A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
14/14 of The Core Teachings Collection
It’s been some time since we’ve last spoken with many of you via these written transmissions, so welcome back!
It is truly a pleasure to be here and to be able to articulate one of the more important teachings we’ve covered in this document series to date.
As with any of our teachings, you can read these documents in any order you feel called to.
Still, each new doc in this series builds upon what has come before it, so there are times where it’s uniquely helpful to have some foundational context already established. This is one of those times.
Specifically, it’s helpful to understand that your Light is impenetrable and that you have no problems; what is essentially the foundation for fully embodied Peace. If these seem like entirely foreign concepts, it might be helpful to first read Navigating Darkness and The Tipping Point before continuing.
That being said, if you find yourself reading this because you were intuitively drawn to this document and your own connection is giving you a green light, so to speak, let’s simply dive in.
We wish to push some edges here in acknowledging the current state of your world—including, but not limited to, “Satan.”
This is, for many, a highly uncomfortable topic.
For some, it’s uncomfortable because it’s scary.
For others, it’s uncomfortable because it’s a “crazy” or “ignorant” idea that’s not even worth acknowledging. Satan and the concept of darkness is seen as little more than a fictional story meant to scare the naive into the church’s version of morality. It’s a con.
But, we can assure you, darkness is not a work of fiction. Darkness is very real—as are specific beings (like Satan) that exist in a sort of hierarchy of control.
We can present this as metaphor to make it easier to be with, and in the past, we might have done just that.
But this isn’t that conversation.
You’ve explored enough of the spiritual landscape to have an idea of what this conversation actually entails. At some point, it becomes useful to simply face these uncomfortable concepts head-on.
Still, before we get into it, let’s preface this a bit.
We’re not about to tell you how useful it is to believe that a 12-foot tall red skinned man with horns and a pitchfork rules the world from his fiery lair.
That’s simply not true.
From our perspective, that cartoonish image is one this dark hierarchy would actually prefer that you think of when you hear the “Devil” or “Satan,” simply because of how absurd and unrealistic of an image it is.
Any sane person would write that off as quickly as they heard it. That’s partially why so many do write it off.
But that fictional description isn’t what we’re talking about here.
We wish to set aside as much of that distorted distraction as possible and speak, instead, to the actual reality of darkness on your planet.
Again, we’d agree with any naysayers that a red horned bodybuilder with a long pointy tail doesn’t actually exist (and certainly doesn’t rule your world).
But that’s not what we’re here to talk about.
Satan, darkness, and the system of control over your planet all absolutely do exist—just not how most tend to imagine them.
As we properly differentiate this conversation out from the fear, the absurdity, and the distractions, we’ll find ourselves with some newfound space to speak to what is real in all of this.
It’s not only safe to acknowledge the realities of darkness—at some point in your evolution, there’s actually nothing more important.
Call in your Oversoul, breathe, and let’s continue.
The Collective Field
Let’s start this discussion somewhere far less intense.
As we’ve taught many times in other settings, when you access information from your Oversoul through your intuition, you are “reading” data that is uniquely crafted for you in that exact circumstance, in that very moment, by divinity.
But your Oversoul isn’t the only energetic “feed” you have access to.
What’s equally accessible is what we’ll call, “the collective field.”
We’re going to unpack this term more in other contexts later, but for now, you can think of this simply as an energetic grid—one that’s made up of the collective thoughts of everyone currently on your planet.
This collective field is a sort of energetic data center, or a central hub that all of humanity is connected to. For that reason, some might simply call it your “collective consciousness.”
In a more Light world, this collective field might be a more useful place to source tangible skills from or to learn something more quickly—what you might expect from the collective’s central data hub.
But on Earth in its current state, that’s only partially true. You can learn some things more rapidly by reading that collective field, but what you’ll find is predominantly rooted in The First Paradigm.
That means, often, what you get back is going to directly conflict with what you’d intuitively get from your Oversoul in the same set of circumstances.
For that reason, this is the same collective field we continually recommend disconnecting from. When you ask to be “disconnected from the collective,” you are unplugging from this collective field. That lets you access divinity more easily to see what’s uniquely here for you as a soul.
To put this more plainly, as of now, in your era, your Oversoul and this collective field are conflicting sources of information.
For example, in one particularly large and dominating section of your collective field, you live in a godless, physical world:
“God and the Devil are what silly Christians believe to avoid bearing the weight of their inevitable death. Life is one big cosmic coincidence. ‘Intuition’ is just another name for a quick calculation made by your own mind—not your conscious mind, but a piece of your mind that you cannot access, that you cannot control, and that exists entirely outside of your awareness. This ‘subconscious’ mind is heavily influenced by everything it sees, and it’s the hidden source of what some ‘lesser minds’ might imagine to be intuition or some higher power. It’s literally and physically, all in your head.”
In this piece of your collective field, these are simply “rational” things to believe.
If this sounds familiar to you, that’s of no coincidence. These aren’t just things you might have heard someone say in passing. They’re things you can feel even now. It’s data that you can access at any time in your collective field.
What this means is that by following your intuition and walking the path you are, you’re actively defying what exists in your collective field in favor of what you access from your Oversoul and divinity at large.
Defying your collective field isn’t easy.
Much of the conflict that spiritual people face on a regular basis actually stems from referencing certain pieces of the collective field and finding convincing reasons why they’re crazy, wrong, or stupid for feeling or believing what they do.
But walking in the exact opposite direction of the energetic majority isn’t just some act of rebellion or something difficult for no reason.
The very act of defying your collective field in favor of your intuitive connection quite literally brings Light into that collective field.
When you intuitively access your Oversoul, the decisions you make from that place are new—they’re not already accessible in the collective field. That novelty is then recorded and becomes accessible within that larger collective field.
As you’re already very familiar with, what exists most commonly within that collective field is easier to be. It’s easier to be something when there’s a preexisting groove for it. It’s harder to trust your guidance when you can energetically feel the sheer number of people that see that entire intuitive process as crazy, wrong, or stupid.
It’s something like “psychic peer pressure,” and it can be as equally challenging to navigate as any other kind of peer pressure.
As we’ve mentioned before, you are The Cutting Edge. You make it easier for others to walk in Light simply by choosing to do so yourself.
This isn’t just about what you might do that others are able to physically witness. If it were, the long periods of isolation you’ve been in through various chapters of your path would have been entirely unproductive. They weren’t.
