You’re Not Crazy

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
12/14 of The Core Teachings Collection

The Call You Answered and the Role You Now Play


By the end of this document, we’ll end up here:

“You’re Not Crazy.”

Along the way, to support that statement, we’ll help you to build a comprehensive perspective that you can firmly stand in.

But before we dive head first into what’s easily one of the most confronting topics in spirituality, we want to start with a bit of context.

From a Soul perspective, your sanity is the last thing you need to be worried about. You’re good, sane, and on the right track. Truly.

Even the most confronting and confusing experiences have clear openings to clarity, precision, and Truth.

But internally, it often feels like a very different story.

We know and see how sanity can be one of the most uncertain aspects of the spiritual journey, especially for those who have leapt head first into what’s felt like a multi-year exploration of mostly trial and error.

So rather than brush off your internal concerns or patch them over with cliché statements about how great you are, we want to offer a new perspective to help fortify the knowing within you that you’re anything but crazy.

We want to acknowledge the deep turmoil that spiritual people everywhere are facing.

You’re not alone in questioning your sanity, your wholeness, your goodness.

You’re one of many who questions their sanity. In some ways, it’s inevitable. And despite what it may feel like—hopeless, endless, and pointless—it happens for a very specific reason.

This, we want to help make very clear.

So as the energy lands to support you in this exploration, even now, feel free to take a few deep breaths—call in your Oversoul, disconnect from the collective, and call in your truest soul essence.

Let’s get started, shall we?

A Series of Hard Truths

Along your journey of acknowledging your intuition as true and valid, you’ve come across a series of hard truths:

Everything I’ve tried to do to ensure my safety, to be a good person, and to create the life of my dreams has ended with little more than a hollow feeling of disappointment.

The endless treadmill of striving for more simply isn’t worth it. Still, it’s confusing.

Very few people seem to even care about, let alone understand, what this life is or why we do what we do.

Those endless treadmills seem to captivate far too many people to be as hollow as I’ve found them to be, but I see no evidence of fulfillment on the other side of any path that I’ve been encouraged to take.

My capabilities aren’t my problem. I’m capable. No, it’s the lack of purpose and meaning to these socially acceptable paths. It’s the feeling that there must be something more to this life than just what’s on the surface, and no matter what I do, I can’t quite shake that feeling.

But what truth is there, really, to a feeling?

Spirituality (what’s been the closest thing I’ve seen to describe what I’m feeling) is often just ridiculed or brushed aside. So is it even real?

To some, spiritual belief is seen as falling back on comfortable delusions— trying to cope with the fear of death or the pain of loss.

To others, spiritual practice is only valued for what it can do practically—to feel better, think clearer, make more money, or as some productivity hack.

But this world is not what it seems. That much, I’ve seen—I’ve felt.

So why have I found something so different, so compelling here in my own spirituality? Why is this relentless exploration of the true nature of reality such a priority for me?

Am I…crazy?

Though everyone’s experience varies, this underlying feeling is nearly universal for those walking this highly untraditional path.

How can you possible reconcile the fact that you’ve stumbled into a place that’s so vastly different from the experience of others?

How can you be that different and not wrong?

For many, this feeling only worsens as the path continues.

Each new realization brings you further and further from consensus thought— further from the way your old friends, past partners, and even family perceive the world.

And each new choice to continue forward anyway brings more examples of just how different you truly are:

I no longer think about health the same way.

I no longer think of religion the same way.

I no longer think of my thoughts, emotions, or experiences the same way.

I no longer think of progress the same way.

I no longer think of work, career, or money the same way.

I no longer think of friendships or relationships the same way.

I’ve changed.

And yet every time I change, no matter how right it may feel internally or how much evidence I may find to support it, I still see people I know and care about doing and thinking exactly what I once did.

How could they not see what I see? Why did I change at all?

This same feeling tells me that I’m onto something. But isn’t that just what crazy would say?

How do I know for sure that the direction I’m going leads anywhere that I’d actually want to be?

I don’t.

I’m trusting some weird and foreign piece of me, and I hardly even have a way to truly describe it to those around me.

What I do know is that I’m not experiencing the same reality that most people seem to be experiencing right now.

I don’t care about what others care about. I don’t want what others want.

I don’t do what others do.

I don’t feel what others feel. I’m different.

Is that good? Is it bad?

I don’t know, but it’s the truth.

I’m different.

We speak to this, not to tell you what you’re feeling, but to bring up these pieces of you as they exist in your own words—in your own experience.

The piece of you that’s connected to all of divinity, your soul, already knows that you’re okay and sane.

That’s not the piece of you we wish to speak to here.

So before we tell you everything we came to tell you today, we want to stir the pot a bit, first. We want to speak directly to this piece of you that does question your sanity.

It’s the piece of you that truly has no idea if you’re going to be okay. It’s the piece of you that’s deeply troubled by the path you’ve taken.

It’s the piece of you that’s scared, hopeless, confused, angry, and that just wants to be normal again.

To this piece, we say hello.

And to this piece, we say welcome.

It’s okay that you’re here. It’s okay that you’re scared. It’s okay that you just want your life back.

We promise it’s going to be okay, and we’re here to help make sense of it all.

But before we share anything new or special, we want to remind you of some things that you already know.

A Series of Familiar Truths

When you started this journey, you did so because something compelled you to. You know this.

And, every step along the way, you kept going because that very same thing compelled you yet again.

You know that too. But think back.

Think back to the moments that all of this first started. You were feeling oddly out of place, like something wasn’t quite clicking between you and the world around you. It looked so easy for everyone else, and at times it was easy for you too. But this nagging feeling kept you from ever fully settling in.

