A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
7/14 of The Core Teachings Collection
Navigating the Unknown & Transitioning with Ease and Peace
Before we dive in, let’s unpack what we’ll be speaking to (and what we won’t).
There are many forms of transition.
There are intricately planned life changes, unexpected events that ripple into the lives of everyone involved, and even transitions that arise when hopelessness and despair hijack soul truth.
Further still, there are countless variations of circumstances within even these few categories, each with their own unique paths forward.
As you can imagine, there are dozens of directions we could take this incredibly broad topic.
So instead of the 100-page document we could unpack here, just to get a broad sense of the many twists and turns of life, we want to speak to a very specific style of transition that’s far more relevant to you, here, on The Cutting Edge.
Specifically, the times when a new reality is calling you forward and you say, “Yes!”
Transitioning consciously into more of yourself as the soul is a very unique process—especially when bringing your increasing intuitive access into the mix.
The way we’d wish to support you in your “Transitioning with Soul,” is very different than how we’d speak of transitions more broadly for the collective.
So, as we zero in on this unique and far-more-conscious form of transition, we can leave behind many of the more massive pieces of the larger reality context for the time being and hugely simplify this teaching.
Still, because we’re distilling this context down substantially, we want to avoid some possible confusion in the integration process by making it very clear that we’re purposefully leaving out some aspects of this larger picture.
So before we fully explore this teaching around transitions with soul, we want to briefly touch on one other category of transition that may still be relevant to you in the future, but won’t clearly fit into the core context we’re about to share.
Namely, when sudden or unexpected events arise and catch you off guard.
With that one ancillary piece of context laid, we’ll get to the bulk of this transmission and help make sense of the unknown space between realities.
We’re grateful for your excitement and receptivity, and look forward to watching this clarify for you and others. <3
Unexpected Events
Let’s begin, shall we?
The death of a loved one, sudden accidents, elected or other public figures making choices on a larger collective scale that negatively affect your life—events like these can come as a shock to the system.
And during these unexpected periods of change, it can be challenging to continue to make sense of reality. After all, how can a benevolent divine source allow such calamity or unexpected derailments of what’s true and good to happen?
These events can change a person’s entire sense of divinity—all in the name of reconciling a single event.
So here, first, we want to help clear up some common misconceptions about the larger divine soul orchestration and the role it plays in your physical reality.
In the confusion of an unexpected tragedy or change, conclusions are often made that press one’s view of reality toward an extreme.
By settling on an extreme perspective, some momentary relief can be found:
“This kind of makes sense… at least more than what I believed before.”
Some find their resolution in the idea that nothing is orchestrated at all—a loss of faith, tossing away any previous spiritual experiences, or even adopting a cynical idea that this larger divinity doesn’t care or won’t get involved in human affairs.
Others imagine how everything could be divinely orchestrated. Perhaps it’s a gift in disguise, a test from God, or a punishment for less-than-aligned choices.
As spiritually-minded individuals, it’s normal to dip into that loss of faith and trust for periods of time, but most often, it’s far more tempting to eventually go in the other direction and make everything a divinely orchestrated event:
“God (reality, universe, source) did this on purpose. I just don’t understand why.”
The issue is, very little can continue to make sense once this perspective is held as truth. This extreme is impossible to fully integrate.
In order to accept an unexpected tragedy as divine orchestration, the Light has to suddenly be reconciled as a ruthless dictator in its “means to an end.”
It’s ideas like, “Well, yes, God orchestrated for all of those people to tragically pass away, but look at the good it did for the collective!” or “Sure, it was traumatic, but in the end, I walked away more powerful. So maybe it was meant to happen!”
We can assure you, not every single event is divinely orchestrated.
The truth—as it often does—lies somewhere in the middle.
We’d love to share an alternative perspective on the matter, to help clear up these more extreme ideas about divinity and perhaps even make life that much more palatable through the confusing frenzy of a sudden shift.
Though it’s tempting to take the teaching of a larger orchestration and perceive a divine puppeteer behind every twist and turn of life, chance absolutely does exist.
Yes, there is a larger orchestrated nature to all of reality. But there’s also a very physical and practical nature to your existence.
Remember, you are a Body and a Soul, blended into a single individual identity. Similarly, your planet has both physical and etheric aspects that shape what it is.
Physically, this collective reality was crafted with certain ”founding values” that still very much play a role here, many of them being of The First Paradigm.
It’s very possible (and common) for someone to make a body-heavy First Paradigm decision—outside of that larger orchestration—and affect their own individual life, yes, but also affect the lives of others.
Over time, these many First Paradigm decisions create First Paradigm systems.
Because of this, you’re affected by The First Paradigm on a daily basis—internally from your own body’s evolutionary software, externally from others directly, and through the systems that were built and perpetuated from these perspectives.
In other words, it’s quite possible to be in “the wrong place, at the wrong time” and for these physical dynamics to have a sudden, unexpected effect on your life.
But it’s important to note that being blindsided by a collective dynamic doesn’t mean that your Oversoul energized for that to happen.
Often, it’s the exact opposite—that larger orchestration energized against something that was highly probable—but in the end, the etheric nudge toward ideal didn’t stop the body-heavy decisions from playing out.
Soul rarely stops something from playing out—it just energizes against it.
We didn’t collectively make this decision to individuate and play out these values in slow, physical collectives just to force Light through a divine dictatorship. That would defeat the entire purpose of playing this out in the first place.
Playing out everything is a part of this larger reality structure serving its purpose.
Dynamics like free will, paired with individuals who embody less-than-ideal values in their being, all contribute to this massive divine “project” of sorting through itself and becoming more Light, True, and Ideal.
Clarifying further, Soul plays a few core roles here on Earth:
- The main one is the very process happening within you now! Soul awakens to itself and brings its essence out into the world.
- Another is through what we’ve called the Oversoul Orchestration. These larger units of Soul, in communication with each other and their multiple individuated aspects, identify and energize certain highly-beneficial events (making these ideal future timelines more likely to happen).
- Beyond this, even larger units of consciousness assist and play other roles that we’ve yet to discuss or even allude to.
If your collective reality was no more than a collective of souls, all co-creating an etheric experience in real-time, these dynamics would be far more prominent and encompassing. You’d experience a near-fully-orchestrated reality.
