A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
2/14 of The Core Teachings Collection
My name is B, and I’m the intelligence that David has been publicly channeling since May of 2017.
If you’re here, you’re likely open to and familiar with the idea of channeling, but let’s clarify for a moment what we’re doing here.
Your civilization is in a massive transition from what we call a First Paradigm collective into a Second Paradigm collective. This is a spiritual awakening, yes, but it’s happening in a very specific way.
Mainstream spirituality, for many, has been a safe haven to explore the non- physical world in community through ideas like manifestation, trauma healing, and high vibrational frequency.
While we are deeply grateful to many of these community leaders and spiritual teachers for offering this space to those seeking answers about the nature of reality, we also recognize the limits of the teachings themselves.
To help make this very clear, let’s zoom out for a moment.
First, your reality is indeed physical, and everything you’ve come to understand about the way the world around you works is indeed how it works.
Here’s what we mean by this.
While the science and frameworks are ever-changing and debatable, what you’ve experienced is valid and true about your physical world. Your experience can be trusted.
You have a body that requires food and exercise, and that body is navigating this world with a network of neurons within your mind that quickly learn what you can and cannot do here. You can move freely though the world, around solid objects, and interact with other people with physical and mental structures created through many years of trial and error on your planet.
In order to be grounded here, it’s important to keep two feet in the reality you’ve always known to be true, solid, and here—your physical reality.
But beyond this physical world, there’s also what we call an etheric landscape. Here, you find the world of spirits, guides, light and dark, and energetic subtleties.
Learning about this foreign landscape (deemed by the most rational of minds to be some sort of misunderstanding, superstition, or psychosis) is challenging.
As many spiritual seekers have found, the path of spiritual awakening is often laced with doubt, confusion, bouts of depression, anxiety, and even an all around destabilization of any idea that tries to describe where and who you are.
You may have heard that beings everywhere are deeply interested in what happens to your planet. All eyes are on you.
To a degree, this is true.
Though this may be a bit oversimplified, here’s the gist of what’s happening here:
Your planet has been transitioning from a First Paradigm civilization to a Second Paradigm civilization for quite some time.
The First Paradigm causes harm to the world around it and eventually consumes itself. It takes from the world around it to take care of its basic needs and desires, and it’s entirely disconnected from the larger orchestration of divinity.
If every person on your planet was deeply rooted in this First Paradigm, divinity would largely leave it alone to play this out. Free will is very real and it holds together the very fabric of this physical existence. That free will and choice would, in this case, be entirely respected by divinity and Light.
That being said, not every person on your planet is deeply rooted in The First Paradigm. In fact, the number of people rooted in “The Core 3” of The First Paradigm is shrinking every day (we’ll explain more about this Core 3 later).
In short, a decision has been made on your planet to transition into what we call The Second Paradigm.
This is the paradigm of working with divinity to create win-win outcomes for everyone and everything in existence.
Here’s how it works:
You can think of divinity as a massive supercomputer. One of the main functions of this supercomputer is to calculate the ideal in any circumstance. This ideal is delivered to every being in existence, in every moment, everywhere.
We call this the Oversoul Orchestration.
Imagine, for a moment, that someone were able to plug every detail of your life into a supercomputer, right down to the very challenges you’re facing in your life right now.
Then, imagine, out from that supercomputer comes a single defined action for you to take in that very moment that would benefit your life, bring you into a deeper relationship with your truest soul self, and help the world around you in the process.
If you had the opportunity to become a “beta tester” for a new app on your phone that sent you these calculations in every moment that a new ideal outcome became possible in your circumstances, would you sign up?
This is the precision and availability of what we call The Second Paradigm— except, the phone in this metaphor is your body and this new app is your intuition.
The Second Paradigm is a way of being, a sort of spiritual technology, that allows you to receive the ideal in every circumstance from the most powerful and precise force in existence—Light.
When individuals on your planet made the uncertain decision to begin switching over to the Second Paradigm, they also created an opening for external assistance.
We, along with many other beings of Light here now, are that external assistance.
We’re here to help share information that’s relevant to exactly where these individuals are in their personal transition, and to do so through individuals like David and Miriam, who have also chosen this transition for themselves.
