The Cutting Edge

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm
1/14 of The Core Teachings Collection


It’s our deepest pleasure to have this opportunity to speak with you.

My name is B, and I’m the intelligence David has been working with since November of 2016. Alongside he and Miriam, I help inform this body of work called The Second Paradigm.

Over these last 6 years, we’ve had the unique opportunity to be able to articulate a message for a very specific group of people here on Earth—a group we now call ”The Cutting Edge.”

For over a decade, these individuals have had an unexplainably relentless drive toward their soul’s deepest calling—something that’s made them almost unexplainably distinct from the world around them.

They’re different—and this message we have to share with this group, The Cutting Edge, is equally distinct.

That said, this notable difference hasn’t always been so clear. There was a time where much of The Cutting Edge spent their lives living like most everyone else did, but this time in history is unique—and the role of The Cutting Edge on Earth has evolved substantially over time.

Starting in roughly 2011, continuing for a few years, there was a distinct call sent out to the entirety of this population.

This call forever changed many of their lives, and brought spirituality to the forefront of their minds and hearts.

Though many of these individuals may remember that sudden onset of existential questioning, it was only a small minority of The Cutting Edge that then answered this call.

This, of course, was not the beginning of spirituality on Earth—something that’s been around for a very long time—but it was the beginning of a very unique transformational arc.

Today, over a decade later, there exists a distinct population within The Cutting Edge that’s been exploring their inner world and pursuing Light and truth at a relentless pace ever since. These are the individuals, at least for the moment, that we wish to speak to most.

These individuals are getting ready to play the role they’ve been preparing to fulfill all this time.

The call that was felt in their hearts so long ago is now beginning to come to fruition—it’s no longer a question whether that inner whisper was leading them somewhere legitimate. It’s becoming plain to see.

For these individuals, and The Cutting Edge at large, we’re excited to be able to share some of the details of this role, outlining why they have felt so different and out of place for so long, and what divinity has in mind for them into the future.

Before anything, we want to make it very clear who we’re speaking to, and to do that, we have to have a brief discussion about what we mean by “The Cutting Edge” in the first place.

Let’s get into it, shall we?

Who Are The Cutting Edge?

In any civilization, yours included, there are three distinct collective roles being played by individuals:

  1. Tradition
  2. Culture
  3. The Cutting Edge

Tradition and Culture go hand-in-hand, shaping much of the world as it exists in any given moment.

The Cutting Edge, on the other hand, tends to be much more concerned with what the world can be.

These individuals aren’t only interested in the future—they’re built for it.

Their very values as a soul are more representative of Earth as it will be, than Earth as it was when they were born.

Herein lies the core distinction between these pockets of your collective.

Each soul holds within it a certain prioritization of values—things like love, truth, beauty, wisdom, elegance, vitality, etc.—that are representative of the larger values of God.

These values exist with no fixed priority in divinity as a whole—but have very specific prioritizations within smaller units of consciousness.

The most specific prioritization of values lies in what we call “the individuated soul”—the soul in your very being and, arguably, the purest representation of who you truly are at your core.

Your reason for being here on this planet is neither by chance, nor by preference alone.

You are here because you were asked to be here by God itself.

Your values—the very makeup of your soul was a unique fit for this planet.

Here’s where this story diverges for this small minority of the population. If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you do, in fact, exist within The Cutting Edge, so we’re going to simply address you as such moving forward.

Your values were not a fit for Earth at the time of your birth, nor were they a fit for what Earth would be moving toward in your formative years.

Your values were a fit for Earth as it will be in the future—more accurately, from our perspective, what Earth will be approximately 300-500 years from now.

Understand, this is both an incredibly positive thing and also uniquely uncomfortable.

Again, Tradition and Culture go hand-in-hand:

Tradition feels as though their time is quickly sailing on by—like the best days are behind them. But they can still find a considerable comfort in the sheer amount of reality that reinforces and validates their existence.

Tradition’s primary role on any planet is to preserve what is “good.”

Culture feels as though their time has only just begun—but that they’ve got their work cut out for them if they’re to make this place what it “should be.”

Culture’s primary role is to change what is ”bad.”

The Cutting Edge, however, feels as though their time may never come—that they’re simply ahead of their time.

