Second Paradigm Lifestyle

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
4/14 of The Core Teachings Collection

A Life Without Compartments

Let’s talk about this Second Paradigm Lifestyle—what we really mean by it.

Because we can chat all day about business in The Second Paradigm, but ultimately, this is not just a business system—it’s a lifestyle.

That lifestyle permeates every aspect of living—business, yes, but also health, romantic relationships, community, life purpose, and even simple moments that often escape the core buckets of life.

This paradigm does what many are most terrified of, often without even being aware of this fear:

It breaks down the subtle compartments of life.

In The Second Paradigm, life is not a series of checklists, or buckets to fill separately.

Rather, life is a series of full stages and personal embodiments.

Each slice of your reality has an iteration of you within it, and comes with all of the circumstances that are aligned to and with that personal iteration.

This is the perspective we wish to share here, and in doing so, also confront some of the major cognitive maps of your reality.

We’ll touch on some of the major reasons why individuals stray away from this perspective and natural way of being, to further unlock the permission for you to operate to your fullest potential in all aspects of life.

Shall we?


Let’s begin with money.

It may seem like an odd place to start, but it’s the core perspective many perceive their entire life through.

This is “Compartment #1.”

Think about your life 3-6 months from now. This is far enough out that the current circumstances will mostly be resolved.

You’re getting into territory where the potentialities for your life are still in flux and rather open.

What do you want to experience?

Some would say:

  • A New Car
  • A Massive Business Expansion
  • A Deeper Relational Life
  • A Healthier, Leaner Body

Others would attempt to bypass these desires by saying something like, “I desire for my life to have exactly what is meant for me,” but that’s missing the point.

You are a creator in your reality. Your choices create.

To choose nothing is not simply “being open to the flow of the divine,” but rather, surrendering your role as a creator to the default current of your past choices and the larger collective trends.

So truly, what do you desire happen in your life 3-6 months from now?

Is it material expansion? A happier, more-enjoyable emotional experience? Specifically, really, notice what desires begin to emerge here.

Take note, and pick one of your top desires.

What is it?

Now, imagine for a moment what it will take for that to drop into your life. What’s in between you and that reality?

Pause and think for a moment.

Naturally, one of the core requirements that arises for these realities coming to fruition is a proper monetary supply.

Many of these desires, you pay for very directly.

You purchase the new car and make enough money to meet the new markers of business growth.

Even for the desires you don’t pay for directly, money is often still involved.

“I want to experience a greater level of happiness” includes paying for a trip to a new place with someone you love, purchasing a ticket to a local event to meet new people, or paying for healthier foods to put into your body.

Notice how interwoven money is into your desires for the near future. Now, notice where impossibility may creep in at the edges of your desires.

Or, on the other hand, where the practicality of your desires lay as that same impossibility in disguise.

This is a form of what we’ll call compartmentalization—separating something from the larger reality.

Here, separating money from the rest of your life looks like isolating it as the sole cause for the impossibility of an incoming reality.

The truth, as we’ve mentioned, is much simpler:

Realities come as a total package.

If you’re desiring something for your life in a time-frame of 3-6 months, you’re likely open to that reality’s existence.

You’re perceiving it as a possibility, partly because there’s a full-blown timeline ahead that includes those things.

Money, as with everything else, lands with the circumstances that require it. Not by chance, but through a larger orchestration of that reality’s creation.

Money isn’t a separate piece of your reality. It’s just a single (and partial) representation of the reality you’re in.

So as you navigate into larger and more dynamic circumstances, choosing forward into more expanded versions of yourself, of course your current monetary situation won’t reflect that future reality.

You’re in this reality, looking forward into another.

They’re two separate total packages, connected through a sequence of events and probabilities, but never directly translatable from one to another.

The money that’s here has nothing to do with the reality that’s possible there. That’s an entirely separate total-package reality.

Let’s simplify this down.

Money is an aspect of your reality, not your reality.

