A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
13/14 of The Core Teachings Collection
Welcome to the pages of this document.
It’s a pleasure as always to be here and to have the opportunity to articulate something you’re rapidly pressing into as The Cutting Edge of this collective.
Here, there’s a distinct tipping point in this larger transition into The Second Paradigm along the sequence of realizations that have shown you who you truly are through time.
What we want to be able to do here is lay some groundwork for everything to come and begin pressing more deeply into this inevitable tipping point.
What’s rapidly approaching is what we call Self Recognition, the 11th Level of Clearance, which is the very distinct experience of witnessing your significance here and fully understanding what you’ve been doing throughout this sometimes confusing journey of Soul.
In The Significance of You and The Liberation of You business documents, we’ve unpacked this larger move into Self Recognition. So that’s not what we’re doing here, specifically.
What we’re doing, instead, is fine tuning the subtleties that make this larger experience of Soul more difficult and odd—laying the foundation for what’s rapidly approaching.
Here, we want to further fortify the truth that you’re far from crazy and that you truly are on The Cutting Edge by living the experience of divinity in your daily life.
To do this. we wish to start here, first:
You aren’t limiting yourself in any way by following Soul.
As we weave through this transmission, we hope you’re able to see that the reasoning behind your decision-making is deeply sound—what you’re already doing and choosing is profoundly ideal.
In this, we hope to be able to articulate some of the inner whispers nudging you to the recognition of what you truly are doing here and why you do what you do.
Let’s get started, shall we?
You Can, But Why?
When you first begin opening your intuitive pathways, it can be immensely uncomfortable seeing all that’s possible for you in your life.
The contrast of what you see to be possible vs. what you see today in your circumstances can be so uncomfortable that even many spiritually attuned individuals manically scramble to change what’s here into that possibility.
In this pursuit, whole populations of your collective turn to black magic and First Paradigm strategies to alter their circumstances into something more reminiscent of what they see to be possible in the future.
World peace, sustainability, harmony, technological benefit for all mankind, a deep connection to Earth, a synchronistic society built on spiritual principles— they’re all possible here.
Yet, at the same time, they’re not here.
For this reason, it can be deeply uncomfortable to see the future. But what is there to do about it?
From a Second Paradigm perspective: “Settle in, breathe, and remember that becoming yourself as you are doing now is the most valuable thing you have to bring to this planet. It’s quite literally your sole mission and purpose here.”
This lack of resolve is often a hard pill to swallow, but it highlights a larger truth about this reality that’s deeply important to understand.
Many of those working to create what’s possible begin to destroy what’s here in their efforts.
This isn’t just a global phenomenon of brutal dictatorships built on the rationale of working toward a utopian society.
This is a personal phenomenon that’s quite literally all around you, even now.
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could just increase my income, lose 15lbs, or have a more emotionally enjoyable experience?”
You could do that, but why?
Right here, come all of the rationalizations that bind individuals to The First Paradigm and create all of the major problems in your civilization.
Your circumstances are here for you.
When you know that, you also know that to alter your circumstances means to forego what’s here for you in this exact reality configuration.
Leaving the ideal sequence of divinity and using emotional energy to alter what’s here doesn’t create what’s coming.
It changes what’s coming. It slows what’s coming.
This is what started to become clear the moment you let go of the need to manically ensure your safety.
When you witnessed yourself still be okay despite “letting go,” it became obvious just how unnecessary all of that extra effort actually was.
What else could have been done with all of that bandwidth, if it wasn’t used to ensure a level of safety already secured by Soul?
What could be created if no longer avoiding the sequence of everything truly required, energetically and physically, to bring about those ideal future realities?
Manic action is myopic and futile. It’s never gotten anyone anywhere, except by vanity metrics that bring no true progress, fulfillment, or change to one’s circumstances.
We’re not saying any of this to shame you.
You can try to find little slivers of your psyche that want to manically act and try to make them wrong or unideal.
But, here, you are already far more precise than you might think.
If you listen to your intuition to any degree in this phase of your collective history, you are The Cutting Edge.
We call that Direct Access, and a very small percentage of the population have acknowledged the validity of that internal connection to divinity in this time.
So, again, this isn’t a shame game. What shame could be useful to impart on The Cutting Edge of the population?
Quite oppositely, it’s an awareness of the mechanics of what’s really happening here and why you do what you do.
All of this collective futility is what you are already opting out of simply by trusting yourself and your intuition.
When you know that, the Logic of Soul starts to become even clearer.
