What Darkness Wants: The Core Philosophy Behind a Dark Utopia

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
Side Quests Collection

Welcome to the pages of this document and to another one of our ancillary discussions, or as David and Miriam call them, “Side Quests.”

Throughout our Core Teachings Collection, we’ve already explored some of darkness’ effects on your collective and how you’ll only continue to fortify yourself as the soul through your own personal orchestration.

We’ve said that understanding darkness is a vital puzzle piece within the process we’ve called Self Recognition. In short, to understand the darkness of your world is to also understand your significance within it.

That being said, this isn’t a discussion on anything we’ve already covered about the nature of darkness on Earth or at large.

Unlike our Core Teachings Collection, this discussion isn’t really about you, at all.

Instead, this is a more specific and nuanced discussion on what some might call “The Dark Agenda.”

There may not be any real reason for this document, if your collective saw clearly what darkness actually wants and the core philosophy behind it.

But as it stands now, nearly everyone with some conception of darkness also has it inseparably linked with the concept of “evil” or a lack of morality.

It’s the idea that “Darkness wants everyone to die, suffer, and struggle needlessly.”

While that’s not entirely untrue, it’s also misleading.

In fact, darkness itself would prefer for you to believe this. You could say there’s even been a longstanding effort to encourage you to make this connection.


Well, if you conflate darkness with evil, you’re bound to overlook what darkness actually wants—and, ultimately, you’ll stay out of its way.

This may not be a very long document, as we only have a handful of points to share here—but we hope this understanding, no matter how brief, can help fortify you with even clearer eyes to see.

Let’s get right into it, shall we?

The Core Philosophy of Darkness

To start, let’s review what darkness is, exactly.

Darkness isn’t defined by spells, potions, magic, black clothing, death, destruction, or anything explicitly sinister.

It’s also not a paradigm of narcissism, manipulation, or greed.

Darkness, at it’s core, is rooted in a very simple concept, that goes something like this:

What God has defined as good and guides us toward is not the highest good.

There’s an ideal reality that’s far greater than God’s ideal, and following divinity’s guidance can never lead you to this destination.

But if we were given free reign, without any interference from God, that greater ideal could be created, lived within, and even steadily improved upon.

Independence from God would create more happiness, less suffering, and an overall better physical existence.

Who better to architect a world of our preference than ourselves?

Put simply, “Without God, given enough careful consideration, we could create a true utopia—a utopia far better than anything God wishes for us or for reality.”

There are countless arguments for why this might be the case, each of which we’d have our own strong rebuttals to, but that’s besides the point.

All that’s important to understand here is that darkness wants to prove God to be a insufficient leader of reality.

Whether they themselves want to assume that role over reality, or simply enact some collective voting mechanism, it’s all the same idea—God should not guide our decisions. “We” should guide our own decisions.

“Man should rule himself.”

Here’s the thing about that challenge to God, and why it’s actually quite important to understand.

If darkness was truly able to create an ideal greater than God’s ideal, they would then stand as living proof to all souls everywhere that God may not be worth listening to.

Perhaps that would inspire souls everywhere to do similar—to take matters into their own hands. Perhaps, then, physical reality at large would separate from the authority of God and the larger orchestration of divinity.

Oversouls would no longer play a role in reality, the divine orchestration would fade into the background, and reality at large would be only navigated on the ground floor.

To be clear, nothing like this has ever happened, anywhere, in any pocket of reality. No ideal has ever been created that’s even remotely better than God’s ideal.

Every “improvement” darkness has tried to make has always come with absurd ramifications and unintended consequences.

In practice, darkness has always consumed itself and made reality objectively worse for everyone. Their hypothetical challenge to God has only even been a hypothesis.

But that idea of ”utopia,” for darkness, is compelling enough to be worth the pursuit.

They think, “Just because it hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. And if it’s even remotely possible, there’s far too much at stake to give up on that effort.”

Whether they’re correct or not is for reality itself to decide—the full network of souls in every reality, everywhere.

But this place you find yourself in today is the closest that darkness has ever gotten to creating their version of utopia—it’s the closest they’ve ever gotten to having a chance of proving God’s ideal to be inferior.

This place is also the least that God is involved in any collective in reality. Most of the systems you live within have been exclusively created on the ground floor.