This isn’t an arrogant overestimation of their abilities—it’s actually quite the opposite. At least here on your planet, The Cutting Edge is wildly insecure.

No, for most of The Cutting Edge, “I’m ahead” is more of a statement of existential pain—a longing for a reality that simply doesn’t exist. They don’t particularly want to be ahead. They just understand that they are. They always have been.

This isn’t an intelligence thing, or even an emotional intelligence thing. This is a matter of the values of the era vs. the values of the future.

Though uniquely challenging, this feeling of being so uncomfortably out of place is not of divine design.

The Cutting Edge’s role in most civilizations is to be the center of the Light Delivery Mechanism of the larger collective—something deeply profound and important.

The Cutting Edge’s role here, however, until very recently, has been to be ignored, persecuted, and forced to submit to the world as it already is.

That unfortunate role is for no other reason than this: your world is dark, and it has been for a very long time.

If you were here 100 years ago, and we were writing this message to you then, we’d say something like, “Hang in there. Find your openings (no matter how small), and know that a time will come when every last one of your efforts will ripple into something truly good. Even if you never live to see what you have done, you must know that you are doing right by God and that your efforts will never be forgotten.”

But this is not that time. As we said, the role of The Cutting Edge is changing. More accurately, this world at large is changing, so your role is changing within it.

Darkness is quickly losing its grip on this collective. There has already past one of the largest openings in your history for Light to make its way here in a substantial way.

You were that Light that arrived, and The Cutting Edge now exists as approximately 2.7% of your global population—a larger percentage than it’s been in any other time throughout your recorded history.

Even still, most of that 2.7% is lying dormant—scared enough of the world around them, and hooked enough by the biological misconceptions that make up the psychological web of false obligation and desire, that they may not have even an inkling of who they are for quite some time.

You are different.

Those we are speaking to here and now, exist within a small minority of that 2.7%.

You are those who answered ”the call.”

From the perspective of The Levels of Clearance (the core model at The Second Paradigm that we’ll explore more in other settings), The Cutting Edge of your era is most easily described as everyone at or beyond ”Direct Access.”

This is the milestone where intuition is finally differentiated enough from the background biological noise to be validated as a legitimate source of truth.

It’s the inner realization, “Intuition is true and valid.”

For those who have been on a relentless journey post-call for over a decade, this may seem like an obvious statement—but truthfully, it’s not.

Intuition’s validity is only obvious on Earth as it will be, not on Earth as it is today.

Those who already have this inkling inside of them that their intuition is guiding them forward into an embodiment they’ve yet to experience, are that 2.7% we call The Cutting Edge.

Whether they learn to value that intuitive knowing, or ever find the courage within themselves to make a single decision from it, isn’t clear. But they will be The Cutting Edge, regardless.

This is, to clarify, not about what someone does or becomes, but about the era to which their soul was a match, relative to their arrival here.

In any setting, The Cutting Edge tend to play roles involved with innovation at the far edges of their field. They aren’t satisfied with the status quo, because they aren’t the status quo.

The Cutting Edge, even without their conscious intent, is driving their lives and the world around them toward the future of humanity.

Darkness’ only real hope in slowing that process down is to invalidate who they are at their very core—to introduce a layer of insecurity.

This is how things have been for quite some time now, only never at such a scale.

Many mainstream forms of spirituality and religion were designed with The Cutting Edge in mind, offering unique roadblocks to build up a psychological structure that can introduce that very insecurity while promising progress toward the very future they seek.

You may have experienced some of this yourself—chasing the promise of impact, fame, and wealth through spiritual practices that promise enlightenment, but make you feel all the more behind and broken along the way.

There is a conscious assault on the minds and hearts of The Cutting Edge which exists as a buffer to slow the ideal trajectory for Earth, as guided and sent by God, and as delivered by you.

But again, you are different—even from the large majority of that 2.7%.

You answered the call.

Much of the journey since has been about fortifying yourself to this and other forms of manipulation, and overcoming the insecurity that has quite literally been programmed into you over time.


Because The Cutting Edge has a role to play here, and that role is highly important.

It’s important enough that divinity has intervened in the natural progression of The Cutting Edge through time.

