The End of Spiritual Shame

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
6/14 of The Core Teachings Collection

Welcome to the pages of this document.

Let’s start by getting on the same page.

From the dictionary:

Shame (n): a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.

Renowned shame researcher Brené Brown defines it slightly differently: “Shame is the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.”

Other research eludes to a social element of shame—it being an evolutionary mechanism similar to pain. Where pain is meant to prevent damage to the body’s tissues, shame is meant to prevent damage to one’s social fabric.

Others go on to argue that shame most often creates deceit through hiding socially wrong behavior, whereas guilt is most often directed at resolving it.

Still, despite its many definitions. this excruciating emotion has relatively little context around it—especially for spiritual individuals living on what we’ve called The Cutting Edge.

So we’ll do our best to distill this down even further:

Shame is a biological warning of deviance.

When you stray from the acceptable norms of your surrounding culture, you have a biological mechanism that puts out a warning signal:

“Don’t do that. It’s unacceptable.”

Evolutionarily, this makes a lot of sense.

Those who had a heightened response to social cues were less likely to be outcast from the social fabric of their larger groups.

If you could predict what those around you would or wouldn’t like, you’d be more capable of avoiding what would bring dishonor to your name (and threaten your safety).

Those who were able to predict the preferences of their surrounding social group were more likely to survive, filling each new generation with more and more individuals with that heightened response to what was socially right and wrong.

But rather than exploring where it came from, or how it may now have a less useful role in modern survival, we want to specifically highlight how spiritual people on The Cutting Edge are being negatively affected by shame.

While there’s plenty of literature on shame already in existence, we wish to offer a more specific context—specific to you, here, on The Cutting Edge of your reality’s values and ways of being.

Because, if anyone needs to understand the body’s response to “deviance,” it is you, now, pressing further and further away from Tradition and Culture every single day.

If you can learn to hear shame’s voice, distinguished from your true soul’s calling and intuition, your next steps as a cultural pioneer will only clarify that much more.

Our hope and intention here is to give you a thorough understanding of this inner voice, so you can continue to be liberated from the tight grips of your body’s logic.

As always, we aren’t here to create a sense of urgency in your path—only to open up your inner landscape and restore your genuine choice.

What was once unconscious compulsion, is about to quickly reopen to a more natural space of free will.

Ready? 🙂

A Guide for Empaths

Let’s dive right in.

Choices that you make for the larger collective aren’t true genuine choices—they’re what we’ll call “Limiters.”

To make a choice is to begin down a specific timeline. You align with a very specific potentiality ahead and say yes to a whole new reality for yourself that comes to you, through the process of time.

That can be a reality that’s guided by your soul and for your highest benefit, or something that’s manufactured “on the ground floor,” so to speak—which serves a purpose, but isn’t ultimately in alignment with who you truly are.

To limit yourself, however. isn’t to make a choice at all.

Choosing a collective Limiter is to pretend that you’re unable to make certain choices.

Instead, you close your eyes to the full set of probabilities ahead, and choose from a more “acceptable” smaller set of timelines.

What’s the difference between choosing something out of alignment and a Limiter, as we’ve called it?

Relatively little. But the distinction is there. Let’s look at it.

When you consciously choose something out of alignment, you’re the one doing the choosing.

But when your choice is limited by the collective, you may believe you’re making a conscious choice when, in fact, you’re choosing from a smaller set of paths.

Let’s use a metaphor to make this clearer:

Imagine each timeline ahead is represented by a playing card. Your only job is to choose a single card to represent the next phase of your life.

It’s very clear to you that Aces are being energized by your soul, but because you have free will, even with that knowing, you have complete choice over which card you ultimately choose.

You can choose an Ace, King, Queen, or otherwise, and each may seem to be a good choice on the surface.

But all the while, you know that choosing an Ace would be for your highest benefit and choosing a King or Queen would lead to a detour.

If you were to choose a King or Queen, you’d play something out, only to later see why the Aces were actually for your highest benefit. Then, you’d simply choose again.