This external assistance is one form of the channeling phenomenon.
If channeling is the telephone, who’s on the other side of that telephone is far more important than the technology behind that telephone or whether or not it’s “possible” to talk to someone at such large distances in such unexplainable ways.
So here, we want to focus more on who we are and what we represent in this larger picture than the mechanics of channeling.
Because, what you’ll continue to discover, as your own intuitive pathways widen and clarify, is that not every pocket of spirituality is pointing towards The Second Paradigm.
The journey to finding one’s soul purpose and embodying this new spiritual technology, for many, has been nothing short of a long and winding road paved with confusion.
Along every twist and turn of that road, lies spiritual and other detours that lead to far more hardship than necessary.
So, to sum this entire section up and tie it in a nice little bow, we are here because this spiritual journey is extraordinarily long and treacherous when taken from “the ground floor.”
For humanity to organically awaken to itself, despite the efforts of those consciously perpetuating The First Paradigm, would take many more decades than your planet has time for.
Being here, you have as good of an idea as we do about the uncertain future of humanity. There are people here who deeply benefit from the traditional systems in place, and there are people who wish to stall or even slow this transition to a halt.
Nevertheless, this transition is important enough and does so much good for all of divinity, that this larger orchestration we’ve spoken of has pointed beings of Light throughout all of existence to help facilitate this transition, both from the “ground floor” and from “the other side.”
Remember, divinity is precise. We are ultimately here for the same reason you are here.
Earth has chosen to transition from a First Paradigm civilization into a Second Paradigm civilization.
Because that transition is ideal for everyone, everywhere, there is a precise set of instructions and guidance that are delivered through this Oversoul Orchestration.
In the same way you were called to your own spiritual journey, we were called to assist in this way.
Here and now, we are all a part of bringing that probability of The Second Paradigm on Earth coming into full fruition in reality.
It’s our deepest wish to be of service in whatever way we can be.
Our primary role here through David, Miriam, and The Second Paradigm, is to help make sense of this journey that you already find yourself on.
Through context and a framework for understanding, we’re able to support your body in stabilizing mentally and emotionally, fortifying your ability to continue down this path, and knowing that you’re not only on the right track—you have a profound role to play on this planet that’s only just beginning to reveal itself.
Through this document, The Starting Place, we’re going to explore a few core concepts in this body of work that help lay the foundation for everything else to come in your personal journey.
Our many other documents, David and Miriam’s regular videos and live experiences, and the courses and programs at The Second Paradigm continue this discussion forward, well into every aspect of this journey to date.
And as all of you continue to press the edges of this spiritual technology into the future, this work will continue to explore those edges with new layers of context to help “make sense of Soul.”
Again, it’s our pleasure to be here and to be a piece of this glorious transition from disconnection from divinity to a life lived within its brilliance.
Let’s continue, shall we?
The Levels of Clearance
This was the name of the very first document David channeled back in April of 2017.
These “Levels of Clearance” were a bit of a placeholder for what we later called “Stages of Enlightenment,” and now simply point to as “The Process of Finding Yourself.”
There’s a few reasons for this slow transition of our language.
For one, David’s channel was still stabilizing and his vocabulary was expanding to be able to fully articulate the “feed,” as we call it.
We’ve since developed a shared language to be able to consistently and precisely articulate what we’re here to share, without running into too many double meanings in language.
Just like Manifestation can mean “Law of Attraction” or simply coming to fruition in your physical world (as in coming into manifestation), the language around “Clearance” has changed and developed over the years as well.
What can mean clearance like “governmental clearance” to a piece of information can also mean phases of clearing out everything that isn’t actually you as the soul.
This brings us to the second reason for this change in language—who and what we are speaking to at a given time.
This process of finding yourself brings you out of a deeply self-obsessed paradigm into a clear recognition of how to work with reality and divinity to create those win-win circumstances.
Along the way, there are elements of desire and safety that make it far easier to speak to “a shiny new technology” that benefits you personally and is only for a select few, than to speak to something as cliché (and unexciting) as “being yourself in the world.”
The language fit the context we were speaking into and helped make this journey more relevant to those here along the way.