No, this is beyond what others see and model, though that happens. Your contribution is predominantly how you actively change that collective field as it references your decisions in Light.
This is, in part, why you’re here and why you find yourself in a unique pocket of the collective, being presented with unique psychological and emotional “problems.”
You can imagine Light working its way into your collective field through many individuals like yourself, each doing your part to bring Light into your own unique pocket of the collective.
Again, on Earth, you have the ability to reference both sources of information—your individual connection to your Oversoul and the collective field.
You are on one side of the “extreme” for which source of information you value.
You made a “bet” that your intuition was real and trustworthy. From big life decisions, down into the tiny micro subtleties of experience, you learned to lean on your Oversoul, Light, and your intuition for all of your decisions.
At this time? On this planet?
You’re certainly an outlier.
You’ve chosen, essentially to entirely disregard the collective field as a source of information, in favor of your own personal connection to your Oversoul.
This was a fairly straightforward choice:
“Between your Oversoul and the collective field, which source of information do you read, embody, and ultimately present to others?”
Again, these are conflicting sources of information.
There are some on your planet we’d call equally “extreme” as you, just on the exact opposite end of that spectrum.
You, we call The Cutting Edge.
At that opposite extreme, is what we’ll simply call “celebrity.”
These are individuals that are just as “extreme” as you in their choice, but not for how they read and embody their soul essence through their connection to their Oversoul—they are extreme for how they readand embodythe collective field.
Understanding that, is the next piece of seeing this larger landscape for what it truly is.
Again, celebrity, as we’re defining it here, is the opposite extreme to what we’ve called The Cutting Edge.
Celebrities are reading and embodying the collective field in the same way that you are reading the intuitive feed of your Oversoul to embody your soul’s essence.
The larger journey of becoming a celebrity is also, as you might expect, the mirror opposite of your own.
You, on the Cutting Edge, have prioritized your Oversoul connection so fully that it’s since become a full blown operating system—intuitionOS—that you use to live in The Second Paradigm.
Celebrities are psychically accessing an energetic feed—just like you—but, again, are pulling from an entirely different source of information.
Celebrities read and embody the collective field.
Most people on your planet reference this collective field habitually and without direct awareness over what they’re doing.
It fact, when the large majority of your population psychically checks in with the collective field, they almost always perceive what they get back to be their own “individual thought.”
This is why your population, at times, has that odd hive-mind or groupthink quality. Huge numbers of individuals psychically reference the collective field, the central data hub of the thoughts and decisions of the larger population, and they all simultaneously perceive what they get back to be their own individual thought.
For a huge majority of people, their thought space as a whole is entirely undifferentiated. Sometimes referencing their own mind, other times referencing the collective field, and even other times referencing their Oversoul connection—it’s all just “them” and “their thoughts.”
Because the collective field directly conflicts with their Oversoul connection, this undifferentiated thought space puts most of your population into a degree of confusion and unresolvable internal conflict.
Sorting this undifferentiated thought space was the main purpose behind our teaching the concept of body vs. soul.
When you started to ask yourself what was “body” and what was “soul,” your internal world began sorting your thought space into two categories—a thought space where, previously, there was no differentiation there at all.
This sorting process, you’ve mostly accomplished by now. But the bulk of your population still has zero differentiation between what is them and what is not them, what is Light or what is external pushback. It’s all just “individual thought.”
You might be able to imagine what happens to that undifferentiated thought space when someone sees their own “individual thoughts”—their aspirations, their dreams—being perfectly embodied in someone else.
Seeing someone who fully embodies “what they want,” as defined by the collective field that they think is their own “individual thought,” creates an odd mix of awe, respect, admiration, envy, lust, etc., that can only be described as “celebrity.”
What the collective values is embodied as celebrity.
Because the collective field is full of the thoughts, aspirations, desires, and decisions of everyone on your planet, those who can read that field have continual access to those thoughts, aspirations, desires, and decisions.
They then, simply become that.
They become a sort of “living ideal” or “model” of what the collective values, as defined by the collective field.
If everyone is referencing the same collective field to decide what to be, how to act, what is good, and what is true, then those who fully embody that source of information become the living embodiments of success, goodness, and truth.
This is a bit of an odd phenomenon. It’s not physical looks, money, hard work, or any other single factor that makes celebrity work in this way. Those things might help to some degree, but none of them are the deciding factor of what captures the sort of idolized influence that can only be described as celebrity.
No, celebrity is dictated only by how fully someone dedicates themselves to reading and embodying the collective field—something that most of your world doesn’t believe to exist, doesn’t understand, and actually perceives as their own individual thought.
When “smart” is defined by the collective field, those who can read and embody that aspect of the collective field are perceived as “smart.”
When “sexy” is defined by the collective field, those who can read and embody that aspect of the collective field are perceived as “sexy.”
When “charismatic,” “successful,” “productive,” “loving,” and “good,” are defined by the collective field…get it?
Celebrities read and embody the collective field.
The collective habitually references the same collective field for what is good, true, acceptable, and “ideal.”
When the population looks around, everything they “think” to be good, true, acceptable, and ideal is embodied in celebrity.
This isn’t the same “ideal” we speak about, as delivered by Light through your Oversoul.
It’s the ideal as dictated by your collective field.
In a roundabout way, because your collective field defines your reality as a godless physical universe, the closest thing to “God” that’s left is celebrity.
And that odd mix of awe, respect, admiration, envy, and lust is the closest thing left to “worship.”
But let’s zoom out a bit here. There’s nothing wrong with being celebrated, right?
Of course not!
So, on the surface, this might actually seem to be a far more appealing path than the one you’re currently on:
“Where’s my praise?”
“Why would I continue walking in the exact opposite direction of celebrity, when there seems to be so much benefit there? Why continue with so little admiration or external praise here on ‘The Cutting Edge’?”
“Knowing that I have all the psychic skills to embody the collective field and play the role of celebrity, why in the world wouldn’t I do that, given what I could gain?”
And here’s where this gets even more enticing and sticky:
“Couldn’t I even use that celebrity for good? All I have to do is get myself to that level of status, and I’ll have a platform to create real change—tangible change.”
Now, why does this all feel so…off?
In other words, why haven’t you done this already?
Here’s where this conversation changes:
You live in a place where darkness has near full control over your collective field.