You can certainly still find divine intervention, and the choice of individuals to allow God into their lives really does permit that sort of direct assistance. But there’s far less of God’s handiwork here than elsewhere—and that’s highly intentional.

You can think of this world as a sort of experiment, defined by the demands of darkness, and permitted by the larger network of divinity.

There’s a firm understanding in Light everywhere that this challenge of darkness is absurd—that it can never work because there is no ideal greater than God’s ideal.

For one, there’s simply far too much raw data to take into consideration—far beyond what any council, even machine, can sift through—let alone collect.

But darkness, of course, disagrees—and they want nothing more than the chance to prove Light wrong.

They firmly believe in an ideal greater than God’s ideal. They aspire to it, and now given the opportunity by God to play out that effort, they work diligently to create it.

They do this, not out of spite or with evil intentions.

In an odd and twisted way, they’re actually doing this “for the benefit of reality.”

They consider it to be a “service” to every soul, everywhere—to prove flaws in the structure of divine guidance and orchestration.

When we put this side-by-side with the common conception of darkness, this core philosophy is quite mild in comparison. Their efforts can even seem courageous.

And that exact contrast is why we said earlier that darkness itself has attempted to “rebrand” darkness as evil.

Now they, in comparison, “aren’t so bad.”

In comparison to true evil, they may even be “good!”

In your language, this is sometimes called moral relativism. It’s the idea that good and bad only exist in relation to pre-existing ideas.

Meaning, there is no objective “good” outside of what you collectively decide there to be. It’s all relative.

But darkness may even go further than that. Most of the dark hierarchy of Earth would say that there is indeed a highest ideal of good—it’s just not the good that God is guiding you toward.

They argue:

God is not good, and is not guiding you toward good, because good is something “we” decide.

Only we know what’s best for us, and only we can tailor the human experience to maximize our joy and minimize our suffering.

God will never guide you to that utopia, so God is guiding you in an inferior direction—to greater suffering, not less.

Looking at your own life and your experience with God, you might even find some emotional evidence to support this idea.

On Earth especially, this isn’t such an uncommon feeling:

“How do I know that the direction I’m being guided is actually good?”

Is God guiding you toward greater liberation? Liberation for what, exactly?

Why feel the pain of your orchestration? Why feel those feelings at all?

Why not simply create the life you prefer and minimize suffering, always? Why not create a world where everyone is free from the sort of tension that God pushes you into?

Is God’s orchestration really for your benefit, or is God perhaps not as good as the larger network of Light seems to believe?

You can feel where this discussion gets rather slippery.

You’ve been surrounded by the logic of darkness your entire life. Countless clichés about the nature of your reality all point to these sorts of conclusions.

It’s become, collectively, a “rational” way to think.

Except, as you’ve come to understand in your own experience, this core philosophy of darkness isn’t actually true.

God’s ideal is actually ideal—and from within the experience of that ideal, it only becomes more obvious that changing even one aspect of your reality would make it objectively worse.

This is the stance you’ve already taken, and live by, as shown by your decisions.

This is the “bet” you’ve made as The Cutting Edge.

Even now, you stand as a response to darkness:

“I see what you’re trying to do here, and understand what you’re arguing. I even sometimes feel that way myself. I’ve have my own fair share of doubt and uncertainty toward God. But I trust my intuition anyway, and I walk the path God has laid out for me because, to me, it’s far better than anything else I could possibly be doing.”

Even standing within darkness’ grandest effort to create a higher ideal, you choose God’s ideal anyway, even when your own biology and society work against you.

This stance of yours, of course, is almost puzzling to darkness. From their perspective, it’s objectively insane.

“We only want something better than God, for all of us!” they might say.

“How could you be so stupid?” they might think.

But regardless of what that darkness may think of you, you stand firmly in your choice to keep going.

You represent the paradigm of Light in a world that’s built to demonstrate the validity of darkness.

Again, this isn’t some “battle between good and evil.”

This has always been a debate on the true nature of reality:

“Is God really good, or should we take matters into our own hands?”

This debate, as it plays out primarily here on Earth, is something you find yourself right in the middle of.

Even now, your actions speak volumes—not just to your own planet and the darkness that exists here, but to reality as a whole.

Through your actions and choices, you aren’t just standing for the concept of “good.”

You’re standing for God.

This place you exist within is, in a way, deciding the paradigm of the entirety of existence—and you are voting Light.