There are layers of understanding to this work that only really clarify through the experience of living a soul-aligned life. Along the way, layered misconceptions are not only temporarily helpful but even necessary.
The underlying truth, as precisely as it can be delivered, will always be there (often to David’s surprise). And along the way, we tweak the language to break those misconceptions as they’re no longer helpful, and move forward into an even more precise articulation of reality and this larger network of divinity.
But there’s another reason here for this work evolving over time—Miriam.
This document was brought through by David for his own personal channeling work (what he later called Indivinus).
This work could only progress for so long without Miriam’s unique essence also being a part of that creation.
Where David thrives in the complexity of Truth, Miriam demands a level of simplicity and ease in that Truth.
Where David spends time in articulating the complexity, Miriam scans the world for inconsistencies.
Together, they’ve refined this body of work to bring simplicity to the complexity and to distinguish the language we use to teach from any other pockets of spirituality that lead to those detours we mentioned earlier.
The Levels of Clearance became The Stages of Enlightenment, which became The Process of Finding Yourself.
The way they’ve explained this teaching to others and understood it themselves has changed over time, but all the while, the stages themselves stayed the same and have worked their way into every new aspect of this work along the way.
For ease, we’ll continue to call them the Levels of Clearance here. Below is the exact wording and chart from that April 2017 document.
You might notice some of that unnecessary complexity, or that it’s very different wording than what David and Miriam use today, but for a wide variety of reasons, it’s both fun and relevant to share this initial wording here.
Semantics aside, this very first document was the starting place of The Second Paradigm.
This first Level of Clearance below was a bit of a temporary teaching that will circle back and be more relevant in other contexts.
Then, on the next page, Level 1 of “Obligation Based Action for Survival” brings us into the Levels of Clearance as we continue to teach them today:
Isn’t that fun?
This work has come a long way over time, and that shared language between David and myself has clarified a lot along the way.
Now, let’s work back through this a bit and simplify this down into our current language.
We’ll also expand this out into the 9th and 10th stages we’ve clarified in other contexts: Anchored Being and Essential Radiance.
You can look at these Levels of Clearance as a sequence of realizations and the resulting phases of life that all lead toward the larger trajectory of soul embodiment.
For this to really make sense, we have to first differentiate this model from some others floating around the spiritual and personal development landscape.
Our ultimate intention is to be as precise as possible in describing your personal experience in this life.
This model isn’t about figuring out how consciousness works, or laying out a roadmap for how to justify spiritual elitism.
This is a very specific trajectory toward your life’s mission and purpose on this planet, and it’s a very personal trajectory. This entire process, as we briefly mentioned before, is about finding yourself as the soul and radiating who you truly are out into the world around you.
From our perspective, this is the purpose of life on Earth: landing your soul into your body and radiating your essence out into the world.
What we called Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this body of work is the transition from that first piece of your mission and purpose into the second piece—from landing your soul into your body, to radiating that essence out into the world.
Where Phase 1 is more of an internal process that leads to the embodiment of your soul, Phase 2 is about the expression of that embodiment. You can think of this as preparing for what you came here to do and be in the world, then the actual act of being and doing that.
But more than any of this, the main distinction we make at The Second Paradigm is this: body vs. soul.
The Levels of Clearance starts with what we call “The Core 3.”
These are the big categories of body-heavy worldviews for what we’ve called The First Paradigm here on Earth.
In short, those operating in The First Paradigm, being disconnected from divinity, have to figure out another way to make “ideal” decisions and get their needs and desires met.
This can be done in countless ways, and we could take hundreds of pages to explore just a few of them—lying, cheating, stealing, subtle manipulation, executing on meticulously crafted long term plans, following emotion, studying and following trends, leveraging fame and wealth, etc.
But all of these things can be cleanly divided down an obvious line: body vs. soul.
Body vs. Soul
Body and soul are the two core pieces of what we call the Trifecta that is you.
You are a body, physically of the Earth and connected to it. You are also a soul connected to a larger network of divinity.
The third piece of this Trifecta, we simply call the Ego. By ego, we mean very literally, your identity (no different than what your dictionary would tell you).