If you believe the money is the full reality, or controls the full reality, then you’ll make choices through a limited range of motion.

It’s like deciding that you’ll only ever raise your arm to shoulder height and never higher.

You’d, of course, still be fully capable of raising your arm way above your head. You just wouldn’t allow yourself to choose that.

This is the nature of these mental compartments. If you allow money to be seen as something entirely separate from the total-package, you limit your range of motion.

You’re fully capable of choosing a better and higher reality for yourself in the next 3-6 months. That includes the money that’s involved in that reality.

All of the circumstances that are present, as challenging as they may be, will be fully resolved by then.

This is a clean and fresh slate you’re playing with.

In that space, you have the ability to choose realities that transcend the limitations of your present circumstances.

You can choose something greater.

And when you do, the path appears.

This is true, regardless of the amount of money you have in your bank account now.

You always have what you need to continue forward into your choices.

Now, this reality of your choosing may take some time to fully land.

But time has nothing to do with the choice itself. You’re fully capable of making that choice, and to continue making that choice despite your fears about its impossibility.

When you choose something, truly and fully, the only thing in between you and that thing is time. It comes to you.

The present reality and that future reality are two entirely different total packages. You navigate this landscape through choice, and pay for it with time.

Money—though it’s a part of each of those realities, and though you can easily track every penny along the way—doesn’t control or define those realities.

Money is an aspect of a much larger landscape.


We understand there are different definitions of relationships that pour into many spaces of life—romantic, business, friendships, acquaintances.

Let’s speak broadly for a moment, then narrow down into what we’re really here to speak into.

First, all of these various buckets of relational dynamics don’t actually exist.

Instinctually, everyone knows that. Yet they’re pervasive, and different rulesets tend to exist for each bucket separately.

While we’re opening up this aspect of life, let’s mention for a moment that each individual who enters your life in a substantial way, no matter how long that interaction lasts, is having a much deeper “conversation” with you.

This larger orchestration of events and circumstances is directly linked to your choices.

Since you’re actively making the choices of which interactions to have and those to ignore or dismiss, there’s room to notice how you’re engaging with very specific values on the planet through all of these interactions (and subtly choosing which values to hold, admire, and move away from).

You’re interacting with individuals who have a body and a soul, and there are many interactions taking place at once—soul-to-soul, body-to-body, soul-to-body, body-to- soul.

Since there’s a strong soul element coming online more and more in the individuals in your collective, there’s room for these soul-to-soul conversations to have a higher weight in your overall choices and embodiments.

You’re literally interfacing with the souls of every individual you meet, and in some cases, co-creating timelines where the interactions you have with each other nudge you both toward brighter potentialities for yourselves and others.

This is happening across the board. This isn’t restricted to deep romantic partnerships, or even long-term bonds. It’s happening constantly and everywhere, even in virtual forms.

To know this, is to expand your awareness around what it means to truly be a human on Earth right now.

Nevertheless, let’s zero in on what we’re really here to talk about.

When these relationships become a core piece of your reality, they can begin to erode your ability to choose for yourself.

We’re speaking to ideas like co-dependence, sure, but this is different and broader.

This isn’t a single pattern in a single aspect of life. Because, remember, these compartments of life simply don’t exist. You’re choosing total packages.

When you enter a relationship with someone—when that individual first enters your awareness, not when you shake their hand—that relationship has the opportunity to affect your life’s choices.

This is often a lovely thing.

But in many, many cases, it’s simply debilitating. Your world shrinks, and the timelines available move out of your perceived “range of motion.”

When “relationships” is perceived as one aspect of life (and health, wealth, business, purpose, money, etc are perceived as separate), it’s nearly impossible to see the true impact of this.

You’re not tinkering with a single aspect of life. You’re choosing whole realities.

And it’s quite impossible to choose a whole reality that includes a debilitating aspect of life without it affecting the rest of that reality.