The friendships, the work, the entirety of your life—it all felt temporary and somehow incomplete.

It’s easy to think that if you simply never chose a spiritual path at all, that you would have eventually just settled in and felt more comfortable. You would have found your place.

But, as you already know, that’s not quite true. This life of yours was of no coincidence.

It certainly is nice to imagine that you came here for a profound and spiritual reason. But there’s more to this idea than just how it makes you feel.

Really, think.

How much longer could you have really lived the life you came from?

That discomfort—that feeling of more calling you forward into the unknown— could you really have just ignored it?

For how long?

And if you couldn’t have simply ignored that feeling forever, wasn’t this path, in a way, inevitable?

You were always going to leave.

You were always going to change.

It was only a matter of time.

This thing within you—it’s been more than just a passing thought or feeling.

It’s Soul.

Even if we could take away everything you’ve ever learned about what that word means, you’d still be left with this profoundly inevitable force within you.

We’re not teaching you anything here. We’re not telling you anything you don’t already know.

There is a force within you that’s been relentlessly calling you into something else. Every step of the way, it’s been this same force—this same piece of you—that calls you forward.

The word we use to describe it doesn’t matter. We could call it anything.

No word you’ve ever heard, no spiritual framework, no model that makes sense of the world, has ever really changed the reality itself. They only describe what already exists underneath those words and ideas.

What truly matters is the actual experience of this force within you. It was always inevitable that it would move you.

You felt it from the start.

This, you already know.

But it’s vital that you remember it.

There’s no spiritual teacher that moved you. There’s no model or modality that moved you. There’s no idea, no thought, no emotion—no one—that moved you.

This force, alone, compelled you to move.

Even before you had any words to describe it, you felt the experience of Soul moving through your being and compelling you to leave the safety of your certainty behind, in exchange for the knowing that you were exactly where you were meant to be, doing exactly what you were meant to be doing, at exactly the right time.

There, from the beginning, you took a chance and trusted yourself to be different. You chose.

And everything that’s happened since then has been because you made that choice.

This, and only this, is why you’re different.

You Are Different

This is true.

But we want to help make it very clear why you are different. It’s not just because you’re interested in spirituality or because you found a few books or teachers that molded your perspective over time.

You’re different because you listened to your inner calling. That’s it.

You chose to believe yourself, trust your experience, and listen to that inner force compelling you into something uncertain and new.

Now, we’re going to switch gears here a bit and let some of this energy settle. In the meantime, you can consider this context to be a helpful distraction! Your life has been no coincidence.

This path has been no coincidence.

Every step of the way, you’ve been guided by this force we call Soul.

Every religion of old describes this experience in one way or another. It’s Light. It’s God. It’s Truth.

But this isn’t something you’ve learned externally. It’s something you listened to from within your own being.

It’s something that was already within you.

Here, at The Second Paradigm, we describe this in a very specific way.

Your experience here is a blend of what we’ve called The Trifecta—body, soul, and ego.

Your body learns through its five senses. It’s constantly cataloguing that experience and using it to come to conclusions about what’s here, what’s coming, and what must be done next.

Your soul, on the other hand, is connected to a larger interconnected web of divinity. It’s a piece of the divine, here inside your very being, even now.

This piece of you is the piece that’s always known you’d be leaving those earlier circumstances and would go on a journey of finding yourself.

At least, this is the piece of you that wanted that to happen—that knew it would be beneficial for you—that always knew there was truly something more to this life.

Still, the whole you—body, soul, and ego—had to make that decision.

In order for any of this to have happened, you had to believe your soul over your body’s experience—even far before you knew there was any difference between the two.

You trusted this nebulous force within you, and that alone is what has made you so different.

Still, here, we find ourselves at a really big question: Why has this make you different, at all?

Don’t others also have a body, a soul, and an ego? Don’t others feel this calling too? Aren’t we all connected to the same thing?

If so, why aren’t more people listening to this force within them? The answer is actually quite simple.

They don’t believe they can.

Why You Are Different

You’ve spent some time thinking back to the first inklings of your soul calling you out of that first life of yours and into something entirely new.

Think back, a little more, to the deep uncertainty you felt there.

It may have actually taken years for you to overcome that first feeling of terrifying uncertainty and to simply, “Go for it.”

But imagine if you hadn’t gone for it, in the moment you did.

As time went on, would it have gotten easier to take that leap, or harder?

Chances are, you can feel the many strings of attachment that would have only tightened their grips—the rationale that it’s not really that bad, or that it’ll be far more convenient to take the leap later when A, B, and C are more situated and when it makes a bit more sense to do so.

You’re here, where you are, because you made this choice when you did, far before it was certain or easy.

You made a really big bet that everything would work out in the end, even though you genuinely had no idea if it would, or could.

Zooming out a bit, many people received the same call you did, at the same time you did.

Few answered.

This is why you’re different.

You answered.

We said earlier that this choice was, in a way, inevitable. You were always going to do this. And we meant that.

But we didn’t mean that you were always going to do this, when you did it. About a decade ago, there was a big push in the collective for a very specific role to be filled.

You can think of this like a divine mission, broadcasted out to every single person on the planet.

Some entirely ignored the feeling. Others explored it a bit and then just went back to what they were doing before. But those like yourself did far more than receive the call. You took the opening, and you said “Yes” to something you couldn’t have possibly understood at the time.

You looked certain doom straight in the eyes, peered out into the unknown with nothing more than this feeling within you, and walked out into the foggy distance, leaving everything else behind.