You are, without exaggeration, decades ahead of where you could have been otherwise if you had not answered that call—and the world is in the exact same place you started those many years ago.

This may come as news to you—how far you have actually come—but we hope to make that fact clearer to you in time.

For the moment, let’s continue with what exactly divinity has done to intervene here, why that has happened, and the role you have been preparing for all this time.

The World You Live In

As we mentioned, the roles of Tradition and Culture are to preserve what is “good” and change what is “bad.”

This makes up the bulk of the population, and tends to dictate where a collective is in a given moment.

But then, what is the role of The Cutting Edge?

We said, “The Cutting Edge’s role in most civilizations is to be the center of the Light Delivery Mechanism.” This is true.

But what does that mean, exactly?

Relative to the roles of Tradition and Culture, the role of The Cutting Edge is to differentiate what is good from what is bad, as defined not by their own understanding, but of the understanding of God.

As you might be able to imagine, in a world dominated by The First Paradigm it is not God that plays this role through The Cutting Edge, but darkness.

Darkness must replace The Cutting Edge in order to bring about their ideal—an ideal not as defined by God, but as defined by them.

This is, after all, the central philosophy of darkness: “The ideal as defined by God is a lesser ideal than the ideal as defined by us.”

It’s a sort of inversion of the Biblical idea, “a man’s way is not in himself, nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.”

It is the philosophy behind the Devil’s request in the Garden of Eden to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to become “like God.” He argues that you too can become like God by assuming the role of God.

Can you see how this picture fits together?

The role of The Cutting Edge is to interface directly with God and to act as a sort of guiding system for Tradition and Culture—not to guide from their own understanding, but to articulate the understanding of God.

In every Second Paradigm civilization, there is a harmonious understanding between these three pockets of the collective. Everyone recognizes what’s happening and aligns their efforts with that ideal trajectory no matter the role they are playing within it. There is no question of whether or not the ideal is truly ideal, because that understanding has already been long established and proven through experience.

The Cutting Edge on Earth is built for the role of the prophets of yesterday—a role that has since been replaced by the media, politicians, and corporate leaders of your world.

This is not a role to lead, per se, as much as it is a role to understand, articulate, and embody the distinction between good and bad as God sees it.

We use Biblical language very infrequently, but we do here for this brief moment only to make a single point—this understanding is not from David, Miriam, myself, or The Second Paradigm. It is encoded in a long history of spiritual tradition and is lying in plain sight.

As the 2.7% who are The Cutting Edge on Earth—and especially as those who answered the call from divinity those many years ago, your life has been centered around building the inner fortification to once again play this role—to become The Cutting Edge as it can be, not The Cutting Edge as it has been.

The closer darkness gets to entirely consuming your world in an ideal of its own creation, the more urgency there is for The Cutting Edge to offer a legitimate alternative.

Then, and only then, is there a true sense of free will on your planet.

To be clear, there have never been any qualms from divinity with this idea of an individuated soul choosing a path for itself—that is a lesson that’s welcome to play out in experience.

This is a question many often have about divinity. Why allow darkness in the first place, if it simply isn’t ideal?

But there’s truly no other way to handle the matter, because of this single question:

“Is the ideal as delivered by God really ideal?”

This is the question that darkness everywhere can find its roots.

And, on its own, it isn’t necessarily “evil,” only factually incorrect.

Still, if it were by chance correct, that would be an idea worth pursuing. Perhaps in an alternate reality where God is, in fact, evil and oppressive, darkness would be those who figure that out and break free.

Only, in this reality, given all that’s played out many times over, in countless variations of reality, that doesn’t actually seem to be the case.

God—this massive network of divinity that is constantly delivering the ideal to every aspect of itself—is indeed “good.”

This reality you find yourself in is one of the most extreme efforts of darkness to prove otherwise—not through force, or by brutally destroying everything in its path, but by legitimately trying to do better.

As odd as it may sound, the end goal of darkness here is not destruction and chaos (although there is plenty of both), but pristine order.

The dark hierarchy, as it stands today, has every intention to make Earth a sort of “trophy planet”—proving once and for all that divine guidance is overrated and there is an ideal better than God’s ideal.

