The True Meaning of Self Love

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
10/14 of The Core Teachings Collection


We’re excited to be able to explore, in depth, the practice of Self Love.

Though many ideas already exist within spiritual circles for how this must look or how it must be experienced within, we wish to offer a perspective here that allows for a significantly greater degree of freedom.

You may find this teaching to be similar to ideas you’ve already thoroughly explored around surrender, though we won’t be speaking to surrender as most currently understand it either.

Attempts to be in surrender, or to surrender more deeply, have left many spiritual seekers with little more than a sense of longing for a Peace that cannot be found and must be forced or sought after.

Here, instead of offering a new spiritual ideal to strive for, we’ll be exploring the most common reasons why true surrender has been so challenging in the first place.

What happens when you let go of the need to be, do, or have anything more than what’s already right here in this moment?

What happens when you allow even internal conflict and uncertainty to reside within you, without any need for resolution whatsoever?

In the pages to come, we’ll help to create a level of acceptance that arises naturally. It’s an acceptance, first, grounded in understanding and, later, rooted in embodied wisdom.

This will be a process of letting go of that which is no longer here for you, despite how aligned or helpful it might have been in the past. That includes old ideas and spiritual perspectives that have served their purpose until now, but struggle to take you any further along your path.

True Acceptance and Self Love, as we’ll soon discover, are largely one and the same.

To begin, let’s explore a simple idea: 

“Self Love is the act of nurturing your body through its uncertainty.”

To truly understand this for what it is, we have to, first, unpack many of the lingering definitions and ideas about Self Love. By dismantling what it isn’t, we can clearly articulate what it is, and how this teaching can deeply benefit the unfoldment of your life path.

Taking better and better care of your physical vessel is, of course, an important process of life. But this is not the Self Love we speak to.

Soul, being incredibly attuned to what will allow a deeper expression of your truest essence, is already incredibly invested in your well-being and physical health.

So despite the clearly positive intentions, self care is not Self Love.

This is a new idea for some, so we’ll briefly explain what we mean by this:

Despite popular belief, Soul isn’t only concerned with an energetic reality. Soul is constantly working to create the highest possible benefit today, for your entire life path. Because you’re in this body and this physical world, that has to also include your health, wealth, relationships, and your physical survival. Soul takes all of this into account.

When your soul pings you with inspiration for what to do, feel, or explore, every vital factor for your well-being is already considered. That includes the very physical realities of your body, your finances, and your safety. How else could you become all that you came here to be, if not through your physical well-being and the tangible expansion of your reality?

The many aspects of your life all fit together, like the many pieces of a puzzle, to create what we’ve called, “a whole working reality.”

When you’re already within a working configuration of your present reality, there’s no need to create massive sweeping changes to move into another whole reality, until you’ve, first, gleaned all that this present reality has to offer.

Why would you choose so consistently and wholly to step into this new reality, only to leave it behind, before you learn or embody anything that its circumstances have to offer you?

As we’ve alluded to previously, even your vices, unhealthy habits, toxic relationships, and whatever else may be uncomfortable in your present experience, all are highly beneficial to you. The societal view of something doesn’t change its positive effect on a specific chapter of your life.

Everything that’s here, right now, is a part of that larger whole (beneficial) reality.

Your movement between whole configurations of your reality is precisely orchestrated and precisely timed.

Along the way, as you glean as much as you possibly could from a unique chapter of your experience, there are energetic subtleties that arise to serve as cues to help nudge you toward your next ideal reality at the ideal time (we’ll soon describe this as what’s “orbiting in” and what’s “orbiting out”).

All that said, when you bring deep presence to the helpfulness of even what’s most uncomfortable or unsustainable, it begins to become clear that Self Love cannot just be a conscious practice of quitting bad habits or “installing” new ones.

How could it possibly be loving to remove the scaffolding of your life and destabilize your reality?

Self Love serves an entirely different purpose.

To help make this clear, let’s explore an example:

Imagine you’ve been noticing a huge influx of new awareness around your health, specifically the foods you eat.

With new awareness, the body is quick to leap to action: “What’s wrong with what I’m currently eating, and what do I need to eat instead?” You find yourself taking inventory, feeling immense shame and guilt over your natural eating choices, and figuring out how to make a rapid change.

Meanwhile, Soul understands there’s a precise timing to this change. Yes, a change to your diet is on the horizon, and new awareness is landing even now to help facilitate that. But in this very moment, there’s nothing to do.

Leaping rapidly info swift change would allow you to skip over the discomfort (and uncertainty) around your health, but in the process, you’d also lose the heart of what’s already here for you.

Soul recognizes your current diet’s role in sustaining your current reality. Soul doesn’t want to destabilize your life or devote a huge chunk of your conscious awareness to finding something new to eat before it’s time to make that shift.

From a soul perspective, what’s ideal is to continue settling into the discomfort of that new awareness while, first, dealing with what’s already here.

Let’s say, in this example, there’s already a large call to start cleaning up your relational dynamics. Certain people are beginning to fall away that have taken a huge amount of effort to sustain relationships with. These individuals don’t support you, or who you’re becoming, and it’s a constant uphill battle.

Soul knows that by dealing with what’s already here, it will create a spaciousness in your life that, then, lets you navigate your health with ease.

There’s an ideal sequence with many moving pieces to take into consideration for the ideal unfoldment of your life.

Soul takes all of these many factors into consideration, asking, “What is it in this very moment that’s going to have the largest positive impact on the remainder of my life path?”

But in your internal awareness, you feel the tug of war between eating healthy now and, instead, dealing with the relational dynamics at hand.

What do you choose to do?

Can you see how the idea of self care could compel you to leap into new food choices “too soon,” avoid what’s already here, and miss the incredible opportunity to follow the precise sequence of events laid out by Soul?

The internal mantra of self care, “It’s always a win-win to take care of my body,” covers over the desire to escape the tension of those relational dynamics and leap into the next chapter of life before ever fully writing the ending to this one.

Your movement between whole configurations of your reality are precisely orchestrated and precisely timed.

That embarrassing vice of yours, the abundance of scarcity in your mind or in your bank account, or the co-dependent relationship—it’s all a part of that precise timing and sequencing. It’s what’s here, and that’s perfect.

This is the message of Self Love.

Self Love is the process of nurturing your body through its uncertainty.

That nurturing requires very little change to yourself, your routine, or your circumstances.

Ultimately, Self Love has nothing to do with change at all. It’s the internal recognition and reminder that everything is already exactly as it should be.

True Self Love asks you to trust the process of life and the larger intelligence that is your Oversoul connected to all of the power and wisdom of divinity.

Self Love is embodied wisdom, echoing throughout the halls of your inner world as a reminder that you are safe, held, and precisely on the right track, even (and especially) now.

The Purpose of Self Love 

We’ve taken a broad look at this teaching already, but this perspective has many layers and subtleties. Left unexplored, this teaching could easily get lost among any other invitation to surrender to the process of life.

So, over the next few pages, we’ll explore the biggest distinctions and subtleties of Self Love, starting with the purpose it plays—the “why” behind the practice.

Self Love is the process of nurturing your body through its uncertainty around both its future and its okayness in the moment.

Remember, Self Love has nothing to do with changing your reality. That means, Self Love has nothing to do with modifying your behavior to be more “right.”

Self Love is not about changing what is, but about nurturing the piece of you that wants to change your reality in the first place—reminding it that it’s already okay.

Self Love serves a very specific purpose within the larger context we’ve been unpacking for quite some time.

As we’ve explored previously, a life lived with a body running the show often has its soul working to dismantle the very fabric of that life. The greatest gift a soul can give to an unconsciously crafted existence is to make that reality extremely difficult. By doing so, Soul dismantles not only the reality at hand, but the misconceptions that laid the foundation for that out-of-alignment existence in the first place.