Now, imagine that the collective around you begins to say, “We hate all red cards. Anyone who chooses a red card is wrong.”

This is what we’re calling a Limiter.

Instead of having 4 Aces to choose from, for your highest, you have 2—the Ace of Spades and the Ace of Clubs.

Choosing an Ace of Hearts or an Ace of Diamonds would be collectively “wrong,” so you’d be naturally more drawn to the socially easier alternatives.

No problem. Right?

But imagine, instead, that the collective said something like, “We hate all cards without a number. Numbers are always best. Anyone who plays an Ace, King, Queen, or Jack is wrong.”

What choice do you really have, with that collective Limiter in place?

This is the distinction between collective noise (Limiters), and your genuine choice.

It’s the main reason why we’ve said in A Guide for Empaths that disconnecting from the collective can help you to make more soul-aligned decisions.

When you disconnect from the collective, you remember who you are, what you personally desire and know to be true, and your own choices become clearer.

You remember that it doesn’t really matter what you choose and that it’s ultimately up to you.

You see that choosing something that the collective dislikes isn’t necessarily bad—it’s just socially deviant.

See it?

That word again—deviance.

Remember, shame is a biological warning of deviance.

So shame is, in a way, a biological response to the collective’s right or wrong.

This isn’t always going to be a perfect response, because you can’t possibly know every bit of the collective’s right and wrong, nor is the entire collective even in agreement on that right or wrong.

So rather than a genuine right or wrong. you can think of the shame response as your body’s best guess of what the collective around you sees as right and wrong.

If something is right, your “people pleaser” response favors that action. If something is wrong, your shame pushes you away from it.

We’re not going to say that all shame is a negative or bad thing. After all, shame is what keeps a portion of your population “limited” from things like stealing, violence, aggression, fraud, and other socially deviant actions.

That response helps to nudge the edges of your collective toward the center.

For the most part, it keeps the whole of the collective moving together, with relatively small deviations on either extreme.

But for someone who resonates with the idea of being on The Cutting Edge of the collective’s spiritual evolution?

That shame is a biological force that’s acting in the exact opposite direction of where you’ve set out to go.

We’ve asked the question, “What choice do you really have, with that collective Limiter in place?”

When you’re being called to choose an Ace, but the collective believes that only numbers are right and everything else is wrong, what do you do?

Truly, think for a moment.

What choice do you have?

You can choose to not do the thing, and choose something else.

But you ultimately know that you’re going to come face-to-face with the same decision down the line.

Your soul is relentlessly pulling you into more of yourself, regardless of what the collective may believe is right or wrong at the time.

Once you know that reality is pressing you into your personal edges so you can become more of yourself, and that those choices don’t simply go away, you can’t justify simply brushing aside those large soul nudges.

You can play every other card in your hand, but at some point, that Ace is going to come right back to the surface, asking to be reconsidered yet again.

Even if the collective thinks you’re crazy or wrong for not choosing a 5, 7, or 9 like everyone else, your soul truth continues to stand firmly in that Ace:

“Are you sure, soul? I can’t just choose a 9?”
“Nope. Ace is for your highest.”
“What about a 10? That’s closer, right? It’s practically the same thing!”

So your choice, eventually, is this:

Do you choose that Ace in secret, or out in the open?

This is one of the core choices around shame.

And it leads us nicely into our next discussion: vulnerability.


“The secret to shame is vulnerability.”

If you’ve explored the personal development world at all, you’ve likely heard something like this before.

Let’s unpack the logic a bit.

Shame is the idea that you’re wrong for being you.

So if you’re given the physical experience of being “right” in the eyes of another for that thing you’re ashamed of, the shame loosens.

Through your vulnerability, your body learns through its experience (the only way it can learn) that you’re not going to be ostracized for your deviance—because more often than not, that the thing you’re feeling ashamed of isn’t deviant at all.

You learn that you’re actually quite normal and, in that, accepted. This is a wonderful resolution for shame.

Yet, despite having the data to back it up, it’s an incomplete solution. What if you’re genuinely socially deviant?