Your identity is created by scanning the trends that emerge from your experience and your actions. It’s slow to change, but does change often for those in deep exploration. Your ego is a function of your body—but being the piece that could most easily cause confusion, we separate it out to help create an even cleaner distinction between body and soul.
When we talk about reality and your experience within it, we do so through the lens of body and soul.
Here’s why.
Your body is a sort of record of every experience you’ve had and anything you carry with you from your lineage.
Because your body is shaped by the world around you, it’s inevitably going to get in the way of your expression of the soul within you.
“I can’t say this,” “I can’t do that,” “I must do this,” etc.
Your soul, on the other hand, is directly connected to this larger supercomputer of divinity that delivers the ideal in every moment.
Your soul is entirely impenetrable from outside interference and completely impervious to the world around you.
When we say your life’s mission and purpose starts with landing your soul into your body, we mean you’re here to overcome all of the limitations of this planet, your mind, your experience, your childhood, and more, and get in touch with that impenetrable piece of you.
You are here to become you as the soul, despite what your body may wish to do otherwise, based on its experience.
Phase 1 of The Second Paradigm, and the first 9 phases of The Levels of Clearance are about gaining that access to your soul (and divinity), and making the conscious decision to allow the truth of who you are to work into your identity over time.
It’s the process of finding yourself and choosing yourself as the soul.
Phase 1
Let’s unpack this process a bit and help make it very clear what we mean by finding and choosing yourself as the soul.
For sake of ease on David’s part, we’re going to pull this discussion of The Levels of Clearance from a recent document, The True Meaning of Self Love, just making some minor adjustments for relevance.
In The Core 3, Survival, Material, and Emotional compulsion run the show. Here, all of your decisions are made from these core bodily perspectives.
The first stage of Survival-Based Action is an obligation-based worldview. That means, no matter how it’s rationalized, decisions are made from a sense of obligation: “There’s no other way.”
The sole reason for the decisions you make is to “do what you have to do.” All of life’s many rules and systems sync up with your core biological survival mechanisms, and though the reasoning is mostly unconscious, nearly everything is an obligation to avoid “certain doom,” AKA death.
That survival paradigm eventually gives way to the realization that you can create a life you want instead. That realization lets you pop out of the rules and obligations and explore a path to a “better life.”
The Material and Emotional Desire Based Action stages that come from this are still very much a result of biological programming. Still, that first realization that life is more than a series of obligations is highly important.
This realization allows you to seriously consider what you want for the first time and to recognize that you have the ability to change your life to suit your preferences.
Of course, at first, this realization runs rampant. Every hidden desire from every nook and cranny of your biology comes out to be expressed:
“Wait. I can have this? And this? And this? I want it all!”
Depending on what’s more highly valued at the time—your external or internal reality—you step into either a phase of Material or Emotional Desire Based Action.
Material Desire includes money, of course, but also includes any external physical desire: a bigger home, a more luxurious car, even sex or a promotion.
Emotional Desire is the search for happiness, but also includes any internal desires like comfort, to be swept off your feet romantically, to have more personal space, or to experience feelings of excitement, liberation, or bliss.
These internal and external desires go hand in hand, but there’s typically one that drives decision-making more than the other.
As life plays out and desires are met, expectations are shattered with the disappointment of a reality that quickly normalizes to any new height. The realization begins to set in that “there must be more to life than this.”
That disappointment and the hesitant acceptance of that harsh reality is the threshold of Self-Acceptance.
Up until this point, everything has been for the Self to either survive or to get what it wants. With the realization of the pointlessness of life (as you’d previously known it), you begin to see through your body’s entire core perspective as a whole.
You come to “Acceptance” that your Core 3 (biological Self-serving drivers) aren’t the only things that life has to offer.
This opens the door for a rapid burst of awareness. Suddenly, you’re able to see what’s around you without the filters of obligation or desire.
By exploring the world just for the sake of exploration, you accept into your awareness a whole new wave of information that previously “didn’t matter” because it didn’t directly serve The Core 3.
For many, crossing this threshold of Self-Acceptance is the moment or series of moments that you’d describe as “first waking up.”