On the other hand, a life lived purely as a soul often comes with a body in heavy revolt. As actions are taken from an intuition that comes from a far greater vantage point than bodily experience alone, massive uncertainty arises.

The body says, “I’ve never seen this to work or to be true, so I must be in immense danger.” It begins to shut down, kick and scream, and plan an alternative.

Even as Peace allows for a huge influx of intuitive guidance, the guidance can be incredibly difficult to follow when the body isn’t on board with that decision, or can’t clearly see its reasoning.

By nurturing your body, it’s able to settle back from its urges to take manic action and avoid what’s really here

As you settle into your soul’s truth and make decisions as the soul, you’re then able to physically witness yourself implementing your soul’s truth into your reality.

And as you act and be differently, your identity structure begins to see this way of operating as you. The whole you comes into alignment with your soul truth and essence.

Note: This is one of the first occasions in quite some time that we’re circling back to explore the role of the Ego in the Trifecta that is you. Remember, you are both a body and a soul, yes, but you also have a single harmonizing identity structure that keeps track of who “you” are today. That identity, we call the Ego—it’s one of the three aspects of the Trifecta that is you.

We’ll circle back to the Ego later. For the moment, simply note that as your body is nurtured and settles deeper into your soul’s truth, you begin making entirely different decisions.

As those decisions are witnessed by your body through its physical experience, the co-created identity structure moves further in the direction of Soul.

You become more of a “soul-heavy blend,” and your Ego (identity) reflects that.

What becomes possible in a soul-driven life with a body that’s loved and nurtured through its process of uncertainty?


Remember, your “sole” mission is to bring your soul into your body, first—then, to radiate your essence out into the world.

This happens through a specific sequence that plays out in phases we’ve called Levels of Clearance and Stages of Enlightenment:

  • Survival Based Action 
  • Material Desire Based Action 
  • Emotional Desire Based Action 
  • Self-Acceptance 
  • Global Education 
  • Impact-Driven Action 
  • Etheric Education 
  • Direct Access 
  • Anchored Being 
  • Essential Radiance

This is a sequence of realizations and the resulting phases of life that all lead toward the larger trajectory of Soul Embodiment.

Here, Self Love’s purpose becomes even clearer.

This sequence starts with the “Core 3″ body-heavy worldviews of what we’ve called The First Paradigm.

In the Core 3, Survival, Material, and Emotional compulsion run the show, and all of your decisions are made from these core bodily perspectives.

The starting place, Survival-Based Action, is an obligation based worldview. The sole reason for the decisions you make is to “do what you have to do.” All of life’s many rules and systems sync up with your core biological survival mechanisms, and even though the reasoning is mostly unconscious, nearly everything is an obligation to avoid “certain doom.”

That survival paradigm eventually gives way to the realization that you can create a life you want instead. That realization lets you pop out of the rules and obligations and explore a path to a “better life.”

The Material and Emotional Desire Based Action stages that come from this are still very much a result of biological programming, but, nonetheless, that first realization that life is more than a series of obligations is highly important. It allows you to seriously consider what you want for the first time and to recognize that you have the ability to change your life to suit your preferences.

Of course, at first, this realization runs rampant. Every hidden desire from every nook and cranny of your biology comes out to be expressed. “Wait. I can have this? And this? And this?” Depending on what’s more highly valued at the time— your external or internal reality—you step into either a phase of Material or Emotional Desire Based Action.

Material Desire includes money, of course, but also includes any external physical desire, like a bigger home, a more luxurious car, even sex or a promotion.

Emotional Desire is the search for happiness, but also includes any internal desires like comfort, to be swept off your feet romantically, to have more personal space, or to experience feelings of excitement, liberation, or bliss.

These internal and external desires go hand in hand, but there’s typically one that drives decision-making more than the other.

As life plays out and desires are met, expectations are shattered with the disappointment of a reality that quickly normalizes to any new height, and the realization begins to set in that “there must be more to life than this.”

This is the threshold of Self-Acceptance.

Up until this point, everything has been for the Self to either survive or to get what it wants. With the realization of the pointlessness of life (as you’d previously known it), you begin to see through your body’s entire core perspective as a whole. You come to Acceptance that your Core 3 (biological Self-serving drivers) aren’t the only things that life has to offer.

A rapid burst of awareness ensues, and you begin to see your environment without the filters of obligation or desire for the first time—accepting into your awareness a whole new wave of information that previously “didn’t matter” because it didn’t directly serve your Core 3.

For many, crossing this threshold of Self-Acceptance is the moment or series of moments that you’d describe as “first waking up.”

Eventually, the question arises, “If this isn’t the true meaning of life, what is?”

Where basic evolutionary mechanisms, cultural misconceptions, and the relentless fulfillment of hollow desires no longer dictate your actions, a (sometimes long) education process begins.

These next phases of Global Education, Impact-Driven Action, and Etheric Education are the natural progression of that education, over time.

From a soul perspective, the entire purpose of this education phase is to move toward Direct Access—fully acknowledging Soul as the ideal trajectory through free will and choice.

Direct Access is the result of acknowledging one’s personal intuition as access to higher wisdom and truth. In many ways, it’s the first direct relationship with divinity.

But this is a large leap.

To move from Self-Acceptance—only just accepting that there’s more to the world than what it can do for you—all the way to acknowledging the existence of a personal intuitive connection, requires quite a bit of exploration and realization.

So before the acknowledgement of Direct Access, these core ideas have to be acknowledged, first:

“There’s more to this existence than just my own personal life.”

“I have a purpose. What is it?”

“There’s more to this existence than just this physical world.”

This is the core of this Education phase.

Global Education is taking in information about the physical world around you. Because of your current societal view of reality being entirely physical, most people naturally start their exploration here.

It’s sparked by the realization of, “There’s more to this existence than just my own personal life,” and every bit of that physical exploration reinforces that truth.

“Life” becomes more than just your life. It’s suddenly a dynamic, ever-changing ecosystem of billions of people, many of whom “have it far worse than you do.”

Inevitably, you see injustice and inefficiencies, along with the slow destruction of your planet by the status quo—and, often, there’s no real sense of resolution.

With that, often comes the natural desire to help, right alongside the humbling search for what you could possibly do to make any difference at all.

The concept of “purpose” suddenly feels far more compelling than ever, and the next realization hits: “I have a purpose,” followed immediately by, “What is it?”

In this highly organic and naturally unfolding path, Etheric Education comes from the impact-driven exploration of purpose, personal development, and (often) entrepreneurship, which inevitably leads to spiritual curiosity.

But for some, the realization of, “There’s more to this existence than just this physical world,” comes far earlier.

Because so many individuals are moving through this larger sequence of realizations together, and at entirely different times, there’s some spillover from one person to the next. Not everyone moves through the “organic” sequence.

Some accept the larger Etheric reality far before this natural sequence takes place. In that case, from a soul perspective, it becomes far more important to validate intuition at a far earlier stage of development.

If the full process of Global Education is “skipped” by Etheric Education, the Impact Driven phase comes, instead, from spiritual ideas of Oneness and “awakening the world,” and the rest of Global Education happens intuitively, later.

As a side note, this is why you see many spiritual individuals without a clear understanding of the systems of the world and many savvy entrepreneurs that lack a deep spiritual understanding. These are the two most common paths through this larger education phase, and they’re happening side-by-side.

But again, from the soul perspective, this entire education phase really just serves one core purpose: acknowledging intuition as valid and true, beyond self-service and beyond what’s physically reducible.

This realization is Direct Access.

By acknowledging intuition as true and valid, a direct relationship with divinity becomes possible.

This phase of life is about slowly validating your intuition by sorting through your internal world to discover what’s genuinely from your soul and what’s just old First Paradigm biological remnants popping their head in with convincing arguments for the opposite. It’s the discovery of what intuition even is within you.