But you also exist in a body, with a very specific lineage, in a physical environment—as does everyone else around you.
Each individual’s current transition from body-heavy to soul-heavy perspectives and actions is still very much pending, worldwide (and reality-wide).
So despite these massive roles that this larger Soul Architecture is playing in your collective reality, not every single event is directly orchestrated by these higher units of consciousness.
Not every event is crafted specifically by Soul.
And not everything is Light, true, or even justifiable.
On a similar thread, events related to disease or the passing of loved ones are often inevitable pieces of being in this physical world, in a physical body.
Soul will always attempt to play its part in these various timelines to maximize the positive ripple-effects of even the worst of tragedies—but soul doesn’t entirely alter inevitable biological realities.
Often, the role that soul plays most heavily in these cases is after-the-fact—illuminating an even deeper resolve to create and embody something new and highly-aligned with one’s truest soul’s expression.
In short, unexpected events happen around you every single day, and sometimes, those unideal collective dynamics spill over into your life too.
But this doesn’t mean that divinity has abandoned you or is punishing you for a wrongdoing. Nor does it mean that divinity has taken a “day off,” so to speak, from orchestrating the absolute highest timelines possible for the overall well-being of everyone on your planet, including you.
When these things happen, notice the urge to reconcile your spiritual beliefs in a way that makes this an all-or-nothing game.
The truth lies in the middle—Soul is very real, and so is the physical.
Both aspects of existence are co-creating your collective reality through a constant negotiation for what’s to come to fruition.
When unexpected events arise, often, it’s an inevitable piece of this physical experience or an expression of the values that you’re here to help shift.
Through all of it, Soul will always play its part to help guide you to the absolute highest possible reality, no matter what happens along the way.
As you may be able to feel, there’s a massive web of context here around the way reality functions and how change comes to fruition. We could unpack just the above for many, many more pages!
But beyond sharing for the sake of sharing, we want to continue with our intention of relevance to those reading this now—you, here, on The Cutting Edge.
So rather than continue to unpack every style of change possible, we’re going to now speak more specifically to Transitioning with Soul.
As you continue to open to Direct Access to your Oversoul, expand your intuitive knowing and vocabulary, and trust even more deeply from one experience to the next, there are specific dynamics of transition that can deeply challenge your ability to continue trusting yourself and this path.
We want to help make this a far easier process, by continuing our role of sharing the most relevant pieces of soul-context in as digestible of a fashion as possible.
We thank you deeply for this opportunity to help smooth and accelerate your shift toward full-embodiment of your soul’s essence, here on Earth.
We can’t say enough just how many positive ripples have (and will) come from your continual choice to press into The Cutting Edge of your time.
Thank you for allowing us the grace to speak to the pieces of you that may have felt dropped or abandoned by divinity through previous chapters of life and the most challenging of your transitions.
And thank you for being in a place to receive all of this now, and for your continual resolve to press forward, no matter how confronting this journey has been.
For all of this, among the countless other threads of gratitude we could share for dozens and more pages…
Thank You.
A Whole New World
Now, as we change gears and press into the bulk of this document, let’s take a moment to refocus on this specific form of transition:
There is a reality calling you forward, and you’ve not only acknowledged that coming reality, but have also said yes to it. That, in itself, begins the transition process, out of your current reality and into the new.
And as we’ve said before, once you’ve made your decision, the only thing in between you and all that’s coming is time.
But what’s really happening here?
It’s important to recognize that you aren’t just changing one singular aspect of your life. You’re moving into an entirely new reality.
Here’s what we mean by this:
- Your life is composed of many interconnected pieces.
- When you’re being asked to step into a new embodiment, all of these aspects of life start shifting together.
- That’s because, all of these interconnected pieces actually form a larger whole reality—a single “bubble.”
- Transition is the dotted line between two whole bubbles, where every aspect of life goes through a renegotiation for how best to support that entirely new reality.
We’ll unpack these one by one and really land that understanding of what transition is, and why it can be so sudden, confusing, and confronting:
Your life is composed of many interconnected pieces.
Your health is directly related to, among other things, the foods you eat, your physical activity, and your stress levels.
Your relationships are held together by the core dynamics that everyone involved has opted into. The way you relate with these people depends on things like your view of yourself, your current life’s focus, and your perspective on the values that those around you are embodying.
Your finances are a representation of the value structures that you’ve either created or aligned yourself with, and their current state of progress. Businesses themselves have their own intelligences and life cycles, and how that’s progressing, along with your current role in that business, all directly impact the financial input you’re capable of receiving in a phase of life.
And, of course, your own financial outputs play a role here too. These outputs are directly linked with what you currently need to sustain this iteration of your life.
There’s a certain threshold of self-care, for example, that’s needed to sustainably keep up with the demands of your life. There are specific types of food that most call to this iteration of yourself and they cost a certain amount to regularly purchase. The specific city that this iteration of you is most aligned with has a cost of living that can be higher or lower than you’re accustomed to.
All of the many products and services you use to sustain this iteration of yourself and your reality, create a baseline of financial output.
Not even being an exhaustive list, there are already over a dozen factors here in entirely separate categories that hold together the very structure of what you call your life.
These many pieces work together to create a steady, working reality.
What you call “just another day” is a highly complex web of structures and actions that keep everything that you’ve created in motion.
What you call “your life” is composed of many interconnected pieces.
When you’re being asked to step into a new embodiment, all of these aspects of life start shifting together.
These aspects have to shift together, because they’re all inseparably intertwined.
Imagine there’s a version of you, for example, that’s used relational dynamics to prove that you’re not capable of providing value to those around you: “No one gets me!” is a constant theme, and you continually doubt your work in the world and, at times, that your gifts are of any value to the world around you.
In an entirely different pocket of your life, a new and more-aligned business opportunity suddenly comes online.
At the same time, you notice a strong awareness of those relational dynamics coming online. They’re up more than ever, even though your relationships don’t seem to have anything to do with this new business opportunity.
Little comments that used to fly under the radar, suddenly are accompanied by loud and piercing internal alarms. You think, again and again, “Hey! This isn’t okay!” “Wait! That isn’t okay either!” “Neither is that! Oh, my goodness! What am I even doing here?”
Why the sudden influx of awareness?
Because one piece of life can’t change without also rippling into every other aspect of life.
