustain itself.

But we can say the exact same thing about dark and light.

The darkness takes for itself to sustain itself, and the Light serves the larger whole it’s a part of to sustain itself.

These ideas, darkness and First Paradigm, are the same concept. One just happens to have a lot more “baggage,” so to speak.

So as we step into that “later discussion,” let’s start by clarifying some hugely important ideas.

The large majority of First Paradigm beings, especially on your planet, are doing this entirely unconsciously.

When you wake up in a body that’s hardwired for survival, it’s not clear that you’re a part of an intricately connected larger architecture of Light and Truth.

You just know your body is incessant on finding ways to survive.

That’s even more confusing when everyone around you is convinced that A, B, and C are the keys to success, and that getting “better” at those survival-based action steps is what will lead you to a happy and fulfilling life.

Really, these core guiding principles of your society are just advanced (complicated) survival tools.

And that roadmap for personal survival often evolves into using that same survival fear in the larger population to get even further ahead as an individual—justifying the whole process as a “reward” for one’s hard work.

Key Word: Individual.

The large majority of your planet’s systems were created from this First Paradigm perspective:

“I must take care of myself as a separate whole.”

This leads to countless manipulative and shadowy choices, all for that one purpose.

In reality, though, that perspective is flimsy. It’s quickly crumbling in your world, being replaced by a recognition that “we must work together to thrive.”

It’s the awareness that you’re all a part of a larger thing. Earth is a single living organism, and you as the individual are only one of its many parts.

The unconscious First Paradigm perspective is becoming conscious. And what comes into the larger collective’s conscious awareness, undoubtedly starts moving toward the Light.

We reiterate all of this, not just for review, but to help make a point.

Nowhere, here, did we say that First Paradigm beings are obsessed with sadness, anger, and black magic.

And nowhere did we mention a come-to-Jesus moment, where happiness and glistening smiles become the new goal.

Light and dark have nothing to do with emotion, and everything to do with that core paradigm.

It’s not about how you dress, how you feel, or even what your brain is processing right now.

It has everything to do with your own recognition that there’s something larger here that you want to be a part of—that you have always been a part of.

It has everything to do with the irrefutable truth bubbling up within you, even now. And the increasingly frequent choices you make to trust and embody that truth.

Yes, even when you want to get ahead.

Even when you want to make a lot of money.

Even when you want to experience greater levels of fame and recognition.

You aren’t being consumed by dark and shallow desires. You’re seeing what the Light has in store for you as you align, deeper and deeper, with your soul’s truth.

Because you can have all of this and more in the Light and in The Second Paradigm.

In fact, God—Universe, All-That-Is, your very soul—is asking you to have all of that and far more, for a far higher purpose than any of these things alone.

Often, serving that larger whole includes wealth, fame, and outward success. The very act of embodying something that the larger collective is striving for, while also embodying deeply soul-aligned values and perspectives creates an unfathomable ripple of Light and Truth.

But the wealth, fame, and success themselves miss the point.

It’s not about the circumstances themselves, but about that core embodiment. It’s about that core paradigm.

There are plenty of First Paradigm beings and businesses that are openly and blatantly speaking of light and god, “empowering the masses,” burning sage, wearing white flowy clothing, using old esoteric language, and many other things often held as Light—doing it entirely for themselves, their image, and their personal gain.

And there are plenty of Second Paradigm beings who experience regular periods of feeling low, heavy, angry, sad, and isolated—all the while, following their soul’s truth and landing new energetics that are helping them become more of themselves so that they can fulfill their soul’s purest and truest mission on this planet.

We want to thoroughly scramble this misconception that white or black clothes, philosophical debates, or even bliss and anger are dividing lines between Light and dark.

There are even Second Paradigm beings on your planet now who are living for the greater good, entirely outside of a spiritual context (this is just, perhaps, a smoother and easier journey there).

The Light isn’t a style of thinking, speaking, dressing, or acting. It’s a paradigm.

And in that paradigm, the larger connected nature of reality isn’t only recognized, it’s the core of every major decision in one’s life.

So if it’s not already abundantly clear, we want to give you clear permission to feel the full spectrum of emotion, wear black or any other color or style of dress, doubt mainstream spiritual practices, love money, live abundantly, create fame, have desires for greater expansion of your life and business—all of it.

Because this divide has nothing to do with any of that. You are Light because you’re here.

You are Light because you just called in your Oversoul and have a deep willingness to trust your intuitive knowing and explore the concepts and energies that feel Light and true to you.

You are Light because you refuse to build and support structures that blatantly hurt others for your personal gain.

You are Light because you’re Light.

Let yourself be you, fully.

All of it.

And let all of these ideas of what’s dark, heavy, or unspiritual fall off entirely. They never served anyone to begin with.

It’s time for you to know just how perfect and dialed you already are—right here, right now.

Because with that knowing, you reclaim your ability to choose your Light even more, even quicker, and even more firmly.

The Light is highly dynamic, and all of it is you.

You are becoming a greater service to this planet every day, every moment—simply by your continual choice to acknowledge and follow your soul’s truth to the best of your ability.

So now, you radiant being of Light, let’s clear even more space here by building a clear awareness of the “other side.” 

You know what this life feels like—the ups, the downs, the continual knowing that propels you forward through it all.