Most often, Direct Access starts by acknowledging your intuition, while also ignoring it. By ignoring the intuitive knowing and circumstances going “wrong,” you’re able to witness its validity without taking any big risks that defy logic.

After many iterations of the same experience, eventually, intuition becomes the obvious choice to you. “I’ve seen enough to know that my intuition is always right.”

This is the realization that starts the next phase of life, Anchored Being.

Anchored Being develops that inner acknowledgement through the physical experience of Soul running the show. Where intuition was merely acknowledged within Direct Access, it now dictates choices in Anchored Being.

Here, life becomes a subtle “following of the energy,” and every reason you had to previously ignore your intuition, comes up to witness how it was mistaken.

Though we’ve never discussed anything further than this, in any setting, we’ll continue one step further for the sake of clarity.

The journey doesn’t end when Soul “runs the show.” From the perspective of your soul’s mission and purpose, this is only just the beginning.

In Anchored Being, you’ve only just come online as the true you. The piece of you that is your soul has only just taken taken the reins of your choices.

The journey continues forward in the same way we’ve always spoken about your life’s mission and purpose:

“Your sole mission is to bring your soul into your body, first—then, to radiate your essence out into the world.”

This next phase, what we’ll call “Essential Radiance,” is about rippling your newly embodied essence out into the world, coming into harmony with the larger network of divinity and the orchestration of Light on Earth and beyond.

By Essential, we mean both meanings of the word—both “extremely important” and “fundamental or central to the nature of something or someone.”

Essential Radiance is the recognition within you that being exactly who you are, to the fullest possible degree, is both an expression of your core essence and extremely important for the larger whole you’re a part of.

It’s the illumination of the ultimate win-win of divinity. You begin to acknowledge that your circumstances are crafted for your benefit by the divinity you’re a piece of to shift the whole of existence.

The true inner workings of reality become clearer, and clearer, as does the very purpose of your existence.

We’re keeping our language purposely vague here, as we’re only just scratching the surface of this massive Soul milestone for the first time. We’ll circle back to explore Essential Radiance more deeply as the details become more relevant.

For the moment, we only speak to this to highlight something incredibly relevant to the larger teaching of Self Love.

First, take a moment to look back through the many chapters of your life. See how the entire arc of your life has taken you out of an unconsciously auto-piloted existence, and into a slow and steady embodiment of your truest self.

Allow yourself to relax into the feelings of gratitude for the process of your life, and settle into the immense pride within yourself for your continual march forward toward Truth and Light.

You are worthy of acknowledgement.

Second, and most importantly, we wish to highlight the massive role of Self Love in allowing this process to function.

We’ve said before that Anchored Being is where over 95% of your life choices are made by your soul. This is a general guideline, but true.

We’ve also spoken to the concept of a “51%” soul-heavy blend—the idea that living life and making decisions as the soul doesn’t require you to take full control over your every thought, emotion, or belief. When Soul moves forward through your choices, it only requires the “majority vote,” so to speak.

Anchored Being is the powerful milestone where your soul is now (finally) making almost the entirety of your life decisions, even as your body encourages choices rooted in its past experience, fear, uncertainty, unworthiness, shame, guilt, etc.

This is monumental, because no matter how conflicted you may be internally, it’s only your final decisions that create and change the reality around you. Here, by being acknowledged and validated, Soul has essentially become the sole driver of your life path.

Already, here in Anchored Being, you are living a soul-aligned existence.

But despite the massive milestone it is, that 51% soul-heavy blend is uncomfortable. You didn’t come here just to sort through body/soul conflict. This is a phase of life, not an eternal sentence in a prison of all-consuming discomfort.

We often say, “Keep going!” and this is the reason. This distinct phase of Anchored Being is uncomfortable, but temporary. In a way, it’s the period of time where Soul proves to your body that it’s going to be a good caretaker of the whole you.

The body needs to see through its physical experience that Soul’s plan is “better” than its own plan.

Of course, this is always 100% true, and from some perspectives, it’s obvious.

But here, in Anchored Being, the body is experiencing and “verifying” that fundamental truth:

“The greatest possible tool for navigating this experience is my deeply refined intuition, connected to the massive network of divinity and the larger orchestration of Light.”

The move from Anchored Being into Essential Radiance, is marked by the body’s recognition of what Soul has been trying to do all this time.

The whole you learns the power of divinity and walks forward within it.

Anchored Being becomes Essential Radiance: a soul and body, in Peace, finely attuned to the ever-changing and ever-unfolding sequence of your life path.

Here’s where Self Love comes into play:

When someone you love is terrified and uncertain about the future, what do you naturally turn to?


“I can see that you’re afraid, but I can assure you that everything is going to be okay.”

When your body is terrified and uncertain about its future, doesn’t it make sense to do something similar?

This is one of the main reasons for Self Love at these later phases of Soul embodiment, especially in navigating your world as Anchored Being moving toward Essential Radiance.

Where, before, your body was running the show, your soul has now taken the reins. That “change of command” brought, with it, a huge loss of control.

Your soul knows you are safe and taken care of.

But your body can’t see what your soul can see. Your body has to trust this piece of you and walk blindly forward, directly into what it perceives to be its demise.

The “Core 3” bodily drivers haven’t just gone away. They’ve only scaled down in importance as new, truer realizations presented themselves. Here, even as far as Anchored Being, your animal biology is still very invested in its survival and still has many of the same desires as before.

According to the body’s core survival instincts, each step you take into the unknown feels like walking off the edge of a canyon. Even as your soul fully sees the sturdy glass bridge stretching over to the other side, the body never truly understands its safety until the experience of solid footing proves it otherwise.

What your body needs, more than ever, is to be nurtured through that uncertainty: “I can see that you’re afraid, but I can assure you that everything is going to be okay.”

This is “The Purpose of Self Love.”

Much like a father teaching his daughter to drive, moving over to the passenger’s seat for the first time brings, with it, a loss of control. His uncertainty about her performance might compel him to stay extra vigilant, question her every move, and even cross the line of being overbearing or suffocating.

It’s not that he’d prefer to take back control of the wheel. It’s just a natural fear that arises in uncertainty and only truly settles back through the experience of the opposite.

Even two weeks later, the physical experience of their continued safety builds trust. As a passenger, he’d be far more trusting, and far less tense and suffocating.

The body is similar. No matter how much it acknowledges intuition and Soul as the ideal decision maker, it has some difficulty relinquishing control.

It scans, questions, and validates every decision—not out of rebellion or a desire to retake the reins, but from the natural uncertainty that arises with a loss of control.

This is why Self Love is so important. It’s the process of nurturing the body through that uncertainty.

Self Love is a reassuring gentleness with yourself.

Even as you slip into states of panic or your thoughts spin in shame, guilt, and insecurity, Self Love is a reminder that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, right here, right now.

It’s the nurturance of the 49% of you that’s still trying to meet its obligations and obtain its desires, while having little control over the direction of your choices.

Through Self Love, your body is given the time to acknowledge the legitimacy of Soul, not just in concept, but in experience.

That experience creates room for Essential Radiance, where the truest and most fulfilling phase of life to date begins.

The Process of Finding Yourself 

As we’ve taken a major sidestep from the core of this teaching on Self Love, you may be wondering, “Why discuss these phases of development at all?”

Here’s why.

This process that we’ve called The Levels of Clearance and The Stages of Enlightenment, are really just the sequence of your body’s realization of who and what you truly are.

It’s difficult to give this process a proper name. From a future perspective, this entire process may simply be seen as “early childhood development.”

But as we’ve progressed through this body of work, we’ve found it important to give this process a name that fits the worldview of the majority of individuals in proximity to the material at the time.

At first, we called this “The Levels of Clearance.” This perspective works incredibly well for individuals just beginning to move into Direct Access.

There’s a definitive honing of “access” to that intuitive connection, and the excitement of “gaining” that access helps to expedite the journey toward acknowledging and verifying that intuitive connection.