This is true embodied wisdom—to know yourself, to trust yourself, and to understand how to bring about the ideal in your physical world.
You are not on The Cutting Edge of gullibility and spiritual delusion. You are on The Cutting Edge of this embodied wisdom and the evolution of your species.
Here’s how this plays out in your own physical life:
Yes, you can see what’s possible for you in the future. You have some degree of understanding of what you’ll feel like in 7-10 years—not just emotionally, but in the entirety of your embodiment.
You may have some idea of what that looks like practically, too. These faint images of your future self and circumstances serve as an anchor and reminder of what you’re ultimately doing here and the magnitude of the call you answered.
Yes, there’s a degree of fame and wealth there. Yes, there’s a healthier version of you available within that. Yes, personal fulfillment is sourced to a greater degree there. Yes, that life is “better” by many standards.
But here, you are not that. You are not capable of what’s to come, and do you not have now what you will have then.
You’ve learned to relate to this tension by settling back into what’s here. You know that what’s here will take you everywhere you’re meant to be and, inevitably, to those visions of your future.
You’ve learned to settle back even in the emotional intensity while avoiding making decisions that are unideal—the detours.
Still, there’s a reoccurring emotional experience here that’s oddly uncomfortable:
“Why not, Soul? Why can’t I just make more money, be more comfortable, be more recognized by the metrics of everyone around me, and be more like everyone else?”
The answer is always (frustratingly) similar:
“You can, but why?”
Truly think for a moment, what would it change to have that “more” here now?
Even in your moments of frustration, you already know it wouldn’t resolve all of the discomfort of your circumstances.
So you might initially think, “Nothing! It wouldn’t change anything!”
And in the sense of it fulfilling nothing, you’re right. You may have even seen this play out in your past through your own experience of those hollow desires being “fulfilled.”
But it goes further than that. There’s more here than just that surface realization.
What it changes is the precision of what’s here. The circumstances being orchestrated, if different, wouldn’t serve the purpose they’re here to serve.
You wouldn’t learn the things that are necessary to learn to become who you are becoming on this planet. You wouldn’t liberate yourself precisely, through time.
You’d be stuck, like much of your world is stuck.
Much of the fame and wealth in recent time, for example, has very little to do with modeling a way forward. Ideally, it’s been far more about having public realizations or going through public crises despite the validation and wealth.
That’s not fame and wealth in what’s possible, but it’s ideal given what’s here. Many of the “progressive” and “forward-thinking” movements of your time attempt to bypass or change what’s here, for the sake of getting somewhere else. But it’s always been here that all of the true and genuine progress arrives.
Without your current vices, your current emotional waves, and everything else that may seem unideal in your circumstances, this now wouldn’t play out ideally.
Divinity meets you here, always.
Divinity guides you through these circumstances—not to escape them or change them, but to experience them.
You can manufacture your circumstances to be different than they are—you do have the free will and the ability to alter what’s here.
But why?
What benefit comes from altering the ideal?
Why depressurize the experience that shapes you into a fuller representation of your truest soul essence?
Why destabilize the configuration of your reality just to maximize vanity metrics that very likely won’t even exist in the same way in your future?
Why manipulate the attention of the world away from what is prepping them for everything you’re here to deliver, simply to have more eyes on you here and now, before you’re even fully ready to transmit what you are capable of?
This sequence is precise.
It’s not that sustainability, health, harmony, technological advancement, happiness, freedom, and other values aren’t good or even ideal trajectories.
It’s that the path to those values must be sequenced by divinity, or the positive realities they promise to bring simply won’t come at all.
What man can take into consideration every aspect of his life?
Who, then, can take all of those considerations in their blindness into a wholly positive direction?
It’s simply not possible from the ground floor.
It’s certainly not possible from the ground floor of humanity in this phase of collective evolution—with survival, material, and emotional desires flooding the psychological landscape with endless misconceptions.
Can I ensure a level of safety that already exists? Yes, but why?
Can I hype myself up to do work with emotional energy alone, to pursue a more comfortable experience that leads nowhere, faster? Yes, but why?
Can I rip apart my expression and hold myself to ideals that sound good but bind me to a cognitive prison that modifies my every move for no good reason?
Can I force my body to act differently and no longer engage with any of its vices, so I can feel morally superior to myself as I am today while no longer having the bandwidth required to do what’s actually here?
Can I process my every thought and emotion so thoroughly that I no longer allow myself to have any emotional experiences of sadness, anger, grief, hopelessness, despair, apathy, judgment, or doubt, so I can check off the entirely made up box of being emotionally stable or spiritually evolved?