This divine mission was very specific. If you could have translated it at the time, it would have sounded something like this:

Calling Everyone:

In your near future, your world will be turned upside down.

Everything you’ve always thought to be true will suddenly come into question.

What ancient traditions and spiritual movements have spoken about for centuries is about to come online, personally, for every single person on the planet.

What you’ll soon discover is that your world is based on a misconception— that you are alone, separate from everyone else, and out here to fend for yourself and those you care about.

Even more, you’ll discover that this misconception is anything but accidental. There’s a very conscious effort to perpetuate this misconception by those who benefit from it.

This misconception will soon become obvious, and every aspect of your civilization that’s built on this misconception will either be destroyed entirely or changed to better serve your world.

There’s no way for you to fully know this or to see this now. Even those of you who have been exploring spirituality for quite some time are in for quite the surprise. What’s coming is truly unpredictable.

Still, we have a request to make for those of you who are able and willing to listen.

Soon, a new operating system is going to come online for your species. This piece of you that’s receiving this message now is the very piece of you that will entirely run the show in this new way of being.

This piece of you—what you could call Soul or Intuition—is a far more accurate, sustainable, and precise tool for sense making and decision making. Given the decisions that are being made by those on Earth, even now, it’s the inevitable direction of your species.

From where you stand today, installing this new operating system will be deeply confusing and overwhelmingly challenging.

We ask that those of you able and willing to feel this message now consider taking this treacherous journey into this entirely unknown landscape.

You will lose a lot.

You will face hardship after hardship.

You will want to give up, and you will undoubtedly question why you ever said “Yes” in the first place.

Still, though this may feel like an impossible task, we assure you it’s not. The large majority of you both willing and able to receive this message now have every capability to make it through the entirety of this journey into the full installation of this new operating system. Those who might not have that capability now, will build that capability through time, if they so choose.

Why would anyone in their right mind face this hardship?

Because divinity does not operate in win-lose scenarios. Each of you who take this opening into this very specific and deeply challenging path ahead, will one day find yourself serving to a degree that few beings in existence have the opportunity to.

This experience is one of the most rewarding personal opportunities within divinity currently in existence. The totality of your life’s journey will be remarkable, beyond words.

Every ounce of pain and turmoil you face will, in turn, reap countless blessings and rewards in your future—things that may not be what you’d imagine them to be today, but what you will certainly want most in this future.

Still, despite all of the benefit, few will choose this. And, in truth, a very small percentage of those receiving this are even needed for this task.

It’s far from ideal for every person to trudge through this unknown landscape. Preserving the function of your reality is and will continue to be deeply important. Every role must be played.

But this small percentage of your population that we are asking for now is vitally needed for the smooth transition of your species into this new operating system.

It is the inevitable direction of your world. This transition being fully integrated into your biology will continue for the next 300-500 years, and a total overhaul of every aspect of your world may take even longer.

Nevertheless, for all those receiving this message now, you will witness this transition on a grand scale, far sooner, in your lifetime.

Those who heed this call and take this leap into the unknown now will help facilitate this transition and play a direct role in its fulfillment later.

These few will help act as wayshowers for all others who inevitably step into this unknown landscape in your future, smoothing this process, and helping to avoid a total destabilization of your reality and civilization.

Again, this is not an easy path, but it will certainly be a rewarding one.

And, again, though many receive this message, few will answer.

Until this role is filled to capacity, this message will continue to broadcast consistently and constantly to your planet, echoing throughout the inner worlds of all those who have ears to hear it.

Once this role is filled, however, this message will stop and remain only as a distant memory, both to those who chose this path and to those who didn’t.

In the meantime, this choice is available to you, and it’s yours alone to make.

Thank you.

Do you see it?

You are different, because you chose to play a role that no one could have understood at the time.

You are different, because you answered this call—an unexplainable feeling within you that called you to a path that’s led you further and further away from tradition and culture.

Yes, it’s been hard.

Yes, it’s been confusing.

But this is the very confusion and hardship that you now have the opportunity to help the world navigate—perhaps, to even skip entirely.

This role is massive, and it’s profound beyond words.

Yes, you are different.

But that does not make you wrong, and it certainly does not make you crazy. You’re ahead of the curve—exactly where you’re supposed to be.

You are primed and ready for the world to begin its move right in your direction.

You are primed and ready to play the role you signed up for those many years ago.

Why You Question Your Sanity

So why has this call not been clearer and more obvious?

Why, if you have been doing something so profound, have you questioned your sanity at all?

Because, in many ways, you’re still in that same uncertain fog you walked into those many years ago. Even now, you find yourself navigating this new terrain, completely unsure if it’s truly habitable—truly safe.

Even still, you’ve yet to see much “tangible proof” that the world is actually heading in this direction.

So, now, you find yourself with two perspectives that could both be entirely true:

1) “You’re Crazy.”

Everything you’ve done has been out of pure insanity. You’ve faced hardship after hardship for little reason, and there will be no happy ending here, only even greater hardship to come.

You’ve been terribly mistaken.

And now? You must find your way back to your sanity.


2) “You’re Different.”

You’ve chosen to respond to a very specific call that few ever acknowledged and even fewer answered.

In doing so, you’ve paved the way into a whole new operating system that puts you in direct contact with your soul and divinity as a whole.

This new operating system is the inevitable trajectory of your civilization, and you’ll soon see opportunities to be able to guide the rest of the world around you through this transition that will fundamentally transform your planet.

So, which truth is really true?

The answer depends on which piece of you is answering.

Your body is inevitably going to see your difference as a problem.

Until it has further proof of something else, and until that something else has been fully experienced through your five senses, your body is going to be entirely unable to make sense of that difference in any other way than your being “wrong” and “dangerous.”