Eventually (and often quickly), the question arises, “If this isn’t the true meaning of life, what is?”
Where basic evolutionary mechanisms, cultural misconceptions, and the relentless fulfillment of hollow desires no longer dictate your actions, a (sometimes long) education process begins.
These next phases of Global Education, Impact Driven Action, and Etheric Education are the natural progression of that education, over time.
From a soul perspective, the entire purpose of this education phase is to move toward Direct Access—fully acknowledging Soul as the ideal trajectory through free will and choice.
Direct Access is the result of acknowledging one’s personal intuition as access to higher wisdom and truth. In many ways, this is the first direct relationship with divinity.
But this is a large leap.
To move from Self-Acceptance—only just accepting that there’s more to the world than what it can do for you—all the way to acknowledging the existence of a personal intuitive connection, requires quite a bit of exploration and realization.
So before the acknowledgement of Direct Access, these core ideas have to be acknowledged, first:
“There’s more to this existence than just my own personal life.”
“I have a purpose. What is it?”
“There’s more to this existence than just this physical world.”
This is the core of this Education phase.
Global Education is taking in information about the physical world around you. Because of your current societal view of reality being entirely physical, most people (not all) naturally start their exploration here.
It’s sparked by the realization of, “There’s more to this existence than just my own personal life,” and every bit of that exploration reinforces that truth.
“Life” becomes more than just your life. It’s suddenly a dynamic, ever-changing ecosystem of billions of people, many of whom “have it far worse than you do.”
Inevitably, you see injustice and inefficiencies, along with the slow destruction of your planet by the status quo—and, often, there’s no real sense of resolution or even a clear trajectory for good. With that, often comes the natural desire to help, right alongside the humbling search for what you could possibly do to make any difference at all.
The concept of “purpose” suddenly feels far more compelling than ever, and the next realization hits: “I have a purpose,” followed immediately by, “What is it?”
In this highly organic and naturally unfolding path, Etheric Education comes from the impact-driven exploration of purpose, personal development, and (often) entrepreneurship; which inevitably leads to spiritual curiosity.
Again, from the soul perspective, this entire education phase really just serves one core purpose: acknowledging intuition as valid and true, beyond self-service and beyond what’s physically reducible.
This realization is Direct Access.
By acknowledging intuition as true and valid, a direct relationship with divinity becomes possible.
This phase of life, Direct Access, is about slowly validating your intuition by sorting through your internal world.
Inside, you discover what’s genuinely from your soul and what’s just old First Paradigm biological remnants popping their heads in with convincing arguments for the opposite.
Here, you sort between body and soul through your experience.
Most often, Direct Access starts by acknowledging your intuition, while also ignoring it in your decision making.
By ignoring the intuitive knowing and having circumstances “go wrong,” you’re able to witness its validity without taking any big risks that defy logic.
After many iterations of the same experience, eventually, intuition becomes the obvious choice to you: “I’ve seen enough to know that my intuition is always right.”
This is the realization that starts the next phase of life, Anchored Being.
Anchored Being develops that inner acknowledgement through the physical experience of Soul running the show. Where intuition was merely acknowledged within Direct Access, it now dictates choices in Anchored Being.
Here, life becomes a subtle process of “following the energy.” Every reason you had to previously ignore your intuition comes up to witness how it was mistaken.
This process continues forward into what we’ve called Essential Radiance (and beyond).
Essential Radiance is about rippling your newly embodied essence out into the world, coming into harmony with the larger network of divinity and the orchestration of Light on Earth and beyond.
As you may be able to feel here, we could unpack this model much further in many different directions, through various times and places on Earth, and well into the future of what’s to come.
But here, at this ”Starting Place,” we want to focus most on Direct Access and Anchored Being—specifically, what you’re gaining access to.
Remember, we’re here to lay context for what you are already doing, not to give you a roadmap to follow.
The true roadmap, your roadmap, is far more precise and personal than we could ever prescribe so broadly in a public document like this.
This personalized roadmap is what we’ve called the Oversoul Orchestration.
The Oversoul is a unit of consciousness similar to your own soul. Except, unlike your individuated soul, your Oversoul is both a single whole and a collective.