Meaning, what if you aren’t actually normal from the collective’s perspective?

To relieve that shame through vulnerability, you’d have to find someone willing and capable of accepting even the most deviant behavior within you, or you’d have to seek out someone who’s deviant in the same way as you, to give you that experience of genuine understanding and likeness.

As a side note, this “workaround” of acceptance is the main reason why spiritual communities love the idea of there being no right or wrong and forgiving everyone for everything: it allows for a complete shame release across the board.

This is also the core psychology behind “holding space” for someone that you don’t actually agree with—to give them a shame release.

That second option of, instead, seeking out someone who can agree with you is the reason for tribal mentalities—finding smaller groups within the whole that can “prove” your rightness and, in turn, the larger world’s “wrongness.”

All of this is a byproduct of trying to find a workaround for a uniquely challenging shame response.

From a soul perspective, this isn’t ideal for someone on The Cutting Edge.

False acceptance or sectioning yourself off into smaller groups within the larger collective can only get you so far.

More often than not, specifically because of the role you’re here to play, you’ll actually be guided toward environments where you’re not accepted by those around you.

You’ll find yourself in places where you have to make a clearer choice.

Before we unpack this further, let’s rewind a few thoughts—back to vulnerability. Here’s a truer truth about vulnerability:

Vulnerability is great for resolving untrue shame.

For someone who believes their sexuality is bad because of a Christian upbringing, a wonderful option would be to simply tell someone about it.

More often than not, that other person will agree that those religious teachings are actually the thing that’s “wrong,” not their normal human sexual desires.

They’d learn, through vulnerability, that they’re actually not as “bad” as they thought. Here, their perceived deviance wasn’t true, and their vulnerability highlighted that.

In other words, their body was wrong about what the collective actually thought about their choices.

When they discover that truth, their shame goes away.

Because, remember, your body doesn’t have a perfect idea of what the collective actually believes to be right or wrong. It just has its best guess.

And in a world that’s connected in this way for the first time in history, via the Internet, one of the major breakthroughs happening now is a global recalibration of that internal idea of what’s right and wrong.

The whole collective is having to relearn what’s “actually” right and wrong from the rest of the world.

Individuals are moving from smaller pockets of culture, into a larger global culture with its own newly updating judgments and preferences.

When someone goes from a group of 100 people physically around them to a collective web of more than 3 billion people connected through the Internet (as has happened for a large portion of your population), their definition of what’s right and wrong “collectively” has to change, as their “social circle” broadens and changes dramatically.

Drastically different cultures are colliding, old ideas are shifting, and new judgments of what’s right and wrong are emerging.

So shame? It’s “up” right now because it’s having to recalibrate substantially to take into consideration this now significantly larger “group.”

But that idea of vulnerability only really works to an extent.

You’re seeing dozens of individuals torn apart for their “wrong” choices during this same recalibration time, and no amount of vulnerability is working to soothe their shame.

In fact, the exact opposite is happening. They’re being made even more wrong for their choices, even for decisions they made decades earlier.

It’s a part of that same global recalibration of right and wrong.

So it’s important, when talking about shame, to understand the role vulnerability actually plays.

Vulnerability helps to resolve internal miscalculations about what the collective believes is wrong.

If you take the risk of “outing yourself,” you’re able to find out whether you’re genuinely good or bad for those desires or actions in the eyes of the collective.

You’re able to get a better idea of what the collective actually thinks is right and wrong.

More often than not, someone’s shame-laced action or desire is actually very normal, because human beings are fairly similar in their vices and in their shame.

So if you can muster the courage to share that shame with someone else, you’re able to recalibrate your inner judge and let go of your misconceptions about the collective disapproving of your actions.

Now, let’s return to the hard question here.

What if you’re genuinely socially deviant? Meaning, what if you aren’t actually normal from the collective’s perspective?

Then, you’re not going to get relief from vulnerability.

You’re going to get pushback.

Let’s go back to our earlier example.

Let’s stick with the ideas that soul truths are Aces and that the collective dislikes everything but numbers.