But your soul knows what’s coming.

Your soul knows what’s true.

Your soul knows exactly the call it has answered and exactly why it has done so.

Now what?

Well, you find yourself with a choice not so different from that very first choice you made those many years ago.

Do you continue forward into the unknown, allowing this force to continue guiding you into everything that you’re here to become?

Or do you hold off for another time, another place, another set of circumstances where perhaps it may be easier or more certain?

We find ourselves with quite the dilemma, here.

These two perspectives seem to be entirely unresolvable.

And, in some ways, they are.

Of course, we’re not simply stopping here.

We said we’d offer a perspective for you to be able to rest in and that we’d end this document with the almost bold statement: “You’re Not Crazy.”

That hasn’t changed. We’ll do exactly that.

But before we share any sort of comfort or offer any new perspective, we have to first explore the aspect of this inner turmoil that’s entirely unresolvable.

Your body will continue to feel uncomfortable around your sanity.

Any deviance whatsoever is (and will continue to be) uncomfortable. It’s a core survival mechanism that can’t simply be overcome mentally. It can only be your lived experience that resolves this.

And, of course, that lived experience only comes with time. For this, there’s absolutely nothing we can do here.

Still, there’s plenty we can do, and will.

This is what this document is really about.

So with all of this out of the way, and this potent energy now landing and settling through this somewhat long but helpful distraction, let’s get back to the meat of this discussion, shall we?

“What is Sanity, Really?”

Have you ever asked yourself this question?

What is it that you’re trying to achieve by not being crazy?

What does this sane version of you actually look like?

Is there a problem in your life that you can only solve with this sanity?

There’s a reason we started with this inevitable feeling of crazy that’s going to continue to reside within you.

Once you understand that this feeling is inevitable, you no longer have to work to fully eradicate it from your being. It’s not something you need to get rid of.

You can, however, so throughly examine this feeling of crazy that it no longer has a decisive grip on you.

When you feel it, and stop trying to fix it, you suddenly see its laughable game.

This is how we end with, “You’re Not Crazy”—by accepting the inevitable, and also dismantling everything that it stands on.

When your body is concerned about its sanity, you are feeling a biological urge to fit in and fall back in line with the majority.

This biological urge is inevitable.

This thick feeling of shame that comes with it is also inevitable.

What’s not inevitable is believing that emotional game.

It’s fully possible to allow this feeling to ripple through your being, while also standing firmly in your Peace and Inner Solidity.

Now, knowing that it’s possible, let’s walk there, piece by piece.

An Uncomfortable Exploration

There are two directions we have to go simultaneously here to really unpack this feeling of crazy:

One: being misunderstood, ostracized, and written off by others.

Two: being destabilized, in danger, and in need of help.

This is uncomfortable for a wide variety of reasons—the main one being the hard hitting feeling that we’ve already seen as inevitable:

You’re Different.

That hurts.

And you’ll inevitably feel a biological urge to fall back in line. But outside of that feeling, what are you left with?

What’s so compelling about this particular flavor of discomfort? Are you so wrong that you’re a danger to yourself or others?

What specifically is it that you are doing that’s so dangerous? Is it building awareness around your inner world and learning to trust yourself from a centered place of Peace? Is it taking a chapter of your life to examine who you are, and what you really wish to be doing with the remainder of your time here? Is it seeing where your emotions and assumptions about the world have led to acting out of alignment with who you truly are, and working to rectify that?

Or is it simply that you’re so different, that you’ll forever be ignored and ostracized?

What is it specifically that’s so different about you that others would have reason to turn away? If what you’re doing is useful in any way at all, isn’t that also something that others would be interested in? Isn’t it those who are most different who are also most celebrated in your culture?

The more you be with this feeling, the more you see its holes—its assumptions.

Your body assumes that different is bad or dangerous, even when it’s that very difference that moves the world forward.

Absolutely nothing happens here on your planet without someone, somewhere being different.

So what are you afraid of?

The more you look at it, the more this archaic perspective begins to fall apart.

Behind it all, the biggest punch of being “crazy” is biological, not logical.

So, rather than continuing down a long road of arguing with this never-ending and irrational emotion, let’s jump to the core of what’s here:

1) You Are You.

It’s so obvious, but it’s also vital to understanding why this internal obsession with your potential craziness is futile.

You are you. What else could you possibly be?

Yes, you could pretend for a moment that you are someone else, doing something else, living another life.

But you are you, regardless.

What can you really change about who you truly are?

Yes, you can do something simply to fit in and fall back in line with the majority, but outside of bending to this illogical emotion within you, what good reason do you have to play pretend?

You Are You.

2) You Are Here, Now.

Again, this is obvious, but you are exactly who you are now, in these very circumstances you find yourself within.

Where else could you be?

Yes, you can conjure up effort and plan your way somewhere else, but even then you’re still here for the moment.

You’re on this planet, in this year, on this day, with these exact circumstances.

You are here, now, and you are you.

If something about this is truly wrong, what can be changed in a moment’s notice?

Is it the world? Can the world suddenly change to become more accepting of you, and is this something you’d ever really have control over?

Is it you? Can you suddenly move something within your being, so drastically, that you’d become unrecognizable to yourself or more ideal in the eyes of the world?

Change is happening far slower than your mind can imagine it.

Your fear of being ostracized or of being wrong can only be that—a fear—because there is no solution to suddenly change who you are, or where you are. What we’re left with is an inevitable biological fear of being different and crazy, and a you and a world that cannot be suddenly altered.

What now?

There’s nowhere to go.