Later, as we expanded the model and the surrounding context, we gave it the name “The Stages of Enlightenment,” along with our definition of enlightenment as “the continual process of learning more about reality.”

That brought, with it, its own set of distinctions. For someone pressing into Anchored Being, it’s incredibly important to help reinforce the deep knowing that you’re ahead, not behind: “Yes, even in the uncertainty, you’re on the right track.”

The surrounding connotations of enlightenment, even with the new definition, create a sense of pride that’s vital to stabilize the personal identity.

As we’ve mentioned, the body’s Core 3 perspectives don’t simply vanish. They exist throughout this entire sequence, even right up through Anchored Being.

That “49%” of the body, still questioning and challenging every soul-aligned decision, is still very much rooted in those original perspectives.

So these ideas, The Levels of Clearance and The Stages of Enlightenment, help the body to make sense of what’s happening, and to offer a “reason” for moving forward in its own terms.

The idea of clearance ensures a level of safety: “If I can gain clearer access to my soul’s truth, I can figure out what I should be doing to make sure I’ll be okay.”

And the idea of enlightenment fulfills a level of material and emotional desire, working from old spiritual paradigms to “get to the next level” and create a whole new abundant and blissful existence as an enlightened being.

From the body’s perspective, having more access to truth furthers its safety and the pursuit of its goals for greater fulfillment both internally and externally.

So, from the Ascension Manual for Planet Earth, through every document we’ve co-created with David and Miriam up until this very moment, it’s been massively helpful to simply let these ideas linger.

It’s only in Essential Radiance that the conversation changes, once again.

Essential Radiance is the realization that this entire process, from start to finish, was simply the process of finding yourself.

Immediately, with this awareness, many old biological misconceptions arise to begin breaking altogether.

The conflict begins coming to a complete resolution.

Here’s why.

You recognize that your reality is not here by chance—none of it.

You recognize that even your deepest fears, insecurities, and doubts about reality are unfounded, and the first subtle whispers of your safety already being ensured and your purest desires already being fulfilled have been true all along.

From the very beginning, your soul has been attempting to show this to you. But it’s only through a sequence of realizations, first “Access,” then “Enlightenment,” that you’re able to truly see this.

You realize that your soul has always known this, and that, from the very beginning, it’s actually been your body on this journey.

You came here to shift, first, your body, then to radiate your essence out into the world.

Now pressing into Essential Radiance, these are some of the final shifts in that first half of your life’s work on Earth.

There’s no coincidence to our wording: radiating what’s core and fundamental to your very being.

This is the realization that this “loss of control” is actually a letting go of everything that was never you to begin with.

This is the realization that the soul you’ve been attempting to access is actually you, in your purest form. So what reason is there to push back?

Through your biological lineage, your ancestors weave limitations into your being. Each generation got as far as they could get, but there’s been residual limitation to your soul embodiment, nonetheless. Through your early years on this planet, you’ve since done what you can to move even further along this process, making even more room for who and what you truly are.

But you, as the soul, were never your body’s limitations to begin with. This internal push back is old residual software from previous iterations of humanity. Your body has no true preference for what it shall be in the world, just a massive web of obligations and desires that are far more of a reflection of Earth as a whole than you as an individual.

All you’ve been feeling are the misconceptions of an early species discovering who and what it really is. You’ve been feeling the biological limitations of a body in this particular snapshot of evolution—the very limits of acknowledgement of the true nature of humanity.

You are all souls, bringing your unique essences into bodies that have yet to develop the evolutionary ability to embody all of you.

Your souls are simply “too big” for this biological vessel.

But that’s changing within you, even now. You’re pressing the edges of human evolution, and forging this path for the development of your species.

All of this comes to light with the realization of Essential Radiance: that this entire process, from start to finish, was simply the process of finding yourself.

What you are is a body, stretched to its limits by the magnitude of your soul.

What you experience is the process of evolution, through realization and adaptation to the truth of your being.

As you continue to allow your “intuition” to drive your decisions, your body adapts. You’re quite literally changing the preference of your biological code from “survival” to “embodiment.”

And in this process, you, the entire Soul you, begins landing into your being.

You become you.

You find yourself.

The Practical Application of Self Love 

We’ve said that Self Love extends far beyond the spiritual ideals of self care, affirmation, and mantras.

We’ve also alluded to the idea that progress must be uncoupled from shame, guilt, and insecurity, and be sourced elsewhere.

This is why.

Self Love, in practice, is incredibly simple.

Remember, Peace is a vehicle for your embodiment. It works by settling the body into its safety to create room for your intuitive knowing to be acknowledged.

But just because that intuitive knowing is “downloaded,” so to speak, doesn’t mean that it’ll be easy to follow or that you won’t be confronted along the way.

Peace is used to help acknowledge your soul’s truth.

Self Love plays another role. Self Love is for the moments when you’re most confronted, even debilitated, by that soul truth.

From the moment you recognize intuition as true and valid and move into Direct Access, a challenge bubbles up within you—your body disagrees with the decisions you’re being guided to make. Despite wanting to be on board, the body can’t see how that decision could possibly lead to anything but certain doom or, at the very least, hardship.

Later, in Anchored Being, where you’re now making those soul-guided decisions, your body can acknowledge that all of its experience has pointed to Soul being the ideal decision maker. But even here, there’s discomfort.

The body’s truth is rarely, “I don’t want to trust this knowing,” and almost always, “I’m afraid to trust this knowing.”

What the body needs is to be nurtured through its uncertainty.

That’s why this practice of Self Love is so radically simple.

It has nothing to do with added tasks or an expanded, regular self care routine. All that Self Love is, is to take a moment to be with yourself when things get hard.

Take a moment to settle into your breath and your Oversoul connection. Feel, in that moment, that there’s nothing to do, nothing to force, nothing required, and nothing missing.

Settle into the truth that you’re already okay, right here, right now, and allow that knowing to carry you through the internal challenge.

The truth is, especially when you’re most confronted, you are being heavily prepped for the next chapter of your life.

There are energetic activations, yes, but also a series of realizations your body requires to be able to move forward into a new embodiment.

Your Ego needs time to recalibrate. Your very identity is changing, and that can only happen through time and experience. Even after you physically experience yourself as something new entirely, it then takes time to process and reconcile that with your inner image of who and what you thought you were—integration takes time.

You’re sorting.

You’re recalibrating.

You’re exactly where you’re meant to be.

When you’re confronted, you don’t need anything other than what’s here right now in the present moment to continue on your path.

You don’t need more money. You don’t need more vitality or discipline. You don’t need more “inner work.”

You don’t need more of anything.

Everything you need is already delivered, both here now and into the future, precisely sequenced along your coming timeline.

What more is there to do, really?

In practice, Self Love isn’t about what you do, but about what you don’t do.

It’s taking a step back from the obligations and to-do’s, to nurture your body back into the present moment and back to the heart of what’s actually here.

This, we’ll explain more in depth in the coming pages.

Redefining Progress

This is perhaps one of the simplest concepts we’ve ever delivered. “Self Love is to support yourself in being where you’re at already.”

At the same time, it’s one of our more complex and potent teachings to date.

It’s odd to realize how many ideas are limiting humanity from simply being where they already are.

Doing this seems so simple and easy—so conceptually, most spiritual practitioners believe they’re already doing this:

“I already know it’s important to be surrendered to the moment.”
“I already know that achievement is hollow and being present is important.”
“I already know that there are lessons for me here. Of course!”

It seems obvious.

But, in practice, it’s one of the least natural embodiments for a human to reside within. We mean, because of the societal understanding of progress and the many requirements laid out for success, the current moves you in the exact opposite direction.