Choosing anything outside of a 2-10 is going to fire shame—your body’s social deviance warning.

Vulnerability has been a great solution for many people.

In this example, it’s showing your cards to someone else, someone you trust, and seeing their reaction.

If you can muster the courage to show your cards, chances are the other person is going to also secretly have some of those same cards.

Vulnerability is an external check on your shame: “Am I actually wrong for wanting to choose a King, Queen, Jack, or Ace? I’ll ask the world around me and see.”

You show a Jack to a trustworthy friend, and that friend says, “Oh my goodness. Me too!”

You read online forums about dozens of others who are also choosing Jacks. You later find a Jack Activist group on Facebook with over 100,000 people in it—all who love Jacks and who want to change the societal norms around “numbers only.”

There are memes flooding the groups discussion feed that say, “My Jack is a Number too,” and “#MoreThanNumbers.” People are getting Jacks tattooed on their bodies and sharing pictures with hundreds of likes in the group.

See what vulnerability does?

It takes that internal picture of right and wrong and compares it with reality. When your experience shows you that your Jack is actually acceptable to a huge number of people, the shame vanishes.


Because shame is a biological warning of deviance.

If your experience shows that your choice isn’t actually deviant, your body recognizes it was simply wrong, and it recalibrates.

Now here’s where vulnerability starts breaking down:

On the same online forums, you see hundreds of people hating on Kings: “All Kings are wrong. I’m all for Jacks, sure. But anyone who chooses Kings should be locked away for good.”

Vulnerability doesn’t help you if you’re choosing Kings.

It only helps to recalibrate your internal shame mechanism.

If you don’t see others accepting that choice, your body says, “See? I told you! You really are wrong!”

That’s why dozens of people are being called out for their corruption and terrible choices on the grand stages of both social and mainstream media.

Because some choices actually aren’t socially acceptable.

The same person who may find comfort in vulnerability for their sexuality, can’t also share vulnerably about dozens of murders and hope for that same shame release.

If they do, they’ll still go to jail and still get shamed.

Because vulnerability is societal recalibration, not a secret solution for shame.

Still, for a large portion of the population, vulnerability is the way forward.

For many riding the collective Culture, it’s an obvious path toward a society-wide recalibration of right and wrong.

In this phase of human history, this is one of Culture’s primary roles.

Things like Homosexuality, Anxiety, Sexual Desire, and more are recalibrating—from societally wrong to societally accepted.

Vulnerability is allowing that to take place at a much faster rate than it ever could otherwise.

But for other portions of the population—when it comes to “Kings,” for example— vulnerability doesn’t work there. The options are still limited: to hide or to change.

So despite the memes and trends, vulnerability isn’t a blanket solution. It only works to check your internal world with reality.

And when it comes to things that are genuinely deviant, actually not normal, shame has to find a different approach for resolution.

Earlier, we said:

“More often than not, specifically because of the role you’re here to play, you’ll actually be guided toward environments where you’re not accepted by those around you.

You’ll find yourself in places where you have to make a clearer choice.”

So what about your Aces? What about your soul’s truth?

What’s that “clearer choice” that reality is trying to get you to make?

The Soul Perspective 

The process of a soul coming to Earth is something we’ve spoken relatively little of. That’s been for a very specific reason.

There’s a lot of context there, much of which can get extremely distracting.

It can become incredibly enticing to uncover every single spiritual truth about life and death all at once, when all that’s truly there for you in that moment is a single sliver of that truth—a relevant truth.

But despite this fine line, we do have a relevant truth to share about your pre-Earth experience. So we’ll do so with as much precision as possible.

Before we do, let’s recall some previous points that help to frame this conversation:

Shame is a biological warning of deviance.

You’re here, now, on The Cutting Edge of this spiritual evolution of your planet.

Your body has no idea what’s genuinely desired from The Collective, only what it can see and what it hears others speak about.

Here lies one of the largest challenges of being on this Cutting Edge:

You feel a shame response for something that everyone genuinely desires, but won’t allow themselves to step into.