You are stuck, here, as you, in this world—feeling crazy.

Yet, oddly, this is the good news.

It means there’s nothing to do about this feeling or for this feeling.

There’s nothing to do to get rid of the feeling. And there’s nothing to change about yourself, the world, or your circumstances.

Yes, you can scramble to try to change yourself or your circumstances, but to what end? Where does it go?

Minor changes that don’t fully resolve this feeling anyhow. The hard truth stands firm:

You Are Different.

The more you be with this feeling, the more it lessens in urgency, credibility, and power.

Because what’s actually so wrong with being different?

The real emotional hardship only comes from trying to change the inevitable discomfort of your body and leap into action the moment it arises.

But when that manic urge moves out of focus, even for a moment, you’re left only with that plain and simple truth:

You’re Different.

Now what? Really, now what?

There’s nothing to fix. There’s nothing to change. There’s nothing wrong with you or the fact that you’re different from those around you.

And if your intuition is as true and valid as you feel—if this call is real—your being different is actually one of the most profound aspects of your existence. It’s a grand purpose being fulfilled through you, even now.

This is the truth about your “difference” from the world around you.

Without the endless journey of trying to resolve the unresolvable, what problem is there, really?

What is the problem with feeling, looking, sounding, or being different?

Here, already, there’s a crack in the logic—an opening for your soul to be heard even in the thick of this challenging internal battle.

So really, think. What would it mean if everything you believed about the profound nature of your existence here was actually true?

What if you really did receive this call a decade or more ago, and you find yourself now developing a whole new way of being for the future of your species?

What if this really is something that everyone else around you is inevitably going to see for themselves, exactly as you have?

What if intuition truly is the most powerful decision making force in existence, and it’s the very thing you’ve been learning to access and trust?

What if Light and Dark are real? And what if you truly are the Light being made manifest here on this planet?

Then, given all of this truth about yourself and your profound place in this world, would you really want to change anything at all?

Would you really wish to suddenly stop being so different?

Would you take back any of the decisions you’ve made?

And for what?

For an ancient biological urge to be the same as everyone else? For an outdated attempt to ensure your survival?

Remember, your survival and safety are already ensured through your intuition by this larger orchestration of divinity. That, you’ve seen time and time again.

So what reason could you have to give up all of this goodness and purpose for an emotional attempt by your body to ensure a level of safety that already exists?

It’s selling your car to pay for car insurance. Why?

You are held beyond your wildest comprehension, here and now, as you.

You are more precise than you ever have been, more centered in Peace, more connected to divinity, and closer to the fullest embodiment of your soul’s truest essence than ever before.

If that makes you crazy, is it worth chasing sanity?

They Don’t Believe They Can

We want to circle back now to an idea we brushed over earlier.

Again, this context can serve as a helpful distraction while the energy here settles.

“They don’t believe they can.”

We said this about why others haven’t taken the leap themselves, despite having their own soul calling them forward relentlessly, just as yours has done for you.

This is why you are different, remember?

But it’s also why this unique mission from divinity is so profound to begin with.

The truth is, your world is locked in a web of misconception that’s deeply challenging to overcome.

And, as we mentioned earlier, this is not accidental or simply by chance. Your world finds itself in what could be called a psychological prison.

Darkness is very real. It’s here, just as we are, and it’s assisting those who wish to see a very different outcome for Earth than what we’ve shared here and what the Light has intended for your species.

This darkness wishes to perpetuate these misconceptions. It wishes to derail your efforts, and it wishes to slow down this inevitable awakening and transition for as long as it possibly can.

If darkness had its way, this transition would never come—it would forever be halted, slowed to a stop. This is, of course, impossible. But nevertheless, it tries.

Some time ago, beings not of the Light shared a technology with a select few on your planet who vowed, in exchange, their subservience to this malevolent force.

It’s a spell of sorts that’s actually quite practical in nature. The gist of it is this:

Use the biology of the other against them. Use misconceptions that already exist, and deepen their illogical grip for your own gain.

Weaponize shame by making everything that’s good and normal, unacceptable and undesirable.

Weaponize fear by making everything that’s certain in knowing, uncertain in a new logic of your own creation.

Glorify the body’s misconceptions as true, and bring all else into question.  Do this, exactly as we tell you, and the world will be yours.

We could go on for many pages on the specifics of this “spell,” but it’s something you’re already quite familiar with.

It’s the very thing you’ve woken up out of.

The reason why this has been so difficult is because the structure of your world has been weaponized, by design, specifically to make it difficult.

Shame, guilt, unworthiness, insecurity, fear of loss and death—all weaponized.

The Core 3—survival based action, material and emotional desires—are deepened and fortified by well maintained psychological manipulations.

These ways of thinking and being already exist within your body. Yes, they are natural and an inevitable part of your journey as a species—from what you were, into what you are becoming.

But, they are also being unnecessarily fortified to slow down that very journey.

The body is manipulated where the soul cannot be. The same biological hardware that allows your soul to exist here in physical form, to come down into this physical world, is being captured and held in an adolescent state.

If, suddenly, Light were to be the only force working here, with no interference from darkness, this awakening process would be rapid beyond comprehension.

But this is not what’s here. This process is being slowed, even now.

This world you have woken up within is designed to fortify obstacle after obstacle to that awakening.

Along the way, you have woven your way through psychological maze after maze, staring certain doom in the eyes and trusting your inner knowing to guide you.

This process would not be so difficult if it were not for the hard truth that darkness very much exists here.

So we come back to this idea: “They don’t believe they can.”

This bold leap you took flew in the face of every effort of darkness to slow this awakening process and maintain humanity’s firm footing within The Core 3.