The version of you that you need to be in order to sustain that new business opportunity, in this example, also needs those new relational dynamics.
Those defeating conversations no longer serve a useful purpose. Before, they were preventing progress, and that was actually helpful to preserve the reality at hand. Now, they’re preventing that same progress, and it’s no longer helpful.
Even just objectively, without any soul context, it can start to become clear that your life exists as intricate whole realities, not as separate and isolated pieces.
So when any one aspect of your life shifts, many other aspects of your life do too. They’re all interconnected, and all ultimately the same thing:
All of these interconnected pieces actually form a larger whole reality.
Imagine each major phase of your life as a whole and complete bubble. This bubble is held together by the many aspects of your life, all working together:

For example:
- I work long hours at a job I don’t particularly like, but that brings in a level of financial freedom that keeps my security solid and my body calm.
- I “pay” for that lack of alignment at work through extra self-care—slightly more hours recuperating at night with a glass or two of alcohol, and a few hours of my favorite shows.
- I don’t entirely have enough bandwidth right now to create my passion project, but I do have the strong desire to start. It feels related that I have this continual nagging feeling that I’m not doing enough. I want to, but just can’t.
- My health hasn’t been…ideal. I’m not sick or anything, more…coasting. It’s not that I don’t want to make better food decisions or work out more. I just don’t have the bandwidth to. My ideal physique feels impossible to work toward with the time and energy I have left over.
- My relationships? They’re limited, because the people at work don’t exactly share the same values as me. Maybe it’s because they want to be there, and I’m just there because I feel like I have to be. Either way, I feel kind of isolated.
As you can imagine, this goes on, and on, through every pocket of life. How any one piece functions is directly linked to (and even limited by) that larger reality.
We’ve spoken before of the many “compartments” of life. This is a similar idea. There are no separate compartments (health, wealth, relationships, spirituality) that all act separately, or that you develop in isolated bursts of effort.
You’re one person, having one single experience. You can choose to act differently based on your environment or how you conceptualize a piece of life, but ultimately, all of your total experience through your waking hours is your life.
This idea builds upon that. Each piece of your life is also intricately linked to another. Your overall bandwidth, health, well-being, and energetic embodiment affect how you’re able to engage with these many aspects of your life.
So when you make a change, no matter how small it may be as an isolated aspect of your life, it creates ripples throughout all of these many connected aspects. Your whole reality starts changing.
You move from that whole individual reality, into an entirely different one.
If you were to compare these two realities, the previous “bubble” is almost entirely different from the next. That’s not a coincidence or because you got a little overzealous about your transformation!
One change also creates a much larger series of changes, because these many aspects of life are entirely interconnected—it’s all one whole reality.
For example:
- I took that new job, and now that I’m settled in, I suddenly have less need for alcohol or television to calm my system. I didn’t really think about it before, but now I feel significantly better in the mornings! I even started meditating!
- I’ve had more bandwidth open up emotionally, and with more energy in general, I started working on my dream project on the side. I have a way better job and more time and space to lay the groundwork for my real work in the world!
- Come to think of it, I’ve also started going for long walks, and my body is feeling a lot better overall. I’m even in talks with a friend about working out together!
- Which reminds me! I’ve met some incredible people at this new job that really speak my language. We share a lot of the same values and ideas, and I feel much more at home. I’m going to grab coffee with a co-worker this week, and I’m feeling my heart start to open back up to the world again!
We can see this change as moving between two distinct bubbles, each holding a unique configuration of your being, the structures you set up for yourself, and the specific people, places, and things you invite into your experience.
All of these interconnected pieces of your life form your larger whole reality.
Just from what we’ve spoken to already, you’d think moving between those realities into a more expanded space would be an incredibly enjoyable process.
And in the long run, it is!
But with that transition, comes a renegotiation process.
That renegotiation brings, with it, all of the confusing and challenging emotions that are typically associated with big life changes.
Transition is the dotted line between two whole “bubbles,” where every aspect of life goes through a renegotiation for how best to support that entirely new reality.
From the soul perspective, this is an incredibly exciting and expansive time.
But from the body’s perspective, it’s anything but exciting. It looks like a total breakdown of security and certainty that’s sure to lead to certain doom.
Ah yes, that familiar ring of certain doom!
To help make this entire landscape incredibly clear, let’s change gears and circle back afterward. We’re going to, first, zoom out a bit to explore “The Logic of Soul.”
From that lens, it’ll be far more obvious why the body has difficulty during these transitions, and far easier to land new perspectives that help loosen the grips of that “certain doom.”
The Logic of Soul
This has been a lot of context all at once!
So let’s settle in, for a moment, and take a breath…
Within all this new context, new a-ha moments are possible. Even many of the ideas we’ve been teaching for quite some time start to take on new meaning.
For example, “What’s here?”
This is the biggest question we continually recommend asking of your Oversoul.
“What’s here?” followed by the refining questions, “Is this true?” and “Is it time?”
These three questions are massively useful in navigating your intuitive knowing and soul’s truest truth, but we’ve yet to really explain why these questions (and their answers) are so useful to begin with.
In this larger context, it starts to become far clearer.
From a “higher” vantage point, the Logic of Soul is fairly straightforward.
Remember, each phase of your life can be seen as a single, whole bubble.
As you’re in the bubble of your reality, soul is asking itself, “Is it time to further solidify and grow within this current reality of mine, or to step into a new one?” In other words, “Is there more for me to learn, embody, and create in this reality, or am I done here?”
For as long as there’s more to learn, embody, and create in your current reality, it can continue forward smoothly and easefully. You continue with this particular style of self-expression, paired with these particular business structures, these relationships, these coping mechanisms, etc.—all aspects of your life that work together to allow you to experience your current reality and all it has to offer.
New insights, lessons, expansion, abundance, and more come through your experience of that reality, and you learn more of who you truly are.
Then, one day, the answer to that question shifts. There’s no longer more for you to learn, embody, or create in the present “configuration” of your reality.
When it’s time to move into a new reality, your transition from one reality into the next becomes the top priority.
Soul begins to asks itself, instead, “What’s the core change that facilitates my transition into my next expanded reality, so I can continue learning, embodying, and creating a deeper and truer expression of my being?”
Then, this specific core change and its many layers start suddenly popping up in your awareness.