Even “Being” is a concept tied to laziness and short bursts of rest, not a lifetime system for success. Many who talk about (or even teach) Being find themselves searching for the moment where their life and business will soon “pop off” into a new chapter that requires far more effort and strategy:

“There’s nothing to do now, but soon, it’s going to get crazy. I might as well enjoy this ‘being phase’ of my life, because it’s no more than the calm before the storm.”

What we’re saying is the exact opposite.

You are learning to settle back into the present moment, so you never have to attempt to be anywhere else, ever again.

What’s “here” will change, but you’ll always be tethered to what’s in front of you.

There is no massive pop or shift that brings a huge workload or a sudden change to this process. Your soul will guide you, step-by-step, through embodiments that only require one small stretch at a time.

Now, let’s take a moment to entirely redefine progress.

This may be confronting, but at this phase of the journey, it’s the clear direction you’re being pressed in. Acknowledging it can only help to expedite your journey.

What moves you forward?

For a long time, progress has been made through shame, guilt, and insecurity.

It’s been so natural and collectively omnipresent, that it’s largely flown under the radar. But when you truly look at this idea of progress, its true colors emerge.

Anytime you’ve wanted to get somewhere, including spiritually, there’s been a cognitive plan for how to get there.

There’s been a set of ideals to embody, a set of rules to live by, and a set of steps to get you to the life of your desires.

Again, this is why the ideas of “Levels of Clearance” and “Stages of Enlightenment” have been so appealing and useful.

Gaining access to your intuition and expanding your spiritual abilities have only modified the rule sets. The underlying mechanism still exists:

“To get where I desire to go—first, to my ensured survival, then, to a life of my preference—I simply do these things.”

This starts by playing out very prominently in the Core 3, but as you move into Direct Access and through Anchored Being, it’s less obvious. This underlying mechanism subtly changes its script:

“To create progress in my life, I follow the energy of my soul and do whatever I’m being guided to do.”

Underneath the surface of genuine Soul embodiment is the body’s reason for why it’s ideal to follow the energy of Soul. The trajectories and visions of who you’re becoming serve as guiding lights of motivation to continue along your soul path as a new strategy for progress:

“If I could only become myself, I could press into fame and wealth, new embodiments, and live the life I’m meant to live on this planet. There, I know that I’ll always be safe and will have everything my heart desires.”

There’s truth to these statements.

But the Truth, in Essential Radiance, becomes far clearer:

“There’s nowhere to get, and nothing to do.”

There’s conflict here. Under the surface, there’s a tension that may be difficult to put your finger on.

It’s this:

How can you settle into doing nothing and going nowhere, simply being right where you’re at, if it’s for the purpose of accomplishing or receiving something in the future?

The new strategy for getting somewhere better is to let go of the need to get somewhere better?

It’s quite possible to sit in this tension for quite some time. This is the tension of Anchored Being.

It’s a body that struggles to see how it’s going to get what it wants by allowing Soul to run the show.

But as this tension becomes conscious, it begs to be resolved.

The only true resolution here is for the entire mechanism for progress to break in its entirety.

“How can you settle into doing nothing and going nowhere, simply being right where you’re at, if it’s for the purpose of accomplishing or receiving something in the future?”

You can’t.

The body has to acknowledge that what’s already here is far more important than anything else that could ever be coming.

The body has to acknowledge that it’s been desiring something more as a “reward” for its presence, surrender, faith, and spiritual development—but that the desire for more must now be relinquished in its entirety, because it’s simply not useful or grounded in truth.

The Core 3 begins breaking, and all of its many remnants still hiding within spiritual frameworks begin reorienting and coming into the Light of Truth.

Manifestation: more often than not, what’s being “manifested” is simply acknowledging what’s already coming to you, only to take credit for its creation once it arrives. Otherwise, it’s simply an imagination of what will never come to be and a search for what you’re doing “wrong” to be unable to create a reality of your preference.

Affirmation and Mantras: when it’s an affirmation of a truth from Soul, it’s simply a reminder of what’s already true. And when it’s used to affirm anything that isn’t genuinely true, it’s an escape from what’s already here through a self-inflicted brainwashing and programming of the misconception that you’re meant to be somewhere else or that you should be “further along” your life path.

Self Care: when it’s something you already do naturally (or something that’s opening up naturally), it’s simply a piece of your current reality configuration and vital to the stability of your life. Otherwise, it’s just an attempt to escape the tension of what’s here through old spiritual standards and comfortable detours of your awareness.

This extends further, and it moves even beyond spiritual concepts into ideas of success, dedication, and more.

Every idea that convinces you to be somewhere else other than where you are now is a piece of this underlying mechanism that’s already dismantling within you.

Everything begins to become clear in Essential Radiance:

“If there’s nowhere for me to get, why am I so focused on getting this ‘right’ in the first place?”

“Why do I so ferociously scan my intuition for how to get somewhere else, if what’s already here is so much more important?”

This first half of this larger realization is key, but, on its own, it’s unstable.

Left unresolved, this can lead to a massive loss of motivation and your zest for life can begin to bottom out:

“I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, right here, right now. So…what’s the point of all of this? Why continue to grow and embody my soul at all? This Anchored Being stage is HARD and confronting. What am I doing this for, if not to get to the other side where my life becomes better and more expansive?”

The adoption of Self Love can bring a loss of motivation and “fuel.”

To be okay with this, one must understand what creates progress to begin with.

What moves life forward?

Previously, collective and spiritual standards were set within your being. They compelled you to “live up to your potential” by working hard, planning for the future, and implementing diligently.

YOU moved your life forward.

But as you allow Soul to work through you, something larger becomes possible. In your Anchored Being, it’s already happening and has been happening for quite some time.

Now, all that’s left is to acknowledge it.

Here, on the ground floor, as a soul-heavy blend, you are not responsible for the progress of your life.

That progress happens in an entirely new manner.

As you’ve come to acknowledge your intuition as truth, you’ve largely given the reins of your life to this larger network of divinity.

You’ve allowed the whole of divinity to work through you, specifically to bring your unique soul essence to the planet.

In this, you become yourself. That’s immensely rewarding and satisfying.

But think, for a moment, about the responsibility of sequencing your life path.

Are you the one who’s actively choosing what you’re going to step into next?

Truly, think.

Are you ever surprised with what’s coming?

Are you ever dissatisfied with what’s arrived?

How could this be, if you were in charge of creating the progress in your life?

Each new chapter of life comes in precise timing. But the process of life isn’t controlled by you.

The sequence of body/soul conflicts isn’t controlled by you. The circumstances before you aren’t controlled by you. Not even the ideal paths forward are controlled by you.

You’re here, entirely within your present reality, landing new truths and making aligned decisions.

But “creating” progress?

That’s not your job.

It’s as if you’re living a life of Cosmic Tinder—swiping left and right, using your intuitive guidance to inform you of what’s ideal for your existence.

You’re not directly in control of the circumstances that come up to be swiped. You’re not in charge of choosing “who,” or rather what, comes up for you to choose “Yes” or “No” to.

So if you’re only getting circumstances that confront you, or that you don’t prefer, how could it possibly be your fault?

The idea of personal responsibility may have been helpful at some point, but in Essential Radiance, you begin to see that it’s merely a grasp for greater control where control doesn’t exist.

“Take responsibility for your circumstances” is akin to, “Drive the car next to you on the highway.” How?

It’s easy to take responsibility when you believe that you’re the one that creates progress in your life.

But as you begin to realize that life is a process working for you to craft experiences that allow you to become a fuller expression of your essence, the entire concept of personal responsibility becomes nonsensical.

In truth, if you don’t like the circumstances that are here right now, it’s because it’s highlighting a massively uncomfortable internal conflict between your body and soul.

Any attempt to leave those circumstances is an attempt to escape that conflict—a conflict which is, remember, the most important thing present for the further embodiment of your essence and the physical evolution of your body.

So this entire paradigm of progress?