Most people, most of the time, when they’re “thinking” about what they should do with their lives, what they should value, and who they should become, are actually psychically referencing the collective field.
Again, psychic access, neural networks, and, for some, even raw emotion are all in undifferentiated thought space.
As they feel out into that undifferentiated thought space for an answer, they find in the collective field every reason why their inner guidance from divinity is wrong and why the alternatives to Light are “smart, sexy, powerful, successful, and good.”
By gaining control of the collective field, darkness has essentially created a back door into the human psyche.
Those who have chosen to entirely embody that collective field are celebrities, who the larger population looks upon with a sort of awe.
That, unfortunately, also means that those celebrities are essentially referencing and embodying darkness.
Those that fully read and embody that darkness, model that darkness for the rest of the collective.
Because darkness has gained control over your collective field, and the collective field is perceived as “individual thought,” darkness is now not only normalized but idolized.
Celebrity serves as a living symbol of “what’s possible” if only you abandon the ideal through divinity and fully embody the opposite extreme—darkness.
When we say that a dark hierarchy has a degree of control over your world, this is what we mean.
The idea that “Satan rules your world from the shadows” isn’t wrong. It’s just an exaggerated, cartoonish version of a far more nuanced truth.
Satan is one of many names for a very real being that’s a part of an effort to hijack that collective field for its own benefit.
Other beings, also called various names throughout your history, continually grapple amongst themselves and with humanity for power and control over your collective field—working together as much as their personal motivations allow.
There are pockets of your collective—humans on Earth—that work with this dark hierarchy, similarly, for their own personal gain. These are individuals who work consciously with darkness.
There are also, of course, countless others who unknowingly work for this exact same hierarchy as they “play the game” and embody your hijacked collective field.
The large majority—again, large majority—of your population falls in one of these two categories: consciously or unconsciously working for and with darkness.
You, The Cutting Edge, sit outside of that collective field, connected to divinity—and knowingly or unknowingly rewrite your collective field with Light.
Every “problem” you face encourages you to stray from your intuition and your connection to divinity. Your circumstances present you a choice.
Those that prioritize what they’re getting from the collective field, act accordingly and reinforce what exists in that field.
Those that choose to prioritize what they receive from divinity, create an alternative path that’s then more accessible to others in that same collective field.
This is, essentially, others being able to find Light “through you”—a similar vein to how your religious traditions speak of finding God through Jesus.
This doesn’t happen directly through your personal field or some sort of parasitic relationship—similar to how Jesus as an individual is not somehow “forwarding your requests” to a bearded man in the sky who only answers calls from his “son.”
Still, something similar to this cartoonish image is genuinely happening “through you,” as you create new grooves in the collective field.
When you embody something new here, it becomes “possible” in the collective field. Because that new thing you’re doing is directly guided by Light, it’s uniquely liberating for all those who later reference that data.
As others habitually reference the collective field, as they always do, they still find those same familiar grooves of darkness, but now also find a small sliver of liberation from that dark hierarchy’s etheric propaganda.
Put simply, freeing oneself from the grips of the dark hierarchy is significantly easier when someone else has already done it.
So you and the entirety of The Cutting Edge are carving new pathways out of that darkness, in every type of circumstance and in every pocket of the collective.
Each “unique” problem you and the larger Cutting Edge face—what’s essentially every form of manipulation taking place on your planet by the dark hierarchy—is being proven to no longer be “necessity,” but choice.
Bypassing free will is one of the primary goals of that dark hierarchy—complete control through the collective field.
You, as The Cutting Edge, are ensuring that this total control is not possible.
From our perspective, your collective field as it stands today is the closest thing to “The Matrix” that exists in your world.
By living outside of its direct influence, you offer a clear pathway out for all who choose to take that new opening as made visible by you.
What Does it Mean to Be Awake?
While we’re here, let’s take a moment to run through some of the ways your collective grapples with this concept of liberating yourself from this dark hierarchy—what’s essentially called “awakening.”
What does it really mean to be awake?
Some, for example, see your physical reality as something to escape:
“This is the “three dimensional” matrix, and some day, you’ll gain the ability to transcend into higher dimensions to be with benevolent beings of Light in their synchronistic civilizations.”
This idea can be taken to the extreme with ideologies that can make even mass suicide sound like a good idea—literally “drinking the Kool-Aid.”
From our perspective, this idea couldn’t be further from the truth.
There’s nothing to transcend here. You’re in a physical reality, yes, but not by accident. This place itself is not a problem or a prison.
There are individuals in these ideological pockets who would describe themselves as being “awake”—who would, then, see the rest of your population as being “asleep” for being overly attached to your physical reality.
See what we’re speaking to here?
We’re not here to debate these ideologies individually or to have a “battle of consciousness,” but we do wish to make our perspective on this very clear:
This ideological pocket will not bring you to Light, and will not bring you to a space that we’d call awakening.
The same is true for countless other ideological pockets:
- Entrepreneurship transcending “the slave system of traditional work”
- Conscious relating transcending an “all too common lapse in connection”
- Conspiracy theories transcending “the mainstream narrative”
- Religion transcending “original sin”
- Science transcending the senselessness of “stories told by a religious class”
- Spirituality transcending an “overly reductionist scientific paradigm”
In most every pocket of your society, you’ll find a new ideology that “transcends” what came before it—it’s “better, smarter, truer, more morally pure, etc.”
Except, none of these things will bring you to Light on their own.
None of these things are what we’d describe as “awakening.”
From our perspective, what some call “The Matrix” is nothing more than the current state of your collective field.
This is an incredibly common metaphor, so it’s as important of a distinction, as any, for us to make.
- This physical place is not The Matrix.
- Religion is not The Matrix.
- Traditional 9-5 employment is not The Matrix.
- Lack of heart connection is not The Matrix.
- The quality of your thoughts and beliefs is not The Matrix.
- The media and the network of political control and influence on your planet is not The Matrix.
- The central banking system is not The Matrix.
It’s not even that the collective field itself is The Matrix.
The only way to make the metaphor of The Matrix true is if it represents the current state of your collective field—the way it exists currently as it’s hijacked by darkness.
Your awakening, from our perspective, is cognitive, emotional, and energetic freedom from your collective field’s currently hijacked state.
This dark control mechanism within your collective field is the thing you “wake up” from.
Darkness uses this central source of data to control your population from the inside, out.