Realization after realization come pouring into your being:
“Are these coping mechanisms really me? No.”
“Are these relationships serving me? No.”
“Is it worth the money and ‘security’ to continue here? No.”
This is right about the time you start to see that next reality even more clearly.
“Whoa, now I see! This is what’s being asked of me!”
You start to see clearly what’s unideal, unaligned, and untrue—and also what’s possible for you on the other side. In this, you’re seeing two distinct bubbles.
Here, if you make the decision to move into that next reality (and only if you make that decision), the physical transition begins as well.
Your Oversoul starts orchestrating circumstances that create pressure in your current reality and unwinding its many interconnected aspects, offering you opportunities to move into a new set of interconnected aspects along the way.
Here, right at the beginning of a transition (and really, only here), some level of destabilization is actually a really positive thing. Because in that shake-up, the renegotiation takes place, and you quite literally become a new version of yourself.
In short, that question of “What’s here?” is asking your Oversoul to fill you in on what’s most important for this present moment, given the phase of life you’re in.
Your Oversoul scans all the possible timelines ahead and looks at whether there’s more for you in this reality or if it’s time to transition into a new one.
And depending on that answer, there’s an ideal focus to help support that.
That core, highly-precise focus is the thing that’s “here.”
This is why, at times, when you check in and ask your Oversoul, “What’s here with _______?” the answer just comes back as “Nothing!”
Though it’s infuriating at times from the “ground floor,” from a soul perspective, it’s just precision.
There’s actually a very simple and logical reason for that “pending” status on your hopes, dreams, and desires.
From the Oversoul’s vantage point, it’s clear that the thing you’re asking about simply isn’t possible or easeful in your present reality.
As you move into the next bubble, that changes. It’ll soon be far easier for that next version of you, in that next reality to do, create, or embody that thing.
So that feeling of “radio silence” often just means, “That’s not in this reality.”
Because to try to force something now, in a reality where it can’t be supported, is to spin your wheels with unnecessary effort.
Looking to our earlier example, trying to stop drinking or start the passion project in the reality where all of one’s bandwidth is being consumed by an out-of-alignment working life, is just too challenging. There’s not nearly enough space to start something new or to find a suitable replacement for stress management.
Every aspect of the reality works together, including the pieces that are least desirable.
Trying to force things in a reality that’s too small or too tight, just doesn’t work. It’s to the point of being unhelpful or even unrealistic.
In these times, that thing you wish to stop doing may actually be what’s holding the stability of your reality together!
And the thing you wish to become, start doing, or experience right now, may actually cause you hardship and unnecessary destabilization!
Since each reality requires many interconnected aspects of life in order to run smoothly, adding new demands on your bandwidth, your financial output, or even adding a new highly-aligned relationship, can actually cause your reality to destabilize prematurely.
If your current reality were to start destabilizing and unraveling too early, you’d have to re-stabilize your present reality and go through a “mini-transition,” just to get back to where you started!
Soul is precise. It’s always going to prefer a solid and easeful present reality, with a smooth and timely transition into the next.
To do that, the piece of you that is your soul stays in constant communication and collaboration with this higher unit of consciousness and divinity that is the Oversoul.
When looking through your timelines and at the realities ahead, the Oversoul prioritizes what’s really here in this present reality and leaves on the table what’s actually meant for those later versions of you and those later realities.
Your Oversoul is working within probabilities and timelines to keep track of all of this, along with the ideal timing for each new bubble’s arrival. It then informs your soul of what’s ideal and what’s present.
So that question, “What’s here?” includes layers of, “What’s ideal for me right now, to either preserve this reality and grow within it or to transition into the next one, if and when it’s time?”
That refining question of, “Is this true?” checks your intuitive sorting against the most beneficial and likely realities ahead. It’s like asking your Oversoul, “Is this thing part of a whole and possible reality that I can transition into now?”
And the question, “Is it time?” is really, “Is this thing helpful in this reality, or is it just a glimpse of an aspect of my next reality, down the line?”
Intuition and soul is incredibly precise and can absolutely make logical sense too. It all “checks out” in that larger perspective. You move from reality to reality, gathering all of the most helpful skills and lessons along the way.
When there’s more to gather in your present reality “configuration,” you’re guided to stay and really lean into what’s right here and in front of you now.
And when things begin to come to completion, there’s a clear nudge forward toward an entirely new reality configuration—a whole new bubble.
The wide variety of intuitive hits and guidance, and even messages that slightly change over time, have to do with that precision of soul:
“What’s here?”
“Is this true?”
“Is it time?”
Depending on what phase of life you’re in, and the specific bubble you’re in at the time, the intuitive guidance is tailored to be relevant and timely for exactly what’s most useful to carry you forward into more of yourself.
As much as it’s able to, your soul walks you from ideal reality to ideal reality—gathering every bit of experience needed for the whole of your being to recognize exactly who and what you are on this planet.
And through that massive sequence of life experiences, you’re able to learn the skills that you’ll need to implement the magnitude of your life’s work to come.
This is the Logic of Soul.
With this context laid, let’s circle back to our previous conversation:
Transition is the dotted line between two whole “bubbles,” where every aspect of life goes through a renegotiation.
From the soul perspective, this is an incredibly exciting and expansive time.
The Oversoul is constantly working with the whole of existence to bring you to realities that are for your absolute highest. In these realities, you’re able to learn and experience everything you need, to become as full of an expression of your soul’s essence as possible, here on Earth.
Each new reality is a kind of celebration—a graduation of sorts—from the integration of one set of embodiments and experiences to the next.
Each new configuration of your internal and external worlds brings you closer to a truer representation of your essence.
But on the inside, through the fog of emotion and bodily panic, it’s not always obvious what’s happening during these periods of transition.
So to make this easier, let’s break transition down even further, into its core components.

We can see this full transition as having three core phases, each of which are (ideally) navigated slightly differently:
Decision is stepping out of the current bubble.
Negotiation is soul and body choosing a new bubble.
Assembly is laying the foundation for the new reality of choice.
To help remember this, you can think of this as the “DNA” that makes up transition—Decision, Negotiation, Assembly.
We’ve already spoken to many of the subtleties of this process as a whole, but let’s take a moment to explore each of these three phases individually.
Decision is stepping out of the current bubble.
In other words, decision is taking the leap to begin with!