You can’t “crush it in business” but have a debilitating relationship. You’re the same person in that business as you are in that relationship.

We’re not just talking about the personal development idiom, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” That’s not always true.

We’re literally talking about you being the exact same person.

You wake up in the morning and go to sleep at night. Everything that happens in between is all a part of your waking reality. There is no separation.

There’s only one single iteration of you existing in your entire reality right now.

The idea that you can separate that down into fragments of your existence is entirely untrue. It’s what leads to so many challenges and detours.

It is possible to embody a version of yourself that boldly speaks and acts when it feels safe, and to only feel safe in isolation or with one or two close individuals.

That would also make it possible to have an external image that’s entirely different than who you truly are, and to “program” that external image to make money, build a network, and any number of things.

But there’s only one version of you underneath all of that. Always. So success feels hollow, the network is shallow in depth, and these other “auto-pilot” aspects of life are nearly meaningless to that truer core version of you.

That truer core version of you is the mix of your soul with the genuine embodiment of your body in that moment. Everything else is self-programmed into the body to run the show while you resolve the genuine conflict.

But all of it is you.

So when we’re speaking to relationships affecting your life’s choices, we’re talking about relationships affecting the entire reality you’re in.

We’re speaking to relationships at their core, underneath the auto-pilot.

Again, when you enter a relationship with someone, that relationship has the opportunity to affect your life’s choices. Their values have an impact on you.

Now, when these relationships are synchronistically orchestrated into your reality, they’re having a positive impact on your life by helping you to become more of yourself.

But there are relationships that exist outside of this too. These are lingering interactions that are grasped onto for longer than they’re serving.

When things go “wrong” in a relationship, they’re often held separate from reality so they can be troubleshooted.

But there is no separate bucket of relationships.

When you choose to hold onto a relationship despite your truest path pulling you toward something else, you’re moving away from your life’s mission and purpose.

Total packages are being chosen, with iterations of you that choose to become less of yourself.

This can’t be an isolated relationship problem, while every other aspect of life moves forward. There’s one version of you, with one reality.

You’re actually choosing a whole reality that continues to have them in it, and in that, not choosing the reality your soul is calling you to.

Almost always, this leads to the internal question, “So who is pulling me to choose realities that aren’t a genuine reflection of my soul’s deepest truth?”

This is a highly impactful question, but it can only really come forward when you see life as it is—as a total-package.

When the walls begin to fall, all that’s left is that core version of you, sitting here and reading this now.

This version of you is fully free to choose exactly what you desire for yourself.

You are you, and your choices include, but aren’t bound by your relationships. You are choosing a whole version of yourself, in a whole reality.

As this resolves, we come to the same space we always do: freedom to choose as an individual exactly the life you wish to live as a soul.

You follow your intuition, trust yourself, and move forward.


This one is a bit odd to most, so we’ll unpack the energy a bit slower than we typically do in these documents.

Time is one of the most misunderstood aspects of your reality.

We’re not speaking to the scientific understanding here, but the way individuals relate to it.

There’s this odd idea lingering that individuals must “begin again.” This is present especially for those actively creating their reality.

“You must create a massive leap forward” and essentially start from scratch. You have to suddenly become something entirely different and do something entirely different to move forward.

But, in actuality, your life is not a single timeline with sharp jumps or “quantum leaps” at various points.

You’re not living one single life here, bound within the confines of time.

The truth is, you’re constantly navigating into entirely new realities for yourself.

And each of those realities is slightly different. They ask something slightly different of you.

What we’re absolutely not saying is that you’re entirely shifting into whole new collectives and that there are infinite versions of your Earth.

Though this would be fascinating, from our perspective, you’re on a single planet that tends to stay fairly consistent from moment-to-moment—changing slowly over time with the collective embodiment.

What we are saying is that you are changing.

And as you change, you enter entirely new sets of circumstances that are a match for your current embodiment.

You’re entering a new reality for yourself.