As individuals psychically read the collective field to make their life decisions, they perceive it as their own individual thought.
This process requires no one to physically tell you anything—it’s something you can access all on your own, in your own internal world.
But because that collective field is controlled by a dark hierarchy, and the reality of this collective field is thoroughly hidden, this mechanism effectively bypasses free will.
What is perceived as individual choice is effectively the same as reading and following a set of written instructions from a dark, malicious intelligence.
This idea that you’re in a sort of false reality, under the control of a hidden external force, is a helpful metaphor—but only when you can clearly see what that “Matrix” actually is.
It’s the software, or the virus, that’s been installed in your collective field, specifically for the purpose of controlling your population.
Why do you have continual access to the exact ideology of those around you, and specifically how they’d respond to your decisions, before you ever even have those conversations?
Because you can read almost verbatim in the collective field what others will think of your actions. You can feel where the larger collective is at, right then.
Chances are, you can also feel how that same source of information would encourage you to abandon your intuition, throw away your connection to divinity, and “fall back in line.”
Why? Because this collective field is managed by a dark hierarchy that specifically uses this facet of your collective existence against your population.
Loosening your own habitual connection to this distorted collective field and reclaiming your own physical body from its grips is what we’d call “awakening.”
Ultimately, you’re here on this planet to help reclaim your collective field from the dark hierarchy that’s using it to control your population.
That means there’s nowhere else to go—nowhere to “transcend” to.
You don’t have to get to “Heaven.” You don’t have to “graduate” to some higher dimension of “5D consciousness.” You don’t have to leave your body, or leave this place at all.
To use Biblical language, “Let thy Kingdom come.”
Where? Here.
“Let thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven.”
Where? On Earth.
This place, and even the collective field itself, can become a representation of Light. They can be reclaimed.
This is distinctly different from what these other ideological pockets might encourage.
We’d suspect this to be the reason why many of you have entered communities built around these many different ideologies and left dissatisfied.
It’s why something feels off, even as you explore information that seems to lead you in a helpful direction.
Here’s something important to understand:
All of these ideological pockets exist within your collective field.
That collective field, again, is currently hijacked by darkness.
These ideological pockets don’t just feel off because they’re something you’ve “outgrown,” so to speak. They were always off.
You just navigated that “offness” with your intuition, as Light meticulously led you to certain pieces of that ideological pocket while keeping you away from others.
These ideological pockets that exist within your collective field are, actually, darkness adapting to various forms of awakening. They are direct responses to previous attempts at liberation from that dark hierarchy’s control.
For example, as your population begins to realize that religion is being used as a system of control, the Enlightenment of the 17th century brings “reason” to the forefront—it’s “better, smarter, truer, and more morally pure.”
Except, it just so happens to also reduce reality down only to what can be observed. Subjective experience—including one’s entire relationship with God and a larger energetic or etheric reality—goes out the window.
That’s not some mistake or coincidence.
That was the dark hierarchy adapting to a movement of consciousness by creating an “alternative.”
That alternative moves in the opposite direction of the previous ideology, which offers some momentary relief: “I’m free! This is different, and it’s better!” But that new ideological pocket never leads you out of the hijacked collective field—never back to Light—just to a new, equally controlled pocket of the collective field.
In your collective field, the opposite of darkness is often just more darkness.
Most every ideological pocket you find as the new thing that makes you “awake,” is something akin to a “software patch” in this weaponized version of your collective field.
You are “awake” and “free,” not when you find liberation as defined by your collective, but when you liberate yourself from the influence of that collective field entirely.
In short, you awaken when you reclaim your thought space and become yourself.
The Dark Hierarchy
We’ve weaved the reality of darkness through multiple concepts.
That complexity lessens the blow, so to speak, and makes it quite a bit easier to be with the more intense pieces of this. But, again, we’re here to speak clearly.
So, now, let’s revisit some of this more plainly:
Satan exists within a hierarchy of etheric beings that have dedicated their existence to seizing control over Earth.
They do so through the collective field, a concept that is largely masked with both ridicule and complexity.
Some call this your collective consciousness, and terms like Mother Earth, Gaia, and the akashic records are similar. This collective field is an energetic hub of data that makes the entire collective experience of your species accessible to anyone that exists within it.
This collective field is not modifiable from the outside, which means that modifying it has always been an “inside job.”
This takeover started by giving human beings a technology of control. For clarification, these are humans that consciously interfaced with these dark beings through various means.
These technologies (including certain systems of governance and finance), then laid the foundation for control over the collective field.
The promise to these humans was Earthly power. The benefit to the dark beings themselves was the control over the collective field in a way they did not have personal access to otherwise.
Under the influence of these technologies—physical and tangible methods of psychological control—people start thinking and making decisions along these manipulated grooves.
That experience is then documented and accessible in the collective field.
As those grooves become the norm over a period of time, these manipulated decisions start dominating the collective field: “This is just what we do here.”
Your species then becomes not only controlled through physical means, but also through that collective data center—through the collective field.
You can, at some point, remove any physical remnants of that control, and have the system continue to hold itself together simply by the habitual referencing of that collective field.
This is essentially how, over time, this dark hierarchy gained control over something that, to this day, it has no direct access to.
You’ve witnessed this process happen multiple times, even recently, as your collective field has been updated.
External control isn’t as necessary as it once was, because those updates now exist within your collective field. They’ve become “individual thought.”
From the perspective of this dark hierarchy, they have successfully gained control over your collective field and have ruled over your planet for some time now.
To this day, the dark hierarchy has open pathways of communication into certain pockets of your collective that play their role of updating the collective field.
These individuals work with darkness consciously and are every bit as malicious, self serving, and downright evil as you might imagine. They’re a part of a long tradition of interfacing with and serving this dark hierarchy.
We’ll pause here for a moment to answer some common questions:
Is this dark hierarchy under the control of Satan, specifically?
Unlike the common mythology of Satan, there’s no single ruler of your planet. That being said, you could count the number of beings at the top of this hierarchy on one hand. For that reason, we’ve simply called this the dark hierarchy.
Do these beings have physical bodies?
No. You can think of them as existing between physical lives—leaving their open assignment from divinity on the table. For that reason, they have no direct access to any physical reality, let alone this one, but they can interface with those directly opening themselves to that communication.
Do they rule over Earth specifically, or multiple civilizations?