From the Oversoul’s perspective, it’s this piece from earlier:
Then, one day, the answer to that question shifts. There’s no longer more for you to learn, embody, or create in the present “configuration” of your reality.
When it’s time to move into a new reality, your transition from one reality into the next becomes the top priority.
Soul begins to asks itself, instead, “What’s the core change that facilitates my transition into my next expanded reality, so I can continue learning, embodying, and creating a deeper and truer expression of my being?”
Then, this specific core change and its many layers start suddenly popping up in your awareness.
To help integrate this back into the larger Second Paradigm context, let’s include the teaching of “Soul Trends” into this framework for transition.
Within each reality, there are a few core Soul Trends. These are the primary answers to that question, “What’s here?” that come up again and again. They’re the core shifts in embodiment and major actions taken, that grow and shift your individual bubble of reality.
As you navigate these Soul Trends, you find yourself in the same circumstances (same reality), with entirely different perspectives and ways of being.
You start acting differently, even in the same bubble of reality.
For the most part, this is what you’re doing throughout the whole of your life—you’re shifting your own being within your circumstances, from your body’s default, into more of your soul’s essence.
These Soul Trends are a single body/soul distinction that drastically change how you show up in the world.
It’s the knowing deep within your being that you’re financially taken care of and that things are going to continue to “work out” as you follow your soul.
Or it’s bringing your truths more out into your external identity when people are asking you about what you do, what you believe, or how you see yourself.
In each single configuration of reality, you have multiple Soul Trends that are ideal to work through, and consistently come up when you check in.
That specific reality, holds within it, the perfect set of circumstances to allow you to become more of your soul in that very specific way.
Those specific, new embodiments of your soul, we call Soul Trends.
But once these core Soul Trends are complete within that configuration of your reality, there’s little left to do there. There aren’t any more lessons to learn, or embodiments to land within that particular reality.
So in order to keep moving forward into the next Soul Trend, the reality itself has to reconfigure.
This Decision phase is the full acknowledgement that you’re “complete” here.
It’s really as simple as, “Okay. Everything wants to change. Let’s let it.”
It’s only with this acknowledgement, that the tension of that all of that new awareness starts to make sense—you’re simply seeing what’s coming, compared to what’s here already—you’re beginning, and saying yes to, a transition.
That acknowledgement and yes to the transition is like taking the first step out into that dotted line:

As you make that Decision, within you, things are already beginning to shift.
That acknowledgment and “yes,” in itself, marks the completion of Phase 1.
Now, since we’ve included the multiple Soul Trends into this teaching, let’s update this image to take that into account too. Because each whole reality has multiple Soul Trends within them, we can visualize this as “The Seed of Life”:

This is the same image we use to describe the Oversoul—except here (instead of representing that larger unit of consciousness, with smaller individuated soul aspects) it represents that whole single reality, with its multiple Soul Trend parts.
As you navigate that reality and complete each Soul Trend, those circles get drawn in—representing a new lesson learned, and new soul embodiment landed.

Just like the Oversoul isn’t made up of exactly 7 individuated souls, there aren’t exactly seven Soul Trends per reality either. There may be 3, 5, 7, 9, or more Soul Trends in a single whole reality, with an entirely different number in the next.
What matters is that each Soul Trend is an ideal fit for that specific reality configuration—this specific level of abundance, this specific level of public awareness, these specific relationship dynamics, etc.
This is why we (and others) say, “These circumstances are here to help you!”
Each reality configuration creates unique opportunities to know and become yourself to a greater degree as your soul—we call these Soul Trends.
But once there’s “no more room in that circle” for more of these Soul Trends to play out, you get a new influx of awareness that nudges you toward a transition.
One of the core markers of that final Soul Trend’s completion is a sudden shift from a single soul focus, to a wide-open space of unknown.
It’s not, “Okay. I’m feeling like creating this thing. That’s what’s here! Let’s do it!”
It’s, “Now, everything wants to change, and I have no idea what that looks like.”
Emotionally, it can feel like a sudden burst of inadequacy and judgment:
“I’m not doing enough. They’re not doing enough! This house is too small. This car, these clothes, my sleep schedule, my eating habits—all absolutely abysmal!”
Of course, underneath the body’s attempt to be with all of this new awareness, is the awareness itself.
You have a massive influx of everything that’s possible for you in the near future.
You’re seeing, not just a single dotted line to a fixed and defined reality (which is why your intuitive access tends to be more hazy during this time).
You’re seeing a set of possibilities and getting glimpses of many possible realities on the horizon.
This wide-open landscape is also what necessitates the next phase of transition.
Once you’ve acknowledged that this sudden and new awareness is actually your soul calling you forward into something new, and you’ve said yes to the transition itself, you take that first step into the dotted line.
That’s Phase 1 of Decision, complete.
The rest of that “dotted line” is the process of Negotiation.
And while it’s simpler to think of this as a single dotted line between two realities, at the beginning of this second phase, it actually looks more like this:

You’ve already begun taking the step out into that unknown, but the future is anything but a fixed fate—it’s a set of probabilities.
At some point, there will be a single reality ahead, and the negotiation process will have brought you to your reality of choice—something that can be agreed upon by both your soul and body.
But before that, your body and soul begin moving into the process of renegotiation for who and what you’re capable of stepping into and creating.
Soul says, “Hey, body? I’m getting, clearly, that we’re meant to have significantly more abundance in this next phase of life.”
Body says, “Well, my experience tells me that’s impossible. I have no idea what’s happening. Can you prove it? Show me how? I’m going to need more than that.”
And this internal refinement continues.
In the beginning, there are a few different potential realities ahead. Over time, you start reaching internal consensus between both your body and soul, for which of those realities you’re willing to choose and what’s most aligned with the whole you.
That being said, Negotiation isn’t just a waiting game (nor does it have to be a frantic sorting of every aspect of your being).
What’s possible in this space is to simply ask for clear guidance:
“I’m feeling a lot of energy here. Anxiety? Not exactly. Energy? Yeah, LOTS of it.
“Okay. I’m also feeling a call to go sit down and meditate. I’ll do that.”
“Settling in… Breathing… I call in my Oversoul.”
“Hey, Oversoul. So, I’m in transition, I think? Yeah, okay. So what’s ideal for me on the other side of this? I’d like some guidance here.”
