The Second Paradigm

The Second Paradigm

Inner Solidity

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm11/14 of The Core Teachings Collection Unabashedly Trusting Your Essential Radiance Welcome to the pages of this document. It’s a pleasure as always to be here, exploring these ideas with you. They’re ideas that…

The Tipping Point

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm13/14 of The Core Teachings Collection Welcome to the pages of this document. It’s a pleasure as always to be here and to have the opportunity to articulate something you’re rapidly pressing into as…

Eyes to See

A Channeled Document by The Second Paradigm14/14 of The Core Teachings Collection It’s been some time since we’ve last spoken with many of you via these written transmissions, so welcome back! It is truly a pleasure to be here and…

You’re Simply Ahead of Your Time

In a world that doesn’t value intuition, making decisions intuitively can be difficult. Walking that path can feel crazy and wrong—not because it is, but because it’s uncommon. What’s uncommon is rarely affirmed, and what we do without affirmation can…

You’re Prepared.

There are a lot of people right now predicting collective catastrophe, and a lot of financial and other experts urging their audience to “prepare.” Gold, silver, a diversified crypto portfolio, 6 months of storable food, propane, water filters, firearms and…