This is very much isolated to this collective, specifically. Other collectives that operate similarly do so with entirely different beings in entirely different hierarchies of control.
What’s their relationship to each other?
It’s one of utility and convenience. They each operate in their own interests, and ultimately disagree on the eventual direction of humanity. For that reason, there’s conflict represented even within the hijacked collective field. You could assume they’d have no issue turning against one another to further consolidate their personal grips over that collective field. For now, they operate together as their interests are aligned.
What’s the chance this hierarchy gains full control over the collective field, to the point of bypassing free will and enslaving the entire population?
Incredibly, incredibly low. For the purpose of this discussion, zero. Though this may seem surprising, this method for control can’t actually work in the long term—especially as individuals like yourselves have now developed the ability to exist in a body connected to that collective field, without being directly controlled by it. Entirely destroying the body’s capability to interface with divinity has also proven to be impossible.
How do I protect myself from this dark hierarchy?
Nothing has actually changed, here. You’re still impenetrable. You still have access to Light continually, on demand. And you’re still very much liberated already, beyond the threshold of control necessary to “put you to sleep,” so to speak. Now, you’re simply seeing what you are free from.
With that, let’s continue.
From even this basic understanding of the dark hierarchy, it starts to become far simpler to understand the world—to see clearly, so to speak.
It starts to become more obvious why certain pockets that promise goodness, feel intuitively “off.”
The idea that religion is used to control the population can bring you out of the grips of that specific type of control, into true and genuine Light.
But it can also bring you into a whole new ideological pocket, where God isn’t real at all and where everything is as simple as a machine that can be reverse engineered, understood, and controlled.
That’s moving out of one pocket of the collective field, right into another.
There is no true awakening there. There is no actual progress there. It’s just trading one dark ideology for another—all the while still referencing that external field for who to be, how to be, and for what is true and good.
This conversation can start to blur the lines a bit.
“If all of these ideologies are just darkness playing tricks on us, is everything here darkness? Where is Light, and how do I find it?”
So let’s clarify.
Light and Dark—Revisited
Without overly complicating this document with intricacies of creation and existence, Light is a sort of hierarchy of its own—individuated souls, larger collective intelligences, and God.
You can see yourself as a sort of copy of that initial consciousness—of God.
Except, you aren’t an exact copy—nor are you a sliver of God like a sliced pie that includes some aspects of the whole but cuts out or loses others.
You have within you every single value in existence—just prioritized in a way that no other individuated soul in existence has prioritized.
You could say that the number of individuated souls is equal to every possible prioritization of the values of God.
You are one of those prioritizations—an entirely unique iteration of being.
Most of these values are difficult to fully articulate in English, but you can think of these as values such as love, truth, wisdom, peace, simplicity, precision, courage, efficiency, beauty, pleasure, or joy.
You hold within you all of these, but some are prioritized more highly.
Given a circumstance where two of those values conflict, you’re most likely to choose one over another according to how your soul prioritizes those values.
As you move into larger collectives of divinity, there is less and less of a prioritization of those values, until you get to the whole of God, where there is essentially no prioritization of those values at all.
Those larger collectives are responsible for maintaining the structures of reality you exist within now and orchestrating circumstances within that reality for the benefit of all of existence. That includes your Oversoul, plus what you can think of as “the Oversouls of Oversouls”—even larger collective intelligences that we’ve called Uppersouls and Outersouls in various conversations with David.
What God is, including you as a piece of it, seems to be something like a massive collaboration of existence to sort through itself to see what’s genuinely ideal in practicality, not just in probability—and through that process, refine itself.
There’s a lot we can speak to in this discussion that is best saved for other contexts, but what’s most relevant here is this:
Light is a massive collaborative effort of everything to work with everything else for the benefit of that whole.
What you know as intuitive guidance is from your Oversoul, yes.
But that guidance is also representative of the ideal as seen by God—by every layer of divinity.
This entire organizational structure that is God operates together for the good of everything else.
On its surface, it’s not too groundbreaking of a statement. “All of Light works with Light through the entirety of its structure.” Okay?
But it’s the implications of this that are most relevant here.
Starting with this:
There’s no such thing as a dark Oversoul.
This entire structure is Light—that includes your Oversoul and every other Oversoul in existence.
From your Oversoul and the entire network of Oversouls, up through the Uppersouls, Outersouls, and beyond—every single piece of this larger structure has its role and reason for existence.
Every role that is being played from within this structure, benefits all of God.
That’s the paradigm of Light.
Now, what does this mean about darkness?
As we’ve mentioned before, darkness is a paradigm of disconnecting from divinity and trying to do better on its own.
Darkness is what attempts to exist outside of that divine structure.
What all of this means is this:
The only place that darkness exists—the only place it can exist—is on the level of the individuated soul.
The paradigm of darkness is simply an individuated soul that has decided to disconnect from its Oversoul and take matters into its own hands—to essentially no longer listen to the guidance that is the ideal as seen by the many structures of divinity.
You may have heard ideas before that dark and Light exist in perpetual harmony. That there will always be darkness, and that this is simply how things must be: “In order for Light to exist, there must also be darkness.”
From our perspective, that’s entirely untrue. Darkness is no equal to Light, and it’s not some “harmonious opposite.”
Darkness is just an individuated soul that no longer works with its Oversoul.
In comparison to the paradigm of Light, an individual like this is relatively helpless, small, and without genuine power or foresight. And, partly because of this, it’s largely temporary in the grand scheme of things.
There is no such thing as manipulation of an Oversoul, and there is no manipulation of God as a whole. It’s far to obvious to these larger collective intelligences what the true nature of reality is.
So while this paradigm does still exist, the only power it has is to manipulate others on the “ground floor”—on the smallest scales of divinity and existence.
Darkness can only exist on the level of an individuated soul, and it can only have any sort of power of influence over other individuated souls.
Darkness is a ground floor paradigm, and cannot exist beyond that.
Here’s where this starts to change our larger discussion:
Every dark being you have ever heard of, no matter how terrifying of an image that might be presented, is not that different from your own individuated soul.
These beings are not beefy monstrous creatures that are somehow more powerful, more wise, or more connected than you.
Whether in or out of a body, darkness can only exist on this smallest scale of existence—as an individuated soul.
Darkness is no bigger than you, because darkness is on the same scale of reality as you.