In every one of your personal realities, your circumstances are meant to give you opportunities to become more of yourself (your soul self).

When you choose to alter your own embodiment, you alter with it, the entire fabric of your circumstances—your reality.

The next opportunities you’re given are targeted toward an entirely new set of values and conflicts.

You become more of yourself through each of these experiences, moving from one personal reality to another along the way.

So, here and now, your reality isn’t asking you to scrap everything and begin anew. Your reality is asking something fairly simple of you: “What’s here?”

The core of it is this:

Because you’re actually moving from one iteration of you to the next, you don’t need to “put the past behind you” or “start fresh.”

That’s always happening.

You start “fresh” at least every 3-6 months. Your circumstances change.

Instead of trying to rebuild your whole reality and architect every last detail, you simply choose:

What’s actually here in this very moment?

When you dial into your present circumstances, and let go of the need to fit everything into a single coherent story or to “quantum leap” out of your perfectly orchestrated present experience, you begin to break down the idea that time has bound you to this life.

You’re living within time, sure, but all that’s truly here right now is you and the choices you’re being faced with.

This concept can be a bit challenging to be with, so let’s distill it even further.

When you believe that life is simply your experience within time, it limits your ability to see what’s actually here.

You try to architect your life and make it better than it was before. You look at every aspect of your life and plot a plan forward. You think in terms of time, so you try to plan within time and lose sight of the larger soul experience.

But reality is much larger than just this physical experience in time. Reducing it to that misses the larger picture.

That larger picture is you, as a soul, facing conflicts in your body and your environment in order to emerge as yourself in your physical world.

You are literally bringing your essence to Earth.

You are here to become yourself, embodying your truest soul essence, and to bring that self to the world.

In that process, you come head-to-head with all of the reasons why your soul “won’t work here,” and again and again, you choose otherwise.

You become yourself.

This takes place through time, yes.

But to only look at time severely overcomplicates life. It demands that you have to make sense of every single dot, how they all connect, and how they will connect moving forward.

Though, zooming out, seeing the larger picture, there’s really only one core path here. It’s the road you take on the way to Becoming You.

You don’t need to figure out every intricacy of that process.

The past has already happened, and you’ve already embodied what’s important from those circumstances. And the future will come when it does, bringing with it new opportunities for your further embodiment.

Through your lifetime, you’re moving from one set of circumstances to the next.

Each set of circumstances is an entirely different personal reality, with an entirely different embodiment that creates it.

Ideally, you move from one embodiment to the next, toward your essence (and eventually moving into what we’ve called a soul-heavy blend, where your soul primarily runs the show).

But in this moment, right now, what’s actually important?

When you explore this larger context, even the essence of it, you understand why the only important thing right now, in this moment, is exactly what’s here.

You tune in for guidance and get clear on the exact conflict you’re facing, and choose to embody more of your soul in that aspect of life.

You recognize that your focusing on the past and future, trying to weave it all together, is just you getting lost in time—an aspect of your reality.

And what’s genuinely important is this present reality. It’s the open doors here right now, that bring you further into your purest and truest embodiment as an Anchored Being.

Through each set of circumstances, you have the opportunity to embody more and more of your soul—to choose as your soul.

So what’s really here?

We can assure you it isn’t in your past, nor your future. It’s right here in the present moment, staring you right in the most uncomfortable conflicts of your life.

Seeing beyond just the limits of time breaks down this compartment of life, and opens back up the freedom to simply choose you—right here, right now.



We’ve made it to the final compartment of this document. We recognize this can be a massively moving experience.

Energy is opening up and your choice is being ever-so liberated.

Please know you’re welcome to take all the time you need to integrate and be with this information. We’re delivering it in a single document, but that doesn’t mean you have to take it all in and integrate it in a single sitting.

Be kind to yourself. 🙂

With this, we move into spirituality.

This is a core assumption behind everything under The Second Paradigm umbrella already, but we wish to speak into it more directly here.