Divinity found its way to you, and you made a bold bet to listen to this Light bubbling up within your being.

You trusted the oddly familiar texture of the energy of Light, the overwhelmingly profound feeling it brought with it, and the knowing within you that there was truth to this unknown mystery unfolding within your very being.

You broke free.

You took a really unique opening, for a very specific purpose, highly energized and supported by divinity.

Not everyone here has had that same experience.

Along the way, you were shown that your fears were irrational, that they held no real power over you.

Not everyone here has had that same experience.

You were guided by this internal force, and you lived the experience that when you leapt, you were held and taken care of within the grace of its wisdom.

Not everyone here has had that same experience. Here’s the point.

When the world looks at you, it does not understand how you do what you do— and even more so, how you don’t do what you “must do” in order to survive and to get ahead.

Your world still largely operates under the misconceptions of a dark psychological technology.

You do not.

This is why you are different, and it’s also why what you are here to do is so unimaginably important.

You have seen—maybe only in small glimpses, but seen nonetheless—how deeply powerful this version of you is that you will become.

You have felt the impact you can have here on this planet if you could only be fully liberated in your deepest and truest expression as a soul.

You have imagined the world being changed by you, by this nebulous and intangible future self that is deeply empowered as a potent vehicle for Light to be transmitted potently and purely.

Now, feel for a moment what can be done here on this planet if that very same Light were to come not just through you, but through hundreds of millions of people at once—or greater yet, everyone.

What problems could be solved? What solutions could be unveiled? What new technologies, internal and external, could be developed?

This is the top priority of Light on your planet.

And the way it’s being done, is through a small percentage of this population— people exactly like you, who feel Light and Truth calling them forward, even now.

To know this purpose you’re fulfilling, to know you’re anything but crazy, requires that you see this world for what it truly is.

If this world is normal, you are crazy.

But if this world is truly as we describe here—a civilization held captive within psychological prisons that hold them to false fears and adolescent desires—then you are far from crazy.

You are one of the sanest among you.

And you are preparing yourself to speak the truth about your sanity.

The spiritual technology coming online within you now—what we are here to help articulate and make clear, and what Light is here to bring to this planet—is directly counter to what already exists here.

That is good. That is ideal. That is necessary.

Many of those around you do not believe they can leave their hollow obligations behind.

They “must,” so they do.

But in truth, their souls are doing all they can to get through—their souls call them out of their misconceptions and into the ideal in every moment.

The only reason why they do not walk a similar path now is because the technologies of darkness have tricked them, in the same ways they tricked you.

“They Don’t Believe They Can.”

Let’s be clear about where this goes.

Soul is the greatest threat to the darkness that exists in your world.

Within your intuition, within your Direct Access to divinity itself, you find the clear and stable certainty of your safety, your wholeness, and your goodness.

You find the truth that breaks every misconception and uncovers every lie.

This new operating system is simply your natural way of being—not what has been, but what lies underneath the coercion and trickery of darkness.

And now, this threatening Light has come online within you. You hold within your being, after a decade-long escape from this prison, the key to every cell.

Does that make you crazy? Would it matter if it did?


What we ask of you now is simple: Look.

Look at the world around you, and try to rationalize how it could possibly be any other thing than what you already know to be true.

Why do so few control so many?

Why do so many dread their very existence, strung up within a web of never- ending obligations?

Why is there no perceptible way out from within those obligations?

What is this inner force that has compelled you forward through perceived certain doom and into an entirely new landscape on the other side?

What other explanation could there possibly be for all of this?

This idea that you are crazy, wrong, and direly mistaken about the nature of reality doesn’t stand up to your own internal exploration.

You are you, and you are here.

You are different because you defy the limitations of reality time and time again.

Externally, that looks crazy.

Internally, that feels crazy.

Difference is crazy.

But that idea is nothing more than a piece of that very same web of misconception and malicious deception that we’ve spoken to.

What’s lingering here in your psyche is not whether or not you should continue to escape this psychological prison, but whether or not you should return.

Or perhaps even more pressing and terrifying, whether or not you’ll alert others to your existence outside of those prison walls:

“I’m out here, firmly outside of the web of perceived necessity and hollow desires, and I’m not coming back.”

In the short term, some may dislike the fact that you’ve “cheated” your way through an unwinnable game.

They may dislike that you’ve “taken a shortcut” to what can only be achieved after earning a level of financial security, fame, or success.

But in the long term, there’s not a single person on your planet that could deny the path you’ve taken to be a valid response to this web of misconceptions.

You haven’t cheated or shortcut anything. You’ve simple stopped allowing yourself to be lied to—stopped allowing yourself to be gently rocked to sleep by what darkness wishes to claim as magic, but what Light knows to be little more than a petty and powerless trick.

It may seem impossible for to you fully know this is true. Yet, somehow, we know that you already do.

This truth that’s been bubbling up within you for years is now firmly taking its seat not just within a tiny sliver of your being, but throughout the entirety of your embodiment and way of life.

Your decisions are being made from Soul, more and more each day. Your precision and clarity in your truth is growing constantly.

And soon, inevitably, you will find yourself out in the world being this version of you—interacting with others while firmly planted outside the limitations of biological misconception.

Soon, you will own these facts about yourself to a degree you never thought possible.

Because, your soul already knows that you are sane.

This very process of questioning your sanity is simply the process of discovering what your soul already knows to be true.

There’s a hard switch here, on and off, like there is in very few other pockets of your being. Who you are when you know you are sane is drastically different than who you are when you question your sanity.

This hard switch is something that the darkness here on your planet is deeply invested in keeping “off” within your being.