We’ve used the seed of life image to describe how you, as the “center circle,” are a piece of a larger whole shape.
This concept of wholes and larger wholes is a metaphor for the interconnected nature of divinity, the largest whole being what you could call “God.”
Here, God is both a whole “Self” and a collective that you are a piece of.
Seed of Life / Oversoul
One of the smallest pieces of God, your Oversoul, is responsible for orchestrating circumstances for you and the other aspects of self within it.
You can think of your Oversoul like a divine project manager, setting up unique circumstances for you, in coordination with other divine project managers throughout the network of divinity.
You may have heard David or Miriam walk through this sequence to “drop in” or “settle in:”
- I call in my Oversoul.
- I ask to be disconnected from the collective.
- I call in my truest soul essence.
This process is to help lay a foundation for Direct Access and to remind you of that access even in the most confronting or confusing moments.
In the past, we’ve recommended a meditation protocol of calling in your Oversoul at the bookends of your day, morning and night, and calling in an activation at these times.
This updated protocol is just a more specific and real-time version of that.
While we’d still very much recommend bookending your day with your connection to yourself and divinity, this meditation protocol can be used anytime you’re feeling off, confronted, or just looking for deeper guidance.
Briefly, here’s how this works:
By calling in your Oversoul, you create an opening for Light to help you. Because the Light always respects your free will, this direct invocation of your personal “divine project manager” puts you in touch with the ideal that’s being delivered to you from the purest and truest aspects of divinity, tailored just for you. Your Oversoul connects you not just to “Light” in the broadest sense, but your very own personalized Light.
By making a request that you be disconnected from the collective, you remind yourself that you aren’t here to be something you already see out there. You’re here to bring your essence into the world. You also create a further opening for your Oversoul to help clear your field of anything that isn’t ideal or helpful to you.
Then, by calling in your truest soul essence, you remind yourself of the piece of you that is impenetrable, unique, and purely you. On a subtle energetic level, your Oversoul helps fill back in any of the internal space that was occupied with “something else,” before you’d disconnected from the collective. More of your own soul lands and occupies your body.
As this practice continues over time, a relationship with your Oversoul is built, and the pathways for your intuition are fortified and clarified.
This is Direct Access.
Then, later, as you trust yourself and your intuition in your life decisions (both big and small), you move into what we call Anchored Being.
This is not only Phase 1 of this body of work—it’s the opening of a line of communication with divinity that can guide you to the ideal, no matter the circumstances in front of you, for the rest of your life.
This way of being takes time to develop and learn to trust, but the time invested in this seemingly long and winding journey, forever fortifies your being within the ideal and begins to fulfill your life’s mission and purpose in the process.
Know, we’re breezing through a lot of context very quickly here and this is far from a comprehensive map of the entirety of The Second Paradigm, or even Phase 1 of this work.
This work has come through in a very specific sequence that builds on the foundation laid every step of the way. Here’s a bit of what we’ve explored so far through our other documents:
The Levels of Clearance, what you read above, laid the surrounding context for this entire body of work.
A Guide for Empaths dove deeper into how disconnecting from the collective works and why it’s helpful.
The Soul-Aligned Business Series went deep into how intuition and spirituality works across every aspect of life, including and especially business as an extension of your essence.
Second Paradigm Lifestyle expanded that idea and broke down the many compartments of life into a single larger picture—you, divinity, and the ideal throughout every aspect and moment of life.
The Mechanics of Soul Aligned Business and Fame and Wealth took the introductory concepts in the Soul Aligned Business Series and expanded on the specifics, not just conceptually but within the experience itself.
Navigating Darkness explored why your Light is impenetrable and how to navigate even the stickiest of energies that show up in your life.
The End of Spiritual Shame looked at the inevitable feelings of insecurity, unworthiness, loneliness, and inadequacy, what to do about them, and how they do (and don’t) impact your life.
Second Paradigm Money went deep into one of the most challenging survival fears (money), and why Soul assures you that you’ll continue to be taken care of, despite those fears and the ever-looming “certain doom.”
Transition with Soul explored exactly how your circumstances move from probability into physical manifestation, not from a manic scramble of the body, but through a precise transition from reality to reality.