Though important, the true weight of that decision and your significance in God’s eyes aren’t quite the point of this document either.

The point is this:

Darkness believes they can create an ideal better than God’s ideal.

They’re currently attempting to do that here on Earth.

They’ve been attempting this for quite some time now—far longer than you’ve been alive—and their efforts are beginning to culminate into what they believe to be some of the final stages of their plan.

Before we conclude, it’s worth exploring some of what that plan currently looks like.

Let’s talk about it, shall we?

What is The Dark Agenda?

When most people hear the term, “Dark Agenda” they brace themselves for impact and recoil with some degree of fear.

That dystopian version of reality, however, is almost entirely a work of fiction.

It’s important you understand that.

When talking about what darkness actually wants here, we have to remember what they’re trying to prove.

Darkness proves nothing by killing, destroying, and enslaving the population.

All that darkness wants is to prove to everyone, everywhere, that God’s ideal is inferior to their ideal.

How can they prove God to be inferior through destruction and chaos? Wouldn’t that only prove the opposite?

Wouldn’t enslaving the population only prove that darkness is cruel and ineffective? That God’s ideal is the only pathway to true good?

No, darkness needs to make a very specific point, and when looking to their plans for the future, it’s important to keep this in mind.

The true ”dark agenda” is to create a utopia—a world that is efficient, logical, safe, secure, and that increases the quality of life for everyone, everywhere—that does so sustainably, without negative consequence, and (most importantly) without God.

This means, at some point, their ideal world must include everyone on Earth making informed decisions, collectively, about which direction to go with civilization; to do that entirely outside of any input from God; and to have the end result be objectively better than what God has recommended.

Again, even more than the nitty-gritty details, it’s important for you to understand what they’re actually trying to do here.

They’re trying to out-god God—improve on every function of divinity and create a better world in the process.

We can’t stress this point enough—not just because of the misunderstanding of evil on its own, but because of the unnecessary fear most people have around the concept of darkness and your collective future.

The truth is, most of the things your collective is bracing for are entirely unlikely.

Does this mean that the collapse of civilization as you know it is unlikely? No.

In fact, there’s a substantial amount of work going into a sort of “controlled” collapse—a transition into a system deemed far better by darkness’ standards.

But again, the end goal for darkness isn’t chaos, destruction, and the enslavement of the larger population.

Darkness wants to create a utopia.

There are, of course, beings outside of the network of Light—also darkness, by definition—that want that sort of chaos and destruction. But they aren’t the majority, and they’re not in charge here on Earth.

The ruling majority of the dark hierarchy, as it stands, wants to prove the paradigm of darkness to be superior to God and Light—and that can only happen with a utopia, not destruction.

What this means is twofold:

  1. You’re safer than you think, and many of the doomsday-style projections of your future are entirely incorrect. You’re going to be okay, not just personally, but collectively.
  2. Cultivating your intuitive connection now is not only important, but vital, if you wish to preserve that connection into your future.

We could talk more about this future safety for your world, but your current practice of cultivating Peace makes that discussion largely irrelevant.

Ideally, you’re able to find your Peace even when you perceive your future to be uncertain, chaotic, and even collectively dangerous.

From divinity’s perspective, that kind of inner solidity is far more of a priority than soothing any worries you may have about the future.

But this second point is important to discuss further—cultivating your intuitive connection now is vital if you wish to preserve that connection into your future.

We’ll explore what we mean by this in our final section as we wrap up this discussion.

Now, More Than Ever.

For those on The Cutting Edge, walking the odd and unique path they were called to, there’s a sense of urgency in the fulfillment of that call.

We said that cultivating your intuitive connection now is vital if you wish to preserve that connection into your future.

Here’s what we mean by this:

There will come a time where the world you live in will change.

That change, on paper, is likely to be chaotic and turbulent for a time, but the reality you’re ultimately moving into is far more logically convincing and solid than the world you find yourself in today.

Add even just artificial intelligence into your current world, integrated into all of your world’s systems, and you suddenly have a logical foundation for every “fact” that you’d come up against.

What’s the best way to manage your finances this month? Well, divinity says you’re going to be just fine. “Keep going and you’ll not only have your worries resolve, but you’ll become more of yourself along the way. You’ll learn to trust your safety within your guidance. Everything is already taken into consideration.”

But what if your banking app gave you exact recommendations, tailored to your location, your work experience, and your aptitudes?