Everyone’s internal guidance comes through differently. It’s not always silent meditation or internal dialogue. Other times, it’s written, typed, drawn, danced, or talked out on a long walk. Know and trust yourself for how you find that clarity.
But in every form of soul communication, it always helps to consciously create space for connection and directly invoke your Oversoul.
“I call in my Oversoul,” is the equivalent of, “I’d like divine support please!” And paired with sitting down to meditate, going on that walk, or picking up the pen and paper, you have ideal conditions for soul to speak—space and permission.
The entire intention of this process is to distinguish and choose your soul’s truth.
Anything that helps with that sorting process is ideal here in the Negotiation phase—creating space for rest, holding off on fear-based actions, setting aside time for prayer and meditation, asking your Oversoul for context and clarity, or taking moments to really settle in and acknowledge your soul’s truth.
In a way, your body and soul are always negotiating your external embodiment.
But in this space, in particular, you’re not just negotiating how you’re going to show up in a moment, or a single circumstance—you’re negotiating what this entire next reality is going to consist of and ultimately look like.
“What am I capable of?”
“What actions do I take?”
“What’s here right now?”
Ideally, Negotiation, especially for those on The Cutting Edge, is about finding what’s genuinely true from a soul perspective, and really settling into that truth.
By acknowledging these soul truths, you begin aligning with the brighter, truer, and more expanded realities, and avoid unconsciously choosing the dimmer, less-aligned, and tighter realities that come from those body-heavy detours.
Negotiation is quite literally that—a negotiation between body and soul.
Common Detours
Throughout the entire transition process, the large bulk of confusion, loss of trust, uncertainty, and panic happens in this dotted line between two realities.
So, before coming to resolution in Assembly, let’s help this Negotiation to be that much easier, and speak to the most common detours made during this phase.
Generally, during transition, the soul perspective is something like this:
“Everything is great! You’re moving into a new reality and new embodiments! You’re expanding! Stay alert, and go all-in on aligned action when you feel the opening!”
But at first, the body rarely agrees:
“Um, no! Everything is not great! I’m obviously a failure and about to lose everything good in my life. Expanding? I’m collapsing! Certain doom lies ahead!”
From the body’s perspective, without clear proof that the visions of the next reality have even a sliver of truth to them, there are a few common spaces the mind goes to find comfort.
In the uncertainty, the body most often looks for certainty through control:
“If I can ensure my survival and positive outcomes, why wouldn’t I?”
But as we’ve mentioned before, this is most often just an attempt to ensure a level of survival that’s already secured.
The fear is imagined, not genuine.
In the best case, that extra work affects nothing. Other times, it derails the entire transition and takes you into a bubble that’s far less ideal than what was originally available.
If you can catch those detours internally, before the choice is fully made, you can avoid playing out these untrue perspectives externally, through choice and action.
But that initial surge of “inspiration” or the drive to “kick into gear” is extremely convincing—especially during that unknown of the dotted line.
So to help make your life as the Trifecta that much easier, we’ll unpack two of the most common detours here, and unwind the ungrounded logic behind them.
- Frankenstein Realities
- Laziness
That way, as you move through Negotiation, your body doesn’t “win” the ultimate say, through these convincing but unideal paths forward.
Frankenstein Realities
We’ve explored how the many aspects of your life work together to create a harmonious and functional reality.
But what happens if the dotted line of Negotiation gets so uncomfortable, that the body attempts to imagine and create its own new reality?
Throughout your life, there’s a precise sequence of ideal realities that can walk you forward into everything that you’re becoming.
But given your intuitive abilities opening more and more, it can be tempting to peer as far as possible into the future and simply ask for everything all at once.
We call this process building a “Frankenstein Reality”—stitching together soul visions of the near and distant future to create an image of “the ideal next reality.”
“I’d like a few hundred thousand dollars to buy things that feel more like who I know myself to be as the soul. I’d also like a new business plan—the business that most perfectly represents my being—that consistently makes me 10x my current income and lets me scale upward into even more. While you’re at it, I’d like my dream partner to orbit into my life, a whole new community of like-minded peers, a massive social media following to flood in, and 6-pack abs….and so it is?!”
We understand the appeal!
Many individuals across dozens of spiritual communities around the world have found this pocket of “Manifestation” to be a quick and easy way forward. All of the uncertainty seems to vanish with this empowering idea of “personal creation.”
Here’s the challenge:
Your own unique version of this is already happening.
In a way, that big ideal reality is exactly what you’re here to be, experience, and embody. It’s far from crazy to want that, and understandable to want it now!
But getting caught up in the physical representations of that “final” reality, loses the point of how reality already works, and it ignores the massive value of each reality in between.
Each of those aspects of the bigness of your soul’s mission require massive infrastructure—internal and external—to bring to fruition and to be sustained.
You’re already being walked through one of the most precise paths forward into all of that!
Through each phase of life, you learn new skills and land new embodiments and understandings that carry you to the next. The bigness is only a matter of time.
Even if it were possible to “deliver” to you now, your biggest reality wishlist, fully granted, the reality would be so overwhelming that you’d need 12 hours a day of self-care and rapid education just to sustain what would arrive.
It just wouldn’t be possible to enjoy or live within much of any of it.
The skills you’d have to learn overnight to keep the structures of your life and business running, the levels of compassion and understanding you’d have to come to in order to maintain the many pockets of relationships, the deep internal work around your worth and value that’d have to be done abruptly in order to justify the suddenly expanded abundance—all of it would be entirely overwhelming and nothing like the feeling you’d imagine at the start.
But, all that being said, this reality isn’t actually possible to deliver, here and now.
And the reason is simple—none of these distant aspects fit or function in this reality, nor is there a clear path of transition for it to be the next reality.
So though it’s tempting to stitch together every dream and desire into a vision board or a “Things To Manifest” list, what’s most pressing (and here) is actually the reality that you are already in!
And in times of transition, “What’s here” is the Negotiation that’s already happening.
Because any attempt to alter or change what’s here, and instead create what’s coming, or what’s imaginable in the distant future, is an attempt to escape the tension of the moment.
Ultimately, it’s an imagination of a future where this present conflict doesn’t exist.
This entire pocket of spirituality surprisingly comes to the same bodily root:
“I don’t want to be here. This is too hard.”