“Crazy” is one of its last lines of defense against Soul.

And crazy is something that’s already uninstalling within your being to a greater degree than ever.

You are already liberating yourself, here and now, as this energy continues to land behind the words—behind the context.

What’s truly here is already happening within you.

An Inner Solidity Stress Test

Given the circumstances on your planet, we have quite an intricate metaphor to pull from here.

Throughout the course of this document and in your own personal interaction with your Oversoul and Soul behind the scenes, you’ve faced these feelings of crazy head on, and you’ve begun building resilience to this misconception.

You can think of this deep hit of shame and doubt like a viral invasion. As the energy’s landed here, you’ve been fighting off this virus and building antibodies to this feeling of crazy.

What’s here now is to test your immune system for resilience to this virus by reintroducing it.

This is how we can test the efficacy of this energetic vaccine, so to speak.

While we’re on the topic, it may be worth remembering this particular aspect of this dark technology:

“Weaponize fear by making everything that’s certain in knowing, uncertain in a new logic of your own creation.”

Nevertheless, let’s use this logic for a moment to teach and explore what’s here. Let’s put your “antibodies” to the test, shall we?

What if the entirety of your experience has been wrong?

Perhaps, you’ve been led astray by your social anxiety and an overactive mind, and it was simply far more convenient to imagine a reality where your life had purpose, than to accept that you just don’t fit in here.

After all, isn’t this reality just a big meaningless game?

There’s no real way for you to prove your significance within it.

Logically, you’re just one in 7.6 billion people on this planet, and your significance only shrinks by the day as your population grows. Who are you to imagine such delusions of grandeur? Who are you say that decades of scientific research are wrong and there’s anything more to this meaningless existence?


What proof do you have that this decision you’ve made to live your life according to what you “feel” is going to pay off?

People don’t suddenly become successful because they feel like they will. It takes hard work, dedication, and a solid plan—no, even more, it takes luck.

Who are you to imagine that you’re so lucky that you can be something in this world without putting in the effort to increase those already slim odds?

What if everything you’ve ever believed was false?

What if this small, insignificant portion of the population you identify with is just crazy and in need of serious medical intervention?

Wouldn’t it be easier to just turn back now? You surely have somewhat of a grip on reality, don’t you? You’re still thinking logically, so you’re not a lost cause—yet.

But what if you keep going down this road? What if you continue to entertain your delusions? What if, one day, you can no longer find your way back?

What if this path doesn’t pay off? What if you live the next 30 years in the same hardship you’ve faced over the past decade, with no relief in sight? What then?

What more would you have to “prove your significance,” if by every measurable standard you have failed in this world?

Aren’t there easier paths to success than sitting back and doing absolutely nothing—believing that you are significant, when you are creating nothing of value in the real world that everyone lives in, but you?

Aren’t there better ways to discover who you are than exploring pseudoscientific nonsense?

Who do you think you are, and what makes you so special? Breathe.

Feel in your being the pieces of you that are terrified that all of this is true and all that you’ve come to believe over the years is nothing more than a comfortable delusion.

Breathe, and settle in.

Pause, even if only for a few moments, be with this feeling, and breathe.

Riding the Wave

Certainly, already, the grips of crazy are loosening. But the same mechanism fires nonetheless.

Why is it so easy to manipulate these feelings? Isn’t it fascinating how easily a mood can be changed?

This is why we’ve said these feelings are inevitable. At some point, you will continue to run into these same words, this same “stress test.”

And, at some point, you will learn to simply ride the wave and have it be entirely meaningless within your being.

But, for the moment, let’s remind you again of who you are and what you are doing here.

This existence is not meaningless. That is the most absurd idea on your planet. There is no logic behind everything coming from nothing with this degree of complexity.

All that’s been done is move the big question outward:

“How did life on this planet come to be?“

“Well, it was the Big Bang, then the mathematical rules of this existence bringing everything together, plus a lot of time, plus a lot of luck.”

“Great. And how did the Big Bang, the rules of this existence, and time come to exist?”

“Well, we don’t know yet, but we’ll find out sooner or later. All we know is that there’s no Creator, no purpose, and only physical experience is real.”

“Ah, yes. That makes no sense to anyone at all, but it must be true.”

There is no logic behind every spiritual tradition of old pointing to the same Light, the same feeling, the same intelligence, the same landscape—yet somehow your modern world coming to a completely different and entirely incomplete explanation that makes all of those previous traditions void and not worth exploring.

How did so many countless generations on completely different continents all get it so wrong, in such similar ways?

How can this odd logic of your modern world possibly hold true?

And even more importantly, how can this steady force within you possibly just be one big delusion?

There is no logic behind this force within you leading you through certain doom so many times, and yet never once seeing that certain doom come to fruition.

One can only imagine how much “luck” would be required for you to have Big Banged your way out of nothingness and into existence, then to feel and trust this unknown force within you, and to have your life continue to work out despite your every mental projection pointing to financial, social, and physical doom.

Could anyone really be that lucky?

It may seem to be “too remarkable” that the world is mistaken and that you’ve uncovered some other “new truth” within you.

But this truth you’ve uncovered about divinity and your personal connection to it has existed here before—for many centuries. These conclusions about Light, Truth, and Divinity are nothing new.

On the other hand, this modern “truth” about the meaninglessness of your life? That’s new. That’s different.

And this “new truth” is oddly suited to disconnect you from that old truth, despite what your actual experience may have to say about the matter.

Even more odd, this “new truth” of your modern world is hollow and illogical. This “new truth” leads people down paths that bring no lasting joy, no deep fulfillment, and yet are somehow held as necessary for even basic survival.