Can I alter myself and my circumstances, add and subtract across entirely arbitrary lines, and avoid the discomfort of genuine evolution and creation as continually guided by divinity?
Of course, but why?
When we say your circumstances are here for you, we mean that in its totality.
When we say you are becoming you, we mean that in its totality too.
There is absolutely nothing to do, outside of what you are intuitively guided to do in the circumstances that are already here.
When you know that, what you begin to see is every single reason why everyone else around you does everything but what’s here.
You see a society built around obligations that aren’t real and internal misconceptions of “shortcuts” to a “more ideal” future.
You can chase vanity metrics, spin in manic action, and alter the precise configuration of your reality that expedites and ensures your evolution.
But who in their right mind, with the understanding you have, would ever do such a thing?
You are not “blindly following Soul” as a “shortcut” to wealth or recognition or simply because you “have to trust your intuition to be good.”
You are walking in the only ideal that exists—everything else is darkness. This is the truth of what you are doing here, even now.
The misconceptions that live here will say, “Look at all that’s possible. If you only did this one thing, you could have it all now!”
If that choice is made, divinity will sit back, allow those detours to take place, and chart whole new paths forward into a new ideal.
But all the while, the intuitive message will say, “You can do this, but why?”
Yes, you can have more here now.
Yes, you can change your circumstances.
Yes, you can leave the path that’s already laid out for you.
But why?
What reason is there to leave the ideal, in exchange for the unideal?
Answers to this question are the root of the challenges of your collective.
The detours that come with those answers are the experiences of your collective.
There is no “problem” here on your planet greater than this.
And even that “problem” needs no manic solution.
It’s already sequenced to be liberated through The Cutting Edge landing their soul’s essence into their bodies and preparing for a tipping point in their experience where they’re fully ready and capable of radiating that essence out into the world.
This is what you are already doing.
This is the ideal already playing out, even here in your current circumstances— nothing altered, nothing changed.
Bodily Residue
The potentialities for the unideal will continue to present themselves, and you will witness them continuing to be just as unideal as they’ve always been.
The experience of aligning with Soul isn’t about no longer seeing those potentialities. It’s not even about no longer wanting what those potentialities promise.
You will see these potentialities and have the full ability to choose them—always.
In that, this isn’t about Soul withholding anything from you. And it’s certainly not about “missing out” on what you desire or what will bring you a fulfilling, full, and purposeful life.
It’s simply that compared to every other path in existence, what you have access to here is already ideal—and what’s coming will be similarly ideal when it arrives.
What’s unideal are the countless misconceptions of how to “get to the ideal” by leaving the ideal.
”If I leave the ideal in just the right way, then I could get to another ideal!”
You can, but why?
There is no quicker path forward, because, in the ideal, you are already on it.
This is the truth of what you’ve been doing here and the truth of this path Soul continues to lead you on.
Perhaps, even more remarkably, you already know this! It’s why you make the decisions you do.
There’s no other good reason to move against the collective current and forego the “progress” that everyone else believes themselves to be making.
There’s still conflict you might experience in this, but we could simply call it, “Bodily Residue.”
Your body might not fully understand what’s happening or why, and that may be uncomfortable—but if you didn’t already understand that what you are doing is better than the alternatives, you wouldn’t be choosing what you’re choosing.
This is especially true, given that this path is so deeply confronting and emotionally challenging to walk in this phase of your collective history.
If you didn’t already understand that you are walking along the ideal, why would you do it? Why would you choose it?
The ultimate indicator of who you are is in your decisions.
Your decisions are already intuitively guided, which means you already value your intuition more fully than the alternatives that you can clearly still see.
You already know how to make more money, more quickly.
You already know how to lose or gain weight to shape your body into a closer approximation of the ever moving societal standard.
You already know how to quit every vice, how to pop into a state of joyous disassociation from your hardest emotions, and how to move up the hierarchy of societal status and recognition.
So why aren’t you doing it?
Why, in your decisions, have you consciously deviated so far from that trajectory that you even allow yourself to do things that seemingly take you in the exact opposite direction of what is most socially or financially expedient?
It’s because you’ve allowed yourself to unhook from every manic answer to that question: “You can leave the ideal, but why?”
You inevitably still have the bodily experience of wanting to leave that ideal for something you can still rationalize as being “better.”
But that bodily residue doesn’t dictate your decisions. It’s simply residual discomfort.
What that means is, now, you have true and consistent access to the ideal.