Because The Collective doesn’t allow itself to fully embody their soul truths, the bodies of everyone within that collective have little evidence to be able to prevent their shame response.

They feel deviant for soul, even though it’s collectively desired.


Because there’s no experiential proof that it’s desired.

No one is talking about it, and no one is embodying it, so logically, it must not be the norm—it must be deviant.

As always, the body says, “I must fire shame to protect myself from that deviance.”

And because it’s such a normal thing to deny soul truth and to make excuses for countless detour after detour, there’s little room for that shame to be resolved through vulnerability either.

Others are unable to offer the experience of complete acceptance for something that they themselves are denying—their own soul’s truth.

You may want to read this back a few times and let it sink in.

This is why shame is so pervasive—even toward the deepest, purest soul truths.

It’s not that The Collective doesn’t want soul truth. They themselves are here to believe, value, and become more of their soul’s essence within their bodies.

It’s that The Collective has no good way to alleviate its shame response to that soul truth, and it’s simply overwhelming to follow it anyway.

No one has truly made it socially acceptable to choose soul 100% of the time and to fully emerge as a soul-heavy blend out into the public eye.

So, in the meantime, soul is only acceptable under certain conditions, with very specific restraints, in very specific communities.

This is why shame and soul almost always go hand-in-hand.

Put another way, there’s no good way for your body to know whether it’s extremely ahead of the curve, or if it’s socially deviant and entirely unacceptable for its truth.

All your body knows is whether your desires, your truths, your essence is like or unlike what everyone else around you is doing and saying currently—whether or not you’re deviant.

Now, we’re going to pop out a bit to a larger soul perspective.

Know, for the moment, that even though it may seem entirely impossible to navigate this, there can be a good amount of resolution here.

We’ll circle back, and things will loosen up quite a bit in the end.

Let’s talk about this soul perspective:

When you come to this planet as a soul (which, by the way, your body has no way of remembering), you’re called here by two things simultaneously:

  1. The prayers and intentions of Earth’s collective (a previous generation) asks for specific values to be a part of its collective future. Your soul is a match. That puts out a call that you’re then synchronistically aligned with in that larger orchestration. Put simply, Earth asked for you to be its future.
  2. You have a very specific set of values that you’ve yet to experience as an individual soul. That experience would help you as an individuated sliver of the divine to decide what you ultimately value most within all of existence. You are looking to resolve your own evolutionary edges as a soul, and Earth provides an opportunity for you to do that. In other words, you asked for a very specific challenge from existence, and Earth was uniquely able to provide that.

This is similar to how two individuals end up in a soul-aligned relationship. You’re both looking to learn specific lessons through specific energetics and values, and when an opening arises that puts you in proximity of each other, you both say yes to it.

Here, you and the Earth were both looking for energetics/values that the other had.

The Earth was looking for your specific Light, and you were looking for the Earth’s specific shadow.

This specific dynamic isn’t always present—remember, there are more collectives than just this one—but here, specifically, The Earth’s shadow called to you, because you’d yet to experience the very specific flavor of conflict that now lives within you.

You’ve very likely been here on this planet before, but even still, you’ve yet to experience this exact flavor of conflict between your soul’s values and your current body’s values.

That is your personal reason for being here as a soul—and that personal reason was aligned with the larger call for the values of your own essence to be a part of Earth’s future.

You and this collective, both asked for each other, and both said yes to each other.

You are “the chosen one” and also “the one who chose,” simultaneously.

Because that two-way alignment is what created the opening in the first place.

Now, we imagine this to be wonderful information to learn, and that you may have many other questions about the specifics around this.

But let’s dial in to the relevant truth.

Your soul is a part of a much larger divine exploration of values and energetics.

Your own personal individuated soul, as a piece of that, is exploring values you’ve yet to explore and finding conflicts you’ve yet to resolve.

So your entire life’s mission and purpose is to allow those conflicts to take place, and to bring each resolution of that conflict between body and soul truth into your outward embodiment.