If this were true, the Devil in the Garden of Eden would be a liberator, not an oppressor. This idea is, in fact, what most Satanic philosophy is based on.

Despite what most might think, or what the actual actions of darkness imply, darkness on Earth dreams not of total domination, but of utopia.

That being said, there’s a certain degree of domination that’s “necessary” from their perspective, to make that happen.


“Because God keeps getting in the way.”

Darkness is under the full belief that this planet is their own—that the provision made so many centuries ago which allowed this control mechanism to be architected was a blanket permission to have this world as its own. It was not.

God is very clear that the free will of individuals is an inseparable facet of reality—without it, individuated souls can exist in a sort of psychological prison, where they are taken through a series of experiences that consume their being and bind them to another. They, essentially, lose their very essence and become an extension of their controller—defeating the purpose of reality at large.

To preserve the very purpose of reality’s existence, Light continues to intervene—at request only—despite darkness’ wish for divinity to simply ”leave this place alone.”

This is some of the landscape you find yourself within now, and it hopefully sheds some Light on why it’s so unusually challenging for you here both psychologically and emotionally.

After all, in order for darkness to have full reign of this place, The Cutting Edge must willingly forego their role.

Since this role is simply an inherent piece of their very makeup as a soul, The Cutting Edge would therefore have to forego their very essence in exchange for another embodiment entirely.

This is a recipe for deep angst and constant turmoil—not very utopian of a scenario—but again, it’s simply “necessary” in the minds of darkness to fulfill their “ideal.”

Much of the work that darkness has done on your planet has been to architect those embodiments—what some call “archetypes”—to be more even appealing than one’s own soul essence.

It is only through a layer of deep deception that this sort of “exchange” can take place. The promises of fame, wealth, happiness, and moral virtue are all outright lies and never truly come in experience.

It’s only those who forego their own soul’s essence most fully to play that archetypal embodiment to the fullest extremes who are rewarded in excess. This seems on paper to be the fulfillment of that promise, but it’s also a necessary mechanism to control the remaining population—most of whom have all of the angst and turmoil without any of the promised reward.

Truthfully, even reaching the heights of fame and wealth in this manner is emptier than even the worst life possible as oneself. It’s only what’s promised on paper that’s received—not the emotional deliverable that’s still “under construction.”

Yet again, darkness sees this entire side effect of continual turmoil, the “God shaped hole in one’s heart,” as a sort of necessary means to a justified end.

We want to be very clear in the way we present this, so as to offer as accurate of a picture as possible.

It wouldn’t be favorable for us to simply say, “Darkness as a paradigm is bad, and divinity is good,” or we’d risk playing the exact same game as the dark hierarchy here.

It is our continual wish (and mission) to offer not valuations of good and evil, but the information required for you as The Cutting Edge to have every fact required to make your own judgment in your relationship to God.

Then, even if we ourselves were deemed to be “evil or bad,” it would not matter. We would simply take our leave and allow Earth the ability to play life out as it’s own sovereign collective.

We are not here to play the role of the dark hierarchy, “only better.” That is their game, and not actually the way of Light.

We are here to help The Cutting Edge to understand the psychological prison that darkness has captured them within—to return Earth its free will.

When all souls here have the ability to make clear decisions between Light and dark, between the trajectory of The Cutting Edge and that of the dark hierarchy—and they understand the full weight of the decision they’re making, our work is done.

Now let’s get back to the topic at hand.

The Call

We mentioned briefly that divinity has intervened here on Earth.

This is true, not only through the sharp increase in the percentage of the population that’s been born as The Cutting Edge, but through beings like myself that act as a sort of reminder of the true significance of the role they were born into.

But even this is only minor intervention.

These souls arriving as The Cutting Edge are only answers to the prayers of yesterday—this is how each new generation always works in a collective. This is divine intervention, in some way, but nothing major or novel.

Even our being here is only to help expedite what has already been done.

No, the core of what divinity has architected for this place is centered around this specific pocket of the collective—the small minority of the 2.7%.

This brings us to the call.

This call was not a typical request from divinity. In fact, nowhere in any of our civilizations does a similar role exist.

It’s what you could call a “Second Mission.” This happens in addition to the typical embodiment and radiance of the intelligence of your life’s work.