The ideal is ever-available to everyone, but when someone believes they have to or should do “something else,” that ideal is hardly accessible in experience.
You’ve found a way to not only access but to live inside of the ideal, even alongside the social pressures and blatant biological manipulation that constantly encourages you to do otherwise.
So even as your body continues to struggle and squirm under the pressure of your experience, you still continue to live in that ideal regardless.
This path isn’t a roadmap to the ideal that lives in some distant future.
This path has been a roadmap to the ideal that lives in every circumstance, in every moment—and you already know this enough to “bet” your life on it.
This is as good as it gets, here and now, even though it will absolutely get better in the future. This is good—ideal—both for this moment and for the totality of your life ahead.
It is okay that you are not “perfect” in comparison to who you know you will eventually be capable of being.
It is okay that you are not “ahead” by the metrics of a world in deep delusion. Because, in all of this, you already exist within the ideal.
Bodily residue will encourage you to be more, have more, and strive for more. The world around you will echo that bodily residue.
And, inevitably, it will be deeply uncomfortable.
But, please, do not fool yourself into measuring your circumstances along entirely arbitrary lines of vanity metrics.
When you already live in the ideal, there is nowhere to get.
Sugar, carbs, the media you consume, the unhealthy coping mechanisms—no matter what it may be, if it’s here, it’s okay. As we’ve said before, that “vice” holds your reality configuration together.
This doesn’t mean it’s going to be here forever, and that doesn’t mean you have to figure out how to get rid of it.
It’s okay, here, now.
The money you have, the level of awareness around who you are, the impact and ripple you have today—it’s ideal in this particular phase of your life.
That doesn’t mean it’s going to always be the same, or that it will be ideal in the future. It’s just what’s here, and what’s here is ideal for right now.
If it wasn’t ideal, you’d be changing it and it would be changing around you, because Soul already moves you, and the larger orchestration doesn’t stop bringing you what’s ideal for this moment.
Your challenges aren’t problems to solve. They’re circumstances to shape you into who you are becoming.
Truly, you are okay. You are okay because you already live in the best possible sequence of your life path.
To know that is to settle even more deeply into that ideal.
The ideal has nothing to do with your perfection, nor does it require any vanity metric of your world to be met.
The ideal is about you becoming you and radiating your essence into this world.
Eventually, that ideal will take you and the world into an even more magnificent future that many can already see and articulate.
You will always want the future to come, and you will always see ways to “hack” your way there in a clunkier and more imprecise manner of your own manufacturing—one that may sound better than ideal, but never is.
But it is the decision you’ve already made to live into the guidance from Light that is creating the most desirable future for you and for others.
Truthfully, you have no problems here.
Every problem that you continue to perceive and manufacture within your being is little more than bodily residue.
Already, here in your Essential Radiance, you live in the ideal in your decisions.
This is what settling back into your Peace and trusting yourself has gotten you.
You have liberated yourself from every human problem—thoroughly.
You may be tempted to say, “Well, maybe so…except for these one or two things that are certainly still problems I have.”
But if they can’t be resolved in this moment, are actively helping you to become who you are becoming, and are inevitably solved in the future, where is the problem?
There is only one singular “problem” here on this planet, and it is the deviation from the ideal that’s delivered to every individuated soul in existence, in every moment.
Without this deviation from the ideal, life is a sequence of ever-increasing states of perfection. Life simply gets better and better in that ideal.
It is as good as it gets, here, and then it gets better.
This is the solution to the “problems” of your life and the world’s—and this solution is something you are already doing and living into.
This is not simply a mindset, and it’s not certainly not a meaningless mantra.
This is the physical and tangible effect of trusting yourself and your own personal connection to divinity.
This is the difference between managing your own life experience and allowing the divine manager of life experience, The Oversoul, to orchestrate precisely using the totality of all of the knowledge and wisdom of divinity.
There is a lot here, and this is a very unusual perspective—we understand.
All that’s really here, in all of this, is to recognize that you’re okay. Your and all of the world’s “problems” are solvable.
By what you are already doing.
Everything that says otherwise within you is bodily residue—and even that, in itself, isn’t a problem.
There is nothing within you that’s stopping you from what’s here—and what’s within you now that could stop you from what’s coming later is already sequenced to be liberated through your experience.
Everything that says otherwise outside of you is collective misconception with the large web of obligation and desire that makes it feel so real.
That too, isn’t a problem that needs to be solved.
It’s already being resolved, simply by what you and others are already doing now.