Those dreams and visions of the future aren’t bad or useless spaces to visit. There’s an incredible amount of inner solidity that can come from meditating on who you really are and the general trajectory of your life path.
It can renew a vigor within you to continue forward, even in the face of hardship.
But within this, is a fine line (often crossed by ungrounded spirituality), of using these visions not as a source of hope, or zest for life, but as a demand made to a separate and all-powerful divine.
At the extremes, it can sound like, “God, I will not budge until my wishes are granted. I won’t settle for anything less than all of this, here and now. When this new reality of my preference knocks on my door, I’ll answer. Until then, I’m done.”
A large piece of The Second Paradigm perspective is recognizing the interconnected nature of divinity—yourself included.
It’s recognizing that you’re already connected, and always have been a piece of this larger Soul Architecture.
By understanding that and further exploring how this larger landscape works, that Logic of Soul starts to become your own logic. It becomes the go-to perspective for navigating your reality.
And when you recognize that you’re already being led, already being guided, and that your life has already been orchestrated to guide you to the circumstances that show you who you truly are, there is no longer an external divine source that’s imagined and given the task of granting wishes.
You already are that divinity. And as that divinity, you here on the ground floor, and you as the Oversoul and larger network of the divine, have already given yourself the ideal set of circumstances.
The piece of you that is the soul already fully acknowledges the ideal sequence of your life’s playing out.
It recognizes that what’s here is actually the most important focus for the benefit of the entirety of your life on Earth—even when it doesn’t make perfect sense from within the challenging emotions and flurries of contradictory thought.
Yes, even here, right now, your evolutionary edge is being challenged, and old biological and ancestral embodiments are breaking under the truths of your soul.
“What’s here” is far more important than what’s coming.
Because the only way to ever become, is to first, be. The only way to ever experience what’s coming down the line, is to, first, fully engage with each step of these highly-orchestrated series of realities.
Be Here Now—it’s not just a coffee table book. It’s the only way to engage with the ideal sequence of your becoming.
So take a moment to notice where some of these old spiritual ideas may have seeped in, under-the-radar of your truth barometer:
- “I want it all now,” as a clever disguise for, “I want none of what’s already here.”
- “I’m a powerful creator,” as a mantra to escape what’s already been created.
- “Stop settling for less than you’re worth!” as a viral guilt-trip that encourages dissatisfaction with your soul’s easeful growth through time.
What reason could there ever be to imagine or manifest anything other than “What’s here?” if what’s already here is the very thing that moves you forward?
We’d love to take this opportunity to speak more into the experience of that “dotted line” of Negotiation.
At the same time, we’ll unwind this paradoxical idea of Laziness, and shine a light on this energetic virus, that is this entire pocket of thought, emotion, and belief.
Laziness is an idea.
And unlike our teachings about the idea of money, the reality of “laziness” is even far less tangible and true.
Laziness is a mental mechanism that gets you to act—nothing more, nothing less.
Yet, when this idea is sounding its alarm, it’s rarely “time” for that action.
So even more clearly, laziness is an idea that gets you to act out-of-alignment with your soul’s truth and expression.
During these times of transition, there’s a far more useful way of being:
Peace is the core embodiment that helps you to sort through the many contradictory ideas of your internal world, down to the clarity of your soul’s truth.
So, from this lens, laziness is simply an idea that’s designed to take you out of Peace and move you into a frenzy of action to ensure your survival.
When you come out of that Peace to engage with the body’s spiraling thoughts and fears, it instantly becomes satisfied and turns off the blaring internal alarms.
The body says, “Well, at least I’m doing all I can! Even if everything falls apart, I’ll know I’ve given it my all and taken every course of action. Go, go, go, go!”
But that resolution to the internal alarm isn’t Peace—it’s the body’s relief that you’re taking the out-of-alignment actions it “needs” to survive.
In reality, those same actions that calm that internal alarm, also take you into an entirely new trajectory. Your soul “loses the negotiation,” so to speak.
This choice to engage with the body’s truth over soul truth, changes the trajectory of your “dotted line” and sets course for an entirely different reality!
This can be a whole reality without any new Soul Trends, or even one where you revert back to repeating old Soul Trends from previous phases of life, only to offer proof, through your experience, of soul truths and ways of being that you already know to be true. In the entirety of that new reality, there’s no new soul progress and no real forward movement through life.
To avoid those long detours of moving into realities where there are no new opportunities to discover and become more of yourself in the world, that core embodiment of Peace is your greatest asset.
In Peace, those body-driven actions aren’t taken. You disengage with the body’s frenzied panic, and in the space, you find your soul’s truth still standing firmly in your wholeness, your safety, and even your exciting rise into something greater than what you’ve yet to experience.
In Peace, you’re right on track to move into a highly-aligned and highly-beneficial reality. As those openings show up, you have the mental and energetic bandwidth to take the proper actions, and can “Assemble” your next ideal reality.
But this Peace isn’t always a easy space to settle into. During that Negotiation process, your body is convinced of its certain doom.
Peace, to the body, is nothing more than delusion.
Ironically, through panic around your lack of panic, your body finds ways to “renegotiate” your embodiment of Peace for something more suitable to prevent its certain doom.
The body says, “Peace? This calm is nothing more than delusion. It’s an excuse for laziness. You’re resting your way to oblivion. You don’t want to be lazy, do you?”
This can be a convincing internal argument. But again, this idea of laziness is just a mental excuse to take out-of-alignment actions during times of well-needed integration, rest, and energetic embodiment.
So here, in all of this, there are two main teachings and ideas:
One, is being able to see this paradox of laziness.
By trying to ensure your survival, your body moves out of its ideal embodiment of Peace, and into a challenging period of effort that actually moves your life in the opposite direction. It’s harder and less effective—all for an idea that isn’t true.
Two, is noticing how this Negotiation phase happens.
It’s not so simple as a single hour-long meeting with your body and soul, where terms are drawn up for what you’re willing to experience and step into next.
It’s a process of settling into Peace and following the energy, where your body gives you every single one of its reasons why you’re crazy, deluded, and heading toward certain doom.
In this, your ideal path forward as the whole you is to continue settling into Peace, and defusing the body’s emotional and mental attempts at hijacking your trajectory.
Now that we’ve discussed Decision and Negotiation, in depth, all that’s left is to tie up this teaching in a bow and come to resolution.