It may have been confusing at times why this spiritual journey has not directly led you to your “world in the world” in a more direct fashion, but this is why.

For the last decade, you’ve had not one, but two missions.

Your First Mission is what we always speak to—your life’s mission and purpose on this planet is to land your essence into your body, and to radiate that out into the world.

This is the natural progression, over time, of one’s embodiment of their own soul. Once they are able to embody themselves as the soul within their biology, they then come into contact with the intelligence of their life’s work. This is an intelligence crafted by God, as an answer to the prayers of yesterday.

This intelligence is not your soul, but was paired with your soul—specifically because of your unique makeup and your ability to embody what is required to bring that intelligence into physicality.

Herein lies the challenge:

Darkness has all but consumed the collective field on your planet. This is the energetic data center that exists as a record of every experience of your species.

The collective field itself is not “bad.” It is quite literally the central data center of your ancestors. But, over time, this collective field has been thoroughly corrupted.

That means, unfortunately, every time you feel out into the etheric space, you receive back data that was consciously crafted by darkness as a replacement for divinity’s ideal.

In essence, you have zero energetic data available in your etheric space to help you to build what you are here to build.

The moment you feel out into that collective data center, you are bombarded with instructions on how to put yourself into an archetypal prison—that is, a way of being that’s wholly convincing, but not actually you.

This is how darkness is currently bypassing the free will of individuals on your planet, and it’s the primary source of the list of obligations you may feel on yourself at any given moment.

If you ever feel as though you are not positioned well, and must become more of what you see in the world in order to survive or to achieve what you desire, chances are you are receiving that information from your hijacked collective field.

The call that was sent out to The Cutting Edge in the early 2000’s was a request for a small percentage of that population to massively expedite their journey through The Levels of Clearance, and to overcome the psychological and emotional prisons of the moment.

In essence, that call was to take on a Second Mission, where you’d spend a focused period of time developing the capability to bring the entirety of your life’s work to fruition.

This was largely necessary, because darkness’ already substantial control over the collective field would only heighten with the continual adoption of the Internet.

The Internet became a far more controllable physical representation of your collective field and centralized the information most people were receiving on a regular basis.

It also made it far easier to understand what needed to be “patched,” so to speak, as they could clearly understand where the psychology of most individuals was in a given moment. Any new “pops” of Light were given alternative paths and new archetypes that led back to a larger web of obligations and hollow desires.

This Second Mission was architected by God, for a percentage of The Cutting Edge to entirely overcome the effects of this hijacked collective field by expediting their journeys substantially.

It’s important to understand what we mean by this for you personally.

We’re saying that as your path would have played out otherwise, you would have never completed your life’s work.

Embodying even 1% of your life’s work and bringing even a tenth of that embodiment into physical reality would have been an accomplishment beyond what was probable.

We’re not exaggerating for dramatic effect. We absolutely mean what we say.

You would have never become yourself as the soul, and you would have never fully understood the depth of what divinity had initially sent you here to do.

For this reason, divinity intervened in the matters of Earth and sent out the call that you, in turn, answered.

Not all who answered that call will find their way through this larger sequence, and many have already paused or turned back altogether. That’s okay and is to be expected.

Roughly 10% of those who said yes to that call are all that’s needed to fulfill the purpose of its being sent out in the first place.

This, again, is you.

So while we understand your continual longing and frustration with bringing your life’s work to fruition, and your strong desire to fulfill your life’s mission and purpose on this planet, we want to emphasize where you actually are.

In this place, at this time, if you did not answer the call you did, you would exist as the large majority of The Cutting Edge has continued to exist all this time.

You would be dormant, insecure to an even greater degree (believe it or not), and would have never in your lifetime fulfilled even half of your life’s work.

In all likelihood, you would have felt a strong pull to a preexisting archetypal prison—the one closest to your essence and easiest to pretend yourself into—and then you would have swam neck deep in that sea of limitations for the rest of your life.

You would’ve pressed the edges of that archetype’s limitation, sure—but since that entire way of being is little more than a work of fiction, you would have only accomplished a small sliver of what you actually came here for.

Can you see why it is a continual pleasure to be able to speak to you in this way?

Can you see why we urge you to keep going, to keep trusting, and to appreciate how far you have already come?