Any fear of darkness that might come from its spooky PR campaign is really unwarranted.
In reality, darkness has no intuitive connection, no guidance, and no larger units of reality orchestrating for it or illuminating the ideal to it.
Darkness is, in fact, far less capable than you of doing much of anything.
Darkness is simply who you would be without the full weight and power of divinity behind you.
This is true for every imagination of darkness—for demons, ghouls, and ghosts; for “fallen angels;” and yes for the dark hierarchy too.
Satan is a soul, not so different and no more powerful than yourself, who has made it his mission to enslave the population by using the collective field in an attempt to emulate the position and role of God for your collective.
But Satan is not only less powerful, wise, and intuitively connected than God—Satan is less powerful, wise, and intuitively connected than you.
Your connection to Light as a paradigm and Light as a larger intelligence has brought a sense of meaning and purpose that’s made every ideological pocket in your world lose its luster.
Because you are no longer being gaslight by a hierarchy of individuated souls no more powerful than your own.
Of course what they have to offer you is false, untrue, and unsatisfying.
Because you are already more powerful and connected than any individuated soul in that dark hierarchy.
True power can only come from God and the structure of God.
When you get even just a bit of distance from the psychological manipulation your world is under, darkness is suddenly not so scary.
It’s almost comical—this lie that a soul less powerful than your own can give you a solution to a problem you don’t even have!
But we understand that it’s not always so obvious inside these bodies, under the influence of your hijacked collective field.
We understand this and, of course, God understands this.
When I, B, speak to you, I speak to you not only as myself, but as a representative of my own Oversoul connection into the larger network of God.
I speak to you as a representative of God, for God, above any other allegiances or affiliations I could ever possibly have as a physical being.
This isn’t, nor has it ever been, about what I, B, think.
I work within a larger collective of beings (thus, the plural, “we”), that are in a collaboration to develop a psychological and spiritual technology to help humanity combat the manipulation of the dark hierarchy.
That’s our mission and purpose—to work for and with the full power of God to dismantle and prevent darkness from “breaking the rules,” so to speak, of existence itself.
Free will is necessary for this larger existence to function in a way that’s useful, and the larger network of God is very invested in preserving that.
Thus, down through the larger hierarchy of Light has come a divine mission, so to speak, for the benefit of all of existence, to do just that—to offer external guidance counterbalancing the efforts of the dark hierarchy, helping to bring humanity back into balance as a sovereign collective playing out its own purpose within existence.
You are doing the exact same thing as we are, but from within that system. You’re in a body that’s a part of a lineage that’s been largely under the control of that dark hierarchy.
You’re the Light on the “ground floor,” altering the collective field from the inside—again, the only place it can be altered.
We are on the outside, helping you to remember what you are doing, despite the emotional and cognitive intensity of existing within a system designed to circumnavigate your sovereignty and forget that God or Light even exist at all.
You and we are the same—individuated souls connected to divinity playing our role to dismantle the dark hierarchy’s influence over Earth’s collective field.
We are no more powerful or connected than you, but we are certainly more powerful than darkness—as are you.
Light is the structure of everything—collectives within collectives playing entirely different roles, but working harmoniously together for the benefit of everything.
In the context of what’s happening on Earth, Light has essentially opened up a full fledged operation to bring a psychological and spiritual technology to humanity.
It’s the “call” you received so many years ago.
And the technology of intuition through Peace that you’ve since developed and refined to a degree of impenetrable precision?
That is a technology from God that serves as a response to a group of individuated souls that have worked within a dark hierarchy of their own creation to hijack the collective field of Earth, eliminate humanity’s free will, and create a system under their control.
If it’s not already obvious where this goes, let’s just say, you’re on the winning team.
Clear Eyes to See
There’s a lot here in this discussion and many directions we could go.
But, first, there was a lot in the last section that we want to help integrate a bit before continuing.
The differences between the two paradigms—Light and dark—in physical form could fill volumes of literature.
You could study the subtle nuances of decision making over time in a population for decades and barely scratch the surface of how these paradigms differ.
But all those many volumes could be summarized very quickly. The core difference between Light and dark is this:
As individuated souls, we are in collectives playing out something that’s, in all likelihood, far grander than any of us understand.
As individuals in these collectives, both in and out of bodies, we have a simple choice:
Do we work with God or not?
That’s the one sole factor that makes every single decision either Light or dark—no matter the circumstance, no matter the collective, no matter the individual.
There is no other differentiating line that can be drawn cleanly between these two paradigms—between Light and dark—though, many have tried.
Darkness can be kind, generous, hard working, humble, and display a wide variety of societally “good” expressions. Light can be angry, scared, uncertain, sad, hopeless, and even present itself as what is societally seen to be “dark.” These are some of the curious subtleties that could fill those many volumes.
But in all of these circumstances, there is an ideal that is being presented by God.
What you cannot see through just behavior alone, is when that “generosity” or “humility” of darkness is being used as a self-serving manipulation tool for no other reason than to generate an image that furthers its goals.
Or, in Light, how presenting as something culturally “dark,” offensive, or obscene, can highlight something uniquely liberating for all those in a particular circumstance, under the misconceptions of a particular ideology.
Again, amongst the volumes of distinctions we could spend many more hours articulating, there is really only one singular dividing line here:
Is this from God or not?
This isn’t a God in the sky—a man that created the heavens and Earth then sent his only son to play telephone and gatekeeper.
This is God as the largest unit of consciousness and the whole of existence—including, within it, collective intelligences whose purpose is to maintain the physical reality you exist inside of, or to orchestrate circumstances within it.
This God includes your Oversoul that you’ve spent years building a nuanced relationship with and all of the intuitive guidance that comes through that now established connection.
This God is Light in its totality.
Every divine intelligence, your Oversoul, and even your own soul are all pieces of God; and because you operate in a paradigm of Light, you work with that entire structure of God to find and choose the ideal in every day of your life.
We’ve said before, “If you listen to your intuition to any degree in this phase of your collective history, you are The Cutting Edge.”
We mean that. And this is why.
As of now, God is presenting to humanity a series of opportunities to psychologically fortify itself to the dark hierarchy’s manipulation.
That’s something you’re already a part of.
It’s something you’ve been a part of ever since you began trusting your intuition and differentiating yourself from the collective field.
You’ve spent many years unwinding these cloaked pockets of your psychology to the point of being able to defy your collective field and become impenetrable to the dark hierarchy’s mechanisms of control.