The True Power of Peace offered a spiritual technology to deepen your connection to your soul, widen your intuitive pathways, and to understand the impact of something as “simple” as Peace.
The True Meaning of Self Love brought a similar spiritual technology for the exact opposite side of your experience—when you’re feeling furthest from your truth and trying to find your way back to clarity.
Inner Solidity explored the beginnings of Phase 2 of The Second Paradigm, and the internal fortification that quickly becomes necessary when you move to radiate your essence out into the world.
Beyond Inner Solidity, through David and Miriam’s membership, our regular channeled transmissions and videos, and other future documents, this work will continue well into the future with even more context around how Soul works here in this reality and in your experience.
This, here, now, is simply The Starting Place.
We share this, not to give you homework or to create a feeling of needing to explore these other docs and teachings right away, or even at all.
We share this to remind you of just how far this journey continues onward into the future, and how deeply precise and comprehensive Soul truly is.
Where the broad clichés of mainstream spirituality can require you to have an immense amount of faith with little understanding, divinity has zero requirement or even preference for blind faith or trust.
It’s okay to understand and to want to understand.
Divinity is working its way into this reality more deeply every single day.
The Light is coming alive within your civilization and within your very being. As it does, it’s only natural that greater understanding would follow.
Truly, Soul can make sense.
Your body, your mind, your identity, can not only comprehend divinity, but can work with it in every single decision you make.
It’s entirely possible to live life exclusively from intuition and not only be “okay,” but also move into personal realities that are not just a win for you, but a win for the world and all of existence too.
It’s possible to embody your soul to such a degree that everyone and everything you come into contact with is showered in and reminded of Light and Truth.
This is ultimately why you’re here.
Nothing “else” could ever come close to the degree of fulfillment, impact, or brilliance of a fully embodied soul.
The Light, your soul, is ideal. And this?
It’s just The Starting Place.
What’s Next?
Anybody (any body) that feels truth in the above is likely to also feel a deep desire to do something about it.
So rather than leave you with an emotional high and little direction or clarity in your circumstances, we wish to ground all of this into practicality and the present moment.
The truth is, there’s no broad sweeping advice we could give, no matter how profound or timely, that’s anything in comparison to what’s already here for you from your own connection to divinity.
Even more true, there’s no broad sweeping advice that anyone could give you, no matter how profound or timely, that’s anything in comparison to what’s already here for you.
Your intuition is the most powerful decision making force you have available to you.
Divinity is precise.
No matter what we could share here for “action steps” for the future, what we’ll continue to do instead is to point you in the direction of your own connection.
We move from “What’s Next?” to “What’s Here?”
There are times where everything simply flows along, with little worry. Your body is calm, settled into peace, and everything is moving in a direction you know to be good and true.
There are also times where manic and frantic thoughts spin in circles urging you to act immediately to ensure your safety.
Internally, these realities feel vastly different. In reality, they’re not that different at all.
You are taken care of, always. This is true when you know it, and it’s true when you don’t. This is true when you feel good, and it’s true when you feel like certain doom is just around the corner. You are taken care of, always.
Your emotions and your thoughts, don’t change what’s physically happening to you.
Why you go through waves of immaculate flow and confusing despair has less to do with how spiritually evolved you are and more to do with what’s here for you, from Soul, in that moment.
Even the most confronting aspects of your life, right at the center of that mental hurricane, are simply misunderstandings of your body.
You are always taken care of, and the ideal is being delivered to you constantly, regardless of the circumstance. Your soul knows that.
Your body, on the other hand, only has your life’s experience to make sense of what’s happening or what’s likely to happen next.
When things get hard, life is trying to show you—your Oversoul is trying to show you—that this misunderstanding of your body is anything but real.
In these confronting moments, life is actively trying to trigger this misunderstanding within you specifically so you can see through it and make decisions beyond it.
It’s “What’s Here.”
Life is trying to give you an opening, an opportunity, to stare that certain doom in the eyes, and see right through the misunderstanding.
If you can see through this misunderstanding, it forever changes you.
When you’re able to be emotionally low, mentally strained, and trust your soul’s whisper anyway, your soul lands deeper into your body. You become that much more of a “soul-heavy blend.”