“Educate yourself, take responsibility, work hard, be diligent, and keep grinding until you get there.”

It’s no more than cosmic escapism.

It’s at attempt to be anywhere else but here.

It’s vanity movement, fueled by shame, guilt, and insecurity that because you’re not in a reality of your preference, you must have done something wrong or have some sort of deficiency.

If it were to be true that you’re only experiencing discomfort or challenging circumstances because you’ve done something wrong, you’d have to fix yourself, grow yourself, and get better in order to get anywhere.

But this is taking responsibility, not for the choices you make—whether you “swipe left or right”—but for the circumstances that arise—the cards themselves that come up to be swiped.

In truth, what’s here has nothing to do with what you’ve done or have become capable of in the past. What’s here is an orchestrated circumstance to help you become something even more in the future.

True Progress is simply the person you become that consistently makes better “swiping decisions” in line with who you truly are.

In this, you begin to let go of the shame, guilt, and insecurity that’s tied to the “quality” of your reality.

You see that life is here for you, not as a punishment for your wrongdoings. You settle back into the magnificence of life as a pathway to discovering who and what you really came here to be.


Before we continue, we’ve covered a lot of internal ground today.

So we’d love to take a moment to thank you for being so willing to explore this massively confronting journey.

We’d also wish to remind you that there’s no requirement that you read this document in one, two, or even ten sittings. There’s no requirement that you read this doc at all!

So please, continue to be gentle with yourself. If you feel overly full, this is a great stopping point to come back to later.

We’re going to explore, next, how progress truly happens.

We’ll highlight the nature of following the energy, as precisely as we can, and unhook a few lingering internal dynamics that are necessary for the full integration of this embodiment.

At this point, there’s plenty to percolate for quite some time, so check in with the ideal time for you to continue.

If you’re feeling solid and ready to continue, let’s dive in.

The Precision of What’s Orbiting In & Orbiting Out 

As you may be able to feel, in these documents, we tend to start off more broadly before moving into the specifics.

This is very purposeful. To understand Self Love from a conceptual place is far easier than narrowing in on the true internal conflicts that push back in practice.

But, now having already explored this from that energetic and conceptual place, let’s get far more specific.

Exactly what’s here, right now, is not here by chance—it’s highly beneficial for the whole of your life path.

That means, even if you’re deeply confronted and are unable to “do the things you have to do” or that you “should do,” there’s a reason for that.

Life is precise.

Let’s say you are on the verge of a new wave of outward expansion. There’s nothing arising in the moment that isn’t a helpful piece of this.

For example, a distraction comes up and derails you from the task at hand. Great. That distraction is also a part of your life. Whether it was orchestrated or not, Soul uses that experience to your advantage by allowing you the opportunity to respond in a way that’s a greater reflection of who you are.

Or maybe you find yourself not having energy to do much of anything, even though you know that outward expression is what’s generally here and happening. Great. That short period of internal expansion and rest is just as important as anything else. It’s what will allow you to express more deeply later.

On the other hand, maybe a wave of energy brings inspiration to do something that’s an obvious part of your current wave of expression in the world. Great. There was energy for that thing, and you took the opening. But even this isn’t better than the distraction or that period of little energy. It’s just another piece of continuing to do what’s here and following the energy.

Whether the energy is there to outwardly “create progress” or not doesn’t mean that you’ve done something right or wrong to make that happen.

When you begin disconnecting your worth from your output and unplugging from the burden of having to take responsibility for what life delivers to you, there’s not a single legitimate reason to ever have to reject what’s coming up in the moment.

Everything has benefit, including the things you’d least want or expect to be here.

Remember, Essential Radiance is the recognition within you that being exactly who you are, to the fullest possible degree, is both an expression of your core essence and extremely important for the larger whole you’re a part of.

But you can’t simply do Essential Radiance by trying to “radiate your essence” more fully.

Your essence is already core to your being—what exists without the added effort. It’s you being you, exactly where you’re at.

For this reason, this is quite an odd stage of development to describe. To continue forward on your life path, what’s here is to let go of the need for progressing along your life path and being exactly where you are already at?

But this is exactly what we’re speaking to.

Know, in actuality, this isn’t about stopping progress. It’s about your body letting go of its own mechanisms for progress, so that your soul progress can continue, liberated to an even greater degree.

It’s the final stage of that “change of command” from your Core 3 bodily drivers to your soul.

With Soul behind the reins, what’s really here, is to be exactly where you’re at, right here, right now.

Know, the reason we’re talking about all of this, and not just sharing a manual for how to nurture your body through its uncertainty, is because we wish to take this quite a few steps further than an “informational product.”

The integration of this message is quite literally the act of Self Love.

This document is packed full of the realizations that you’d inevitably nurture your body through at this point in the journey.

We want to not just talk about Self Love, but walk you through the process of Self Love, so that the very act of reading and integrating this message is Self Love.

By being with the discomfort that’s come up throughout this document, you’ve already engaged in the act of Self Love.

You’ve taken deep breaths, reminded yourself that you’re okay right where you’re at, and nurtured your body through its uncertainty and fear around letting go of its many obligations for survival and progress.

With that said, let’s continue.

With Soul behind the reins, what’s really here, is to be exactly where you’re at, right here, right now.

There’s a precise nature to what’s coming in and out of your life. If there wasn’t, this entire paradigm wouldn’t work. It’d be entirely nonsensical.

We would never encourage you to have your bodily programming let go of the creation process if there wasn’t something else to take its place.

Because, remember, you aren’t actually letting go of true progress. Your body is just letting go of its idea of progress.

In its place comes a vast orchestration of divinely-aligned timelines and circumstances.

Here’s how that works.

We’ve talked about the idea of Soul Trends. Put simply, a Soul Trend is a highly orchestrated chapter of your life that points you to a single internal conflict between body and soul.

Your circumstances and your internal world all point to that single conflict. Your body would prefer to do things differently than your soul would, and your life is largely at a standstill because of it.

It’s not too different from political conflicts of your government. The left and right have different ideas of what to do, and progress gets locked up in the debate. No decisions can be made until their differences are reconciled. And the difference between a soul-heavy and a body-heavy blend is similar to the left or right having the “majority vote” in Congress.

Through Direct Access and Anchored Being, you’ve navigated to a place where your soul now has a majority vote in your internal Congress. But even through the process of Anchored Being, the body hasn’t stopped putting up a fight and “filibustering” in its uncertainty.

Political metaphors aside, every person on your planet is within their very own unique Soul Trend. Their body and soul are currently in debate for what they’re ultimately going to choose to embody.

It’s possible to ignore the present Soul Trend and put your focus elsewhere, but internally, it’ll continue to come up again and again regardless, and externally, your circumstances will continue to orchestrate for that conflict to be highlighted.

Life always prioritizes your unique Soul Trend. That happens not just in your internal world but is also reflected to you through your physical circumstances.

We’ve spoken about all of this before.

What we haven’t spoken to are the specifics of how these Soul Trends show up in your personal reality.

Put very simply, things orbit in and out of your world, depending on your current Soul Trend.

That means, what’s here right now is here for you.

This is not just a fluffy spiritual idea to help you be at Peace. It’s the truth of the precise nature of reality.

Your current Soul Trend is the single most limiting conflict in your being.

Your soul is very invested in that Soul Trend resolving. Resolving it means expanding your ability to live out the very reason why you came to this planet in the first place. Leaving it unresolved means shrinking the overall impact and embodiment of the rest of your life.

These are massive conflicts, both conscious and unconscious, and everything that comes your way from this larger orchestration is geared toward resolving that single core conflict in your being.

These Soul Trends are very specific.

They’re things like, “In order to be able to speak publicly about this taboo topic, I’m going to have to overcome my desire to keep the peace with every single person that comes my way. I’m going to have to be able to realize that some people aren’t aligned with my truth and are in an entirely different phase of their life, or have entirely different values than I do. I have to be willing to let people be triggered and angry at me, because right now, it’s costing me my expression.”