What if you had 5 side gigs at your fingertips, personally matched to you, with a strong recommendation to take at least one this week to offset a bill you have coming in 15 days?

The messages you trust today are a cakewalk in comparison to what you may be “up against” tomorrow.

If you want the capacity to live intuitively in that world, not just today, you must be fortified—or you are unlikely to be biologically capable of it, no matter what your intentions might be.

This is, partly, why you were called—and what you’re being prepared for.

Again, artificial intelligence is only one aspect of your likely future, and this sort of fortification to consensus logic is only one aspect of why you were called.

But we hope, even with the tiniest window into some of the likely probabilities ahead, that you’re able to feel what we’re speaking to here.

Your world is not getting more intuitive—it’s getting less intuitive.

You are the only population moving in the direction of a real-time personal connection to divinity.

As time passes, that role is going to become increasingly important.

But also, as time passes, that role is going to become more challenging to play.

We’re not going to minimize what you feel on a daily basis, or how challenging it already is to trust yourself in the face of immense biological pressure.

We are, however, absolutely saying that what you are feeling today is nothing compared to what you will feel in the years to come.

You were given plenty of time to develop this fine-tuned intuitive operating system before the biological intensity of deviating from your collective consensus grew too heavy to overcome.

But that time is still coming, and the open door for The Cutting Edge surely won’t be open forever.

This isn’t a God decision to “close the doors” on those still pursuing their intuition in this world. It’s just a result of the reality you’re moving into.

At some point, it may simply be too difficult to start from scratch, or to continue fortifying one’s ability to make decisions intuitively.

Your world is growing more complex, and more dark by the day.

Again, in darkness’ eyes, everything you’re moving toward will be nothing short of a utopia—but that world will also make it significantly more difficult to find your tether to Peace and to do anything outside of what’s “recommended” to you.

You may not be heading toward total human enslavement, but the idea of losing your ability to access and trust God’s guidance for your lifepath is, perhaps, even more concerning.

You could navigate any degree of enslavement, chaos, or destruction with your intuitive channel—quite effortlessly, in fact.

But could you navigate this technological ”utopia” without your intuitive channel?

That, for many, is something they simply don’t care to find out.

Their tether to Light is simply too important to them.

As many of you have already found, once you’ve lived the experience of divinity guiding your lifepath, you never want to leave.

From that place, not even a million dollars and 3 wishes from a magic genie could make you leave.

“There’s simply nothing better than the ideal.”

That’s the stance of Light, and for those here we call The Cutting Edge, that’s the stance you’ve personally taken in this world—boldly, courageously, and against all odds.

You have absolutely nothing to fear in the years to come. We hope our Core Teachings Collection has already helped to soothe some of that inner panic and turmoil.

But here, while we have the chance, and the context is already laid, we want to urge you to continue walking your path, as quickly and boldly as possible.

Now, more than ever, it’s time.

We hope this discussion of darkness was, in some way, illuminating.

We understand the far-reaching implications of this discussion, and we understand it’s likely to update many of the perspectives that might have persisted in the background of some of our previous discussions.

It’s easy and convenient to believe that darkness is evil—and, again, it’s not entirely untrue.

But that oversimplified perspective can only take you so far.

If you’re going to look at what’s happening in the world, and you’re any bit concerned or curious about the direction that humanity is going, we hope this document has helped to put some of that discussion into perspective.

Darkness, by their standards, is here to “liberate you” from God and create an even better world—an “ideal world.”

It’s only a small percentage of darkness that actually wants to cause anyone or anything real harm.

Everything they do is for what they believe to be the greater good.

And, being truly disconnected from God, perhaps that’s the most terrifying thing of all for them to attempt.

What you’re walking into is not an active effort to destroy you, but an active effort to make a utopia on Earth.

How they ultimately decide to work toward that end is going to dictate what happens from here, but one thing is certain—there will be some degree of unintended consequence.

There will be side effects to this “transition” of theirs, and not everything may go according to their plans.

At the end of the day, whatever happens, you will have access to divinity to navigate the path ahead.

That is what makes you unique.

And that’s what makes this time you have to prepare for that inevitable future that much more important.

With that, we’ll take our leave—and we hope to see you soon, back in our Core Teachings Collection, or in other settings here at The Second Paradigm.

So much love to you,