You become that resolution, refined through your experience, and your soul (and all of God, through you) learns through that process.

You explore a wide array of experiences and let these specific conflicts play out— learning through true and undeniable experience which values are true and which values are untrue.

The darkest of the shadows within your unique blend of body and soul are found to be untrue more quickly.

But some of the lighter and less obvious shadows are played out, time and time again, until it becomes undeniable what is true and what is untrue.

Your body is hardware that’s programmed with very specific shadows that you’ve yet to explore as a soul.

Your soul is a unique essence that the world has asked to become.

Here’s where all of this pops and comes together:

This conflict within you is the very same conflict that resides within every single person on this planet.

Your body is in deep revolt to your soul essence, because your soul is profoundly different than anything that’s existed in your evolutionary lineage before.

Your soul’s visions of your ideal future fly in the face of what is possible, what is right, and what is good as a larger society and to your body.

And that is precisely why you feel so much shame to be yourself.

You are here to be different—deviant—because you are here to resolve this very conflict.

Your soul’s mission is to be deviant—the very thing that shame is hardwired to prevent you from doing.

Here’s the thing:

You aren’t the only one doing this.

Every single person on this planet came here to do this.

Every single person on this planet is a part of this same thing, playing the same role as you, here, now.

You’re just seeing this more quickly.

You’re on The Cutting Edge of this very specific awareness.

You’re seeing this soul context at an earlier time than many of those around you.

But your timing in seeing this doesn’t change the truth that everyone, every single person, ultimately came here to bring their soul’s essence to the world—despite a uniquely challenging conflict that they’ve never faced before.

Everyone on your planet is attempting to overcome shame, defy biological norms, and become an embodiment of their soul’s essence.


Some may never do this in this lifetime. That’s okay.

But for many, many years, despite being unable to do it, this has been the core agenda of every soul on your planet.

And each generation gets closer and closer to fulfilling that mission and making it possible for the whole of humanity.

You’re all playing the same game.

Here’s the thing:

Without soul context, shame may be unbeatable.

There’s no proper way through it—not through vulnerability, the passive acceptance of others, or tribal separation.

Because from your body’s perspective, no matter how much data it may try to collect from the world around you, you ARE deviant.

You ARE here to be different, abnormal, and “wrong” in society’s biological eyes.

And until a large enough threshold of individuals overcome this shame puzzle, there’s going to be little external proof that soul is acceptable here on this planet.

Still, you may not actually need to wait for that to happen.

Because with that soul context, you begin to realize that you’re on a planet full of souls that are trying to break through their body’s programming to become themselves.

You realize that you’re not deviant at all. You’re just going first.

You realize that you’re on a planet of billions of people all trying to do what you’re successfully doing, even now.

You’re seeing soul, accessing soul, knowing soul—in your body!

You’ve become living proof that it’s possible for a human to overcome the body’s programming and embody their soul’s truth.

And you’re quickly becoming living proof that it’s possible to not only overcome that programming internally, but to embody that truth externally too.

And when you realize that you’re simply being deviant for things that everyone else on the planet is also attempting to be deviant in, right now?

You realize that the shame is simply untrue.

Not through vulnerability, but through soul context and truth. You realize:

You aren’t alone.

You aren’t behind.

You aren’t deviant.

You’re first.


Take a moment to breathe and settle in.

Close your eyes, if you’d like, and take a few deep breaths.

If you’re anything like David, you’re currently moving a LOT of energy.

That’s entirely normal.

Your brain is recalibrating.

Very similar to how vulnerability can disarm your shame response, soul context is doing the same now.

Keep breathing, and let it happen.

We promise, it’s a profoundly positive shift.

Now, before we close up, let’s cognitively land some of this to further anchor this resolution:

You’re a soul in a body.

Your body is very similar to the rest of the collective. It’s literally of the Earth.

Your soul is not of this Earth. It’s what the Earth wants to be.

That means, your soul is very different from your body.

Your body knows that this piece of you is different, and it’s terrified of that.