In this example, this person has likely had a series of uncomfortable interactions come their way, some from people they haven’t spoken to in a long time, or even complete strangers. The opening for these interactions is energized by Soul.

At the same time, they feel inspiration to share something that specifically triggers this entire internal mechanism. Their body is a no to sharing it. Their soul demands it.

They find themselves overly scanning for the “right words,” the “best way to present themselves” or how this “fits in” with the rest of their expression before sharing anything at all.

They’re deeply confronted and can’t bring themselves to create, to write, to film, to speak—whatever their expression looks like, they’re entirely stuck.

Internally, huge bursts of awareness come about why they should be more free to say what they’re here to say, but aren’t. People are made wrong and bad, anger erupts, and sadness arises.

It seems like almost every day that something comes up to challenge this internal conflict. On the inside, it isn’t even clear what it is or what to do about it.

The guidance is consistently, “Let it drop,” or “Reply with this” (something that’s very different from their natural way of responding in these situations).

This entire process is confusing and often infuriating.

But, remember, out of every possible thing this person could be faced with, this is the thing that will have the largest positive effect on the remainder of their life path. There’s a reason why this is here.

And there’s a reason why Self Love is so important in this phase of life. This “change of command” is disorienting.

Every step of your life until this point has been cognitively mapped. You had a clear idea of what was happening and why you did the things you did.

You “created your own progress.”

You had a mental reason for why every single thing you did moved your life forward. “If I do A, B, and C, I’ll get where I want to be.”

So when life brought you conflict, you powered through or looked for ways around it—more self care, a wide variety of vices or addictions, belief work, affirmations, mantras, meditation, better strategies, external guidance.

Here’s the thing:

This uncomfortable Soul Trend is the single biggest needle-mover for your life. Nothing else could possibly create more progress than what’s already presenting itself. Otherwise, you’d be presented with that thing instead.

Soul is precise.

Soul always delivers the biggest priority for your life path.

So, despite the entire backing of your life experience saying, “What’s my A, B, and C to get where I want to be?” the only thing that’s here is already right in front of you.

Self Love is that remembrance.

It’s the act of nurturing your body back into the present.

Here, Soul is like the parent that says, “Honey, you have to eat something. You’ve been working for 6 hours straight and skipped breakfast.”

Soul says, “Hey, there’s something that’s far more important than the progress you think you have to make right now. Settle back, and breathe. What’s here?”

It’s allowing what’s orbiting in and out of your existence, to be exactly as it is— knowing that it’s all a part of that larger Soul Trend playing out.

From the paradigm of personal responsibility and self-made progress, this idea can sound nonsensical:

“What you’re saying is I let go of all of my desires to be anywhere else but here, let go of all of my master plans for the future, and just let the process of life take me where it’s guiding me, without even knowing what my future is going to look like? How could that possibly work out well for me?”

But from the paradigm of a massive orchestration of reality that brings you your top priority Soul Trend?

Of course it’s ideal.

You’re not trying to move out of a meaningless fixed reality, into a better one.

You’re trying to move out of a highly orchestrated set of circumstances that have the potential to radically alter your entire life for the better.

Of course it’s ideal to let go of the need to be somewhere else. Of course that’s what’s next and here.

Our Transition Document talked about the transition between Soul Trends. When you move from one Soul Trend to another, you find certain elements of your life orbiting in and orbiting out.

The energetic sensation of something orbiting in is a slow and gentle awareness of someone or something that comes in—first, as a thought, then as a physical circumstance, then as a naturally reoccurring piece of your reality.

Friendships or romantic relationships are some of the most obvious examples of something orbiting in. You unexplainably feel it coming, the connection starts organically, and the relationship continues with an unusual amount of ease.

Orbiting out is a similar sensation. Slowly, the frequency between connection points starts getting wider. You start talking less and less, and soon find yourself not talking at all. It’s not that either of you did anything wrong. The connection just orbited out (it’s only when one or both individuals won’t allow the connection to orbit out where harder and more obvious breaks in the relationship have to happen).

Every aspect of life is similar. When it’s supportive of the Soul Trend, it orbits in. When it’s no longer supportive of the Soul Trend, it orbits out.

This isn’t just chance, with your soul responding to whatever happens. What orbits in and out of your life does so precisely according to your Soul Trend.

Now, let’s revisit something.

We said your life was like a series of cards coming at you in a “Cosmic Tinder.”

This larger mechanism is the “logic” behind that larger orchestration. Your Oversoul peers into your timelines and finds the biggest contributing factor to your overall life’s success.

Your Soul Trend is that needle-mover. It’s the body-soul conflict that has the biggest impact on your trajectory.

So, in actuality, it’s your Soul Trends that are the reason behind this specific sequencing of your reality.

Your reality isn’t a reflection of your spiritual progress or power as a creator. It’s a reflection of your current Soul Trend.

You aren’t even actively choosing that Soul Trend. It’s already chosen by your Oversoul, based on what’s going to move your life forward the most.

Naturally and organically, life is already giving you the fastest, most efficient path to your highest possible expression.

So again, it’s not your job to change that or to imagine a path forward. All of that is already happening. It’s already sequenced.

Imagine a massive divine spreadsheet, with your Oversoul sequencing your circumstances around each Soul Trend, moving from one configuration of your reality to the next, all the while, moving down the list of “Top Priorities:”

A far more specific and in-depth version of this already exists for your life, not in some etheric Excel sheet, but in the conscious awareness of your Oversoul.

Not only does this kind of in-depth analysis of your life path exist, but it’s being updated based on every decision you make in your life and everything that happens around you on Earth.

Constantly, the real-time “top priority” is being presented to you.

When people and things orbit in and out of your life, circumstances change, and odd waves of emotions keep coming up again and again within you, it’s all related to this precision of the sequencing of your life.

This is why it’s so vital and helpful to let go of the need to “create progress.” It’s already happening.

All you have to do is acknowledge it, stay present, and keep going.

In the present moment lies a set of circumstances that point you to your top priority Soul Trend.

And every intuitive nudge, “Settle in,” “Let it drop,” or “Just rest right now. There’s nothing to do,” all are helping you to navigate that Soul Trend with precision.

Why Everything Breaks in Essential Radiance 

We’ve spoken to the precision of your life’s unfolding, the larger sequence of your evolution, and the true meaning of Self Love.

Now let’s speak to why so much is breaking, all at once.

Logically, it would seem as though much of this should have already broken. Isn’t that what Anchored Being was all about? The body learning through experience that the Soul was trustworthy?

Yes, however, all of the ideas we’ve spoken of so far (and all of the energetics landing throughout this message) have been nothing more than the continuation of Anchored Being.

Essential Radiance is on the other side of all of this.

This final phase of Anchored Being, pressing into Essential Radiance, is the body’s core paradigm entirely breaking under the weight of Truth.

This document, in its entirely, is the tipping point between Anchored Being and Essential Radiance.

So, where Anchored Being started with that 51% soul-heavy blend making 95% of your life’s decisions, it moves into Essential Radiance at a full soul-heavy blend.

This seems almost unrealistic and unattainable, but we assure you, it’s not.

This is the reason for that conflict not being eternal.

This is also the reason for this massive upheaval of countless perspectives.

Though it can feel more like an unrelenting series of uncomfortable realizations, from an even slightly zoomed out perspective, this is a relatively quick shift.

That shift is this:

“I am my Soul.”

Yes, of course!

How is that a realization at all? We’ve been talking about Soul for years now! Body, Soul, Ego. I know!

But this isn’t just another mantra or your soul recognizing that it exists.

Remember, this entire sequence of realizations have been things that your soul has already known all along. These are the realizations of the body.

Here, the body realizes it is Soul.

Now, without getting overly ungrounded or taking this in odd directions, let’s really unpack what we mean by this.