Can you see why we are continually overwhelmed with gratitude and praise for you, The Cutting Edge—who not only answered that call, but pursued it relentlessly and without reprieve?

God did not choose you for this Second Mission. You opted in of your own accord.

You chose to leap decades ahead of the evolutionary curve of your world, and of the very trajectory of your own life, to help reclaim the free will of humanity from darkness.

This was the call, and this Second Mission is closer to its completion than ever.

That destination, we call Eternal Peace—but the truth of it is, you are building the ability to bring the totality of your life’s work to the planet in a time where doing only 1% of that is nothing short of a remarkable feat.

The Role of You Who Answered

So here you are, all these many years later—a percentage of a percentage of a percentage of the population, patiently waiting for your next moves from this larger orchestration.

What’s next?

What does it look like to fulfill this Second Mission, and when can you simply “get on with it,” so to speak?

First of all, it’s important to understand the juncture you’re at.

As The Cutting Edge, you have a role here on this planet to bring to fruition an answer to the prayers of yesterday—not just any prayer, but a prayer with an articulated energetic response from divinity.

Divinity has crafted an energetic architecture—the intelligence of your life’s work. As The Cutting Edge, that architecture is specifically designed to help the world set a trajectory toward an ideal future, as seen by the mind of God.

You are now in a position, having answered the call, where you are building the capability to fulfill that mission in its entirety. This is, again, unique in itself. This isn’t something you would have otherwise done.

But being in this position, puts you inside of a rather odd experience:

You have a continual choice to continue, or to stop.

Let’s be very clear here. “Stopping” is neutral. After all, 90% of those who started will have stopped along the way, and they are still playing their role as The Cutting Edge to the fullest of their abilities.

But it’s important to understand that stopping comes with certain ramifications. One, you’re again unlikely to do what you initially set out to do as a soul, and most of the time spent on this spiritual journey won’t fully pay off as initially expected. That has a certain emotional heaviness to it, but it’s also quite reasonable given the world you live in. Two, you’ll have a greater energetic awareness of the turmoil that comes with playing the archetype required of you, so the experience can be somewhat more uncomfortable than it would be otherwise. Three, and this isn’t a negative per se, you’ll actually be far more capable of playing that archetype. When you have the ability to differentiate the collective field from your Oversoul, you have a heightened ability to listen to either ”feed.” For what it’s worth, you can more fully understand what the collective field demands of you, and simply play that role to get the results you desire in your life. Because of the discomfort of that path, this becomes a balance of preserving your soul while maintaining enough of that archetypal character to have the life of your preference.

If this is what you choose, or have already chosen to some degree, we want to help clarify what’s happening.

Again, we are only here to help hand you back your free will and to expedite the path of your choosing.

The alternative, of course, is to continue forward with your Second Mission.

This is where things are slightly more complex.

There is no direct path to your life’s work in the world that doesn’t also include your progression to what we call Eternal Peace.

This has nothing to do with The Second Paradigm, outside of our ability to expedite. This is a legitimate chapter of life where there is simply no reason left within you to deny your truth and divinity.

There’s a maturity that comes with understanding that you are quite literally backed by God, that is absolutely necessary to do what you have set out to do.

This happens, not by what you learn or how you perceive yourself, but through your current experience.

Your Oversoul will orchestrate for your evolutionary edge, continually, until this process is complete.

If you experience emotional conflict on a regular basis about your work in the world, who you are, whether you’ll ever amount to anything, and whether divinity is real or trustworthy, this is that process, and Eternal Peace is still on the horizon.

That’s okay. Again, you’re already decades ahead of this organic process, so there’s legitimately nothing wrong with that. The world, including most of The Cutting Edge, exists where you started before the call. That being said, it’s important to understand where this process is at currently and where it’s headed.

Now, inevitably, continuing along this journey to Eternal Peace comes with certain challenges. You aren’t going to feel “normal” for quite some time, and it is anything but comfortable to be experientially shown every doubt within your being.

But this is the process required to solidify against this technology of darkness that is the current state of your collective field.

You are inside of the single-most advanced attempt of darkness to fulfill its aim of outmaneuvering divinity.