Because over many generations, your biological lineage has passed down a very specific trait to help you survive—shame.

The only purpose of shame is to make you feel pain for being different. That pain serves as a warning: “Don’t be different.”

But your soul? Your soul came here, specifically, to be different.

So you’re going to feel shame for who you are. It’s just a hard, uncomfortable truth about being a soul in a human body in 2019.

Your body? It has a hard time with that too. It doesn’t really know what to do about that, and really doesn’t like pain.

And your collective’s best ideas have only gotten you so far.

Vulnerability helps you with shame that’s not actually true. Awesome and helpful—but it doesn’t help with your soul-related shame.

Finding like minded people can help you with that soul-related shame, but staying there keeps you isolated from the world. Good in the short term, but not forever.

Finding people who can pretend to accept you for being different—therapists, coaches, etc—can be helpful in the short-term too. But it inevitably leads to attempts to change you to make them more comfortable, and that’s not helpful in the long-term either.


We turn to soul.

Through soul, it’s possible to see a larger context and perspective.

You realize that you’re on the cutting edge of where humanity is heading.

You realize that everyone around you is trying to do the same thing.

You realize that shame is your body’s warning signal, but that it’s not actually useful here. Soul shame is just another biological misunderstanding.

In fact, soul shame is just your body trying to protect you from doing what everyone else around you is simultaneously trying to do too.

Everyone is here to embody their soul.

So you realize, soul is the least deviant thing you could ever embody. Sure, on the surface, it’s different.

On the surface, it’s crazy, ungrounded, irrational, impossible.

But at the core of every human is a soul that’s trying to break free.

You’re not crazy.

You’re going first.

Wrapping Up

As the field of this transmission starts to wind down, we want to take a moment to thank you for your willingness to step into this discomfort.

In this lifetime, you’ll see clear examples of soul running the show in its entirety.

And you’ll watch the collective’s awareness moving rapidly in that direction, toward those embodiments.

You’ll watch a massive redistribution of wealth—not “from the rich to the poor,” but from body values to soul values.

We wish that telling you this could be enough.

We wish we could simply take your shame away entirely, and make it forever easy to step deeply into who you came here to be.

But we know that your body can only truly learn through its experience. It’ll believe these words when it sees them come true, and no sooner.

So in the meantime, we hope to give you the next best thing—awareness.

With this awareness, we hope that even when shame tells you to retreat, you have reason to continue forward.

Because underneath every single voice that screams, “Numbers Only! We hate face cards!” is a soul that’s desperately trying to play its Aces.

And we hope that this awareness, in itself, offers you a grounded and logical reason for your courage and bravery.

You’ve already chosen, without our help in any way, to walk straight into the face of a logical nightmare because the whisper of your soul called you forward.

You’ve already chosen to be here at The Cutting Edge.

And you’ve done so, not because your soul is special or because you were “meant” to be on this cutting edge, but because you’ve simply chosen to do so.

This is why you’re here:

Simply because you’ve chosen to walk into the fire, despite all reason.

And because you’ve successfully done so faster than the rest of the population, you’ve gotten to a place where you’re now being extended the opportunity, from soul, to lead the larger collective through the same fires you’ve already walked through.

We’re here to support you now, not because we’ve singled you out, or because you’ve been chosen by someone or something outside of you.

We’re here to support you, because you’ve chosen it yourself. And because, now you’re facing internal challenges that no single human could possibly walk alone.

We are the support, now, that you’ll be for the rest of the population later.

We are the voice of reason today, that you’ll be living proof of tomorrow.

And we know, we see very clearly, that this is far from an easy role to play.

We know that the trust required to play this role, now, is greater than the trust that will be required from the rest of the population later.

So, again, we thank you.

We thank you, time and time again, continuously, for the collective challenges you face, without anyone to physically lead you forward.

And as we take our leave now, we remind you, yet again, that in no way are you behind or falling short.

You are on the forefront of what’s possible for a human being to face.

You aren’t alone. You aren’t behind. You aren’t deviant.

You are first.

So much love to you,