You came here, and landed in this body, yes?

It’s separate!

But that body’s coming to exist, the specific lineage and set of limitations it carried—all of it was perfectly aligned with your own essence and being.

There’s an orchestrated nature to this physical existence.

Your birth, your lineage, none of it was by chance.

The skills you needed to develop for the fulfillment of your life path were laid out before you, with very little conscious effort required to “make sure” you got what you needed. You just followed the path, most of it entirely unaware of how valuable each of those chapters of life would prove to be.

This body’s specific makeup, specific path, was a part of this massive orchestration of divinity.

Up until this point, we’ve pitted the body vs. the soul in these teachings. From the perspective of these earlier body/soul conflicts, it’s entirely true.

But from the perspective of Essential Radiance, this too breaks down.

You’re not here to fight your body. And your body isn’t here to fight your soul. They’re one and the same.

Your soul is a vital piece of your body’s functioning. Without your soul, your body, brain, nervous system would all function very differently. Human consciousness itself, as you know it, is inseparable from your soul and this larger network of divinity.

Your body, too, is the only thing that allows you to exist here on Earth in this way. Without your body, your soul would have no voice, no ability to physically navigate your world, no Essential Radiance. The very mission of your soul, to be embodied and expressed, requires your body.

In actuality, you’re just one big You.

The Whole You was involved in actively choosing a body that was coming into existence through the free will and choice of your parents.

Your parents, their Oversouls, your soul, and your Oversoul, all were involved in the larger orchestration of your coming to exist as you do today.

That orchestration went something like this.

First, a few things:

Your parents make a decision to bring a child into this world. This is a Soul choice, from both parents, and both of their Oversouls. Most often, there’s at least some recognition of this choice in the conscious awareness, but not always.

Through this choice, your parents’ Oversouls create an “opening” in divinity. There’s now the possibility, but not the obligation for a soul to come into physical existence through this particular lineage.

Your Oversoul, along with their Oversouls, identify the match between your ideal life trajectory and the specific biological limitations that your parents carry and would facilitate—their demeanor, their belief system, their physical location, the larger community, and many more factors—they’re ideal.

Your individuated soul, no matter how aligned it may be, has the final say. It’s your life, your existence, your choice point.

Your soul makes that choice and says, “Yes” to this existence, this lineage, this life path.

That “Yes” creates an energizing to the probabilities of conception, going from near zero to a matter of time.

That body—your body, from your lineage, with the specific limitations of your parents and your childhood environment—it was brought into existence for you.

Your body was literally built for you.

So now, as you’ve moved through this sequence of reality to this phase of your understanding, it starts to become clearer and clearer.

Everything that exists within your body now that isn’t in deep alignment with your essence is simply of the world around you.

It’s not you.

In fact, it never was. It was just the perfect launching ground for you to emerge in this world as yourself.

From the very beginning, every limitation that was woven into your genetic code or programmed into your being through your experience was nothing more than an external placeholder for your essence.

From the very beginning, you’ve been a body full of things that aren’t you, moving forward to develop the ability to discover who you actually are as the Soul.

You’ve been a Soul, working your way into a body that can’t quite hold the fullness of you yet, but is actively evolving its ability to do just that.

But, here, on The Cutting Edge of this development, you’ve come to find yourself as the soul, connected to the larger network of Soul and divinity.

You’ve given yourself the reins, and you’ve taken the reins away from these external sources working through you.

You found yourself.

And you came to this reality-changing, context-breaking realization:

“I am my Soul.”

And with this, comes a sweeping permission slip to devalue anything else—to quite quickly let it all fall away.

Of course the body comes into alignment with Soul. Of course you step into a full soul-heavy blend.

Of course that’s possible, and of course your body is more than happy to let go of everything else.

Because, in actuality…

This entire time, your body was just working toward being able to finally hold the fullness of itself.

This entire time, your body was simply so full of external limitations that it spent time pushing back on itself, out of a fear that perhaps those learned behaviors and perspectives were better than itself.

Once this becomes clear, why would you ever want to be, embody, or perpetuate anything else?

This is why everything breaks in Essential Radiance.

Because you finally realize, “This was never me to begin with, so why not let it go?”

Everything begins clicking, rapidly.

“This limitation is only a remnant of the world I came here to change through my very being. It’s not mine, so why would I identify with it?”

“This perspective may be widely held, but it’s not my perspective. Why would I continue to speak it, as if it is?”

“This embodiment is familiar, but it’s not mine. Why not stand, speak, and embody who I really am?”

It’s just a You-heavy blend.

The internal checks and balances start falling off.

The question isn’t, “Is this right?” but, “Do I agree with me?” If so, then of course it’s right. Because it’s You.

Self Love isn’t just nurturing the (separate) body through its uncertainty. It’s nurturing yourself through the process of becoming yourself.

It’s remembering that you’re here to be you—reminding yourself that life as a whole is working to help you do that, and that you’re exactly in the right place and perfectly on time.

Self Love is giving yourself the sweeping permission to be You—the Whole You.

Body, Soul, and Ego—all one and the same, all different aspects of the Self that were once in conflict but have since come into harmony as a single Being.

What is there to do here, really?

Everything is already working out. Life is already presenting you with everything you need to become an ever fuller expression of yourself.

What’s here is already highly orchestrated by your Oversoul and everything you’re divinely connected to, and what’s coming will be no different.

What reason is there to give away your power?

You already have access to everything you need, both internally and externally.

There’s no need for any external savior, whether it be a person, a state, a new circumstance, or some hollow material goal.

Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise? Well, they just haven’t quite discovered themselves yet, and that’s alright. They will.

What reason is there to hold onto relationships that don’t serve you?

Life brings you exactly what’s most aligned. It just orbits in.

And as things orbit out, why would there be any need to hold onto it, whatsoever?

It’s all so simple: Orbit in, Orbit out, accept it as it comes. It’s all the same orchestration bringing you right up against your Evolutionary Edge so you can become and embody even more of You in the world.

What reason is there to hold back your expression?

It’s literally the purpose of life, and it’s You.

It’s not even a to-do item. Just, what else is there really to do here? What else could you possibly wish to be?

Everything begins breaking, not because you do excruciating inner work to come to “truer” conclusions.

Everything begins breaking because, here, it’s obvious.

“They say I need ____ to be safe… Do I think I’m safe?”

“I’m afraid people won’t think I’m good enough… Do I think I’m good enough?”

“I’m afraid people won’t like my expression… Do I like my expression?”

“And wait—why wouldn’t I? It’s Me!”

Your sole purpose is to bring your essence, first, into the body, then to radiate it out into the world.

See it?

It’s just you becoming You.

The Path Ahead 

The energy is high, and it sure may feel like this is the utopia you’ve been waiting for, and in some ways, it is.


But there are still going to be challenges ahead.

And you’re still going to run into plenty of conflict.

For the foreseeable future, the path will be integrating these realizations into embodiment.

We can lay it out, but as it’s always been, it has to be realized through experience.

Wherever your Soul Trend lies, in Direct Access moving into Anchored Being, or in Anchored Being, moving toward Essential Radiance, it’s still right there in the same spot.

That being said, having context, the path has expedited.

When these realizations unfold naturally and organically in your own experience, you’ll have this understanding to pull from. The neural pathways are there. Now, you just get to reinforce and solidify them through the process of life.

So even still, there’s going to be conflict.

There’s going to be a lingering of that odd internal paradox that is you pushing back on You.

There are going to be limits to your expression.

And even beyond Essential Radiance, there are plenty of realizations to come.

But for the moment, we wish to celebrate you in your unfolding and remind you that you’re quite literally exactly where you’re meant to be, doing exactly what you’re meant to be doing.

As life continues to unfurl before you, when times get hard, remember this.

This is the True Meaning of Self Love.

So much love to you,