Isn’t it quite obvious that these paths are completely fabricated and could be reworked just as easily as they were imagined? This “new truth” seems not to think so. “Everything is normal, and this is just how things are,” it says.

But when you look to your own experience, you’ve defied this “new truth” time and time again. Those necessities clearly aren’t necessary, or you would surely not be here, still in tact, as you are.

You’ve walked through flames, passed through brick walls, and strolled casually over the edges of cliffs—and somehow you are untouched, unharmed, and still here.

The only explanation is that this “new truth” of the modern world is wrong—that this inner knowing really is something to be valued, developed, and explored.

Life is not a random mystery that’s only solvable by the smartest minds.

Life is profound.

Your Soul is real.

This has to be true, even if only because your own life stands as proof.

Now, as we settle back into your sanity, your wholeness, and your bravery and courage in taking this path into the unknown, remember, there’s nothing to figure out and nothing to fix.

You are you.

You are here.

You are different.

But there’s nothing to change or alter, not even the fear that you are absolutely insane and will never be accepted for that difference.

In truth, this force within you is the most powerful force in all of existence. The thing you’ve been following is Light and Soul.

And somehow, despite all odds, you’ve found yourself right here, right now— more liberated than you’ve ever been in the entirety of your existence on Earth.

This is something to celebrate, deeply.

The more that you see this truth in your own experience, the easier it will be to ride the waves of uncertainty and the easier it will be to simply be you in the world—to do what you really came here to do.

You Are Not Crazy.

We promised we’d end up here by the end of this document. This is a promise we’re going to keep.

You are not crazy.

We’ve torn through some of the toughest pieces of this intricate puzzle, and done all we can on this end to help create space for your own soul’s deep and potent interaction with your body, your psyche, and this deep fear.

Where we’re ending is here:

This feeling of being different and wanting to fall back in line? It’s inevitable.

Because of that inevitability, there’s nothing to do about it.

You are you, and you are here in this world. There’s no suddenly changing that, and there’s no reason to expend your energy in pretending that you can.

All that’s really left is to ride the wave of this inevitable feeling, while making the same choice you made those many years ago.

You witness yourself continue to teeter between these two perspectives—I am crazy, and I am different.

And despite that conflict, despite that confronting feeling, you trust that same inner force within you to continue to guide you, as it has all these years.

In truth, this is what you were going to do anyway. It’s the only reason you’d be here exploring this now in the first place.

No one who wishes to truly “find their way back” would face that deep fear of being crazy head on.

You’re here because you already know what you’re doing, and what you’ll continue to do.

All this really is, here and now, is a slight nudge to flip this inner switch toward a deeper owning of your sanity—an inner fortification of your trust in yourself and what you are already doing.

There are countless logical reasons why you are not crazy, but none of that is the point. In this document, all of the logic was merely meant to “shake things up a bit” while the real magic happened in the background.

Soul is already working its way into this deep core wound and challenge, and that process will continue at the exact pace that it’s ideal to.

You’re already sane. You’re already good exactly where you’re at. Your body is just catching up with that truth in time.

As the energy settles here a bit, and we start moving toward the end of our time here together, we want to end with this acknowledgement of what you already know to be true:

”You’re Not Crazy.”

We say you already know this, because you do.

If you truly believed you were crazy, you would have stopped long ago.

Your soul already runs the show here—at least enough to keep you on this path, heading right into certain doom (yet again) and further into your liberation.

You are this Soul.

You already know you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, doing exactly what you’re meant to be doing, and fulfilling your life’s mission and purpose on this planet.

Everything else is a just dying remnant of a dark “spell” that’s been cast on this world. It’s this psychological prison that you’ve already seen through, already navigated your way out of.

You already have enough trust in yourself not to simply walk back into it, just because so many people you know and love are still sitting within its walls.

You’re not crazy—not because of anything we’ve said here, but because you already know this to be true.

It’s already the truth you make decisions on every single day. You trust yourself not to be crazy, and that’s why you keep going.

You trust yourself not to be crazy, and that’s why you build up the courage to share your true self with others even more fully, despite the consequences.

You trust yourself not to be crazy, and that’s why you invoke divinity to answer your life’s greatest questions and to guide you through your greatest challenges.

You’re not crazy because being crazy is just a made up idea, built on illogical fears and misconceptions.

You’re not in danger. You’re not harming anyone. And you’re truly doing and becoming something profound and revolutionary.

You’re walking into a whole new way of being—clearly.

You’re doing something blatantly different, and it’s actually working. You’re actually becoming more centered, less manic, and more of yourself every step of the way.

This “bet” that at one time was truly a roll of the die, is now backed by your own lived experience.

Even your body now knows you’re likely not crazy.

The whole you is getting on board with the idea of being exactly who you are out in this world.

You’re moving from Phase 1—landing your essence into your body—into Phase 2 —radiating that essence out into the world.

You’re bringing your internal identity out into your external identity, and these are just the final checks within your being to make sure that you’re going to be okay.

But even in the worst of it, there’s always this piece of you that knows you’re safe, you’re sane, and you’re right on track to play a vital role in this transition of your planet from The First to The Second Paradigm.

You are not crazy.


Because you already know it to be true.

Now, all that’s left is to ride the wave to greater Inner Solidity and witness yourself through even more lived experience of your wholeness, your connectedness, and your sanity.

Yes, you are different.

And it’s truly the greatest thing you could possibly be.

Soon, more than ever, crazy will be nothing more than a laughable game you used to play before you brought your soul out into this world and forever changed the course of history.

So much love to you,