For that reason, among countless others that we can articulate for many more pages, you are The Cutting Edge.
And as The Cutting Edge, you not only have God’s blessing and favor—you already work with God every day of your life.
Again, not “disapproving father” God of the collective field, but the genuine Light you’ve discovered and learned to interface with, despite that diversion.
We can break God down into its many facets and structures—the Oversoul, Uppersoul, and Outersoul; the creation and maintenance of physical and etheric realities—but it’s all really one thing.
God is Light in every way you’ve come to know it, just with a name that’s purposefully ridiculed and minimized in the collective field.
Now, again, there’s a lot here in this discussion, with many directions we could go.
Some of those directions, might include questions like:
- If darkness is so powerless and Light is so huge and comprehensive, how does a place like this come to be? How does Earth’s collective field get corrupted in the first place? Why didn’t Light just step in earlier?
- Why does darkness exist at all? How can they justify their existence to themselves, given how powerless and unsustainable of a paradigm it is? And why wouldn’t it be ideal to just wipe out darkness entirely in one fell swoop?
- What does the future hold for Earth? Will the collective field be reclaimed by Light in my lifetime?
And while all of these are useful questions to ask, we want to take this in a direction that starts to clarify these and other questions without having to explore every one of their subtleties line by line.
Put plainly, what does this world look like without darkness?
Right off the bat, it’s not an exciting new utopia to worship as “new north” on the compass or as a new shiny ideal.
In truth, what’s already happening and what you’re already doing is ideal. That’s something we hope we’ve been able to make clear in this body of work, even before this document.
In fact, your world, without this dark hierarchy’s influence is actually quite similar to how you currently experience the world.
That may not be reassuring, but it’s a testament, in part, to how far you’ve come as The Cutting Edge.
Still, of course, there would be some key differences without the dark hierarchy’s influence.
First, the collective field would be reclaimed, so it would become useful again.
The collective field would be representative of the ideal, in many variations of circumstance. You’d have a sort of library of various expressions of Light, given a wide variety of relevant circumstances.
That’s physical circumstances—building, transportation, managing your civilization’s basic biological needs, or learning and refining certain skillsets.
But that also includes emotional or psychological circumstances. You’d find various ways that individuals navigate their inner worlds, make sense of reality, or express themselves.
Connecting to this library of data is something that, ideally, in a later stage civilization might be refined relatively early in life. That psychic access to a library of not only knowledge but real experience, is something that’s far more useful than trying to build a whole neural network from scratch every single generation.
This, of course, is rather different than your planet now, and it rapidly changes the speed of technological and other developments—all without that looming existential worry that every new development is actually just a piece of bait on the fishing pole of global tyranny.
But, if you really think for a moment how different that is from where you currently exist, the gap in experience isn’t as wide as it might first seem.
You have continual access to your own personalized ideal through your connection to your Oversoul. You have circumstances being orchestrated for you, and you’re being shown the ideal in every one of those circumstances. That’s still the same.
There’s a difference between the values of your biological lineage, hardwired into your body, and the values of your own individual soul. That conflict is actually still present in a Light civilization. The body you’re entering is always at least slightly different than your soul. There’s nothing wrong with that—that’s actually one of the main mechanisms that makes physical reality useful.
There’s something that’s wanting to happen here, psychologically, and it may take some time to find in your own experience and psyche, but we’ll be very upfront with what it is.
You, essentially, already exist within “Heaven on Earth.”
There’s things that would be different if darkness lost the influence it has over humanity, but that world would not be nearly as different for you as the collective field might try to convince you of.
There are absolutely beings that are directly influencing that collective field who certainly have a degree of power over it—but again it’s not nearly as much as they might try to make you believe.
The truth of where you’re already at is actually rather profound.
You are in direct contact with God, in an unseverable relationship, and there’s nothing anyone could ever do to take that away from you.
There’s no circumstance you could face that wouldn’t then be navigated by divinity for your benefit, so there’s nothing darkness can really do to you.
Darkness is simply void of any real power, outside of relatively simple tricks and deception. Now that you’re seeing that deception all the more clearly, what of their power is left over you?
Your Light is impenetrable. This isn’t just a figure of speech.
Light itself is impenetrable to darkness.
It’s impenetrable to such a degree that there’s not even such a thing as a dark Oversoul—one of the smallest unit of consciousness in God, only second to an individuated soul.
Not a single Oversoul orchestrates for any darkness in existence, but your Oversoul orchestrates for you in every moment and every circumstance.
You’ve built a fortified connection to that impenetrable Light—to a source of information and guidance that’s entirely impervious to external manipulation.
As you might already be able to sense, there’s a similar idea and feeling here to, “You have no problems,” except it’s right in the middle of one of the most intense topics on your planet.
“You have no problems, even when facing the realities of darkness on Earth.”
To understand what this world would look like without darkness, it’s helpful to look at what your own life would look like without darkness.
What in your problemless existence would be different?
When you’re connected to Light, nothing bad really happens to you.
Light is orchestrating for you, and even outside of what can be directly orchestrated for your benefit, there’s nothing that’s not then usable for your benefit after the fact.
In even the most catastrophic of timelines, if you feel out even just a few weeks beyond catastrophe, there is a wellspring of goodness that comes afterward.
Even in the most extreme possible circumstances where your timelines were to lead to death, you already have a deeply established relationship with God. Your conscience is clean, and you are actively living your life’s mission and purpose every day. You then continue onward, into the ideal given the circumstance, to play another role.
You have the ability to not only settle into what we could call Eternal Peace, without that being an exaggeration, but you also have the ability to live there in an era where others are largely incapable of finding peace even for a moment.
Just the fact that you’re psychologically able to do that at all is remarkable—and by living in that place of Peace to the extent that you’re able to already, you poke holes in an multigenerational effort by darkness to meticulously hijack the collective field.
There’s a large cross-civilization effort orchestrated by God itself to create the inner fortification you have within you now.
But it’s not because “you’re in a catastrophic place with only slim chances to overcome darkness.”
You’re good.
Darkness isn’t that powerful, and you’ve allowed God to teach you how to live within what some could call, “Heaven on Earth.”
When you step out of the soup of the collective field, you find a steady stream of intuitive guidance that takes you from one ideal to the next.
“Where is the problem?”