All of this, everything here, even what’s most uncomfortable or most unlike what is coming, is ideal.
The Tipping Point
As you may have started to feel already, this tipping point has nothing to do with “getting somewhere” you aren’t.
It has everything to do with settling into what’s already here.
There is a recognition of your true significance on the horizon. In that, comes the depth of everything you’re here to be and create on this planet.
But before any recognition of personal significance, there must first be at least the recognition of your “okayness.”
If you are not okay, how can you be significant?
If you are crazy, why would you bring that out into the world?
If you are headed for catastrophe, why would you continue forward?
The odd truth here is that you’ve made it to a very substantial destination and likely have no idea that you’ve even arrived.
You’ve quite literally solved all of your problems by settling back into your connection with divinity.
When you know this, you are free.
This tipping point is psychological. It’s a realization that you are okay, not just now but for the totality of your existence.
It’s the realization that you no longer have problems—despite the experience of discomfort, uncertainty, and a full range of emotion.
From this place, is there any reason not to continue trusting yourself and moving forward?
Is there any reason to try to alter what’s here? You could, but why?
You are okay, you are fully taken care of, and the ideal will continue to be delivered to you here in this present moment for the rest of your life.
You’ve already liberated yourself in your decisions, and your body will continue to witness itself moving through a sequence of its liberation and embodiment of the magnitude of everything you came here to be.
You no longer have any problems to solve, and you’re fully taken care of for the totality of your existence.
Now what?
At the beginning of this document, we said we wanted to start with the idea that “You aren’t limiting yourself in any way by following Soul.”
We want to come back to this now and drive home this point.
In the lived experience of being here in your world at this time, it feels as though you are doing something wrong for not living into obligation and desire.
It feels unproductive, insignificant, and isolating.
By not doing what everyone else is doing, you come face-to-face with an extremely difficult internal puzzle.
Your biology wishes to move in the exact opposite direction of your Soul, and you come into conflict.
But, remember, the fact that you experience internal conflict does not mean that you are limiting yourself—or that Soul is limiting you.
It does not make you less than others.
It doesn’t mean you must be healed, fixed, or punished for being such “a bad person with so much work to do.”
It means you are willing to push back on your biological impulses to access the ideal—and by doing so, you are solving every single one of your problems by the only means possible.
You let go of vanity metrics and the many rationalizations to chase them, and in that process, you tune into an entirely new set of metrics.
Is this here? Is this true? Is this me? Is it time? You get deeply precise—deeply ideal.
That is the ideal where every problem is already solved—the problems that were only created by the deviation from that ideal in the first place.
When you fully recognize that there’s absolutely nothing that you could change to make your reality “more ideal,” the bodily conflict begins to kick over.
This Tipping Point comes in late-stage Essential Radiance, when your body begins to understand that what you are already doing has already ensured your safety and the significance of your life path to come.
There’s nothing to do, and nothing to fix—so you settle back, breathe, and keep going.
“The Pursuit”
We mentioned some highly prioritized values that act as a guiding compass for many on your planet.
Though there’s already a significant amount of energy and nuance here, this is something worth speaking to more directly.
It distills down to this:
The pursuit of a value is not the embodiment or experience of that value. Here’s what we mean by this.
In the pursuit of financial freedom, for example, many spend years in deep struggle, frenzied action, and excruciating discomfort to maximize for that singular metric—it’s the opposite experience of what they are ”pursuing.”
The experience and embodiment of genuine freedom from financial concerns do not come in that pursuit. They come, inevitably, with Peace and precision.
The same is true for many “spiritual” values and ideals.
The pursuit for emotional freedom from internal challenges and traumas often comes with excruciating and even traumatic experiences of “healing.”
The pursuit for knowledge often comes with so much information that what’s genuinely applicable is washed out by the excess which is largely irrelevant.
The pursuit to be a “powerful creator of Light” often comes with exploration of black magic that validates that pursuit, while creating hardship and frantic feelings of anything but power.
We can go on, and these are not all-encompassing blanket statements, but we hope the point here is clear.
The end goal may sound (or even be) ideal, but why is the pursuit so often through embodying and doing something so radically different through a series of arbitrary restrictions and rulesets?
One of the sneakiest tricks of the mind and the collective consensus is holding the pursuit of a value above the value itself. Even more importantly, it’s holding the pursuit of that value above the ideal of what’s actually here.
What is Light is already in the ideal and expands through time. Deviating from that, even with positive intentions can’t somehow also be the ideal.