You are living inside of a world that is now more representative of the ideal of darkness than the ideal of God.

It’s important that you understand that.

The only way to fulfill your life’s mission and purpose as a soul here in this place, if that is what you so choose, is to allow divinity to liberate you to completion.

There will come a time when the emotional confrontation and experiential conflict will simply cease.

This is the lived experience of Eternal Peace, not as defined by us, David, Miriam, or even yourself—as defined by God.

This moment will end your Second Mission, at which point you’ll begin to transition toward the fulfillment of your life’s work through time.

Even here, it’s not a sudden “pop” of fame, wealth, status, and bliss. These have always been promises of darkness in exchange for your soul’s embodiment, not promises from God.

What divinity offers is the ideal—a life worth living, with continual Peace in your heart, bringing a divine intelligence into a world that was built to deny it.

It may be clunky or challenging at times, and there will be undoubtedly be moments along the way that would scare the person you are today. But that’s not the person who will face those moments. You, in those circumstances, would understand without a shadow of a doubt that you are backed by God.

This is the role you came here to play—to bring good as defined by divinity to a world that has utilized the single-most advanced psychological control technology in existence to usher in a dark utopia.

The role of those who answered is to simply:


In an ideal world, this may be all we have to say, and it would be as clear as day what we’re saying.

But here, there are often dozens of paths laid out for you, and only one single door with Light’s direct backing—only one singular ideal.

That experience can be so disorienting that someone could easily find themselves thinking they were continuing forward, while their soul slowly took a backseat to an archetypal prison so convincing that it entirely consumed their biology.

This is what we wish to help clarify in this final section:

What does it feel like to stop?

Our deepest wish here is to simply fortify your ability to choose whatever it is you genuinely wish for yourself—to hand you back your free will.

Let’s imagine for a moment that you find yourself slowly losing touch with your spiritual ”North.”

Each day that passes, the sense of direction begins fading.

In front of you are clear opportunities, and further up ahead is a looming uncertainty that grows more consuming by the day.

Financial uncertainty, social uncertainty, career uncertainty, romantic uncertainty—whatever it may be, it feels urgent.

From the perspective of divinity, the path ahead is clear. There’s actually nothing wrong at all. But there’s a keen awareness of your biological uncertainty and a clear message to simply, “Wait.”

That intuitive message to do ”nothing” feels like either a certain death sentence, or a life so unbearably painful that you can’t possibly imagine a scenario that’s worth the cost of continuing. So, inevitably, a degree of planning begins to happen in the background of your mind.

As the plans begin coming together, and certain doom approaches, there comes a choice. Do I wait, or do I act?

This is a relatively common scenario for those moving through this larger sequence of liberation.

Many, when presented with this scenario, at their absolute peak of biological intensity, will make a brief decision to relieve the pressure.

What they don’t often realize is that decision, no matter how brief, is just below their biological capacity for being manipulated by the collective field. In short, they’re capable.

Divinity is trying to show them, through experience, that when the intuitive message comes through that all is well, it legitimately means that all is well—even at peak intensity.

When that intensity is “relieved,” it’s only relieved of the pressure caused from transcending that particular form of manipulation via the collective field.

What’s being relieved is not the intensity of life, but the intensity of their evolutionary edge.

This is the playbook by which everyone, not just The Cutting Edge, is manipulated by the collective field.

False senses of urgency drive action in the direction of an archetypal prison—responsibility, professionalism, success, kindness, etc.—and free will is effectively bypassed.

It’s not an informed decision, but it’s enough of a decision that little can be done about it externally.

Divinity certainly won’t intervene, outside of the continual messages to “wait,” and to “not proceed.” Doing so would bypass your free will for a second time, and that’s simply not how Light functions.

Instead, the intuitive guidance adapts to the new circumstance, and divinity offers a newly updated path to navigate forward as ideally as possible.

You can imagine a scenario where this continues to play out to such a degree that the path ahead no longer resembles the ideal that divinity initially had in mind.

This tends to be more of a slow down, than a stop, but it can absolutely make its way to a full blown denial of the ideal as delivered by divinity, in exchange for a more compelling path.

Remember, these alternative paths are only compelling on paper—never in experience. Still, countless individuals pursue them regardless.