Many of the most common questions around darkness come from a misconception that it’s powerful, that it needs to be stopped as quickly as possible, and that life is drastically different and better on the other side of that manic battle.
But from God’s perspective, and from ours, this isn’t much of a “battle” at all.
Again, Satan is less powerful and connected than every individuated soul in Light. The dark hierarchy is less powerful than you, than me, than all of us.
All that Satan can be more powerful than are others who he can convince to disconnect from Light through clever manipulation of biology.
But given how this “biological approach” is playing out, where you now live inside of an embodiment of eternal Peace in direct communion with God…
How successful would you say those efforts are?
You’re technically at “the peak of the manipulation.” You’re living “right on the edge of complete and total world domination!”
Shouldn’t you be a bit more tricked?
You navigated out of those hijacked ideological pockets that took literal generations to lay the foundation for, in how many years? How many months, at times, did it take to see through yet another massive ideological project laid out by the dark hierarchy?
It truly is important that your collective field is reclaimed from this dark hierarchy.
That’s important enough to justify an organized effort in God to do just that—it’s why we’re here teaching what we are, and it’s partially why you’re here on Earth in the first place. But that effort isn’t nearly as urgent as it might have seemed at the beginning of this discussion.
Even if the entire collective field could be controlled and every last inkling of Light had a clever psychological workaround built around it, divinity could then just access individuated souls directly. God could say… send out a “call.”
It’s certainly inconvenient at times to have so many books in your collective library be so utterly useless for your purposes in Light, but is it…catastrophic?
We’re certainly not minimizing the damage that this dark hierarchy has caused and will continue to.
We and all of God itself are very invested in wiping any semblance of control that darkness could possibly have from the face of your planet entirely.
But that’s not done by putting a few evil people “behind bars” or “taking ‘em out.”
That’s done by creating psychological, emotional, and spiritual fortification against that control, so that it never happens again.
That fortification will not only live in the library of your collective field, but in the larger library of God itself.
It will make this kind of control impossible—not only on Earth but everywhere.
That’s what’s happening already.
As the dark hierarchy here ruins the ability of darkness everywhere to manipulate biology to control a collective field—again, not just here on Earth but across all of reality—we ask again:
“Where is the problem?”
What little ability darkness has to manipulate biology is being fortified against by God.
And you?
You’re living proof that this fortification, indeed, works.
In Closing
Seeing the name of this document, some might have assumed we were about to say how terrible it is on Earth—how darkness is in charge of everything, and how facing the hard truths about that monstrous and insurmountable force would be necessary so that you could safely navigate the rest of your hopeless and tragic existence here.
But that’s not actually true.
Seeing the realities of darkness is emotionally intense and uncomfortable. That much is certainly true.
But when you do look at that reality head-on, you don’t find that monstrous and insurmountable force you might expect.
What you find is far less intimidating.
Some of that reality can a bit harrowing. It’s almost hard to believe how much direct control darkness has over the minds of the population through the collective field. The idea that the dark hierarchy’s version of propaganda could come from within an individual’s own thought space, not just through obviously external sources like media or entertainment, can be a bit distressing at first.
But, then, a fuller picture starts to come into focus.
It’s possible to live entirely impenetrable to darkness, in a sort of Heaven. Living in that space doesn’t require that the entire planet “shift” or that you “transcend” your body or your physical world.
Learning to see the many intricacies of control through the wide variety of means—in relationships, in government, in finance, in friendship, in business, and even in your own thought space—takes time. But there’s not the sense of manic urgency that so many feel in this collective era.
You already live in the ideal, and you solidify your position there more thoroughly every day.
While you might not have the vast libraries of relevant skillsets and helpful technologies that many of our own civilizations’ collective fields provide, you do have the very same access that we do to the continual ideal within your personal circumstances that Light offers to every individuated soul in existence.
And, in time, you’ll make something of substance here that’s a glorious representation of your own unique soul essence within the body of your unique human lineage, blended gracefully together and guided by God itself.
Seeing clearly doesn’t just mean seeing the tragedy that is the dark hierarchy’s control over a version of humanity that unknowingly plugs into a collective field that’s weaponized against it.
Seeing clearly also means seeing the miracle that is the ideal being so readily available anyway.
Darkness as it exists here requires that biology can be manipulated through the collective field. That’s a sort of recent “innovation” by darkness that justifies its paradigm and allows its continual existence.
There may be some further “innovation,” of some darkness, somewhere across reality as a whole. But this form of manipulation has quite literally already ended with you, The Cutting Edge.
In the collective field, already, is a pathway of liberation from this controlled collective field, all the way into Eternal Peace—what some would call, “Heaven on Earth.”
What this means is that darkness has already lost here.
To all those with eyes to see, this is no different than the final moves of a chess game that’s already clearly decided in the minds of those playing.
In the only possible sequence of moves ahead, Light has already won.
Darkness may continue to play its best game possible and maneuver its pieces the best it possibly can, but at this point, it’s just a matter of physically playing out the inevitable.
This “latest and greatest” manipulation of biology through the collective field has proven to be ineffective.
We hope it’s at least somewhat obvious at this point that you are the reason for this. You, with the power of God, have proven the manipulation of biology through the collective field to be ineffective.
You’ve taken the full brunt of the latest and greatest dark innovation—a form of control being played out in this specific collective called Earth—and you’ve come out on the other side unmanipulatable.
This data has already rippled out into your collective field, and that ripple will only continue to ripple out even further in time. Earth as a whole will be liberated from the dark hierarchy’s control, and your collective field will be reclaimed.
Once your collective does this here, this manipulation of biology through the collective field will no longer become a possible methodology for control ever again—not here on Earth, and not in any other iteration of reality, ever.
On behalf of the many beings collaborating on this project, and as a representative of Light and God itself, we thank you deeply for your willingness to have this conversation and explore this with us.
We understand it may have been a bit uncomfortable, at times. It still may be, to a degree.
But we hope within any lingering discomfort, you’re able to see more clearly the reality of darkness as not a threat but a passing chapter in a much larger collective story.
In the meantime, we hope your established home, squarely within the walls of Heaven on Earth, gains a degree of realness and even significance in your heart and mind.
Far more is to come.
We look forward to continuing this process in time and to watching all the good that comes from your liberation from the dark hierarchy, your continual and obvious dedication to Light, and your clear eyes to see.
So much love to you,