Through the relatively short (but seemingly endless) Negotiation process, you more than likely aligned with multiple timelines along the way.
At times your body took hold and imagined a reality of its preference, or buckled down and took some out-of-alignment action. But not long after, you soon rediscovered and settled back into Peace, realizing what had happened.
So nonetheless, through the twists and turns of Negotiation, you finally found yourself on the doorstep of a new reality:

Here, suddenly, the energy starts coalescing toward distinct and aligned actions. “What’s here” suddenly is far less nebulous, and “the fog clears.”
With a sigh of relief, you step into Assembly.
This rapid “coming together” of the many seemingly disconnected or scattered pieces of your transition, we call Assembly.
It’s quite literally an assembling of the many aspects of your new reality.
Piece by piece, opening by opening, you follow the energy into actions that rebuild your existence.
Except, this time, your newly renegotiated self has new preferences and perspectives, that create an entirely new configuration of life’s many aspects.
How you manage your energetic highs and lows, how you relate to those old vices and habits, and how you relate to yourself, your identity, and your work in the world, all begins coming together in a new, fully-functioning reality.
By this point, the deep internal search for clarity and challenge of settling into Peace has already begun to fade.
This is where you rejoice and say, “Everything is shifting!” And it is! So here, we need to offer relatively little context to help you along the way.
All we really wish to say here is, “Congratulations! You made it.”
In Closing
As we approach the end of this densely-packed context, we hope for a few things in particular to shine through:
1) The beauty of transition, as a whole.

What starts as an incredibly confusing time, through The Logic of Soul, can be seen for what it is—a highly-aligned (even exciting) journey through life.
Each new configuration brings, with it, a whole new set of Soul Trends—each laid out in sequence to help you discover and embody your essence as a soul.
And no single configuration of life keeps you any longer than necessary. When a reality is complete, the precise sequence of Decision, Negotiation, and Assembly, walks you into a reality that has even more in store for you.
Slowly, through time, you move forward—hand-in-hand with the divinity that you’re an intricately connected piece of—and into a life that fully represents all that you came here to be.
Because, yes, you can embody deeper layers of your soul essence, no matter the circumstance.
But what’s even more fulfilling is to be able to live within a reality that reflects that essence to the fullest:
- The abundance necessary to bring your biggest soul’s expressions into fruition.
- The collective awareness of you and your ability to facilitate the change they’re seeking on their own life’s journey.
- The routines, habits, and structures that represent who you truly are, not just those to sustain a reality for long enough for you to see yourself.
All of this, and more comes through this multi-year process of transition from ideal reality to ideal reality—the “slow and steady rise into all that you’re becoming.”
Reality is here for you.
And transition is just another aspect of this intricate masterpiece that is your existence.
2) Soul can make sense, even in the unknown.
Despite common belief, spirituality isn’t just a return to ancient mystical traditions of old.
It’s using the foundation laid by those who came before you, of course. But more deeply, it’s an entire field of study that’s pressing the edges of the questions that few dare explore:
What is this reality?
What is the purpose of life?
What is energy and consciousness?
All of these questions have answers. And those who are willing to walk that path into the unknown, in the face of the current trend toward wide-scale “proof,” are those discovering a truth that already lies deep within their internal landscapes.
It’s in those moments where there seem to be no answers, no clever distinctions, and no clear guidance from the mentors and trailblazers of your time, that your own unique gifts and expertise really begin to become clear.
You see new pieces of a larger puzzle that most have written off as unsolvable.
It’s our deep desire to continue to inspire this exploration within you, as we continue to explore our own unique co-creation with David.
We hope this context, and the a-ha moments you’ve had here, continue to solidify your inner trust and knowing.
Even when reality seems unsolvable, when you stare deeply into the unknown, or in the moments where your faith is on the verge of breaking under the pressure, perhaps this massive web of context can serve as a reminder that reality is continuing to work for you, and with you, always.
That, even before you understand every intricacy of its playing out, there is a larger orchestration opening doors for you—and your only necessity to discover the way forward is to settle into Peace, to the best of your ability, and continue onward.
And even when spiritual teachings come your way that rock that solidity and point you to your shortcomings or the spiritual tools and perspectives you must master before being okay, or whole, that you remember how many of these ideas have already been dismantled within your being—and simply let it pass on by.
Because Soul always points to just how wonderful this experience already is, how connected you already are, and the magnitude of timelines that you’re already on.
In the deep recognition of how things already work—leaving behind the need for reality (or you) to change or operate differently—soul makes sense.
3) You’re going to get through this.
This is, perhaps, our most important message of all.
Because what else could possibly be the purpose of sharing all of this, outside of laying a framework for you to rest within, as you navigate this very process?
Each stage of this larger transition with soul has its own challenges.
Decision brings with it a massive influx of awareness that makes it near impossible to avoid making yourself wrong, or falling into judgment and dissatisfaction with the reality at hand.
But that’s okay. There’s no rule that you aren’t allowed to feel those things, especially when you’re seeing a new possibility for yourself.
Negotiation brings with it all of your dormant bodily fears and doubts about yourself, your safety, and the value of your expression.
But that’s okay. There’s no punishment for your body’s fears, only orchestrated circumstance to help resolve them through the experience of the opposite.
And even as the transition nears its end and Assembly begins, alongside the massive sigh of relief, comes a subtle nagging feeling that perhaps you could have embodied more, stretched further, or chosen bigger.
But that’s okay, too. Chances are, that’s the furthest from the truth. You’re on The Cutting Edge, pressing the edges of what’s possible through intuitive knowing and spiritual exploration.
Besides, there’s no requirement for you to embody everything you see possible for yourself all at once—who can? That’s why you have an entire lifetime to do so.
So through every stage of this transition, even the aspects that are most challenging, you’re not messing this up.
And quite literally, it’s only a matter of time until you’re on the other side, deeply grateful for all you did to further trust and become yourself.
So as we prepare to take our leave now, we wish to send you off with this final wave of Peace at exactly the place you are today.
Your mood, your mind, your health, your body, your emotion, your vices, your courageous leaps, your cloudy days, your Peace, your panic, your finances, your career, your purpose, your embodiment—all of it is here for you.
And all of it will take you exactly where you wish to go.
So much love to you,