The dark is similar, except that knowing is entirely bypassed. Every step is meticulously crafted through effort, entirely against the flow of the energy, and all for one singular purpose.

The dark really only has one goal: take for itself and better itself.

It can attempt this in a wide variety of ways—manipulation, lying, sneaking, coercion; creating confusion, apathy, hopelessness, doubt, uncertainty; evoking judgment, drama, jealousy, lust, pity—the list goes on.

But the desired outcome is always the same, and spotting it can be incredibly easy when you’re tapped into your own soul’s truth.

There’s no hiding from the larger whole.

Everyone and everything is deeply interconnected, regardless of the paradigm.

So understanding what they’re trying to do (and choosing not to engage with their scheming) is as simple as trusting your intuitive knowing and checking in.

In order for a First Paradigm individual to take from that larger whole, from you, they have to convince you that they have power over you in some way, shape, or form.

Of course, in reality, you’re an equal part of this larger whole. And really, you have far more access to the truth and wisdom of the Light than they do.

A being that’s running so fully on its own and pushing against the flow of the energy to try to take for itself doesn’t have much intuitive access.

They have to disconnect from their own inner knowing and truth as much as possible to maintain their perspective and continue forward on their path.

They’re fighting the very energy that constantly helps you along.

Every advantage you have in the Light—the awareness, the perspective, the dialed intuitive knowing that leads you to miraculous synchronistic unfoldings—they’re trying to bypass all of that to do It all themselves.

As we mentioned, it’s an uncomfortable and fragile existence.

When you begin to recognize that the dark has to do everything all on its own, and that you, on the other hand, are connected to the totality of consciousness and truth, it begins to become clear why we consistently say it’s really not powerful, by any standard.

Truly, you have nothing to worry about.

When confronted with a First Paradigm being, physical or non-physical, the answer is always the same:

“I call in my Oversoul.”

Invoking your connection to the totality of consciousness, wisdom, truth, and tapping into your purest soul essence immediately debilitates any truth-bending tactics at play.

You know you can trust your Light and Truth, so no other twisted logical argument can shake you.

You know that the moment you invoke your Oversoul, you’re deeply protected and connected to your essence.

You know that there are beings of Light that are fully capable of buffering any negative beings from your field and your consciousness.

The only move a First Paradigm being has, is to try to get you to forget who and what you are—to forget that connection.

“No, you aren’t taken care of because even though there’s no energy there whatsoever for you to pay me right now, you have to…or else.”

“No, you aren’t actually tapped into an endless source of wisdom. You have to buy what I have to sell you, or you’ll never be successful and become who you’re here to be.”

“No, you aren’t actually on the right path. You need to do what I’m doing instead and follow me, because I know better than you.”

“No, your spiritual truth isn’t actually true. I’ve seen plenty of people like you, and it didn’t turn out well for them.”

It’s always the same. “Trust me, doubt yourself.”

It’s the core paradigm running underneath many of your financial systems, a good portion of your political system, and yes, even in mentorship and coaching initiatives.

But it’s always the same.

“I want to grow my life, so you need to pay me, trust me, praise me—and in the process, doubt yourself and lose sight of your inherent worthiness and free will to choose the Light regardless of your circumstance.”

See it?

Even this slight awareness is solidifying your own trust in your truth and in your own soul’s connection.

This is our primary mission here.

Because, the truth is, there’s no amount of darkness on this planet that will keep the Light from transforming the totality of the globe into a harmonious and deeply connected landscape.

It may slightly slow the process and send the collective on subtle detours, but it can never stop the ultimate trajectory.

This planet is transitioning, awakening, at an unparalleled rate.

You have plenty of time for all of this to unfold, and everything is right on track.

You are evidence of this—right here, right now.

Even just a few words on a digital screen have further solidified your Light and nudged you further on your journey toward complete impenetrability.

You are becoming immune to the dark.

Because as you settle deeper and deeper into your own truth and soul’s essence, the strategies of The First Paradigm become laughable.

You see through them in their entirety.

You see why they’re doing what they’re doing, how they’re doing it, and most importantly, that you want nothing to do with it.

This “immunity” is spreading fast.

Your planet is quickly becoming immune to The First Paradigm altogether.

And in that, you’re quickly becoming a Second Paradigm Collective.

We are excited to be able to shed light on this. We know there is plenty more to discuss, and many intricacies to unpack, but we’ll leave this for a later time.

In this moment, all you truly need to know is this:

The First Paradigm only wants to take care of itself, because underneath its fragile logic, it’s convinced itself that it’s separate from the whole.

Whenever you’re faced with a dilemma where your path brings you face-to-face with a being of this paradigm, simply call in your Oversoul, settle in, breathe, and trust your guidance.

The Light will lead you through any and all circumstances. This is always true.

Yes, even when you’re faced with a wholly unpowerful, disconnected being that tries to convince you otherwise.

You are always taken care of.

You are on the right track.

You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Your circumstances are here for you, right now, to help you become more of yourself.

So continue forward, face reality head-on, check in, and continue choosing the Light that you are.

With that, you are wholly taken care of, and on a faster path forward than we can even begin to explain to you now.

Keep going.

Your Light is impenetrable.

So much love to you,