This is the nature of existing inside of an archetypal prison. It was entirely unavoidable for you to live inside of multiple of these structures throughout various chapters of your life, so what divinity is now guiding you through in this Second Mission is the experience of witnessing each of these false obligations and implanted desires for what they really are—hollow lies.

This process continues until there’s simply nothing left.

The experience of being free from money, for example, comes only from the undeniable experience of being taken care of, despite money. You’ve likely had a handful of these experiences already.

These aren’t punishments, or signs of your spiritual deficiency—it is the process of your liberation from the collective field.

These experiences don’t always come in the form of having no money, or “not enough.” They’re experiences of feeling obligated to act in a certain way by the idea of money, and living through the relief of being wrong.

You must be able to see what is true and what is manipulation—or else your decisions can never be your own. If your decisions are not your own, it will be impossible to navigate your way through the intelligence of your life’s work. That, after all, is the point of this dark technology in the first place—to disrupt and replace the Light Delivery Mechanism for your collective.

Thankfully, as this sort of manipulation is taking place, there is a tell tale sign you can learn to spot:

You are consciously required to rationalize thoughts that are not your own.

This actually means, if asked why you are doing that thing, you would be entirely unable to justify your decision without consciously making up a rationalization on the spot.

You may be able to repeat the one-liner from the collective field, but you’ll have no logical reasoning to stand on beyond that.

You’d either have to return to the collective field to psychically pull a more polished reason for that action, or you’d have to “do some research” and figure out why others are doing that thing.


Because you didn’t architect that decision. It was brought to you fully formed.

Divinity, to be clear, does not architect your decisions. It identifies the ideal and gives you access to everything you need to make that decision on your own. If you don’t understand why you are doing what you are doing, your free will isn’t respected. You aren’t you.

Divinity doesn’t play that game, so you will always have something to stand on.

Someone who disagrees with you may ask you why you’re making that decision from divinity, and you’d have to check back in with your intuition to access a rationale that would satisfy them, but that’s a different story. We’re talking about your reason for what you’re doing.

For you, you always have something to stand on when it comes from God—even when that’s as simple as, “I have a feeling that this isn’t going to work out, so I’m not going to do it.”

The reason in that case seems to be simple: divinity is nudging you away from something. But it goes further. Divinity is nudging you away from something, and you trust your connection enough to listen to it, even before you understand every nitty gritty detail. That’s a foundation that took years to build, and you have a massive network of neurons with complex personal reasons behind every last aspect of that “simple” decision.

You know why you trust your intuition, why you trust the purity of the message received, why you trust your ability to translate that message, and how you know what this particular subtlety feels like. If you needed to, you could likely parse that out fully yourself.

But when you receive something from the collective field that has bypassed your free will through intensity, you’ll always have an unusually small foundation to stand on.

The reasoning behind your actions will be so absurd you won’t even be able to say it out loud to yourself, let alone to someone else, without immediately questioning your decision.

This isn’t insecurity (though we know how The Cutting Edge can be with self-confidence). It’s a true gap in understanding.

That’s because the decision wasn’t made by you. It was made for you.

If you ever have the lingering sensation that you are lying to yourself and crafting rationalization after rationalization for your decisions, it may be worth pausing and reevaluating what is true.

This may be how the collective field functions, but it’s anything but natural—and it’s certainly not the only way.

The truth of this place and how it functions can be rather jarring. We understand this.

But we also understand the importance of divinity’s current initiative to undo this very process—it’s something worthwhile.

For those of you here, on The Cutting Edge post-call, we hope you find a layer of comfort in this understanding, even as uncomfortable as it may be to explore.

Truthfully, you already have God’s full backing. You are already held beyond your wildest imagination, and you have everything you need to simply, “Continue.”

To whatever degree we, David, and Miriam are able to help in this process, we look forward to that opportunity.

You’ll always be guided, even to that expediting support if and when it’s time.

In the meantime, it’s been our absolute pleasure to be able to articulate the purity and profundity of your role here on Earth.

We hope you were able to find resonance, greater Peace, and a renewed vigor for your own path as it unfolds before you.

We look forward to being able to witness all that you become, and to watch the prayers of your ancestors be brought to fruition through you.

So much love to you,