Often, what’s left is little more than a harsh overcompensation from insecurity, doubt, and a misrepresentation of what’s actually important.
What inevitably comes with this understanding is an untethering from “spirituality” or “virtue” as a pursuit, with a set of fixed guidelines and rulesets.
There is no value on its own that is more ideal than the ideal.
Within that ideal, there’s a wide array of values that work together to create that ever-adaptive orchestration of priority and timing.
But holding fixed to any one of those values, even values as admirable as compassion, humility, or wisdom, can only lead to detours—if not now, then eventually.
Equality can lead to equalization through destruction, compassion to losing oneself in others, humility to self deceit and a loss of significance, knowledge to watered down understanding—too much of anything, in the improper sequence and timing is destructive in itself.
What’s ideal is adaptive, highly attuned to what’s here in the moment, and far more nuanced than any value hierarchy could ever be.
This is why what you are already doing is so deeply precise and ideal. There will be moments of anger, sadness, hopelessness, apathy, judgment, comparison, and more—that are deeply aligned in the moment.
Certainly, living with these values as North on the compass will lead to “worse” outcomes than living for equality, compassion, humility, or knowledge.
But living according to even the most aspirational values can only lead to worse outcomes than the ever-adaptive ideal.
Divinity is far more precise than a fixed ruleset can ever be.
As a wide array of experiences and expressions roll through you and your intuitive channel, what’s here isn’t to modify yourself to be better.
”The only God is God itself.”
This is why.
There’s nothing wrong with your being, even now. This is why.
Everything that is trying to modify you, even highly appreciated collective values, is plainly and simply wrong—it is factually incorrect that you should be someone else, with a different internal landscape than you have now.
You are you, and you are becoming even more of you by being exactly who you are in this moment.
In Closing
We’ve blown open a lot here, so we want to take a moment to stitch things back up a bit.
This transmission can sound similar to a disregard for anything—complete and total apathy, cynicism, and meaninglessness.
“Why bother!”
This is the furthest from the truth.
What we are saying is that every single metric your planet uses to measure significance is misguided, and the strategies and roadmaps that are laid out to solve the “problems” you have as a species are misplaced.
You’ve been on a long journey of learning about reality—a piece of this process is understanding why you’ve prioritized Soul so fully and what exactly you’ve been doing all this time.
You’ve been walking out of every idea that is in conflict with your truest soul essence and walking forward, guided by the larger orchestration of divinity.
As you’ve liberated yourself from obligation, desire, and collective misconception as a whole, you’ve tethered deeply to your intuition.
You’ve accessed the ideal.
And, in that, you’ve solved all of your “problems.”
What’s left is a precise sequence delivered by divinity that you get to experience and act within.
Anything that has to be resolved in your future is already sequenced, and the intuitive guidance to navigate it is coming.
Anything that doesn’t need to be resolved (even if your body thinks it needs to be resolved) isn’t sequenced and that guidance isn’t coming.
What this means is that, regardless of how you perceive your reality today and regardless of what bodily residue is left conflicted in your being, your life path is deeply precise—this is already true, not an aspirational statement.
The only thing in between you and the complete fulfillment of your life’s mission and purpose on this planet is the continual choice to keep trusting yourself, and time.
If you keep going, life will continue delivering you the ideal. Life was always meant to be this simple.
This isn’t a test.
You aren’t doing anything wrong, and there’s nothing wrong with you that you need to alter.
What’s here is a set of circumstances that are precisely orchestrated to help you become everything you’re becoming.
Along the way, you’ll bump up against every internal mechanism that wants you to do or embody “something else.”
And because of your precision, because of your dedication to the ideal even now, those mechanisms won’t be acted upon and will slowly fade from your being as the obligations break and the desires are invalidated through experience.
This is not just a short “rest period” before you face a huge wall of problems. This is the experience of the embodiment of the ideal in your personal life. This is a life without problems.
And just as the larger collective will inevitably acknowledge and embody the ideal in the years to come, moving into greater degrees of perfection continually, so are you already living in that ideal even now.
So, yes, you are okay.
It’s safe to settle back.
It’s safe to keep going.
And, yes, you are ahead, not behind.
We look forward to watching the liberation of you continue in the weeks and months to come and everything that gets to land in all of this new space within your being.
What is coming is deeply significant. You are deeply significant.
If and when it’s time, we look forward to continue articulating Phase 2 of your soul’s essence coming out into this world in physical form through business and liberation of your expression and soul’s radiance.
In the meantime, settle, breathe, and know that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be—in the ideal.
So much love to you,