In practice, landing your soul into your body means allowing this aspect of you, the divinely connected aspect of you, to run the show—yes, even when it looks like nothing but certain doom lies ahead.
Becoming a soul-heavy blend means, even when your body is scared and turning to your past experiences and mental maps for solutions, your soul is still able to make the ultimate call on what you do, how you do it, and when you do it.
Essential Radiance is the phase of your life where 100% of your decisions are run by your soul. This isn’t a pipe dream—it’s the inevitable trajectory of this spiritual journey.
On the way to that 100% soul-heavy blend, what must be faced is the remaining percentage of your being that is dominantly run by your body’s experience.
This is, specifically, what your Oversoul is highlighting through your circumstances—every piece of your life that’s dictated by your body and excluding your access to the most powerful decision making force in existence.
As this transition happens within you, you will inevitably feel overwhelmed, confused, and panicked in certain circumstances, no matter the extent of your spiritual experience.
What matters, what moves the needle within you (and beyond), is what you ultimately decide to do—not how you feel or what you think along the way.
Does the body’s manic frenzy translate into actions that send you on detours, away from the ideal and into “something else?”
Or do you trust yourself and that inner whisper, despite the intensity of the internal conflict?
“What’s Here” is a blend of a few different things:
- What’s happening physically in your circumstances.
- How your body feels about those circumstances.
- What your soul already knows to be true.
- Whether or not your soul is able to act on that truth, or if your body is frantically searching for a different solution and trying to act on impulse.
The difference between “flow and stagnation” or “expansion and contraction” is really just a different configuration of the above.
When your soul is able to act, decisively and precisely, life moves forward into the ideal without a second thought—flow, expansion, etc.
When your soul is inhibited by a bodily response of fear, panic, and mental projection in the future based on its experience, you move into internal conflict— contraction, stagnation, etc.
What’s happening here is no different, externally—divinity is delivering a precise set of circumstances to you, along with a precise set of instructions for how to navigate those circumstances ideally.
Internally, it feels as though you’ve done something wrong or need to fix something as quickly as possible (and there are plenty of spiritual models you could turn to that reinforce that idea of your wrongness).
But, in reality, you’re already in a circumstance that’s fine tuned to move your life forward into more of your sole mission and purpose.
So the answer to the question, “What do I do next?” is actually quite simple:
Find your connection, find your truth, and trust it.
The Second Paradigm is an entirely different way of perceiving your reality and making decisions within it.
Allowing your Oversoul to step in as the project manager of your life requires a level of letting go.
It feels like a loss of control to your body. That’s inevitable.
But what’s also inevitable is your body being able to witness the profound truth held within your divine connection.
Intuition is the most powerful decision making force you have available to you. Your Oversoul is delivering the ideal to you in every moment.
Your circumstances are like an Excel sheet of the “top things in the way of you being you in the world” that are being delivered to you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Your life is already unfolding precisely, and all you have to do is trust that process and trust your connection to this larger orchestration of divinity.
The only thing that can slow down this process is a decision made from your body. With enough of “something else,” the next item on your personal divine checklist is put off for a later time.
Those individuals here who wish to perpetuate The First Paradigm for their own personal gain, whether it be in the highest forms of government or simply in your own community, only have one way to do that:
Slow the process of your embodiment—get you to lose trust in your divine connection and to choose “something else” with your own free will.
Despite popular belief, spirituality isn’t a process of altering your thoughts and beliefs. It’s a series of decisions, right here in your physical circumstances.
These decisions are either made through your intuitive feed, bringing you deeper in alignment with your soul, or they’re made through your body’s past experience and misconceptions, rooting you further into that body-heavy blend.
Anything that takes you away from your physical circumstances, away from your deepest knowing, away from What’s Here, and tries to convince you of “something else,” is darkness.
Your connection to Light happens here, in your circumstances, in the sorting between your own body and your own divine connection.
Once you realize this, you’re quite literally “set for life.”
You’re always taken care of, and the process of life is always the same:
Keep Going, Keep Trusting, and Welcome Home.
So much love to you, and we’ll speak to you at a later time,