At the beginning we said, “This lifestyle permeates every aspect of living—business, yes, but also health, romantic relationships, community, life purpose, and even simple moments that often escape the core buckets of life.”

When we speak to this lifestyle, we’re speaking to The Second Paradigm. And this whole body of work is just that: a paradigm.

It’s a perspective on reality that uses spiritual access and truth to run the totality of life.

We’ve spoken to choosing full and whole iterations of your being vs. modifying fragmented aspects of life.

So is it any wonder that we’d say spirituality itself also isn’t a separate bucket of life?

Spirituality can’t be developed separately from business, or relationships, or any other aspect of life.

You’re choosing whole iterations of you.

The core purpose of this work is to lay foundations for spiritual living and perspective.

This is because the overarching “reality context” defines nearly every other choice that’s being made by an individual.

If you believe reality is a byproduct of chance and all reducible to biology, you’ll make choices one way.

If you believe reality is a massive orchestration to land your eternal essence into your physicality, you’ll make choices another way.

Your context for what reality is—your reality context—shifts the course of your life substantially.

So when we speak to spirituality not being a part of life, but the very core of it, we mean that very literally.

We’re here to expedite what can be a lifetime of finding yourself, so you can land your truest embodiment more quickly and with greater ease.

We’re increasing the amount of time you spend as a fully embodied soul, doing your “work” here on the planet.

In doing so, we’re speeding up the time it takes for the world to shift. In doing so, we’re helping to ensure a pleasurable future for the planet.

But all of this—these perspectives are simply what many are already coming to from their soul’s natural awakening into themselves.

This is readily available truth resonating everywhere in this larger soul architecture.

So many of these conclusions can be arrived at entirely outside of us or this document.

That is, if spirituality is integrated into one’s life on Earth.

When spirituality is a separate aspect of life, odd conclusions start to pop up.

“Life is separate from the intuitive messages that come through,” so rather than getting extremely present with personal reality creation and the further embodiment of the soul essence to further the progression of Earth’s overall well-being, life becomes about something else.

Some wait for a massive spiritual shift to take place in the world, before their small compartment of spirituality can come out to play.

Others wait for a separate timeline to branch off, so they can fully emerge into themselves in a world that fully receives them.

Others integrate into small pods of other spiritually-minded individuals, creating pockets of spiritual tribe that exist as an isolated existence from the larger collective.

Others step into the wind, traveling from place to place and letting go of the steering wheel, professing their surrender as proof of their spiritual existence.

But spirituality isn’t a separate practice, it’s the reality context that sits at the core of the choices being made.

It’s the map that helps you navigate this lifetime and your circumstances.

Without it, these and many other compartments and perspectives can take you down rabbit holes that have little to do with choosing forward into a new iteration of yourself.

At its core, life is a series of circumstances that allow you to step deeply into your soul essence—to make choices as your soul.

To know this, is to step into a grounded spiritual practice.

Grounded Spirituality takes place in reality.

It’s the very process of life.

To try to reduce spirituality to a set of practices—meditation, breathwork, ceremonies, etc.—is to lose sight of the truth of life itself.

Spirituality is the process of learning more about reality as it truly is.

It’s the willingness to navigate the human experience, not just through physical phenomena or the perspective of a single lifetime, but from a larger web of consciousness.

It’s “plugging in” to download the truths about reality that seem so elusive otherwise. This is the paradigm we’re helping to articulate now.

This is The Second Paradigm Lifestyle.

Our deep desire is that through this process you’re able to find freedom from the cognitive compartments that try to distill life down to tiny aspects, instead of seeing the totality of reality for what it truly is.

In that, we hope you find the freedom to come back here, to this very moment, to these circumstances right before you now, and choose as your soul.

In doing so, not only do you masterfully navigate your way out of these compartments, but you quite literally fulfill your soul’s deepest mission on this planet.

You Become You.